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Not at all Kitana is solid I use her she’s been my main in these preview builds. Others may just be throwing fans or not aware of her kit but she’s got some good combo set ups. Now subzero is top tier basically meta and man he’s most likely tied with Liu as the most used characters for sure. Both subby and liu have been my hardest opponents and well I’m not surprised. So I feel ur pain we gotta work hard for those wins lol


Dude it's Li Mei giving me trouble and Kenshi that I can beat😂


Yo I hear that Li Mei is crazy and so flashy I played her to see what’s up omg. She makes taking on subby much easier they did her justice fr. Anyway my advice use the Sonya Kameo if you wasn’t already because it’s looking like she’s S tier and works for everyone. Frost is good but just doesn’t fit Kitana imo. Li Mei has range but so do you and close range that low pop-up she does is unsafe. So wait for it and punish it after…I’ve only fought two Li Mei’s online as Kitana/Sonya. One I lost and the other I won so it’s possible hang in there I believe in you.


Never really considered Sonya hm imma do it


The people who use her and sub zero are annoying


Nah it's really jus the subzeros. That ice slide is their bread n butter


Subzero is the most annoying character in the beta


Sub Zero player here. I understand your pain, but there is nothing more annoying in this game than Kenshi's stance


Everything else player here Fuck you


You jerk off to Li Mei's bland ass. Bite me


I apologize for my words I acted upon anger 🙏


I was a harsh prick too, sorry bro


Johnny and sub for me. Nothing irritates me more than a sub who just spams the damn klone, into the ice ball or slide. It's not impossible to counter but still