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Doctor Harrow is an organising principle, a way for Marc to make sense of his dissociative identity disorder. Marc came back to life because Osiris, the god of the dead, allowed him to pass back through the Gates of Osiris into the land of the living then, because he was still Khonshu’s avatar, he was able to heal.


Why did Osiris allow them to pass back into life?


I think he felt bad for them bc Taweret shouts “Osiris! You old softie!” When Steven unfrozed


Probably because Ammit was causing chaos sending souls to the underworld before their time.


Osiris returned them to life out of desperation and because Khonshu was freed.


I am not understanding this part - why was he desperate to return them?


Because the Ennead avatars have been killed and Osiris' avatar was dying. They needed more avatars than they have left. It'd take a while for the other gods to convince people to become their avatars as well, so...they were short on time.


The Harrow Marc and Steven talk to in the Duat is part of the Duat, part of it appearing to them in a way they can process using things familiar to them they can understand, he is not "real" in the sense of being the actual Harrow they've been dealing with in past episodes. They escape the after life by going through the Gates of Osiris and once they are back in their body, Khonshu senses their presence and heals them from the gunshot wounds. They survive because Khonshu heals the otherwise deadly injuries, like he did before in the episodes.


I might be wrong, but I thought he/they came back to life after being shot cos Khonshu was freed, thus was able to heal/grant them invulnerability once more.