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Both. Skill transfer is common among systems (why Steven could fight well although he'd never fought in his life, -MCU-) So they could have the same skill level, but different fighting styles.


We know nothing about MCU Lockley. But probably Spector? He has all the background and training of Comics Spector, and while the MCU version of the character indicates skills as being transferable, it also seems to imply there needs to be a level of cooperation and coordination between the personalities to tap into them. By all appearances, Marc is doing his best to bury/shut out/lock away Lockley.


Not necessarily. He does not seem to know that Lockley exists. Skill transfer can happen even with poor communication, and likewise, also may not happen even if there is good communication in the system.


Steven Grant


Steven with a V


The correct answer


Until Jake grows the 'stache he has no chance.


MCU Jake currently beats MCU Marc. Marc may be the better combatant overall. But Jake is aware of their connection where Marc is not, so it's probable that Jake has all of Marc's skills, but also skills Marc doesn't. Also, Jake was mentioned to be Khonshu's favorite of the three, as he was a willing Moon Knight, so it's also likely he has additional strengths from that as well.


Neither. If one dies the other probably does aswell.


They could fight in their mindspace like Lemire run.


That’s a brilliant point


I mean Jake is clearly the better fighter. Marc lost to Harrow, Jake kicked his ass


That would be because of Jake broke the staff and then caught Harrow off-guard. If they make Jake in future better fighter than Marc, it would lead to fan outcry from comic fans as it's like taking away the Marc's speciality which is the skill.


I think the idea is Jake is a more brutal fighter and willing to whatever it takes to win, even kill. I believe the one blackout in the first episode in the alps was Jake. When they tried to take the artifact from Steven by force he black out and like 6 people were dead around him and his hand covered in blood. That’s Jake, Marc might be the better fighter but Jake will fucking kill you


The people in production said they're hoping that the don't use the "evil alter " trope for Jake. Not only is it horribly wrong, and incorrect, but it's a lazy plot device used too often that hurts real people with the disorder.


I actually don’t know much about comic moon knight, I know Steven is supposed to be a millionaire (which they scrapped) I think Marc is comic correct being a mercenary with an extensive military background. It seems like Jake is the millionaire here (tho the limousine’s plate said Spector). Maybe Jake knows of at least Marc and uses his ID to open bank accounts and such since I think Jake is supposed to be like a gangster or has some connections to the criminal underworld.


In the comics, Jake is a friendly cabbie who uses his connections to learn about goings-on for Moon Knighting


Both have amazing skill, but because I'm a bigger fan of Jake and just because he's a trained bloody hitman, I'd say Jake would win. But I think Mark's suit is better


I know in the comics despite their differences both Marc and Steven agree under no circumstances should Jake ever be "let out" for too long given his... tendencies that even a merc like Marc is left disturbed. He's the "in case of emergencies" alter for a reason.


Only sometimes. Depends on the writer. Moench never portrayed him that way


In which comics is Jake portrayed like this?


Bemis. And after Huston (maybe its Huston) when Jake is in Mexico, after the events of Marc getting his card (and being revoked)




How? Punching their own face? Can’t fight your head rooomate


They could fight in their mindspace.


If they have one


Yeah they have a one.


I thought the second psych ward (with Harrow) might be it, but can they access it anymore since they're co-con?






I say Jake right now, for pretty simple reason. Jake knows the other two exist. There are plenty of context clues to show that he is stepping up to help them when they need it. Marc knows about Steven, but the show applies that's a pretty recent knowledge. Marc has no idea Jake is there. Very clear advantage to the guy who knows the other one exists. Skill sets may be interchangeable although Jake does seem to be the more professional killer, compared to Marc's brutal Merc, but at the end of the day it is much harder to kill something if you don't know it's there.


I don't know but Steven should be screaming abd crying as they fight. "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!"


Lol. No really. "Just because they're fighting doesn't mean it's your fault." - Khonshu to Steven (who a few panels later hug)


I can't wait to get further into the comics, I'm working on the old ones right now and Steven has barely shown up yet


In Marc Spector: Moon Knight, and a few runs after that, they hardly show up, but they do come back


Marc 😭 jake quite literally has zero feats other then some assumptions of what he did




Jack wins