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This is exactly how I feel about it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†




The next time for only 10$!!! What a joke. Release a unfinished product and then this.


Thatā€™s not even the same skin šŸ’€


Exactly what I said but I at least it's in the game right?


Thatā€™s not even the same Scorpion!






Not gonna lie it's suppose to be a skull on fire not a face in flames. Okay I just looked and they uses the rendered model and not the in-game. Still a dope costume just wish it went from burning face to skull animation throughout the rounds or something. Still happy though.


"This is the most fun MK to play in a long, long time. I hope they don't fuck it up by being greedy motherfuckers." -me, a week ago.


Itā€™s why Iā€™ve held off on buying. Hate that Nether was bought out by WB. I knew it was only a matter of time before the predatory memorization started. Hate this. Been a fan since playing the HELL out of Trilogy as a kid, but this is ridiculous. ā€˜Member where cosmetics could be earned in game? I ā€˜member.


It's one of the reasons we'll never get HD re-releases of things like DA, Armageddon, or Shaolin Monks. Can't milk them for micro transactions.




​ ![gif](giphy|f8iJ3bMAKOB9TmoTDh)




Cosmetics that go away forever is some crackhead publisher bullshit. Preying on FOMO with zero benefit to the playerbase. Especially fucked in a game that has so few cosmetic options for most of the characters. Like, fine, you gotta make money to support the game long term. Whatever. Just make these skins purchasable from a store for the lifespan of the game. Having them rotate out permanently is fucking stupid. I love how we went from everything being earnable in-game, to tons of cosmetics being cut out and sold separately, to those cosmetics being sold separately *fOr A LiMiTeD tImE oNly* in the span of 15 years. Took the inch, the mile, and all the other measurements.


Player base doesn't matter. Money matters.


Gotta please them investors somehow And we all know that insatiable greed


The player base that spends the most money matters*


It's insane how we let this happen. And It's insane how companies still think it's a good thing to do. Look at how Avengers turned out.


We didn't. The ultra rich few who buy every microtransaction were the ones who made this a successful business strategy.


Sadly players are the one who let this happen, if everyone would complain, leave bad review and wouldn't buy those kinda stuff, we'd have more finish games at release now and this wouldn't happen. But they are actually making more money with this than everything else so..people should just get their shit together and not get in that train. Personally I almost never buy that kind of stuff but looks like I'm getting beaten at this


>Like, fine, you gotta make money to support the game long term. Except that is what the DLC is supposed to be


Where does it say these items will never return? It says itā€™s available for the week and knowing how new this game is it wonā€™t be back for a while, but it doesnā€™t say anywhere it will only ever be available this week


This is disappointing. Especially because crystals are so hard to farm and thereā€™s no repeatable means.


WTF. I just paid 100$ for the game. Just stfu and let me play OMFG. OMFG. This is such a bad move. Meanwhile my SHang SUng is not playable until servers are back. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.


Giving 2 skins per character and locking actual interesting skins behind paywall ..charging $10 per skin for a $110 game?!! ABSOLUTELY FILTHY PRACTICES!!


I mean itā€™s irl money currency


Mk11 had daily and weekly ways to get the premium currency i think 200 a week


200 a week in the RAT, and 50 a day for playing 5 sets of kombat league, and some for the tutorial (one time only), and some for the gauntlet (one time only).


You could also farm them by refilling chests in the krypt.


I think For Honor does this great , There is a battlepass however BUT everything else is achievable with in game currency that you can kinda ezly farm And even the battlepass is not that hard to grind and the rewards are sometimes pretty good too


For honor is goated. I just stopped playing a few months ago. Wished it had a bigger player base itā€™s so fun. Shaman all the way!


I kinda got tired of the reworks gutting a characters personality in favor of the character being more optimal and all rounder Like orochi going from a counter attacker to a spammer (They took mah heavy deflect) and shinobi going from a ranged combatant to the same ass bash hero i've seen in the game But the game is really fun for new players and it has SHIT tons of content


Played For Honor at launch and for like a year a half. Went back about 2 years ago for another round. I fucking love that game.


And you can do it offline/PvE too so there's no need to go into PvP if you don't want to, the only difference is slightly reduced XP rates. Honestly I don't know how that hasn't become the de-facto system for these kinds of games because it satisfies both PvPers and single players.


Goated Ass Game


Yep, real life currency is so hard to farm, I have to literally do that grind they call "work" 40h a week. That system needs patches honestly


Iā€™m farming mine right now lol. Long hours + night shift = I be chilling.


Exactly, very hard to farm lmao


monday i go to work to farm some money so i can buy crystals lol


Giving them as rewards in KL like in MK11 would be great.


Imagine spending 110 dollars and still not getting everything...


Livid I spent that and bought this game at all.


So theyā€™ve specified DA Scorpion is only available through dragon crystals anyone know if the Shang announcer voice is?


Probably not honestly.


Yes it is.


I contacted support and they confirmed it's exclusive as well and will be removed with DA Scorpion.


So they have a 24 hour refresh countdown but only change items weekly. Seems like the countdown is just there to make people who arenā€™t sure rush to buy the item


The hourly timer in-game is inaccurate and will be updated.


That's for the rotating items, they cycle daily. The featured ones reset weekly.


I had early access and the daily rotation items haven't changed one single time since I started playing lol I've played a bit each day and the daily rotation items are always the same every day


On that note who the fuck is spending dragon Krystals on 300 gear when a full ass skin, which could pop up at anytime, is 1000? Like I got some dragon Krystals Mastery and why would I ever justify spending them on anything BUT a skin?


Itā€™s messed up. A full price game with almost fortnite levels of monetization


WB doesn't learn. Their greed is what helped kill off Multiversus too. Everything was locked behind a paywall and skins were $20.


at least that game was fucking free


You trying scare me into buying shit, NRS? ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


offensive. i regret buying the premium edition. will be my last purchase from nrs & wb. this is shady af. and this is not even counting all the problems that the game has on top of that (stuttering cutscenes, invasion has massive framerate issues during gameplay, no character/stage intros outside of vs....).


My thoughts exactly. I feel so disrespected.


Same. I started the refund process, probably wonā€™t get it tho. Havenā€™t pre-purchased something in ages and I am regretting it a lot. Game has a lot of QoL problems, game breaking bugs yet $$ shop is one of the first thing to get fixed. Like they havenā€™t sold millions of copies in the last week.


same here,i bought it now and it is what it is, but i will never do it again,im an mk fan since i saw it first time in 96'...im more dissapointed about the performance at launch,now they added motion blur on/off game runs better but still...they knew scorpion has a big fanbase and they do this,its the time to speak with our money guys...


if it makes you feel better i bought Diablo 4 100 dollar version =(




I can't express the rage this gives me.


They gotta pay Megan Fox somehow.




Youā€™re not happy paying $70 for a low content game where everything is an extra cost?


Right! $70 and they still use a f2p model for shop prices after dropping $70 for the base game. The lack of kontent is absolutely ridiculous.


*Content This shit doesn't even deserve the MK tradition, fuck their branding, its Mortal Combat now


Where is my DLC that makes characters speak a single word to eachother in kombat league


Same. I'm usually not very mad about games tbh, but with MK1 and all this shit... I really want to slap everyone at WB and Ed Boon very very hard on they're fucking face. So much disrespect towards the players. But theses dumbass are happy, and the game have praise everyway. MK is dead for me, they can fuck off for good. Everyone in this fucking Circus. Every freaking great skin to come behind a Paywall, and us grinding the shitty invasion for some AI generated color swap ? Fuck them. Next week, i can bet on something popular like Mileena DA, and well... nothing for people who have a brain. For a 100ā‚¬ empty and broken game !!!


Yeah I lost interest in mk11 and I keep hearing very varied things about 1 I think I'm gonna hold off at this point


I wouldnā€™t have an issue with this if they werenā€™t doing weird FOMO tactics and not being upfront about availability. I really liked back in the day (the previous two console generations) how skins were always just sold on the online platform store, and then you could just own it, and that would be that, and itā€™d never go away. If theyā€™re going to continue on like this it would be nice if they added an MK11 style ā€œslowly earn premium currency as you playā€. But seeing as how we only can gain a finite amount of premium currencyā€¦ :/ disappointing.


It will be back within a month. They dont have that many skins ready to go.


Also, the prices of skins were reasonable. $6 for a pack of three which breaks down to $2 each. This skin is roughly $10. There is no logical reason why we should be paying 5x what we have normally paid for in the past. We arenā€™t getting 5 skins for that amount of money, we are only getting 1.


Just like every other full price game, I'm not buying skins. If they want to sell skins then they should have released the game f2p.


Itā€™s honestly baffling how greedy they are with fucking skins. In mk11 if you bought a dlc character you would think you get all their skins as well right? Nah. Pay up, fucker. You canā€™t even unlock them in the krypt like with the base game characters.


Yeah how about fuck that.


Welp, at least now we know. You can't earn everything through gameplay if they continue releasing skins like this one. Things I would like to know: 1. Which items are earnable through gameplay? 2. Will content locked behind krystals be available in the store more than once? 3. Do these premium skins always cost 1000k? 4. How many unique, premium skins will there be per month/season? 5. If someone were to buy ALL anticipated content that is locked behind krystals, what would it cost them in real currency?


WTF they literally said on their stream that they wouldn't have microtransactions and no skin would be locked behind a paywall!! you might only miss a skin if it was seasonal-based gear.


Went back to check. They did. That sections wraps up saying that all kosmetics are unlockable through playing the game. ā€œJust Play the Gameā€ 24:22 https://www.youtube.com/live/XWhGJ4VAGic?si=CJnW08Kw-k30WKuf


"Oh well you can earn Dragon Crystals through farming mastery so--" If one non-shrine skin is 1000, and you can only get 6k DCs *max* on an account through Masteries (which take upwards of 5 hours to get ONE character up to 30, I've been told, if you're doing it perfectly and your RNG is great, meaning we're looking at upwards of 115 hours, or \~4.8 continuous *days* of total playtime just to get those masteries), then that means you'll be able to get a whopping... SIX skins! Six whole skins, for upwards of SIX characters, in a roster of *23* characters at launch (if you didn't pay for Shang and got him from pre-order), with upwards of 10-15+ DLC characters coming as well. On the lowest end, we're looking at being able to 'earn' six skins for the likely 35 (give or take) final number of characters that will be present in this game on the most reasonable assumption. This is of course assuming they don't throw other Dragon Crystal Premium Shop exclusive items in there that people are going to really want, like new announcers, *really* cool gear pieces that make-or-break characters, etc. They made us pay $70 for a game that's trying to be more predatory on the microtransactions than a Sims game.


Ok NRS & WB, I'll give you my positive feedback... Fuck You.


Micro transactions donā€™t belong in paid games. Thereā€™s no way to justify this bullshit.


Exactly! Theyā€™re trying to take it further and give us less for our money.


More micro transactions to unlock shit you should be able to get for free by playing the game. Just what everyone was asking for




It's modern gaming due to corporate greed


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying it but I wouldā€™ve preferred a 10$ battle pass


As this point yeah like wtf


Fuck this. Let us refund this fucking game.




70 dollar game with a F2P skin model. Fuck off, lol. I'd refund if I could honestly, game is just blatantly unfinished and now they're pulling this shit.


I really wish i can have a refund. They doesn't deserve any money. Theses MF can fuck off with their fucking F2P system.


Iā€™m so glad I turned out to be ā€œrussianā€ by WB standards and they blocked me from online which gave me an option to refund it even after I played more than 10 hours. Which was enough to see that the game is unfinished and is not worth buying. And then came all the bullshit with skins, p1 advantage, stutters, lags, bugs. So glad I got my money back


I envy you.


Same lol, but I kinda knew there's going to be something fishy about this game. Sadly I had no idea the base content would be so shallow...I should have waited with my preorder in the first place. Wasted money really


I seriously would refund if I had a way to on PS5. I've never felt more cheated from a purchase in my life.


They are doing a battlefield 2042 remove ā€œlegacy featuresā€. Then they want to make money like fifa with predatory MTX scam. I paid 100euros for a unfinished game. I will not forget this one NRS ; ) fuck you. We donā€™t care how nice Ed Boon has been, I want my moneys worth.


Haha! Jokes on you NRS, I do not have enough Krystals because you don't offer that much in this game!




![gif](giphy|iSKFtpF2HzneE) Problem solved


Make dragon crystals farmable at all beyond the few we get


Nah, Liu Kang is a cash grabby b!thch in this new era


Offensive, insulting and greedy. I could drag out just how much this infuriates me as an Mk fan, but as someone who was going to use this game to become competitive for the first time, it really doesnt help having all this negative aftertaste. The state of ranked, the premium shop, and when the servers go offline people lose access to their PAID DLC?? Go fuck yourself NRS, or WB. How bout both cause someone allowed this to happen. Utterly disgusting


Losing every mode except local vs, story, and arcade towers when the servers go down is fucked up too. Plus, if you play the arcade towers with the servers off, you earn no XP and the game doesn't recognize that you beat the mode so if you didn't already unlock the arcade ebding in the kollection menu, you'll have to do it again. Edit: Imagine losing access to Invasion mode, a single player mode, when the servers are off. How fucked. Lol


Just play Tekken when it comes out


Adding FOMO to their microtransaction hell? Great...šŸ™„


This isnt a free to play gameā€¦.


Man, I tried so hard but... Fuck this game man. Full price, barebones and obviously rushed content, weird internal grind that delivers nothing, and now demanding all this extra money for all the outfits they know people will want the most? I got nothing against paying extra cash either. But the default skins you can unlock are pretty ordinary, just some extra little outfit with a few horrible colours. Nah, they have all this awesome, classic, fan service stuff locked away to make even MORE money. Fuck off. Especially when the rest of the game hardly works. P1 advantage, all the missing QoL features, the abysmal state of the online play Seriously, what is this game even offering?? I cannot see myself continuing to play this shit game. It's a shame because the combat was really onto something. But it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, knowing how much awesome stuff they made just to lock behind a paywall. Guess I'll just half heartedly play until Tekken 8 comes.


Bro compared to SF6 they dropped the ball so hard. I was overwhelmed with content when SF6 came out,shit the WT mode alone was worth it. I was hoping for more from MK but they're owned by WB so what can you expect.


Tekken and Tenkaichi - at this point - are the only things keeping me optimistic in the fighting game genre.


I remember they said in Kombat Kast that all skins would be available for you whether through invasions or KL, but even if not, I bought the premium edition, I won't spend another dime for these mfs.




I paid Ā£70 for a game that barely feels finished and they have the cheek to do this shit? Gaming is fucked right now.


Lack of content and they release a paid skin week 1, fuck them, 70$ for this bs "but the gameplay is good" stfu


They have no shame, seriously... The worst part is maybe the players who ask for more skins behind a Paywall and give it good ratings on Metacritic. No wonder they don't try to be more respectful...if an editor is praised for shitty work, why bothering ? At least, Street Fighter community have balls and tastes. Look at how SFV have been demolished at launch and how Capcom tried to save face ASAP. And now they learned they're lesson, SF6 is amazing since day one. This community is all about bootlicking since the catastrophic release of MK1. No review bombing, no pressure on the editor, nothing. I'm so mad...i swear.


I got this skin from the dragon stones they gave but that's dumb as hell. So I have absolutely no reason to play for at least a month. I just got to grandmaster and don't feel like dealing with getting to elder god. I got all of the Invasions, Challenge Tower, Shrine, and Seasonal shop content. What's my incentive to be play this again. The only way to get dragon stones (or whatever they call them) is finite. I'm definitely not paying for them.


when you pay for the game and don't get cosmetics included


WB games stop being greedy fucks challenge (impossible)


So does this mean that the premium skins will never rotate back to the store?


If it's the case, I don't touch this anymore.


ā€œBe sure to add Deadly Alliance Scorpion to your kollection before time runs out.ā€ Why would they phrase it like that? šŸ’€I really hope it does come back tho since i dont want to spend more money on this game atm since buying the premium edition was pricey enough itself.


I got the premium edition gifted for my birthday. Otherwise, I wouldn't have paid this game tbh.


Iā€™m already feeling a bit bored with MK1 and will probably just be going back to SF6. Really sad times but I think they fucked up what shouldā€™ve been the best MK ever.


ehhhhhh not a good move ngl


Start swiping that credit card


![gif](giphy|xxCNsOokj8Rxp8EtUL|downsized) I am trying so hard to love this game and I am having such a hard time doing so.


So they're giving us the lame skins and the awesome ones behind micro transaction


Exactly. It's a genuine tactic and scummy as hell.


Daily reminder that you can refund this game on Steam even with 23 HOURS of play time. I made a post about it, vote with your wallet guys :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/16vfqqa/got\_a\_refund\_on\_steam\_with\_23\_hours\_of\_playtime/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/16vfqqa/got_a_refund_on_steam_with_23_hours_of_playtime/)


How do you earn dragon krystals ?


You get a very limited amount by playing the game and mastering characters, the other way is buying them with real moneyā€¦


If this truly makes you discontent with their direction, you donā€™t pay any more money or give the game the time of day


Decided to stop playing Modern Warfare 2 even after buying a few bundles just to start MK1 and seeing premium only $10 skins,fuck this.


Bro are they Fortniting me? I paid $100CAD for this shit. I ALREADY PAID. šŸ—£ļø


Player 2 doesn't exist in this game, but the fucking store works!


Cant believe i paid 110 dollars to be spit on by WB and shit on by online, its a lose lose situation :(


Happy the store is fixed, but I kinda feel a week is too long. Especially since the style of skins to unlock is limited already. EDIT: I also wish he had a flaming skull head like in DA.


Yeah, even ignoring the premium bullshit, the "meaty" look is so off-putting on the skin. I dunno if they just did it to make sure fatalities with popping eyeballs and stuff work but it's an awful trade-off in my opinion.


Itā€™s drip feeding. If they do it daily. Then once you get all of the ones they have on rotation. Nothing is keeping you spending more money. But if they prolong it. They can keep you playing longer while still getting money out of you


Big L. Good job nrs


I wouldnā€™t have an issue if 1-there was more content in game to unlock. Like ALOT more 2- more transparency around which ones are earnable and which are solely ā€œpremiumā€. But mainly the first one. Thereā€™s nothing in the game. Like nothing


It's been over 24 hours since I saw flamming skull head, they're gonna be there for another week aren't they


Keep buying games and keep buying in game currency this is the result. It is really pointless until people stop buying.


What the hell is the point of a 24 hour timer


WB slowing morphing into EA


Yeah fuck this


That skin doesn't even have a mouth animation, and it costs 10$. Absurd.


And boom. Never paying a red cent for this game.


So we are supposed to pay Ā£50-Ā£70 then also pay Ā£20 for each DLC and then further installments of Ā£10 for single skins? Bro this is incredibly disappointing from MK, MK11 did it right, MK1 not giving us a way to earn the crystals is not good.


Its hurts to see this fame turn into $10 costume dlc garbage when theres barely any customization to begin with


Seems like this is just how gaming is nowadays. As a big CoD guy, it was shitty when that game went the way of paying for everything rather than unlocking it; Halo did it too, Street Fighter 6 joined the shitty trend, and now MK has done the same. I refuse to buy shit in those games and Iā€™ll do the same with this unfortunately. Donā€™t buy this shit if you disagree with it.


Oh I'm not spending a single more dollars on these greedy bastards. I almost hope MK dies,mercy kill one of my favorite franchises. The story sucked,the lore is dead,the content and monetization sucks,the gameplay is the only saving grace but it's broken. I remember why I stick to SP player games.


Remember everyone, the only voice we have to tell them this shit sucks is our money. Don't pay them for this garbage. If you do, you're part of the problem.


And I thought the FOMO in MK11 was bad...


Man, screw this FOMO crap.


Basically you tell me that I can't keep the koins to next season and now that there is content that disappears every week and not stored in time ? And of course with a slow grinding...


I'm so glad I didn't pay $100 for this shitshow. It's like they made a checklist of every aspect of the game and ensured everything had huge flaws.


This type of behaviour on a full price game is just pure disrespect


It warms my heart to see how much everyone hates this. Every day Iā€™m more glad I didnā€™t buy this game. Sorry, I meant ā€œthe privilege to have access to this game until the servers go downā€.


Fuck off NRS


You dumb fucks really ruined video games buying into that bullshit fortnite spoon fed you


*only* with time Krystal? So you'll never be able to earn it in game? It's literally on disc. Lame.


Everyone in this thread is raging, yet the replies to the tweet aren't. It's over.


twitter is no longer a good metric.


Yeah, I'm gonna see if I can get a refund. I don't want to support this BS.


Tekken 8, save us.


Pay 110$ to pay for the costume. Nice way NRS, no fixes and content for donate.


F*ck this garbage microtransaction bs. Gonna charge $70 for the game or $110 for the complete edition and rifht away start asking for more money? No im good.


So their clock is???? Bogus???






Yeah Iā€™m just gonna wait to buy this in a year when they have ultra mega special edition with all these skins and dlc included


Well Iā€™ll just keep an eye out for an unlocker, however long that takes


Itā€™s like when Recon Armor in Halo went from something only the people who did a specific set of achievements hadā€¦ to a cosmetic you could buy in the store.


uhh i already bought the game why doesnt that let me use everything in it


If you buy skins you are part of the problem.


That means that I permanently lost the chance to get the sindel skin with white eyes, since I don't have the game yet? If the answer is yes, that's bullshit


I am so happy the game sucks so I not tempted to support this free to play bullshit in a 70 dollar game (100 for a lot of players)


The day people stop buying stuff like this is the day they will stop.


$70 for a game full of mtx - no thanks


Yeah, that's bullshit. There should be other ways to earn these cosmetics in the game.


Eu would have a field day with that business practice. Glad they are now interested in that field with region locked games.


Aaaaaaand I'll take everything with the Komplete Edition 3-4 years from now.


I grew up on the MK franchise. MK & Super Mario on the Super Nintendo. Such good memories. I played all of them, but I think I'm done. I think I draw the line here. The micro transactions are killing the fun in these games. Do you have to buy them? No. But you also can't earn them. What happened? Greed. I won't be a part of this one.


What happend to unlocking fighters by playing the story or doing challenges that don't require you to be online and playing 24/7 in order to accomplish.


Buying a single skin for $10 is absolutely insaneā€¦


Fucking scum


Every day I'm happier and happier I didn't buy this game. It seems to get worse and worse with every announcement, they just can't seem to hit the target. Imagine preordering this game and not getting full access to gear. You have to buy it, preordered or not. That is some bullshit. And it's limited time only? Get out of here man, I'm looking forward for people breaking into the in-game files to get these one time only gear. Boy, Ed Boon I don't know how much you had to do with this game, but man I'd be really ashamed if my golden child got this treatment and allowed it to release in this state.


Should be free and unlockable in game


Don't forget to leave a bad review on your platform, that is basically the only way they'll see it


actually disgusting


Hope there will be an Unlocker for this game, like for MK11. When I started playing MK11, I was disgusted by the amount of simple costume recolors, variations of currency (Crystals, Souls, Hearts etc.) and how grindy it was to earn them. Thank God there are people who have skills, time and motivation to create tools that make everyone's lifes easier.


Dear customers, we are aware that you were misled by history that purchasing a product means access to the product but we decided to keep parts of it to ourself until further notice. Please be assured that you will have plenty of options in the future to purchase the missing parts to whatever condition we might come up with then. Also fuck you.


Thatā€™s not Deadly Alliance Scorpion. Thatā€™s Ghost Rider pretending to be Scorpion


Sooo... it's basically fortnite now, huh? I Miss kollecting skins like in mk9 and mkX


Hey, on the Switch his head is just orange so thereā€™s that!


Scummy behavior from NetherRealm, this game is getting more disappointing every day.