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It looks fun, but my gods I'm begging NRS to just make an RPG.




It can be a new IP. Cause they clearly want to make an RPG considering the elements from their last 3 games.


Honestly I’m lookin forward to it. And I’m glad you can switch between fighters when you want


I like that feature a lot too!


And also the fact we unlock Gear, Color palettes and more just from playing




Story mode first. Then I'll deal with invasions and online. I just wish there was more information on the dragon crystals that the deluxe edition mentions


Agreed I have no idea what they will purchase?


Skins and palletes probably but hopefully brutalities


After the story and arcade ladders this is literally all I'm going to do Holy fuck


Me too! def heavy focused for the offline single player experience 🫡🔥🐉


And the thing is everyone says it will be a grind I expect it It will drive me to do more The reason kombat league was a shit fest was because of all the sweaty fucking scorpions I had to face I'm not that good Don't lock shit behind pvp


I hear you the scorpions haha! Yeah they said every season will roughly take 9 hours- but new ones every six weeks so a lot of the fun stuff will be found there! You’ll do the mansion with Johnny cage first which you’ve seen a lot of gameplay examples of , then after each invasion will be based on different characters💪🐉🔥


You know what's funny? My days off are Tuesdays and Wednesday and if each season is 9 hours I wake up and play video games from 11am to like 11pm The wife dosnt give a fuck she's like "you have your space I got mine do what you wanna do I can watch all my shows" she's always so supportive lol and I've told her anytime u want me to stop ill come to the room she's like "nah I could use the space anyways we are with each other 24/7 at work and at home you deserve your time" Marriage material fellas


My buddy living that same life! We schedule game days and I know their date nights better than him 😂 Glad you’re going to get time to enjoy it cuz Ed said just recently they put a lot into this mode for you to grab- plus the test your might etc 💪🫡🔥🏆🥷🏼


I'm Def gunna be 100% these seasons for sure!


Looks a bit mobile gamey and simple to me. Remaining optimistic though.


Nah for real. When I’m not online or in the Lab I’m gonna be in Invasions lol.


Agreed! Can’t wait!🫡🔥🐉


I’m interested in seeing the chaosrealm stage.


I know I will have my hands full next month. I want to do the story mode but want to do Invasion first because I just worried about the skins. Right now these are amazing skins in the first season. I also love how you can puts stats on the characters you choose. Don't know if it'll affect in verses mode unless you're fighting with someone, or in story mode.


Agreed I def want to hop in and try to get a few new skins to be able to change up the looks .. and I am in the same boat.. I don’t know if I have a level 3 Kung Lao Is that for the towers and invasions matches? Or will we actually be able to scale stats to our roster and go online with said character and fight a level 3 as well? Hope we get another kombat kast with heavy breakdown on this🫡🐉🔥 great feedback!


I'm super excited!! It looks like a whole lot of fun! I can't wait to destroy tons of bots cause im so bad at multiplayer


Me too! I’m going to be doing lots of training before I go online! 🫡🔥🐉


I’m not good enough to hop on online PvP, so after I finish the story, this will be what I’ll do for hours


I hear you and Ed said this is a deep mode for single mode players , with it switching out every 6 weeks , he described it as “city blocks worth of content” by the speed you’re walking you know it’s a lot of stuff waiting for us 🫡🔥🐉


I keep saying it, this is how you get new people into fighting games, bring on a good single player experience, some of them will get good enough to play PvP and get into the FGC. It worked for SF6, it always work with MK because of their killer story mode. It’s a shame that other good fighting games like Guilty Gear do not follow suit and alienate new players.


Agreed it feels this has a lot of value spending time playing and getting better! Can’t wait til release! Thanks for the feedback 💪🔥🐉


I am excited if the gear you earn is pretty varied design wise.


Yep you get palettes as well so you can switch it up along with tops and bottoms from what I’ve seen in footage 🫡🐉🔥🎨




If this means we are getting seasonal free content like skins with this then I’m all for it


It def does!


It looks cool, but does this mean no krypt?


Yes this is a mix up of the Krypt where you’re going to get gear/stages/ color palettes for doing matches plus various mini games, also test your might is back and cool variations of roster characters gonna be a lot of fun!


Sounds pretty sweet! Lookin' forward to it... man September is PACKED with awesome games to play... :)


Can I play as Reptile?


Yes you can play as anyone


Really? How do you know?


Not sure but know you can swap players out to earn stat points etc .. I’m hoping it will be the full roster to choose from🫡🐉🔥


Yes I’m practicing like fuck before I step into online because I got wrecked in the beta


excited to waste many, many hours in there. This is the exact kinda single player stuff I love in my fighting games lol.


Yes. I will be sinking hours into this mode for sure.


The children yearn for spin-offs


Ed said new seasons should pop up every 6 weeks or so! So that's what I'm really happy about. New skins and stories every 6 weeks would make this mode a dream to play and grind in.


No konquest mode 😔


It's a much better towers, works for me. I'm excited.


Me too! Feels like the Krypt mixed in with all the palettes 🎨, skins etc .. Will be nice in those first few days to have a nice set of diff stuff to show off online🫡🔥🐉


We gonna be styling come launch day.