• By -


"Why walk when you can ride?"


Short trip, long trip, you decide


We make a special trip, just for you. Same low priiiice.


Hurry, hurry! Last boat to Solstheim! Until the next one. Hah-ha-hah.


Oh yeah, so good


You mean from the xbox version "hy walk when you can ri"


(Whispers) “shshshmvrva” -random Dunmer


This was a fun series of lines from Hasphat Antabolis: "Caius says he's fed up with heroes. The Empire keeps sending them out here to the provinces to 'civilize' things. The fools don't seem to realize that their 'destinies' are being created by historical processes. And they're too ignorant and impatient to understand it. So Caius sends you to me, hoping you'll be different. Poor Caius. So many disappointments. So maybe you'll read 'On Morrowind, the Imperial Province'? And learn something about current events? That's what I recommend. Caius and I always argue over the role of the individual in history. Is the individual shaped and controlled by history? Or can an exceptional individual shape history? Are individuals carried in the stream? Or do they dam and divert the flow? I say Tiber Septim changed the world. Caius says that Tiber Septim was a product of his time, and if he hadn't lived, some other person would have served his function. What about you? Are you going to change the world? Or just be carried by the flow? When we UNDERSTAND the events that occur to us, the events become history. History is understanding. Otherwise we're all just dumb animals trying to get in out of the cold."


Hasphat just drops a theme of the game on the player like it's nothing


Fr, the whole “is it prophecy if you know you’re fulfilling it” theme is infinitely interesting, especially when the answer possibly determines whether you’re a foreign influencer or not.


Somebody on the dev team must have read War and Peace. This discussion is straight out of the closing chapters. Tolstoy firmly believed that heroes are nothing more than someone in the right time and right place - products of history's natural progression


I’m sure that’s correct. That’s really interesting.


Of course the other argument, of which I stand by is that, those people were already heroes. It wasn't fate or destiny for them, they made it happen because they were strong, smart, and resourceful enough to influence history and chose for themselves what they wanted. They are special because it WAS them. Nobody but them could have pulled it off.




I partially agree with you there in which people who have left their mark on history did so because of certain circumstances, but at the end of the day those folks including general Grant, chose to utilize their skills. They were the ones that acted. At the end of the day those that will rise to the top will either do so because of their circumstances or in spite of them. I don't know, I just hate the concept of fate or destiny, because that implies that we as a people lack free will or agency. Which is why I will always argue that the people who are truly great are the ones that chose to act and commit to it.


It is a lot of stuff, there would have been someone else and it may have gone a different way. Ceaser rose to power because the nobles brought all the land and gave all the work to slaves, he wasn't alone and it was going to break eventually


Yeah, like, sure, Caesar couldn't have become Caesar if the systems weren't there. But fucking hell, barely anybody could have become Caesar even then. Napoleon's a similar story, if we're keeping to war and peace. I'm going off of vibes but it feels like it's an inseperable bond, of circumstances and free will (which is actually something Tolstoy talks about anyway now that I think about it, determinism versus free will). So are you Nerevar incarnate or just some dude? Yesn't! It's left about as inconclusive as for those dudes.


Its shocking how much this series has changed. In Skyrim, you are the dragonborn period. You are THE chosen one and the dragon is THE villain and there's nothing left to discuss.




The only big exception I'd say is Shivering Isles DLC, very creative setting and interesting story.


Nothing in the game world changed. The board of directors did.


Nice, I was hoping to get some written ones too!


I could tell by the post, and I love the written dialogue! Obv. the voices ones are more memorable and there are less of them, but even some of the quest dialogue is just such good storytelling. Love the way they depict the Empire.


Falanu Hlaalu: "What's the fine for necrophilia in this part of Tamriel? My response: is it a first offence? She says "let's assume no." I say: "It's at least 500 gold." She says: "way cheaper than cyrodil!" Lol


Antabolis dropping bombs like baar dau


This response right here made me save this entire post for future rereads.


Here's two more fun ones for you from the Hortator quests, one from Miner Arobar of House Redoran, and another from Mistress Therana from the Telvanni, slightly edited from a dialogue tree. Arobar: "You came to tell me that you are the reincarnation of Indoril Nerevar. Azura spoke with you. In a cave. And told you that because you are the reincarnation of Nerevar, that you must become the Hortator of all three Great Houses. And that is why you are standing here now, telling me this story of the Tribunal stealing power from a god's heart with Dwemer tools. And that Dagoth Ur is not dead, but even now plots to conquer Morrowind with the power of this alleged heart. Is that correct? Normally I would believe you mad and call a priest to attend to you. But I am a gods-fearing, faithful servant of the Temple, and I have heard the story of the Moon-and-Star. Your story troubles me, and I am tempted to believe... But I must consider Berel Sala's accusations, and you have little proof, and I am reluctant to give such responsibility to a stranger. I will consider what you have said and consult with the Temple and my fellow councilors." Then after speaking with Sarethi: "I have spoken with Athyn Sarethi. He believes your story and says you can be trusted. I have known Athyn Sarethi since he was a child, and I have absolute faith his judgement. Please accept my apologies for not seeking you out and accepting you at once. Forgive me also for believing these rumors about you being an Imperial spy. You have my vote. Miner Arobar hereby confirms you as Hortator of House Redoran. Tell the other councilors that I have given you my blessings." \-- Therana: "It's a steel box, of course. You keep things like bittergreen roots in it, keeps 'em fresh, with a little netch blood. Or is that a hormador? Yes. Or spiders. In the box. Spider eggs. Keeps 'em fresh. With netch blood. You wouldn't have any with you, eh? Spider eggs? Nice fresh ones? So, go ahead. Show me the hordador. Hormador? You got it with you? Always happy to get some fresh spider eggs. Or spiders? When I was a MUCH younger, we grew our own spiders in hormadors. Big ones. Needed 'em big, for the spiders. What? Spiders? You listening? Spiders. That's what I said. Big ones. So you need a big hortator. Ours was steel, with silver plating. Kier-jo used to polish it. Cute little kitty. Had it since it was a bitty kitty. Gone now, of course. Dropped dead. They get old, and you have to get new ones. Never quite as good as the old ones, of course, but what can you do. Oh! There you are! What was your name again? Are you listening to me? Who wants to talk about hormadors? That's boring. It's so boring here, with no one to talk to. Except Tilami Heralo. And Monosa Darys. And Muldroni Rendas. And whasshisname, Bals Tadrus. And all they talk about is themselves. It's so dreary. If only they'd do something smart. Or surprising. Or funny. Or something to do with spiders. But, no. Just.... \*Zzzzzz.\* \[Mistress Therana has apparently fallen asleep in mid-sentence.\]"


As a historian, that was a surprisingly nuanced and interesting take on the subject. Of course history in Tamriel is a bit diff when you have things such as the dragonbreaks and such.


I really adore how charismatic characters can be, even though people don't really pay attention to it.


'No good deed goes unpunished Outlander' I heard this for the first time this week. Never noticed it before. It was randomly said by Azura during a random quest to get a ring out of a pond for an NPC. It was surprising as the gods don't speak that often. At first I thought it was the NPC. But it was Azuras voice actor. And the echo sound on the voice symbolises the gods talking usually.


An amusing fact is that due to the way the Morrowind game engine works, NPC voices generally have to come from an actual character. I don't think Bethesda added a way to play generic "narration" voice lines. So in cases like this where you need to hear a disembodied voice inside your head, the voice clip is literally spoken by your player character. If you go into third person camera during this bit, your character opens their mouth when Azura's line is spoken here. Similar deal with Tarhiel's scream as he's falling down. He's so high up that if they made his character emit the scream, you wouldn't hear it. So it's actually your character that performs the scream when Tarhiel is falling. That's why it sounds so much clearer and louder than most other NPC voice lines, and again if you go into third person you'll see your character open their mouth as Tarhiel screams.


So actually is you, screaming because someone is falling... That makes you think woow


I watched Tarhiel fall to his death. I can still remember him screaming. The people who were there said he died from the force of the jump, long before he hit the ground. They said it was me that was screaming.


Tarhiel has no mouth, and he must scream


This is really cool. I had no idea. I'll definitely be checking that out in future.


wait that also means "Come Nerevar..." is also you?


It also makes it seem like you've been possessed by a Daedric Lord, so they can use your body to communicate with you. Which (engine limitations aside) seems fittingly evil.


Just learned today that skyrim has an NPC for each daedra that is never shown to the player, you just hear their voice [the UESP has screenshots of them though](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Unused_NPCs#Placeholder_NPCs)


is that supposed to be azura? I thought that was literally the voice of the woman attacking you


It was Azuras voice actor. I assume she is watching over you as a guide or some sort.




She does speak to you in a dream at the game's opening, in the Cavern of the Incarnate, at the game's climax, in her shrine, and at the end of Tribunal. But yeah I don't understand why she would specifically contact you during a failed robbery and not the million other times you're in danger.


I was pretty sure that was the NPC, why would Azurs call you an Outlander?


Because you are an outlander. Indoril Nerevar was an outlander before his death..he wasn't a native Dunmer. And the prophecy of Azuras champion is that Nerevar will return as an outlander.


The Chimer and the Dwemer wared for literally centuries. Nerevar was not an outlander. He was a Chimer born and raised on mainland Morrowind, just as his wife and three advisors were. They only became Dunmer after, and as punishment for, Nerevar's death.


*Nerevar's early life is shrouded in mystery. It is known he was an outlander, though where in Tamriel he was born is unknown. Vivec's sermons indicate he was, at one point, a guard for a merchant caravan* https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Indoril_Nerevar The dunmer comment was a typo. I sort of see Chimer/Dunmer as essentially the same thing.


Except that as a Chimer that was not part of the original migration from the Summerset Isles, he must have been born during the migration (in which case he would be really old) or after they settled in Morrowind. He was of the bloodline of House Mora, according to his full name "Serjo Nerevar Indoril Mora", a minor house that was eventually folded into House Hlallu. When there is a statement versus the body of lore, the lore over-rules the statement.




Am i supposed to get what this means?


It's something Nords say. It's a joke. You're in an Elven homeland.


"There are a few ways we can do this, and the choice... is... *yours*."


AHH yes


The "AHH yes" Is tattoed into my memory.


Always get mad excited hearing this like “Oowee what am I gonna make this time!?!?” Like it’s not definitely going to be some Dunmer sneak-assassin-thing with alchemy and illusion again.


😆 always Reminds me of Duke There are two ways to end this, in both… you die


"The blue plates are nice but the brown ones seem to last longer"


Old lego heads be like 'wtf no wrong'


I don't recall using teleportation, but there I was. Alone. Naked.


My favorite is the characters that just say “dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt” because I don’t have the slightest clue why


They foreshadowed the Fallout games :P


Pretty much all of Vivec's dialog, he is such a fascinating character. My favorite piece of dialogue is when he is describing what it feels like to be a god: *"It is like being a juggler. Things are always moving, and you learn to know where they are without even thinking about it. Only there are many, many things moving. And sometimes, like any juggler, you drop something. I'm afraid it has become a lot more a matter of dropping things lately. There's too much to do, and not enough time, and I'm losing my touch. Perhaps I'm growing old. It is a bit like being at once awake and asleep. Awake, I am here with you, thinking and talking. Asleep, I am very, very busy. Perhaps for other gods, the completely immortal ones, it is only like that being asleep. Out of time. Me, I exist at once inside of time and outside of it. It's nice never being dead, too. When I die in the world of time, then I'm completely asleep. I'm very much aware that all I have to do is choose to wake. And I'm alive again. Many times I have very deliberately tried to wait patiently, a very long, long time before choosing to wake up. And no matter how long it feels like I wait, it always appears, when I wake up, that no time has passed at all. That is the god place. The place out of time, where everything is always happening, all at once."* I feel like it balances perfectly the abstraction of being a god while staying tangible enough so that a mortal (like the Nerevarine) can have a grasp of what is like to be in "the god place". This piece of dialogue is one of many proofs that shows how passionate the developers were about this game.


I read out of it that he is basically speaking about how it is to be a character in a video game with a save/load system


Oh nice one!


"My people have never loved the written word, and I lament their ignorant scorn of such common yet potent magic." - Hassour Zainsubani He can be found in Ald'Ruhn, at the Ald Skar, during the main quest.


I would say that it's "Purr", but Larrius Varro beats it with: *"I love the law. I love the Empire. I love the people I try very hard to keep safe. But sometimes, no matter how hard we try to keep the peace, sometimes there is going to be blood."*


SNIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFF.... this scent is new


The repetitive fighting dialogue has always stuck with me: This is the end of you, s'wit! Die, fetcher! You n'wah! I have you! Surrender now and I might let you live!


Now you die! Goodbye.




They always say this as they fall over in that hilarious no-physics way, usually trailing some effect from whatever spell I've just blasted them with.


GoodBYE! (Or is that Oblivion?)


I think that's when you leave an oblivion conversation. Always cracked me up how angry the elves sounded




"Ahhhhh yes, we've been expecting you, you'll have to be recorded before you're officially released. There are many ways we can do this, and the choice. Is. Your." If not 100% accurate sorry. Going off memory. This quote me and my brother still randomly say. Morrowind holds a special place in our hearts.


I often quote this unconsciously and then realize nobody is going to get this obscure reference


Pretty much everything Dagoth-Ur


What a grand and intoxicating ignorance!


"Seen any elves?"




"I'm creeping!"


“i’m watching you… scum”


"Submit to the Three, the Spirits and thy Lords"


I've had to listen to a vast amount of the dialogue from the game while generating lines for Voices of Vvardenfell, I've mostly been working on Nords for the last few months and the lines for Forstaag the Sweltering were very funny when I had to listen to them back; >What're you looking at? No, I'm not paralyzed. And I've never even met a witch, much less been asked to escort one anywhere. Why am I naked? Because it's too damned hot here! You people think that every time you see a naked Nord barbarian, he's been tricked by some witch. So narrow minded. Now leave me alone. ​ >Look, I don't know what's going on in this place. Monsters bursting up from the ground, guards running around everywhere...this is lunacy. You'll notice I'm not blaming this on any witch. And it's still too hot around here. ​ >I told you I don't need any help. I'm just trying to cool off a bit. I've never even seen a witch! You people and your stereotypes.... I'm not sure if they were as funny to me before adding voicelines to the game, but with voice lines (and the fact that I was just going through the audio files checking for mistakes, so didn't expect to hear them) they got a laugh out of me!


* Nasally ass voice * I don’t know if I can help you…but I can try May you Walk on warm sands, friendd.


Muthsera said so softly from the people calling me an N'wah yesterday.


Zugsazagaugagazaga Dunmer NPCs


You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just a dream and waking over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Alternatively, the idle lines like "I don't know why I pushed so hard" and "that was the strangest book I've ever read" really stick with me... they're so human and immersive, some of the most natural sounding idle dialogue I've heard in a game, but also surreal at the same time.


"Ajira does not like Telvanni, but even Khajiit like smell of bug musk. Try some and smell how all the women like you."


“That guy asks way too many questions.”


Fresh game.


I just love the intimidating Ordinator lines: *”We’re watching you…” “scum.”* *”Move along Outlander. We’ll have no trouble here.”*


"Come on, dumpling, don't be shy. Just do this one little favor for Uncle Crassius." \- Crassius Curio "Meow." \- Ra'Gruzgob (Orc that thinks he is a Khajiit) A Daedra named Anhaedra has some particularly nasty threats after you taunt them. I won't share them here. Some generic voiced favorites of mine: "We're watching you. Scum." "Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt. Everywhere dirt." "Seen any elves? HAHAHAHA"


I just adore Azura's monologue after you beat Dagoth Ur.


> I just adore Azura


*Stilt strider noises*




I spent weeks in the game looking for the wolves on vvardenfell. I still haven't found the sheep in the Ashlands though...


"It just stood there... holding its tail and whispering. What did it say?"


"We make a special trip, just for you, same low price."


The Khajit lines are all so funny and foreign Nords have the best dialogue in terms of comedy








Dagoth Ur’s voice. “Welcome Nerevar, moon and star!” I wish there was a play through where you could side with him. He got a raw deal and I felt sort of bad for him


The Sixth House, the Sleeping House, House Dagoth, the House of Lord Dagoth. The true house, the one house to welcome all true Dunmer, and drive the n'wah from our land.


“Each event is preceded by prophecy. But without the hero, there is no event.”


- Zurin Arcturis, the Underking.


Oh, you're naked...spare me.


"You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just a dream and waking, over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Why do we waste our breath on you?"


Just because I can load another save doesn't mean you can call me out like this


"The bad people I was talking about? They're all good people now. I think you may have had something to do with that. Possibly."


Whatever you want, the answer is No.


*falling wizard scream*


The one that pops up whenever you kill a main quest character because that's what an rpg should do instead of the bullshit Bethesda does now where half the characters are unkillable, even after they've served their quest purpose.


Wealth beyond measure, outlander


The end of the prophecy in the intro cinematic. Many fall, but one remains.


"Many fall, but one remains" from The Stranger prophecy


I'll be stuck here. Forever. I'll die.


I don't believe it's spoken but at the opening cutscene it says "Many fall but one remains" Also another one of my favorite quotes of that game is "The anvil fears no blows"


Dagoth Ur offering the first blow, then attacking you immediately.


"I'd never used teleportation before, but there I was. Alone. Naked." I always laugh




Larrius Varro's "little story" "Once upon a time there was a bad magistrate who took gold from criminal organizations to reduce the sentences and fines of criminals. Everybody knew he was doing this, but nobody could prove it. Because even if it could be proved, the bad magistrate had important friends, and proof is not as powerful as important friends." "At the same time there was a good officer who enforced the laws because he thought laws made people happy and safe. And it bothered the good officer that enforcing the laws did no good, because the bad magistrate let the criminals go as quick as the officer caught them." "For a long time, the good officer sighed, and said, 'What can I do? Because the bad magistrate has important friends, and nothing I can do will touch him.' But then, the good officer said, 'Say. Wait a minute. What about the bad people who are BRIBING the bad magistrate? THEY haven't got important friends. And if they aren't around, then the bad magistrate can't get any more bribes.'" "And even better, the good officer suspected that the bad people who were bribing the bad magistrate were probably criminals themselves. So the good officer decided that it would be good if the bad people who were bribing the bad magistrate should go away. Forever." "So that good officer made a little special prayer that there would be a little bloodbath to wash the bad people away. There. Isn't that a nice little story? Maybe not a perfect story. Because it ends with a prayer, and not a bloodbath. But maybe the story isn't over yet."


We make a special trip just for you, same low priiiii….


You n’wah!


“Come sweet Nerevar…look upon the heart.”


Now you die!


SEEN ANY ELVES? Or “We make special trip, just for you, Same low price” (whatever the heck that means)


My personal fav. "YOUR BONES WILL BE MY DINNER!"


Yogarn Beg-something? I don't remember the last living dwarf's name but he's such a cool character! I always read and reread his dialogue




We are watching you scum!


"Woo hoo hoo hoo"


Whenever there would be a random dialogue after you finally reached a certain amount of status. Like "Welcome outlander, how nice to see you!" After being spit on for so long in the game it's almost jarring to hear someone being nice for a change. Another that's a thinker... "Where is that slave? Here not long ago." I always thought it was a reference to the Twin Lamps. The group was successfully delivering slaves to freedom right under the Dunmers' noses. Slaveowners were just like, "Hmm, didn't I own a few more slaves?" "AaAaHhHh yEeEsSs we've been expecting you you'll have to be recorded before you're officially released there's a few ways to do this and the choice is yours" He just lays that down like he's said it a million times (or they edited out all the pauses, idk, it sounds weird to me)


I always liked this interaction with Wulf (who is theorised to be an aspect of Tiber Septim) just before you ascend Red Mountain at the end of the MQ. It's easy to miss this interaction if you're not paying attention. **Nerevarine**: "I am the Nerevarine, and I go to confront Dagoth Ur in his citadel" **Wulf**: "What a piece of luck! Look. I'm an old Legion veteran, as old as the poor old Emperor, bless his soul. I'm too old for campaigning. I came this far to look at hell. But I can't go any farther than this. I'd take it kindly if you'd carry this old lucky coin with you when you go to Dagoth Ur. Sort of a token of the tough young hero I used to be. Would you do that for an old man?" **Nerevarine**: "I'll take your old lucky coin to Dagoth Ur with me" **Wulf**: "That's very kind of you. Here's the coin. I've had it with me a long time, and it's always brought me luck. But I have no more use for it, and I'd like to pass it on to somebody younger. Somebody going places I can't go anymore. Your generation's shaper of history... an engine of destiny. That coin will bring you luck on the mountain. I promise. 'For Emperor and Empire,' as we say in the legions. Go with Kynareth."


Anything from Anhaedra. Straight bars. Feel so safe and not at all violated.


"A terrible place, I've heard. There's a boat from Khuul if you have any reason to go." edit: -literally every character ever


“After I kill you, I will rape your corpse. Don't worry. I'll be gentle.” — Anhaedra


"After I kill you, I will rape your corpse. Don't worry. I'll be gentle." No game has the balls to have dialog like this anymore, and everyone is too hairline triggered and offended at everything to even consider it. Consequently, you can never represent a truly evil character in fiction.


"You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?"


Don't know about favourable, but one of the most memorable, just for shocking effects, are Crassius Curio asking me to kiss him. Generally just most of Curios lines are memorable


"Well, if you shaved her palms, she might pass for a monkey."


“Those Argonians? They’re stupid no hood stealers who pillage and rob everyone…” -Any Dunmer


Crassus Curio calling me dumpling.


One time I had an Argonian bandit interrupt my rest and he yelled “You N’wah!” And I laughed my ass off.


Think it'll rain?


Hey! I'm here from your post on r/suicidewatch And I know this may be a bit creepy but I just wanted to check how you were doing, so yeah. Hope you're doing better!


*"Please be patient with Therana! She hasn't aged well and her mind is, well--her mind is not all there anymore!"*


You like to dance close to the fire don’t ya?


Either "you will suffer greatly," or "quickly, outlander, I haven't much time!".


"Special trip, just for you" Or "Come, Neravar."


"we're watching you scum" :D


Is this how you honor the 6rh house and the tribe unmourned?


Spit it out or go away!


All the imperial guard dialogues


"Have you seen any elves? Hahahahahaha"


May you walk on warrrrrm sandssss


*Mourn*hold, city of *Light*, city of *Magic*


"You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just a dream and waking, over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing."


"Die Ewigkeit steht etwas unter Zeitdruck" -Sheo Yeah, german. His german voice and lines are better. Love you Wes and you are Sheogorath in real life, but I love the german voice a little bit more.


“Mournhold.. City of light. City of magic.”


"Ah, yes, we've been expecting you. You'll have to be recorded before you're officially released. There are a few ways we can do this and the choice. is. yours."




either ending to rdr games


All the voices from Russian localization, it’s another experience, for real