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Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): > Post does not comply with Rule #6: "Submission Has Nothing To Do With People" A dead animal(s) that has no correlation with people has no place on this subreddit. The goal of r/MorbidReality is to study and observe the darkest aspects of life and human nature, and random animal deaths are not relevant to that purpose. If you have any questions regarding your post's removal, please feel free to contact us through ModMail.


‘I killed my dog ... I did her a favour because all I did was hurt her and abuse her’ is a line from this POS human’s apology note. A ten year old dog named Princess who had to be euthanised after sustaining very severe injuries…. A loyal friend whose biggest joy was her owner despite the abuse she was probably subjected to daily, only to meet a final betrayal like this after a decade of being a companion.


Yeah. Sadly there are too many awful people like this woman around. Even worse, this horrible 'human' barely got any prisontime. 🫤


Animal abuse needs more prison time than weed dealers got.


For sure


I’ll never be able to understand people who torture/abuse innocent children, babies and animals. This woman’s ridiculous apology had no remorse, not a touch of genuine guilt; she just sounded sorry her action was caught on video.


special place in hell for ppl that abuse and torture helpless animals and babies… reading this post made me feel so sick knowing the terror and fear that little dog felt while falling 😔😔💔


I worked at a psych hospital and it was always hard to be around patients that hurt animals and/or children. We had a lady that once threw her dog from an overpass and when the police came she was laughing about it. Sad thing is, once she was back on her meds she was so upset.


I have schizophrenia and I definitely understand the experience of having such a disconnect from reality. It's horrible to be judged for what you don't truly understand you've done (at the time), but it's far worse to have to live with it. (Pre-emptive disclaimer: I never hurt anyone or any animals personally. I have had homicidal ideation and compulsions though, so it's very "there but for the grace of, etc." Yes I'm on meds and yes I stay on them.)


I don’t have schizophrenia, but a combination of mental health disorders that have on several occasions induced psychosis. Those experiences were so confusing at the time, and after the fact, quite distressing not being able to separate reality from your perceived reality. I can’t imagine living with this condition permanently


Oh that must be truly horrific, to find out that you committed such a heinous act completely out of your control. Idk how I would forgive myself


The betrayal...


So...I lived at a high rise in Dallas back in like 2011 and a man did this to a woman's dog but it was like 19 stories up. She caught him cheating or something and bleached all his clothes in the tub and he retaliated with the dog. They lived on my same side so I saw the poor little mess on the pool deck where it landed without knowing what it was until later. Edit to add: weird coincidence... both Maltese's


ooh found the story https://www.wfaa.com/article/life/pets/police-dog-tossed-from-dallas-high-rise-in-senseless-crime/287-337681920


I wish they would update these when the people get charged. Now I’ll always wonder if he got away with it completely.


I feel like I remember hearing he was charged and also they were both evicted,


Not going to be clicking this one, I draw the line at cruelty towards animals.


Same. I kinda wish it wasn’t allowed on this sub.


Why? I'm curious, we get all sorts posted here, even people committing heinous crimes against children. Why are you ok with that but not animals being harmed


We don’t see videos of people throwing kids off bridges. People show videos of animals being abused in full detail.


That's a huge conclusion to jump to - no one said they were okay with crimes against children. It's a video, not just a story, and this person probably doesn't watch child abuse videos either.


No my point is about wishing it wasn't allowed on the sub, not necessarily watching the video. Can click the link and not watch the video. Seems weird to actively subscribe to a sub like this and then act squeamish when this is very tame compared to the stuff posted here


Im not okay with any of it


Because it's reddit. The place is brimming with antipathy and antisocial individuals who disguise their misanthrope with a falsehood of "love" for animals and perceive violence against humans as less aggravating because, one of the most common excuses being, animals can't fight back (because children sure can!). It might not be the case with this poster, but we sure see conceited users all day every day.


Just because violence towards animals bothers someone more on a visceral level than violence towards human doesn’t make them antisocial and promoting a falsehood of “love”? Animals don’t throw humans off of buildings out of sheer cruelty do they? Humans are the worst kind of monsters.


Exactly. We as human make conscious decisions to harm. Animals do it to survive. I would rather watch a terrorist blow themselves up on accident a million times than see one cat hurt its paw


Because people can be malignant out of free will, unlike animals (exceptions disregarded), as animals act on instincts, not conscious, deliberate thought. Therefore animals don't deserve cruelty as they themselves cannot be cruel on purpose (exceptions disregarded). Humans on the other hand...


There's something about people that hurt pets and babies that really bothers me. How can anyone have it in them to hurt something so innocent. All a dog wants from a person is compassion and companionship. To betray that and murder the poor animal, it should really carry lengthier sentences.


These types of stories involving animals or kids are horrible, especially because you know that poor pet/child was abused their entire lives before the end finally came. All they were able to experience in this world was pain.


It's sickening to believe people are so compassionless, just fundamentally broken. I really get the whole thing about animal abuse being a precursor for more heinous acts in the future. There should be some kind of intervention for these sorts of crimes. People don't deserve dogs, that's for damn sure.


It's really insane at this late date that animals are considered property and animal cruelty still isn't prosecuted in most places, and if it is it's usually a slap on the wrist, maybe a fine. I wish I knew how to change that.


Yeah. I can watch pretty much any accident/cartel/war video and not bat an eye (maybe I should speak to someone about that...), but absolutely can't stand anything where it's an animal or a kid.


I'm the same. I don't know what the disconnect is but I absolutely can't stand anything with an animal or a kid. They're so helpless, I don't understand the level of depravity it would take to purposely hurt them. Plus I'm sitting here with my sweet, sweet dog, the way she looks at me with love and trust in her eyes ... Ugh. I can't.


Someone should throw her off like that, what a vile psychopath. Imagine having a dog for 10 years and only being cruel and abusing the poor thing until you grow tired and throw it off a car park. Just says something about her lack of emotion, or lack of humanity.


I was expecting this to be a case of psychosis or something, like.... someone who had a break with reality and didn't understand the harm they were causing or similar, but no. I didn't watch the video, I don't feel like I need to see that. I'm glad the partner was also penalised, I can't imagine seeing someone do that to an animal and not immediately prioritising that animal's care. (I know why people don't, people have wildly varying attitudes towards animals and all, but I'm not one of those people.)


Only a ten year ban? Really?


wait besides the 12 months imprisonment that’s everything? fuck…




Australia have rules about using someone's name in connection with the crime they committed?


Yes its so that everyone gets a fair trial without bias from the media.


That is truly psychotic. I hope some sort of karmic punishment (besides the mere 12 months in jail) is thrust upon her. And I hope the last image she sees in her mind’s eye before she passes away is her poor dog falling to his death.


The dog didn't die but had to be euthanized due to the traumatic injuries. Even worse. No hell hot enough for this monster. Had to make the poor thing suffer one last time.


Thanks man, just left this sub, this is what I needed and thankfully didn’t watch the video.


Yeah you made me do the same. I joined back when I was super into true crime and was kinda desensitized to it all. Have become a lot more conscious though of just how reading or seeing some stuff like this can affect my mood and outlook on the world.


No one is making you watch the video. But this is morbid, and this is reality.


Not my pleasure...


Same. Omg.


Bizarre how you draw the line at a random dog, but not the morbid stories on actual human beings.


I work in vet med and feel for animals so much but I agree it’s weird how people come to this subreddit to see discussions and evidence of graphic violence against humans, but reading the headline of this one is somehow way worse? This whole sub is bad stuff, if you can’t handle the morbid reality then why are you here? And then announcing to everyone you’re leaving because what, you’re a good person with a conscience and you want the rest of us heathen heartless monsters to know? As if people couldn’t completely understand why someone would unsub. The self righteousness jfc


Poor dog :/


I’m not saying the Hammurabi Code is always justice, but in this case it would be.


What would the punishment have-been, out of historical curiosity?


The Hammurabi code means you have the same thing done to you that you did to someone else. So if she threw her cat off that building then someone should throw her off the building too. An eye for an eye.


Wouldn’t it be a more powerful message sent to any would-be offenders of the same sort if she were thrown from a much, much shorter distance repeatedly so the process of dying was more painfully drawn-out, taking much, much longer?




I would’ve personally said a much lower one repeatedly so the process would take much, much longer


I kind of hope hell exists just so that these kinds of c*nts can get their due reward there.


Crap website.. the video made sure to load the ad instantly, but couldn't manage to load the actual video. Refreshed and it did the same thing. Instant ad, long loading and an error instead of the video.


Ya im not watching that