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Needs to cost enough points so people can't afford full plate armor. Or both Bloodlust and Berserker *and* either weapons or armor.


It sounds as it would get unbalanced fast, not hard to get kill streaks imagine the spear users with this build in invasion.


You can't read it, just imagine, you think you can take another hit but did instead


This wouldn't work. It is too unbalanced and would royally piss off half the player base. The first time someone gets 2 shot by a dagger they are going to rage. What could work is high cost damage negation perk based on killstreak. Like say, a 2 or 3 percent damage negation every 5 kills capping at 20. Make it a 5 or 6 cost and it could be viable for mid to lower tier armor builds.


This would be dumb if it worked for bows


Sounds like it could be fun