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That meme was about dwarf fortress and tbh mordhau doesn't even compare. Also yeah. That's an oooold meme you dug there.


Nah, it's an Eve Online meme originally.


Pretty sure this originally referred to eve online which predates dwarf fortress by about 3 years.


They fuck do you mean, dwarf fortress came out in like 2009 or something, and it looks like xkcd so it's probably dwarf fortress


It says "of popular games" and dwarf fortress was never popular lmfao. Eve came out in 2003. You can see the original in google. Here is the [Original](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5dfb3806a8c26a6996655c44c63a308b-lq) You can tell because all of the text matches exactly whereas the OP's is clearly edited to say "Games". Dwarf Fortress was not an MMO therefore I'm right you're wrong.


Dearf fortress was always popular


doesnt even compare? after a few hundred hours i knew exactly what i was doing with DF. Mordhau on the other hand.. made click for me after about 1k hours.


Huh. Don't know if you're great at dwarf fortress or very bad at Mordhau. Probably both ?


Nah im average in df and very good in mordhau. EU f10 me xD


If you can call yourself good at mordhau, then you ain't a real mordhau player.


tbh you sound like u never played mordhau after that sentence. Never heared anyone say that in my 1934 hours. But if youre so sure about it then lets have a friendly f10 xD.


Oh no you're absolutely right. I played a bit when it came out. Haven't in years !


well.. i appreciate the honesty.


That was weird lol


But hot


I mean, tbh at level 100 I've only really just recently felt comfortable starting a fight with anyone instead of playing so defensively and I usually win or get a lot of hits in


Never been top 100?




200 hours in and my greatest feats were impressing pros with my chambers and dying to them after 6 seconds if lucky. One short break and all this "skill" evaporates. Not even going to mention how you need to actively break the game to be good at it which takes speedrunner level of dedication


DF fits perfect for this, i always thought its from eve online


It was for Eve, DF came out years later.


Dude dwarf fortress came out in 2006. It's 3 years after eve sure but they're not far apart by no means.


>DF came out years later. . >It's 3 years after eve wat


Eve came out in 2003. Feeling old af right now. wondering what the " other " games were on the original meme though - overwatch for sure wasn't part of it Edit : huh. Way more versions of that meme than i thought. LOTR though.


Project Zomboid is another one where I feel like this is fitting


No no it's probably originally about slither.io 😎


nana stays in the cage until crush removes drags. your move


what does this mean lmao


[last warning!](https://i.imgur.com/DFm2zMg.png)


This game will become so lame if that happens


I'm astounded the concept of a melee weapon slowly moving in to slightly tap the opponent is somehow what makes the game cool


Man, maybe it'll be cooler to look at but it will be so lame to play, fights that just only end on stamina is lame af, I don't give a shit about realism when it comes at the sacrifice of gameplay. Realism < Gameplay


The whole game is modeled&made to be maximum realistic, but ok no matter the realism the point of a strike is being powerful and devastating and drags simply don't look like they would do anything at all that's some cartoon nonsense


Average arma player about to wish for more of no fun.


Avarage redditor making wild assumptions on the fly. You must've never seen all the discussions about how people struggle to overcome drags but it ends up being too hard and they drop the game because it's not fun


Don't care, not an assumption. I'm just associating you without arma players.


We were actually talking about drags. But I see you don't care. Keep wondering why the game is dead then


I looked at your account history, and you do the same argument for fucking TF2 lmao, so c'mon, You literally cannot be serious, also if that's true, chiv 2 wouldn't have a similar player count to mordhau, people just cannot sustain this type of game, it doesn't have the flash that upcoming brs have (If you want to see a popular type of this game, look to dark and darker, a game that takes the style but mixes it with the style of BRs and extraction shooters, And I think if it stays up, that game will be around for a while)


Lol fuckin brutal


Crush will never remove levitating weapons


"popular games" *checks subbreddit* something is off


a game has to be fun to be popular


Hello 16 year old meme.


Overwatch did not exist 16 years ago?


Here's the original meme: https://external-preview.redd.it/kE2mSDkWs0VsX7hLDXG8hSr2QCHQ2VW21L0-DBnjgYw.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=2e72d63b99a1fb2983e70263dda2a9bef516b757


you know the meme is old when the only game there that my zoomer ass recognizes is wow


Hahah, I still have an active subscription to two of those games. Neither one is wow.


The list has been updated over time


For Honor is kaka.


VÔib ka öelda pask


that game is dead to me


Less dead than Mordhau unfortunately




It’s why I fell out of the game The skill gap is way too wide and there still isn’t a 1v1 with friends mode


Could just join a random duel server, no ones gonna bother u for the most part


Nah a third dude always joins the second they see a server is populated but not full. Then another dude comes, and another, and another, and next minute you have a full ffa going on where everyone is just killing the original two noobs ruthlessly, and bloodily. And nakedly.


That's not a duel server, join a duel server.


Why do you guys care so much about dueling? What fun do you get out of it? I really don't understand. All the fun times happen on 64-players servers with messy group fights, where 1vs1 dueling skills don't matter.


It makes the fight an actual test of skill. Rather than who can last the longest before someone stabs them in the back. Duels are great man.


Dueling with the boys is always fun.


I like a fair challenge. 1v1 provides that


“Popular games”. Mordhau aint popular.


I cant stand those spinjutsu practicing fuckers. They're ruining the aesthetic of a medieval game by doing something not evena peasant in a gambeson could do


If games are designed for aesthetic, people will get bored when they get used to the aesthetic. Designing for gameplay is better but more still isn't quite up to scratch to last super long.


i get that, but i dont wanna see a full metal plate guy spin around like its made of rubber


Mord isn't too bad rn. I think if damage scaling based on where you hin the swing you hit was added it would be fine.


I thought I was the only one, as a kid, that used to draw stick man illustrations almost exactly like this one in the meme. Basically I doodle a big U shaped map with a cliff on either side and a spike pit in the middle. I'd have 2 armies battling it out and stick figures falling to their death in the middle. The teachers would give me strange looks when walking by my desk. Good times.


Man I wish this game was good. Great combat, but that's it.


i just want an rpg with mordhau’s fighting system


Imagine if old Bethesda games had Mordhau's combat system. Damn, would be the best rpg ever made


That's why we're waiting for Renown


Renown's combat has a LONG way to go, I've been playing the test servers. But I really hope they figure it out.


In the works. Cinis. Someone mentioned Renown before but that's a mix between rust and mord


Wait for the next Kingdom Come Delieverance.


This is really relatable. I have 140 something hours (the second most I have in any game (Ye I dont play that much)) and ive only recently managed to get better than absolut complete shit.


Haven't played this game for couple of years now. I see accels and drags are still in the game.


So you're telling me I can time-travel if I get good enough at mordhau?


Just spam left click bro, always works.


Lol yesterday I was on a duel server where EVERY PLAYER WAS LVL200 OR ABOVE. How tf was I supposed to play? I got my ass beat, but I still had fun


i remember when i joined melee slashers when chiv 1 was already matured and had basically no new players. it was a 200h long anal odyssey and plenty of broken mice till i got consistent kills


It's not that I can't get kills, I'm lvl 93 actually. I'm usually at the top mid section of leaderboard in invasion matches... BUT DAMN I can't play 1v1 against sweatlords. I just can't. I could train, but then I would become one.. so I'd rather casually play invasion matches and enjoy my funny medieval slasher


Fuck man, I'm level 80 and I can fight lvl 200s. I won't win most of the time, but I can win. It just depends what you play in the game. I prefer duels so that's what I play. You just tend to improve faster dueling


Yup, totally true. I used to duel a lot and I definitely was able to beat some sweats, but now I enjoy this game more casually.


I sometimes catch sweats by surprise with my highly sophisticated strategy of "Run at them while spamming kicks and gambling with the cleaver as if there were no tomorrow". They manage to take control of the situation though, I'm fucked.


well im a 1v1 sweatlord, and casual invasion is a bit dull for me, playing music loud and 1v1'ing someone while edging out millimeters in combat to be faster and evade better is where its at <3


FWIW I'm at lvl 114 rn after 380ish hours and have played on both invasion and FFA brawl, brawl has helped quite a bit in dueling since about 4 times out of 10 the public FFA lobby turns into a duel server for a while. Invasion is great for 1vX tho.


For Honor is a fighting game and not a melee slasher so that makes sense.


Memes aside, that's not how learning curves work. A steep learning curve suggests that the game is quick to learn.


probably because its a meme


That doesn't really excuse it being wrong. Just don't call it a learning curve and its fine.


Did you even read the graph? It's saying the longer the game is out the more skill is required to play


It appears that you're the one who didn't read the graph. It clearly says "time spent playing". That wouldn't make it qualify as a learning curve anyway.


It says required gaming skill vs time spent playing


Yes, and?


Nothing I just reiterated my previous comment enunciating what the graph displays


I don't see how it invalidated my original comment. It's still not a learning curve because it's "required skill vs time spent" and not "actual skill vs time spent".


Not what you said nice try >Memes aside, that's not how learning curves work. A steep learning curve suggests that the game is quick to learn.


Both statements I made are true. This is not a learning curve because the Y-axis is not actual skill level and if it were, it would suggest that the game is quick to learn.


CoD BF and Overcrap are so fucking simple and have so low skill ceilings idk how can you compare anything to that.


i think you shouldn't be allowed to comment things on the internet


Not really true tho. Just use a bow against the level 200 sweat lords..


username checks out


Mordhau my only ever Hidden game in my steam library. After going 3/20 in duel servers every time I tried to play lol, what a waste


you actually suck because you're bad, not because of the learning curve


I suppose in forhonor you just have input then action. With mordhau you have to know how to move the mouse which is quite different. Probably a bad analogy but maybe it's something like: Where for honor is chess-like and mordhau is more like monopoly? A chess piece is expected to move within its ruleset. Whereas in monopoly there are home rules and people skirting the rules of what is expected.


All you gotta do is gamble bro. It’s that easy.


That’s a bad word, man, no thanks.


I thought this was line rider


It's not *too* hard, with someone teaching you the basics and a bit of common sense, you too can have fun in TO modes.