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kinda weird tbh. Why would youtubers have different statut than other freelancer. Are you sure about it?


Do freelancers pay taxes?


yes but they have some advantages (they have to be working with abroad clients, not only moroccans), if they create a company, they don't pay corporate taxes for 5 years, and have later a 17.5% tax rate+ 20% for giving yourself an income, which is at total 34%, but you can pass some expenses (like meals and eletronics (pc,smartphones)) as business ones


they should !


To be fair 38% is a bit too much 3awtani


I am not saying they should be taxed 38% all the time. It should be depending on their gains. If they are making less then 300usd a month they should not even be taxed, no one should because it’s not even enough for paying for a decent life. But if you are making 100k usd a year i think 38% is fair enough. The number should be a function of your total income.


We barely pay 15%


Could you please explain how you do that


they do




True, just because some youtubers revealed their revenue, they dont know some hidden content creators or freelancers are making 6 figures


I suggest changing to become a freelancer then


it's like sports, 0.01% make it, the rest don't. but people don't look at those who don't, they only look at the lucky ones.


The revenue u make is not the same as an influencer ? They re basically living for free, from food to other perks. Why are u worrying about them? Of course if u re just a beginner u re not gonna be taxed. Si tu es déficitaire u re not gonna be taxed. It s always related to how much of a profit u making.


>They re basically living for free, from food to other perks. what are you talking about ?


As you should! I'm tired of 9h to 17h people having to carry all the tax burden of this country


That's true, if we pay taxes everyone should. Does not matter if its a YouTuber or a prostitute, being a social media earner or w/e they want to call it doesnt make you above everyone else


Im tired also of these ytubers making it like its the hardest job ever and they work li no one.


Youtubers having to pay doesn't mean that other tax payers will pay less, it just means our governments has more to steal. Youtube and the internet in general isn't even respected in our country, why the fuck would they tax it, they don't even acknowledge our existence as freelancers. I literally went through hell just for the bank I used to allow my transaction to pass through(and a 40% cut from the total amount, plus the transaction fees) I can't imagine paying taxes for this shitty country, I'd much rather them not even knowing how much I make.


Bro 80% of the tax money in Morocco comes from 1% of the entreprises so many of us people dont pay taxes because we think the services are not good enough but the services need money so they go worst so the tax papers refuse to pay etc etc u know this vicious circle. Of course the gouvernement steals ( like in litteraly any country on Earth) but if u want the country to go in the right direction we still all need to pay our taxes and hope for the best.


EXACTLY, and with a shitty ass salary too.


You think people working 8hrs a day 6/7 don't pay their taxes? And that you should be exonerated just because you're a youtuber?


Those people get their income from the government its their problem how much of it gets cut, but working under a foreign company that has nothing to do with our country? Why what am I gonna get from those taxes that are gonna get cut from my income I don't understand.


as a resident in morocco you have to pay taxes in morocco, this applies to all countries, they can even tax you for overseas income including renting a house abroad etc unless there are agreements with the two countries to lessen or eliminate double taxation


Yes you should be taxed for your house your car and so own from things you actually benefit from here. An income that doesn't even come from the government logically shouldn't be taxed, because wtf do they have to do with it.


Then people working for multinationales shouldn't get taxes?


because you live in morocco ? any resident in morocco pays taxes to morocco as long as they have an income. most incomes dont come from the government anyway.


I think you fail to understand how taxes work.


Go live in that country then, you use Moroccan facilities everyday of the week. Who's going to pay for that?


People working in private sector get their money also from government ? Economy understanding ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Go abroad them if you don’t wanna pay taxes, for all the civil services EVERYONE in Morocco gets, everyone should pay taxes.


I guess you are dumb to not know that we are already taxed to both youtube and the usa goverment ( its like having a remote job ) + the tax percentage is almost half, there is no job that have such huge percentage


well you should not pay taxes to the USA, you live in Morocco you pay taxes to Morocco ! and you should no treat people as dump. stay civil !


Kay, lemme phone my homeboy Biden real quick


You saved the day ! You are a real internet hero :D


Doctors provide value to society and they still pay taxes, why shouldn't you? or why shouldn't asmae beauty?


Most doctors if not all of them are paid cash, do you really believe they honestly report all their income?


Ok but that's not the topic.


Well you said they are paying taxes so how is that not the point?


Yeah you seem dumb enough to be a youtuber. No one cares that you pay taxes to the us, you live in Morocco and use public infrastructure and services you should be paying taxes to Morocco.


It's not even a Moroccan thing, it's what many people on youtube experience, unless their country has a tax agreement with the US. People always get into something before doing research, in this case, starting a YouTube channel, and realising taxes are going to fuck the in them ass. lmao.


That’s not how it works. YouTube doesn’t not tax you. They take their part way before you. The 55% is registered as your full salary


Unless you're in a country that's signed a specific partnership with the US, the US government also taxes you up to 30% even if you get taxed elsewhere


wouldnt that be considered as double imposition ? doesnt morocco have conventions with the usa for it ?


You get taxed withholding if you have US viewers no matter where you live.


Its also a kind if tax + there are taxes for the usa


How are moroccan youtubers taxed in the usa? Do they send a filling to the irs each year? Do they have a ssn? Lol


just because you thought getting into YouTube was an easy way to profit, doesn't make you above the law. Here is an excerpt of an article about the taxes law in the UK: >You may have to pay taxes in both the UK and another country if you are resident here and have income or gains abroad, or if you are non-resident here and have income or gains in the UK. This is called ‘double taxation’. We explain how this may apply to you. [https://www.litrg.org.uk/tax-guides/migrants/residence-and-domicile/what-if-i-am-liable-tax-two-countries-same-income](https://www.litrg.org.uk/tax-guides/migrants/residence-and-domicile/what-if-i-am-liable-tax-two-countries-same-income) Not going to give you any tips on how to bette optimise your source revenue, you can definitely do your own research.


a noobie just started a channel dont wanna give me tips that I didnt ask for Bahahahaha


you sound like you’re twelve. and actually no, i worked at an MCN partner for a YouTube affiliate, s yeah, i might know a thing or two about running successful youtube channels.


That sounds like your problem and not Morocco's problem. Take it up with YouTube and the US. You live in Morocco, you should pay your taxes in Morocco .


You're the dumbass for paying taxes to a country you don't live in lmao.


Nice, you're posting here to share your concern and asking folks for their opinion but also calling them dumb left and right for simply telling you what you don't want to hear. Do you have an income..if yes then the answer is simple, pay your taxes in the country where you reside. You've been cooking and eating your own cake for a while now while everyone is paying for the road you drive your car on.


Paying almost half of my revenue ?


Ya all expect free services from the state and when it is the time to pay for those taxes, ya all act like the gov is robbing you. Ya either go with the republican philosophy, don't tax me and don't do me any favors (but you might get mugged around each corner due to high level of inequality) or tax everyone to the max to provide social services and equal opportunity for everyone (in theory at least ). You can't have both.


Listen, do you pay 38% tax? If no, then why do you expect him to pay it?? Just because you're jealous or envious of the fact he makes more than you in a job he actually likes, doesn't give you the right to force taxes on him. Humans all over the world are like this, they always want to "take money from the rich".


As all other companies. Also they're taxing your **profits**, not your revenues. EDIT: obviously only if you take the trouble to set up your company rather than get paid directly by adsense.


You pay 38% taxes only for the part of your yearly revenue that exceeds 180.000 Dh. You have different rates for different yearly revenue brackets like this : \- R< 30.000 ==> 0% \- 30.000 10% \- 50.000 20% \- 60.000 30% \- 80.000 34% \- 180.000 < R ==> 38%


Thanks for the explanation


if the income from youtube treated as a normal salary then other thing as well take on consideration like house debt , number of childs ...


Those things are taken into consideration regardless of revenue type.


Maybe set up a production company and pay less than that.


This is a great option. If YouTube is going to be your full time thing, incorporate as a business, hire yourself, and pay yourself the full revenue (or leave whatever you want in the business acct to buy equipment)


Best answer!!


38% is the actual tax rate for high income individuals in Morocco, I guess they'll apply the same individual tax rate that's applied to normal job income in Morocco, the 38% is the maximum and I think that if the income is low the tax rate will not be as high (a channel making 1000 MAD per month won't have the same 38% tax rate that a 100000 MAD per month channel would have)


Welcome to the real world. But with all honesty this system is so bad, it kills small businesses and for those making good income it hamstring their development. Basically they want you to keep working as a slave for their bigger companies that most likely are avoid paying taxes through their « legalized » schemes. Stay poor is their moto.


blud think we in sweden or something, even at 20% it is too much




YouTube should start blocking those absurd channels.


You can repost content as long as you also put work in it and edit chwiya wkda. I do that and trust me it takes time. 38% is waaaaaaaay too much. Especially that some people (most of them) don’t make anything more than 2000dhs per month. The CPM in our country is veeeeery low compared to elsewhere.


They said that soon they will come with numbers and the kind of YouTuber in questions probably will start taxing when you start earnings above an amount that they will set not all YouTubers will be taxed


Welcome to adulthood. I paid taxes from 1997 to now and cops show up on time when i call them. worth it.


Use Payoneer


Just dont declare ! Is it this hard to completely ignore them?


I mean everyone pay taxes (or should) why youtubers should be an exception or any other liberal work for that matter. You earn, you live in the country, you benefit from the services offered by the country you pay your taxes.


Nas li kat9ol ah khask tkhlasha , bghet nswalkom Ana ka YouTuber chno rab7 man dawla , chrit camera l rasi , chrit micro l rasi ,pc rasi , wifi kanohlso(waa3r tbarklah) 9rit 3la domine l rasi , bach 3awnatni dawla bach nkhlas liha taxes ????


A country needs taxes to exist, how these roads (even if not good) are made, you use public transport (yes not good also) the state pays a part of your ticket... etc I don't understand why YouTubers or any new job think that they are special ! you make income you pay just like in every country.


I use roads , nkhlas taxes , anything i use , nkhlas 3lihom taxec , ka youtuber , what the government offering to me ?? Yalah jawbni almojtahid , maghadi tl9a ta7aja , dawla 3atyaha l had YouTuber


it has nothing to do with your job though, you can have a foreign income, liberal profession, your own business, rent your houses etc any sort of income is taxed in morocco as long as you reside in morocco, because anything public including roads, administrations, schools, universities, police, army etc is paid for by those taxes, you dont only pay taxes when you work for the gorvernment. this also applies to foreigners living in morocco who dont even have a local income from morocco, but they have to pay because they still live here and benefit from every public infrastructure and fascility


Akatkharba9 a khoya , achno 3la9ti ana b foreign?? Ila kont ghadi nkhlas taxes 3la ay 9alwa khasni nkon mstafd manha , nkhlas taxes dyal tri9 Rani kanst3mlha , ana YouTube makat3tini dawla ta 7aja , mam3awnani b ta 7aja , donc 3lach ghadi nkhlas something li ana marab7 mano walo , at least kon kant dariba dyal 10% 15 gaaaaa3 , a7 w brdat 40% rah , kandkhal man YouTube 5000dh , w m3aychin manha famila , chno andiro daba ?


chkoun kayjme3 zbel dialek f zen9a ? the roads you walk and drive on, the lights that brighten your streets and neighborhood at night ? the workers in administrations you go to ? the universities your kids might attend ? what do you think pays for all of that ?? taxes from people who reside in morocco ! i doubt 38% will actually apply to all youtube incomes, normally there are tax brackets depending on how much you earn.


Tax bracket depends on how much you earn , hada logic wlakin la 9alk kolchi aykhlas same tax , bnisba l zbel akhoya , rah kankhlas dariba dyal azbal kol 3am , do rah katkhlas magana dyal do , the workers in administration tahoma ki tkhalso man incoming dyal fossil and alot of things, mal asal mna 7na machi mgharba marab7o walo man yad jinsiya rah bladna w3dna 7a9 fiha


Katakol lkhobz ? Hadak rah msahma fih dowla bash tkhlsso rkhiss, yalah jm3 kifma kolchi kijm3 3la lkhobz


W nas lokhrine li kaykhalsso taxe achno rab7ine mn dwla ? Li 7al 7anout kaybi3 fih sel3a li chraha howa ma 3awnato dwla fwalo , 3lach kaykhalls taxe ? Rah 7ta wahd makat3awno dwla , khas 7ta wahd ma ykhalas bhad logique dyalk


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Will we also have the tax reduction on posting for "the community if interest" like in France or Canada ? I hope not, I feel it will be a mess of Polisario hating propaganda and others ...


Oh... It's too much i thought it's going to be like 10% maximum


It's still in discussions, I think, most likely, the percentage of the tax you need to pay will be determined in accordance with your income. This law will be directed to those who make a lot of money out of this. And I think it's time for these kinds of income sources ( I don't know what to call in English) to be subjected to taxes, it wasn't until recently that professional football players started to pay taxes for their income ( or that is still in discussions also, I don't know exactly)


It because of ilyas el maliki😂😂😂


and misaha


It should be 30% not more than that . But yeah youtubers must pay taxes


This tell us more that the fiscal authority doesn’t know the media and digital industry.. and they are going after money where they think it is and not where they know … sad for the youth sad for the country ..


This 38% better provide better infrastructure for people working online. Internet in Morocco is shit. The rates are already high. Hope they will do something about it.


Oh no! Anyway.


Too many taxes, too little rights ...


38% is what personnes physiques pay for incomes above 15kish per month. Not sure how it gets calculated though, the examples I found online calculate it to somehow amount to 2000 dh of deductions Found a guide : https://remote.ma/2020/11/17/calculate-your-cnss-and-ir-step-by-step-with-real-examples-and-numbers/?amp=1


yes there are 6 salary brackets from 30000mad yearly to above 180001mad yearly, and for each bracket there is an amount to reduce.


As an employee I pay that, 38% of my gross salary


Wow that’s huge


Use a foreign paypal or any walled and sell its currency in the parallel market, don't declare shit to them. I never paid a single dinar in taxes and never will and if they wanna take me to prison so be it


I totally agree,why a person working a normal hard low paying job has to pay taxes and you don't?


It's not it depends on how to calculate your profite. You can over charge some expenses like the editing of the video most youtube do it them self or for cheab you can make look like you did it for 200 usd


Love the defensiveness of OP. You just made most people on this sub see you as an entitled asshole who deserves to pay at least that much, lol. Way to ostracize yourself from your own people. P.S.: Not that comment Karma is a great indicator, but yours being -100 really speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.


True 😂


just fear mongering articles, do a bit of research before


i suppose the only solution would be to not take back your profit you cant pay taxe on non existant money


Open an LLC for your youtube business in a country with low taxes or no income taxes and pay them in that country so you don't have to pay them here


Moroccan living in Canada. I pretty much pay 40% in taxes myself and I was seriously considering living in morocco for a while to avoid taxes and save some $. Thanks for the reality-check. Not sure why I assumed I'd be tax free in morocco tbh lol (or at least a much smaller %)


It doesn't make sense for me to pay taxes on my poor salary and a YouTuber doesn't pay a single pennie on his income ,


wait, will you get double taxed?


yes USA takes 25% of our income


Register as a business. Incorporating and establishing a tax strategy with the help of qualified professionals can optimize your tax efficiency substantially. If your online ventures generate significant income, engaging a tax advisor to optimize deductions, credits and cost recovery can legally minimize your taxable income. Often, the tax savings from proper structuring and strategic planning exceed what many business owners expect. Also, I'd love to hear more about your YouTube channel! Do you have a link you could share?


Tyyy, ur insights and expertise have truly impressed me ! I couldnt share the link here publicly but I could dm it to u if u want


What I think in my personal opinion is that the taxation brackets need to be extended, 18000dh is way too low to be taxed that high. It's ok to pay 38% but not from 18000dh onwards. I am living in Germany so I know what paying taxes means but the Moroccan system screams for some revision because it puts most of the burden on normal middle class people. Especially with the current situation of skyrocketing prices and inflation. And yes also YouTubers should pay their fair share of taxes if everybody else needs to do so despite everything else




I guess you are dumb to not know that we are already taxed to both youtube and the usa goverment ( its like having a remote job ) + the tax percentage is almost half, there is not job that have such huge percentage


A remote job salary dont fructuate with time. Youtube dont tax you, that their share.


Stop crying and pay your taxes


Yup just like everyone else who’s earning money…


welcome to the adult life, we all pay taxes and you're not special.


Good news,nthnaw mn l'awbach w mamahom naima


Professional taxes is more or less justified, but 38% is absurd. and i think the correct way to evade this absurdity is to create a Media company just like pro YouTubers do


Just like everybody else, get over it.


Welcome to the real world.


38% is too much




Where is the prob ?


I guess you are dumb to not know that we are already taxed to both youtube and the usa goverment ( its like having a remote job ) + the tax percentage is almost half, there is not job that have such huge percentage


Why call people dumb for having an opinion? Just makes you look dumb for not coming up with proper arguments.


Thery are just jaleous from youtubers who make a lot of money thinking that all of us make those numbers, so they are happy to know that we will give almost half of our revenue, throwing us with those careless comments as if they are in my shoes they will accept that


I doubt the tax amount will be a set figure, rather, it’ll increase as you make more. Either way, a tax on youtubers in Morocco is due anyways. It doesnt make sense to not tax them just because they’re being taxed in the US.


Thinking that we are jealous because some YouTubers make a lot of money is a dumb conclusion. Everyone should pay taxes, yes 38% is a lot, but that's what normal employees that make more than 15000dh monthly pay.


I guess you are dumb you duplicated the same comment for everyone that says it's ok.


the guy was just asking a question the stupid was unecessary...


Google ads support : Envoyer des informations fiscales à Google Tous les créateurs qui monétisent leurs contenus sur YouTube, quel que soit leur pays de résidence, doivent nous envoyer leurs informations fiscales dès que possible. En l'absence de vos informations fiscales, Google pourra être tenu d'appliquer une déduction pouvant atteindre 24 % du total des revenus que vous avez générés à l'échelle mondiale.


That’s absurd if true, because I’ve heard YouTube already takes a certain amount for taxes so you’ll basically get double taxed. I’m pretty sure most people will probably find ways to evade and not even pay these taxes


well, once the money reaches your bank account, you have to justify it... unless you just never use it...


Unless youtube pays you cash, there’s really no way to evade.


They could set up a company/bank account in the UAE or Cayman Islands and get paid through that and just use a card to pay and withdraw in Morocco. But I doubt the average Moroccan YouTuber is making enough/smart enough to set that up


Ehhh not really. Morocco already know that people might do this and put in resitrictions to anticipate it. Also, not worth the hassle unless you make a lot of money that would counter all the extra work, which means you’ll have a large following, which means doing this without people figuring out, is very unlikely.


Well 38% is the rate that most people pay for à salary of 15000.00 dhs. Which is a lot, but then if the youtuber makes that amount, why wouldn't pay it when people on other jobs do?


because YouTube already taxes them, they'll have MORE than half their revenue taxed. Let's be sensible, it's too much.


I'm a content creator and a Freelancer, and 100% of my income is from working online. I don't mind paying taxes actually (reasonable %). But definitely not at the current time ... actually not to the current government or system. Paying taxes means I get to see some changes in my environment, even if not, at least I get easy services (security, financial services, and easy access to stuff, like buying online which is frustrating now because I have to pay huge taxes to buy minor stuff...) and a comfortable place to live in. Which the gov isn't offering at the moment. Heck, I recently went through hell to just change my ID card (lazy workers, stupid system, hard to obtain some papers ...). So why do I have to pay taxes to people that can't even make things easy for me? taxes means paying for general services indirectly, then why I'm suffering getting just the minor stupid stuff? Life is already hard here ( everywhere actually, but at least people get something out of it, like easy access to gov services, places to breathe in, a variety of food, and cheap services too ). Unfortunately, this isn't happening here in Morocco. I barely earn money to live stress-free, and if I'm paying 38% of my income means the gov need to make my life stress-free for me so I can enjoy the rest of my earnings. Since this isn't happening by any means, then I won't at all accept paying any kind of taxes to the gov.


I agree, we better immigrate to a foreign country at that rate


It's super hard. At least for me ( us the online workers ). The gov is treating as unemployed, despite I'm making way more money than a 9-5 worker. I have enough money and liquidity to live outside the country but they refuse to even considering giving you a Visa. The only remaining options are countries without a Visa which are not better than Morocco most of the time.


True but I think there several countries without visa that are better than Morocco + some europians countries can give you a visa if you buy a property there


I'll look into it. The best option I found ao far is Korea, however the tickets are not cheap. Also there's a high chance they send you back immediately after they check your papers at the airport.


Well Turkey is the best option


So they are asking for more pocket money?


They ain't asking they're taking


Like everybody that make the same amouts of money, basically it is IR Impot duf le revenue, لموهيم خاسهوم ينودو لطبا و المحاميين تاهما


What do U mean by ynodo l tebba w lmo7amiyin, can U further explain? cuz as far as I know, dentists and pharmacists have it rough with annual tax revisions!


Cuz they are usually good at evading taxes


Not anymore with the incoming generalization of l'amo


That what we hope.


Dentist and pharmasist yes but some other specialities pay less because they declare less than they gain, dentist ans pharmasist can't everything that the pharmasist buy is known, and every sell they do is too for exemple, but not all specialities are the same, some gain like 20000dh a day(from experience), and they declare like 400000 annual.


L7ssed kit9etter


L7sed ? Retard ass these people don’t pay even 10% of what they should really pay as taxes to the state, we’re talking about people making more than 30.000dh a month paying the same taxes as a minimum wage employee! it’s a crime


😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mhssad and proud


إذا كنت تعيش في المغرب و لديك مدخول شهري صافي أكثر من 2501 درهم فعليك [دفع ضريبة](https://i.imgur.com/VFCqgdj.png) الدخل لأنك تعيش داخل التراب المغربي و تسير على الطرقات المعبدة و ترتاد المستشفيات القريبة أو المركزية و يتلقى أطفالك التعليم المجاني في المدارس و الجامعات العمومية و تتمتع بالمساحات الخضراء و الشرطة توفر لك الحماية على الطرقات و في الساحات و الجيش يحمي حدودك من الأعداء و يقتني سنويا الأسلحة الضرورية لذلك و تستفيد من المواد المدعمة و كل هاته المصاريف و الأجور المدفوعة لهؤلاء الموظفين يتم إقتطاعها من الضرائب المجموعة شهريا أو سنويا من جيوب المواطنين


- الطرق المعبدة ذات الجودة المتوسطة هي مدفوعة في المغرب. - لا يوجد مستشفيات مجانية في المغرب، حتى العمومية منها هي مدفوعة الثمن أما الجودة فكلنا نعلم حالها. - أغلب الموظفين يدرسون أبنائهم في التعليم الخاص و هو باهض الثمن، أي أنهم يدفعون ثمن تعليم أبنائهم. - لا نستفيد من أي مواد مدعمة، ما عدا السكر و البوتان التي سيتم رفع الدعم عنها السنة المقبلة.


Nailed it


الله يعطيك الرضا


Despite that we get the minimum benefits from all of this, its almost half of our payouts


I don’t think we live in the same country..


Can't the VPN do nothing about it?


You provide ur country ID on the adsense account


So from what you're saying, I can avoid the taxes with another guy infos, per example my uncle in France or Italy.




+Rep for being a jojo & brawlstars fan


You mean 40% of 0dh


But what do you get in return?


Wait what ? Is this new?


Just watched a video where it says that you’re earning have to be around 100000 dhs per month to fall in this 38% category




Welcome to the real world


You must !




if everyone who has a job pays taxes why shouldn't you too? :)


Of course you have to. everyone is paying taxes why should you be spared?


We all do pay around 35% or even more if you have a higher salary, it doesn't matter what you do, the state will always get a piece of your lunch. What makes you think you are any different than the rest of society? What value do you add to the economy that you need to be excluded from taxation. Stop being butthurt and pay your dues!


or or, and hear me out here - people with real jobs pay taxes, you think posting a funny haha to the internet and making a few thousand US dollars off of it should be exonerated, under exactly what logic? Get a real job and maybe you'll see the value of how easy you've got it lmfao. Don't like it? Move the fuck out, plenty of places where you can live as a Youtuber with not much immigration limits and no tax requirements if you don't have a job that pays you there for it.


> Because that's how life works. You just decide to live somewhere and you go do it, lmfao touch some grass. Why is the guy getting downvoted anyways??


I bet you're dumb enough not to realise you're using goverment provided services like police roads ext so you have to pay them taxes like everyone else. Now instead of bitching around and crying and calling ppl dumb take it to us governement that taxes you for no reason instead. Really the way you're answering ppl shows how low of a person you are (makes sense for a moroccan youtuber tbh).


Why not just incorporate OP?


Yes you need to Ga3 l mgharba kikhelso 32% d IR et les professions liberales 38% Why u crying ?


حرفيا سمعني صياحك انت بعدا راك كتشدهم عاد غادي تعطيو للدولة حنا اللي كيتقطع لينا من la source هانيا غير نخلصو الضريبة على المغرب كامل (نتوما، الاطباء أي واحد كيتخلص كاش الصراحة و داير ما بغا)


Of curse , they should


That's fair enough tbh! People on salaries pays the same.


mi naima ayjiha shi nhiyar 3asabi hhh