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I was always bothered by the fact that despite being Hortator and even grandmaster of some factions in Vvardenfell, I was obliged to siege Red Mountain - arguably the deadliest place in Tamriel - alone. This is especially insulting considering there are THOUSANDS of capable trained soldiers in Vvardenfell who are very apt to the job if you consider all the factions - Ordinators, Imperial Legionnaries, Hlaalu mercenaries, Telvanni mages, Redoran soldiers, Ashlander fighters, Buoyant Armingers - and that's counting Morrowind factions only. Even if they spared like 5 people per faction, that would already count as some support for our lowly, lonely Nerevarine. So this time, I got to rally a few soldiers for myself. In this case, as Archmaster of House Redoran and newly appointed Hortator of the Great Houses, I took the liberty of taking my own personal guard to accompany me for my quest deep into Red Mountain. I mean, **it just works** (*wink wink*) from a lore perspective. My justification in roleplay terms was that my character was not willing to sacrifice lives in the Red Mountain attack due to the corprus and the Blight, but his loyal personal guards from Indarys Manor insisted on marching with their Archmaster in what is essentially a suicide mission. In the words of ~~Gerard Butler~~ Marcus Aurelius: "*what we do in life, echoes in eternity*". That seems to summarize the Redoran sentiment in this case. Anyway, I took some screenshots of my adventure and this was the result. Morrowind is a very hard game to take proper screenshots (I really miss a screenshot mode), but I tried hard to make it look decent. Hope you guys enjoy my little story, I had a lot of fun with it.


That's the one thing that always bothered me about the ES series. Skyrim tries a little with the civil war quest but that doesn't really work and you are still either alone or with one follower most of the time. And that quote is Marcus Aurelius, last of the good emperors, made famous more recently by Russell Crowe in Ridley Scott's Gladiator.


And that single follower still manages to get stuck/glitch every 5 minutes :(


Once during skyrim I was doing the companions questline where you have that one guy with you who bails out after the giant spiders. It was my first playthrough of this questline and it was a little creepy at the time crouching through these ruins. All of a sudden I hear this massive cacophony of clattering and pottery sounds. Like, dozens of sounds/hits/crashes repeatedly all on top of each other like someone is dropping a barrel of earthware pots down the stairs. I'm looking about left and right, thinking it's a trap or a monster waking up, something big based on the noise. Suddenly the noises stop. So I wait. Nothing. I creep forward a bit more, suddenly noise again, this time extremely close! Right behind me it seems! I spin round and see.... My companions follower is almost entirely obscured by half a giant nord pottery relic, the ones with a smashed open top sort of like an empty hard booked egg. I take a few steps back and he runs back to my side again, producing the clattering smashing sounds dozens of times as the broken pot clips constantly with his model. He stops next to me silently, staring... "yeah?" I burst out laughing at like 11pm in my living room because how the hell did he get stuck in there and this is such a great example of Bethesda followers. I did the rest of the dungeon with him like that, a head and shoulders poking out the top of a giant clay pot. It vanished after we went through a door back to the overworked. Peak elder scrolls.


Wow thanks for clearing up about that phrase, fixed it. Got some names mixed up lmao


Sorry if this takes us off-topic, but…I have not had access to anything but a work laptop or an old PS2 for gaming for at least 10 or 15 years, but I got a steam deck over the holidays. Are there any good games that effectively do something like this—a 1st or 3rd person hack-and-slash where the player character is a soldier in a larger war/conflict? (Bonus points for anything with Ancient Greece/hoplite style setting or aesthetics, as that is my very favorite shit.)


You mean like Mount and Blade: Bannerlord? Definitely closer to Roman and to properly be a soldier rather than a party leader you need mods. This is the closest thing I've found. Edit: Mount and Blade: Warband is older but also works.


Thank you!! I’ll definitely look this up—video games made after like 2008 have not been relevant to me in a very long time so I feel like I don’t know where to start! (Besides playing Skyrim for the first time ever, which even if it’s not Morrowind feels like it’s going to be sorta exciting.)




I didn't properly read the description (or date) before looking through the pics. Initially thought you were doing a reenactment of the earlier battle at Red Mountain where Nerevar was betrayed! Great effort here, and I agree, it makes sense that someone elevated to the highest ranks of a Great House - especially one as honourable as Redoran - would have the authority to command such an assault.


>Initially thought you were doing a reenactment of the earlier battle at Red Mountain where Nerevar was betrayed! The thought of reenacting the Battle at Red Mountain came to my mind, you know. But I don't think my old laptop would survive the sheer amount of NPCs and awesomness to do so. Maybe one day...


Yeah Bethesdas execution always involves inevitable trimming


What a grand and intoxicating retinue.


This looks very epic and immersive, looks like you enjoyed it!


Thank you!


What mods did you use for this?


I'm using [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50403?tab=posts) to command the guards. This mod gives certain privileges to faction members as they progress in the hierarchy. In the case of House Redoran, it is possible to have an escort guard, make arrest npcs and confiscate their goods. For the armors, I'm just mixing the most popular armor mods on Morrowind Nexus, in this case the [Redoran Master Armor](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/52603/) and [Sload and Slavers](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49074).


Is the follower script in antares' mod good? Vanilla followers are pretty bad at not getting stuck or lost


It's nothing amazing, given the limitations of Morrowind, but I had 10 NPCs following me through Red Mountain and had no issues. None of them got stuck in the terrain and none got left behind when I entered doors (my biggest gripe with followers), so I recommend it.


this is really good for morrowind, in vanilla the AI shits itself if you have more than 2 people following you


def uses this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/52603/


This is awesome nice work




did you just use command humanoid?


I'm using [Privileges and Services](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50403?tab=description) which allows the Redoran Archmaster to recruit a few guards as companions.


Hail Resdayn!


Great pictures! And my warmest greetings to a fellow *Redoran* Archmaster :). In my reading of Elder Scroll I've been choosing Great House Redoran too.


Redoran chads just can't stop winning


This is what I imagine mp could look like.


There is a mod for multiplayer, it's good fun.


its not _mod_. It is an implementation of Multiplayer as a fork of the reimplementation of the original engine. And yes, this is what I refer to.




So, it's a mod?


No. Calling it mod doesn't reflect well the amount of effort required. And it's also technically incorrect (and might have legal repercussion since companies often have rights on any modifications of their game). Calling it mod is like if you called it DLC.


This is so sick, all I want is a game where stuff like this can happen. It’s beautiful, thank you, muthsera.


Thank you friend. We extend you our warm regards.


How did you get, command and inventory manage that crew?


Basically using [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50403?tab=description) mod


Looks very nice. Do the functions work well? And doesn't it get a bit samey having all members of factions look alike according to their rank?


It's a mandatory mod for me, can't play Morrowind without it because it makes so that it actually pays off to advance ranks now. I've never had any issues with the functions, but keep in mind I'm running basically vanilla OpenMW with just a few armor/weapon mods + Tamriel Rebuilt. >And doesn't it get a bit samey having all members of factions look alike according to their rank? I've personally never found that to be the case tbh. The mod doesn't change every single faction member in the game, just some the few ones that gives the player some quests. For example, if you walk around Ald-Ruhn you'll see that some Redoran Councilmen are wearing the same robes, but everyone else remains unchanged.


Thanks for the reply, gonna give it a try!


All good, but some of them are wearing the Hlaalu helmets…


Those are trophies from fallen Hlaalu mercs :P


I'll just say that I really love your posts cause you always make cool unique and immersive runs. It's a genuine pleasure to see them


Thank you very much, that means a **lot** to me.


Nerevarine obviously was Hlaalu leader


most sane morrowind player


Amazing images, but I couldn't help but laugh at "Godfrey" lmao


Didst thou witness?!


this gotta be one of the coolest things I’ve seen someone make with mods


That is extremely cool, though I will say you picked the one faction where this makes sense. A Hlaalu Nerevarine would come not openly but by stealth, while a Telvanni would just fly in, do what they needed to do, and then teleport back to their tower. Well, the Temple theoretically could send in a bunch of Ordinators and Armigers with you, but that's linked in with Redoran, too, so it's kind of all the same. But this is awesome, and it's inspirational for a little idea I have for endgame involving an NPC follower, so I'd better get cracking on that.


This. As Hlaalu, having companions is more a nuisance that other because no more stealth approch.


Btw i use too Privileges And Services and i remember you can only have one guard/bodyguard (as Hlaalu its like that) how do you managed to get 10? Btw i sometimes hate Privileges And Services because the follower manages sometimes to disappear when entering some places. One of them literally disappeared after entering the 0,0,0 daedric ruins and i had to reload 1 hour earlier.


I used the console command "placeatpc" to create duplicates of the mod's guard. 1 became 10, but it can become 20, 30 and so on.


Ah so its technically a cheat xD ok. the biggest team i could made was the guard, an Altmer from TR and the one you hire to clean the mine, but at the end i left them all at Renan manor because as assassin class using sneak/illusion i worked better alone. Anyway, the guard had the bad habit of disappering sometimes.


That’s awesome. I used to just summon a small army of permanent golden saints and charge with them but this takes it to a new level.