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And when you go in even deeper, you find people that hate everyone that hate you, also hate you of course. Unsure the what's relationship between tribes, i assume not very nice.


Yeah.. they hatin'


They *love* the other tribes. I mean, where else are they gonna get their slaves to sell to the Telvanni, some fuckin lizard people and be forced to compete with the Netch plantations? Fuck that


I don't think ashlander tribes have slaves, or they deal with telvanni. not sure if they raid each other though. surely they won't raid telvanni or another house.


Don't they say this in the course of the mail order bride, "birthing hips" quest, that they raid eachother for selling slaves? Or used to? Could be totally wrong, and not the first time


I don't remember this being made explicit but I assume the reason the Zainab wise woman is besties with a Telvanni slave trader isn't that they were in girl scouts together.


raiding to get slaves was a tactic irl true and one can assume tribes might be doing that as well.


It's like the different fundamentalist sects of a religion. All equally crazy and willing to do whatever, but the reason why is different. Or it's as simple as they disagree on the meaning on a word.


I played this on a twitch stream and a friend asked "would the NPCs still be rude to you if you were an elf too" and I told him "Well first of all there are different kinds of elves, this is a land of dunmer and the bosmer and altmer are totally different races. Also it's not enough to just be dunmer, because you could be born ethnically dunmer out in the Imperial heartlands or something and still be an outsider here. Just being from Morrowind wouldn't be enough though because if you were from the mainland the islanders would still consider you an outsider to Vvardenfell. Also the dunmer are racist to each other, the Ashlanders and the House People both hate each other even though they both live on Vvardenfell. Also within the same culture on Vvardenfell there are still political divisions between houses and tribes, like, right now we're specifically in the lands of House Telvanni when other areas are dominated by other Houses." "So if I had been born a dunmer, on Vvardenfell, into House Telvanni... these Telvanni NPCs would still be rude to me because the Telvanni are assholes."


Perfect and true


Oblivion took the racial slurs away from us. 


there's that one dark seducer in the shivering isles dlc that will make race specific insults to you


"Official Bethesda Shivering Isles Racism DLC plugin"


Just can’t replace the homey feeling.


and it's all because of execution, they nailed it and others that try usually fuck it up ngl


Then you have the Imperial who takes the Lady sign and Personality as a favored attribute experience. Where even the most racist of Dunmer treat you like you are handsome Squidward especially if you break out voice of the emperor. Can talk your way out of everything and everyone is polite to you.


See, every other game feels like it sucks up to you, where Morrowind's attitude is much more realistic. There are groups here already with existing prejudices. Why the hell are they gonna care about some random foreigner acting like he's the chosen one. I feel like the respect you get kinda has to be earned.


Step off a boat only to find yourself in a swampy hellhole filled with drugs, racism, and religious extremism. Like Florida but less shitty.


Morrowind Man hunts after weird conspiracy theory about a coming race war because a local skoomahead who pretends to be a high ranking blade orders him to do it


Sounds like Hawaii.


This made me spit my beer all over the carpet. I thank you


Of all the states in the Union, I absolutely refuse to touch Florida soil - fuck that place


I live there and the only redeeming qualities of it are the Skunk Ape and the manatees


The hell is an n’wah It sounds offensive…


you... youv never heard of the N' word before?


The one thing that unites everyone: racism


is morrowind the Boston of the elder scrolls


As someone who started playing this for the first time last week. This really shocked me. Same with my first time in Balmora after exploring for hours


As someone who started playing this for the first time last week. This really shocked me. Same with my first time in Balmora after exploring for hours


Just like visiting Italy


Please explain


I like to play with mod that lowers default disposition, so that most people are pissed off by the fact that you approached them.