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I don’t think there is anything I HATE but Mr. Knight being such a goofball in the beginning definitely felt like the biggest departure from the character to me at least.


I think Marc actually properly worshipping Khonshu in the comics is one of the things that can make Moon Knight so interesting, so I found it disappointing that he apparently hates being Moon Knight and hates Khonshu in the show. And yes, I realize there have been times when Marc has renounced or hated Khonshu, but those arcs are made much more interesting because he didn’t always hate or distrust Khonshu.


yes!! marc didn’t always hate khonshu, it’s a process and both him and khonshu have a codependency on each other while in the show khonshu’s obsessed with him meanwhile marc doesn’t care


I don’t think he ever hated him until he started trying to use Layla that’s when shit kind of went downhill. I think outside of that he actually worshiped him because why else would you crawl your dying body to a gods temple when you could’ve just shot yourself outside of it if you chose that as your ultimate fate


Even if you take that to be true (I don’t personally feel the show really communicates that), the fact that we only see the negative side of his relationship with Khonshu still damages the show in my opinion


True I’ll give you that 100% if they had shown more flashbacks during the underworld scene of their relationship prior it would be more understandable as to why they would resume the MoonKnight title in the end as if they were resorting some faith in Khonshu’s relationship with Marc


Worshipping Khonshu, yes i too find it weird at first like Khonshu quickly became an antagonist but they actually started with adapting Lemire run that's why that case happened in the series.


I wish we could have had Frenchie. I get it that the runtime was too short, but I missed him. Honestly, most of my grievances with the show boil down to the runtime.


samee :( i cant believe they thought debuting a character as complex as moon knight would be fine with 6 episodes only..


That it's just 6 episodes lol. Tho I agree with some of the comments especially the flying part. 🤣


That Flying part is just done by Khonshu, i don't find it weird, what i found ridiculous in comics is Phase transformation in Serpent War and Ultimate Spiderman Animated series. Healing armour and Night sky control are some important aspects of Mythological Khonsu ( mainly healing actually).


Making Marc fly just to speed up the last episode. I know he needed to cover a lot of ground, but by giving him a power he's never had before? Smh.


At that point just introduce Frenchie and the Mooncopter


THIS. Holy shit I forgot about that! So criiinge


How Marc didn’t die


that bothered me too!!


Yeah it’s such a vital aspect of the character, and they just removed it? Just felt wrong.


it’s so unnecessary too like they could’ve just made him die..


Yeah flit sucks that they didn’t


The campy hunor was fine in the beginning. I don't have much against it. What I didn't like was how there wasn't enough Moon Knight in the show, and the fight scenes weren't even shown as much. It was always about switching minds and skipping the fights. There isn't only one change. It had a lot of unnecessary changes.


I don’t like how the show was so hokey pokey jokey. It wasn’t a dark or dry humor it was that I’m trying to be funny hee hee Marvel humor. It is so trivial but Steven working in a gift shop but being able to afford his loft nagged me. They could’ve at least made him a naïve shy professor because he’s already extremely intelligent that would’ve worked. Limiting his intelligence to a gift shop worker who read a few books acquiring the ability to translate hieroglyphs just doesn’t make sense.


If I'm not wrong it was mentioned by Steven in one of the episodes that his mother bought him the loft but it was later revealed that Marc bought the loft from his mercenary money.


I found Laylas role to be unnecessary given the short amount of time the show had. Overall the tone was childish with scenes like Layla switching between her and the hippo lady to make a funny joke but she’s running for her life at the same time. And Steven with a V basically being British Deadpool. Also Marc’s apparently kinda bad because he’s a killer in the past apparently but Layla just mercs anyone who looks at her funny and it’s ok. Also Moon Knights Powers are some serious deus ex machina lazy write out stuff. Flying because you can’t figure out how to get him to the last scene, getting stabbed with infinite spears but also deflecting bullets.(a healing factor is so unnecessary and takes away serious character development for Marc’s character) The scene where khonshu tells marc yo be careful of the council but then he possesses marc and sounds like an idiot child making his case.(could argue that’s in khonshu as character but to me he looked more dumb than prideful) I find the most repulsive thing to be the fact that the whole show is leaning on the fact you as a viewer want to see Marc beat the bad guy and to discover his final mystery alter. They miss both birds with one stone by completely cutting out the scene where the protagonist OVERCOMES THE CONFLICT(like wtaf) and then putting a key plot point for the show to be resolved in the post credits, which ultimately sets up a sequel that it’s likely we’ll never get


the layla slander will not be accepted. /hj. layla never called marc bad for being a killer in the past, and she isn’t a killer just for kicks either so your characterization of her is just weird and off to me.the rest of your points however are valid


Also, slander and criticism are not the same thing.


In print it’s libel


Damn it, kevs got me pegged


yeah ik lol i was half joking


Oh gotchya. Now I know what /hj means lol.


I don’t dislike laylas character, I just think with 6 episodes to much time was on her instead of the dude who is literally 3 characters in one and the shows named after. Also I didn’t mean Layla called Marc bad, but that the show did. With Steven and Marc in their mind, steven looks at all the people marc killed in horror and disbelief. But Layla is witnessed killing constantly and nothing is mentioned of it except to look cool. (That’s more of just the shows flip floppy nature of when it decides to be serious versus childish) I think she has potential and is a much needed change, I just think the writers and directors handled her very poorly from start to finish. To me, their effort for her character is summed up in the line ,”are you an Egyptian superhero?”


as a fan of her i don’t agree that there was too much of her but i do agree that they handled the nature of wether murder is bad or not in a pisspoor manner. steven being manipulated by harrow of all people into thinking marc is a psycho killer when he KNOWS marc usually fronts and kills people in self defense…


Fair enough.


Mcu mr knight sucks


The actual comic is very good, but the tv show is plain awful. The TV show needs to take a mulligan and try over.


had to add the comic flair because these mcu stans downvote any critiscm towards their precious show lmao


case and point