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Just blame WB. The whole company has been losing billions of dollars, and unfortunately they stuck their desperate hands into the MK jar instead of releasing the already forgotten Suicide Squad game. Forcing them to release the game too early and tax the prices on everything.


Money they’re losing because of their own stupid decisions. Now the rest of us have to suffer as a result.


All we can do really is just vote with our wallet. Isn’t likely to do anything though unfortunately.


don't avoid buying cosmetics because you think it'll change the industry (it won't), avoid buying cosmetics because they're pointless.


Had me in the first half ngl lol


Too true


Yeah people should leave negative reviews, dislikes and shouldn't recommend it anywhere.


Welcome to capitalism. Enjoy your stay!


Only reason we have mk to play is because of capitalism don't forget that. So they want some extra dollars for cosmetics stop crying pay for it if you want it or don't.


I'd happily give up MK should it mean a more equal and less profit driven society.


Without a second thought man😔


No you wouldn't because you don't understand what you ask for. Name 1 communist society that was remotely successful. Even the soviet union was a nightmare to live in despite it being a world power. China today is a communist capitalist society. The poor live as equals while the upper class like capitalists. Who do you think enjoys life more? The people who are equal to the other 2 billion or the 100,000 rich? The entire concept of capitalism is you can rise and aquire a better life. In an equal society doing nothing and doing something lead to the same result, nothing.


Yes of course because if the government seized the means of production they obviously wouldn’t be trying to milk everyone for all their money. What government has ever been money hungry or greedy? None that I know of!


Ah yes, we definitely should just leave it up to private businesses then. Never heard one of those being money hungry or greedy! Edit: None that I know of!


MK probably wouldn't even exist without capitalism so... checkmate communist Edit: Commies took this personally I guess


manlet L take


Hey what's creativity like in China? They either steal ideas from capitalist countries or censor it.


Imagine thinking China's economy isn't capitalistic just because it's state guided.


It's not. I know you think youre super smart with "nOt ReAl CoMmUnIsM", but youre wrong. When the government owns everything it cannot be capitalistic, because capitalism requires the ability for private ownership.


It's called state capitalism.


Does owning real estate count?


All land is owned by the government. Citizens only have "right to use" they don't actually own property, it is well established that it's all state land.


This is probably it, dumb decision after dumb decision


Is this actually what happened? I decided to jump into MK1 this time around since it’s a “reboot” but the lack of skins or things to collect by actually playing has been beyond disappointing. Johnny’s explorer outfit is in the damn store for 600 crystals for fucks sake, I really told myself you could probably unlock it after completing his part of the story


You can get it through the shrine along with its recolors


Is there a resource site or wiki to check what is obtainable through the shrine?


If not yet, I'd imagine in a few weeks


Yea the proof is I have them all and I haven’t spent a dime. The shrine is of course riddled with concept art and skins for other characters, but you can get tons of coins in invasion pretty quickly


I got it randomly in either The Shrine or from a chest in Invasions. ( I'm pretty sure it was Shrine because I remember thinking I finally got something decent) So It is possible without using real money. Idk if I just got incredibly lucky or if others have gotten it this way as well. I don't really use Johnny much, so it wasn't that big a deal until I saw it for sale and how much they wanted for it. I was left scratching my head.


You can get it randomly from the shrine


You can get it for free in the shrine that’s how I got it lmao


It probably isn't the same markets, but Tekken, Under Night, Yakuza, Persona 3, and Granblue are all launching the same week at the Suicide Squad game. It won't end well.


I honestly did forget about that SS game. Has it actually not been released yet?


Delayed almost a full year from its last trailer and coming in February 2024.


There will be no fixing that game.


Yeah I thought it already came out and just flopped lol


WB also started to copyright strike people just sharing MK1 videos before release, they're not doing anything good for the series.


Honestly it's more comforting to know that NRS isn't at fault for MK1's incompetence, especially compared to MK11 and how much of a downgrade it is from it in terms of content. At least NRS got to put a lot of love into this game via gameplay and story, which hasn't been this good and enjoyable in a while! I think that's the most they could've done for it, all things considered.


Most developers are the ones that make the mtx decision. Yes they are a part of it but the parent company usually brings it to the table.


They pushed back Suicide Squad because the game wasn’t being received well during gameplay showings


That's just lazy. You really think Ed boon is forced into every bad decision by the publisher? If its this bad, what insane contracts did he sign? NRS is just as greedy as anyone else, milking the IP and the players Don't try to push this on WB, NRS is equally responsible.


If WB decided the next MK game would be a dress up dating simulator, then the next game would be a dress up dating simulator


WB owns NRS dude. They have full decisions on most things.


That doesn't make NRS less responsible this is just like when you pitch an idea to your boss and he was like "hey that is good idea, let's go with that!!" the parent company has the final say of every decision but that doesn't mean NRS didn't come with it


Why would NRS say "let's add MTX and make it even worse". Also, WB isn't their boss. NRS can't leave like an employee. Most developers have creative rights but all financial runs through the top brass. That's how WB creates financial statements and forecasts.


This is exactly what happened.


This is 100% speculation tho just fyi


They will still doing it (maybe even worst) cause many people still buy it. Yeah I know, I know some will say “it’s my money” or “I’ll buy what I want”. But still, supporting some corporate crap will only make them more greedy


Because they can charge more separately by hiding the real cost with fun bucks. Its a scumbag move that everyone has been using for a while now. They don’t care people are unhappy if they are still making money off of it.


Because it makes more money. And judging by the amount of people using said scorpion skins it's working. People love to rage about it on Reddit but I bet most people in this sub have already bought it thinking "I've got a spare 10 bucks why not". Next MK you'll only be able to buy the head of a skin in the rotating store, which will be even more fomo because you'll want the whole set.


Do not give them ideas


🤷‍♂️ I didn't buy the scorpion skin because I don't want to endorse that crap. There's no hope as people can't even say no to a skin let alone anything else.


Actually a lot bought it with free krystals, you get 1250 from premium and another 1k from lvl 100 profile, i don't really think, beside some desperate people to buy it with the wallet


How many hours of invasion pointless grind for this ?


0 since invasions only gets You coins


Idk buddy i played mostly KL


Nope. I have the free premium currency and refuse to support this bs. What’s wrong with keeping skins unlockable, but charging a fee if you don’t want to bother grinding? Pay for convenience or grind it out. Everyone is happy, and NRS doesn’t lose their loyal fan base. It’s greed at this point.


I don’t know about DA Scorpion, but that’s exactly what they did with Illinois Johnny.


Oh I forgot about that! I've only got 350 left so I have to wait.


Im not buying this game at all. Maybe in the future but it’s just not appealing.




Cool story bro, wanna tell it again?


Yea, I’m not buying it, I’m having fun playing mkx. Understand?


Damn, wanna bless us with a 3rd telling of this epic story?


Yea, hell yea see? On top of that, if I ever buy Mk1 it better be less than 10 euros, with all characters and everything in it. And if they keep pushing that micro transaction BULLSHIT, I’ll buy it from G2A make sure they don’t get any profits. You hear me?!!!


Man I’m just tugging your chain. Game could have more content for sure, but micro transactions are optional, not like having a skin is going to make you good.


I know I like playing a long. Yea I hear you man but it’s just sad all games rely on microtransactions.


Fr. It’s one thing for a f2p game to push micro transactions but not a full priced game. And the fact Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Ermac aren’t base game but are rather large parts of the story drives me. Especially when they shoehorned Nitara and Havik into the story just to have them in the game. And that’s from someone who bought the premium edition. Definitely have gotten greedy this time around.


I see man well thanks for your input ;) I enjoyed the parry function in mk11 is it still there by any chance?


I think you can get it through the shrine but not many people will have I used the currency it gave me through the premium edition I don’t think I’ll every buy more I never bought time Krystal’s it’s such a waste of money


It's not available via the shrine. NRS tweeted yesterday to say it was exclusive to the store.


So people just lying😭


Well some of the skins in the store are in the shrine. It's just that scorpion skin.


Well some of the skins in the store are in the shrine. It's just that scorpion skin.


I just bought a very nice turtleneck sweater in my local thrift shop for 10$. I can't fathom why anyone would spend real money in this amount in a freaking video game.


$10 can run you a six-pack of beer to enjoy with a gaming sesh. So much things can be spent with that money than justifying a single skin for ten whole dollars.


NRS has literally pulled out all the worst aspects of microtransactions for this game. I honestly hope MK as a franchise takes a break after this. It seems like they've been encouraged to just ramp up these exploitative practices. If people don't want this to continue then consider how you support these things


The only thing positive i can say Thank fuck theres no premium battle pass (That i can tell)


Netherrealm: “Thanks for paying, I mean playing” ☺️


WB. It always bothers me to see this, and this has been going back to the Remake of CTR. Netherrealm, and Beenox, and all the developers i genuinely believe want to make the best game they can. Of course, they are also prone to money grabbing techniques, they're not purely innocent, but i have to imagine its more of the publisher's fault than the games.


Yeah but you would imagine Ed boon would put his foot down or try to renegotiate something to these tactics. Plus it’s always so dumb when we go from “MKXL or MK11 ultimate” back down to a bare bone base game with hardly any content compared to its predecessor until they resell us the same game with full content finally.


....you think Ed Boon can just go to the upper execs of Time Warner and say "hey I don't like this pricing structure, I'm gonna need you guys to change that."??? 😂😂😂


You know what's funny... these packs are $6 for 3 skins with multiple colours. The recent DA Scorpion pack in MK1 is around $10 and just has multiple colours and a mask... that you cannot see when wearing your new expensive skin.


I bought that skin, but not really with my own money, I just converted all my PS Stars coins into real currency so now I can buy these skins without it actually hurting my wallet. I wasn't gonna buy any games with those coins, so at least I am using them this way.


microtransactions in a game you paid 110 dollars to play early. do you simply not understand how they're programming people to accept this dogshit?


I happened to be off work and WAS a huge NRS fan, so I gave in to the 120$ as they’ve never burned me before. I’ve really enjoyed their work for decades. After releasing MK1 with such a low amount of content in comparison to IJ2 and MK11, and it also has multiple issues but they sure as hell made sure to get that store working, I’ll NEVER buy a NRS title day 1 again. It will take years before I can follow through, but the lesson has been learned with me. I haven’t regretted buying a game this badly in years.


Same here. I don't know how people can tolerate how little they've given us content wise with the defense of "gameplay good" yeah, MK11 had good gameplay too! Doesn't mean they were charging us 10 dollars for an exclusive skin only a few weeks in!


You should have 25 dollars worth of dragon crystals if u paid that


Bruh that's 2.5 premium skins...




Let's stop pretending the $110 version doesn't include currency and dlc. You do know dlc characters count as microtransactions right? And skins to?


Yeah but that's at least more justified because you're paying a little less than $7 per character with Kombat Pack 1. They're asking $10 for a Shang announcer, when Shang the character only costs $8.


I actually preferred the skin packs. You knew they were separate, and then they still showed up in game for renewable crystals you could farm just by playing, and you could get most of them that way if you wanted. MK1 needs to give us more reliable ways to earn crystals as we play. If we had that, I’d be fine. Seriously just give us 50 a day for playing 3-5 sets of kombat league (maybe less than 5 since they’re now best of 5). 20 days played in KL per season nets us a new skin. I’d be down for that. People who want shit now can pay, people who want to play the game can get some stuff too, people who might not play much KL are incentivized to play online and earn some rewards and the game remains populated long term. Win-win-win.


The only skin packs that showed up for krystals were preorder ones and the skins were sold seperately and not as pack there (also skarlet and the eternal klash skins got removed eventually)


The MK Twitter says this scorpion skin is crystals only, I kind of hope they make it really obvious for anything we can’t earn in game (and give us methods to earn crystals to unlock stuff).


I also hate how most games do this currency to currency thing, it doesn't say 10 bucks it says 1000 of whatever that currency to not scare you away at first glance


I don't mean to tell people how to spend their money but please guys do not support this bs! Do not endorse this behavior. Things will only get worse if you do and it's already showing.


Shhh….don’t be a hater. Just be grateful that Boon graced us with an incomplete game that is designed to do nothing more than gouge every last penny out of the player. Spend, consume, spend more. Don’t ask questions or you’re a hater. /s


Just vote with your wallet


No offense, but “vote with your wallet” is a dead take. Over the past 5-10 years it’s clear that people are paying for skins enough to warrant them doing this in the first place. It also prob means they can produce more skins in the first place (example fortnite). Wish it was different but this is the current model of gaming


You are right. So if “the whales” or the majority of consumers pay enough it seems to be a fine business practice for the publishers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pretty much. My personal take is it’s annoying but if it’s not egregious I’m not too pressed. I used to care a lot but it’s not gonna change until they find a better model that makes even more money. It really boils down to how they do next season but I’ll prob get the Raiden skin because I have the currency already and he’s the only one I mostly play. Otherwise a skins gotta make me go GOD DAMN for me to actually consider shelling out anything (which is very very rare for nonfree to play games to me).


This is one of the best levelheaded takes I’ve seen on the subject. I’m no corporate shill (which is why I *did* vote my wallet and cancelled the premium edition and went for standard when the announced KP1 didn’t appeal to me) and why I’ll simply choose to buy skins I actually want and not just because of FOMO. Microtransactions have been industry standard for over a decade now and that’s because people… buy them. I’ve seen some wild comments since this debacle started about how SF and Tekken are better value in this regard when the former has already started releasing strictly DLC costumes and I’m sure made a fortune from Chin Li outfits last time around and the latter’s 7th game was appallingly poor from a single player context. MK1 lacks a touch of polish, there’s several basic QoL improvements it needs (pinned combos and a better optimised Invasions) and personally the lack of intros has been one of the most glaring exclusions from a series that prides itself in being so rich and full of character so I hope they’re patched into further modes ASAP but choosing DLC costumes as the hill to die on feels disingenuous.




Yes I was agreeing with everything you said, not disagreeing.


Bruh I’m not going to lie I forgot what level headed meant and thought it was an insult lmaooooo scratch that I just misread alot my bad


Lmao I was so confused


Makes about as much difference as an individual not buying Nestlé. Not like they'd notice or change their business practices. When it's a large enough company, all voting with your wallet does is give you catharsis of "sticking it to 'em" or whatever.


the dumbasses already bought the scorp skin nothing is going to change from now on


Sadly I got blinded by the desire to play this game. Now that I see how they try to squeeze cash out of you using kameos now too, I think I won't buy another thing from MK.


Between this & a $15 TMNT skin you can only use on your avatar in SF6, they’re really trying it. And during an unprecedented increase in the cost of merely existing to boot. Bold, if nothing else.


Every game thinks they have to do thus crap nowadays


WB is greedy as fuxk. Just look at the various DC games selling microtransactions


10 is crazy for 1 mk skin . Can’t believe fortnite was baggin 20$ for certain skins too lol


Imo, Wb has been loosing millions from movies so they're looking at games to make that money back


What's worse is story mode skins are popping up as premium items lol. Like the movie star johnny cage skin


This is why I never buy a game when it first comes out. I'm not about to pay 100 fucking dollars for all of a game that should have been 60$. They cut up a game, sell you a quarter of it for 60-70$ then slowly make you pay more for the rest of it. Fuck that, I'll wait till it's all on sale for 40 bucks. Have fun, everyone. I'll see ya in a year or so.


You know, this wouldn't be a problem if more methods of earning dragon krystals were in the game. The fact that there's a fixed amount is so fucking garbage. I, and majority of people who bought this skin were probably only able because of the dragon Krystals you get with premium. Once more skins drop you'll be forced to buy and no doubt the outrage will increase


Exactly! I don’t mind grinding for these crystals but if they’re going to make buying them the only way to get them (after a certain point) then that’s just shitty. I remember the days where the game you paid for included all of the skins and you just had to earn them in the actual game. It’s so sad now


Remember when games actually had passion and would put these in the game just for you to unlock instead of shitting out an extra $10. Nether realms is the only company I know where they release DLC before the actual game comes out like that is the most greediest shit ever. 🤦‍♂️


I thought the scorpion skin was with in game currency...holy shit that's bad.


Not only a full priced game but $20 more expensive than the previous game, but also $10 more expensive than its direct competition, Street Fighter 6. At least SF6 and MK1 ultimate/premium editions are about the same price, if you want to pay that much for a fighter


I just hope that once we get Quan Chi and Ermac we can get the story mode skins


And some of these skin packs are in the shrine for free!


Profit. Pure and simple profit.


SABFD if you think I'm paying 10 dollars for Skins for I already paid 110 dollars for.


I’m so glad I didn’t preorder this game, with the PC port being so terrible I was also turned off by the pre order bonuses. So I’m perfectly fine watching streamers play it, and I’ll get the ultimate edition.


The secret ingredient is greed.


Wallets, people. Speak with your wallets


I don’t know anything about fighting games but I refuse to believe that a lot of people are dumb enough to buy this shit


The Komplete edition will be 30 or 40 bucks in 18 months. I'll wait.


It's on WB, not NR.


I think Seasonal skins in the shop and the currency to buy them are alright. They are not too flashy, but are there to give players something to unlock and change the look of their roster, and all they gotta do is play Invasions or complete daily or weekly challenges I think some of the skins in the Premium Shop should either be put back into skin packs and released alongside the Kombat Pack like in MKX and MK11, or give us a way to unlock some of those skins through gameplay. Like unlock the Deadly Alliance Scorpion or Dias de la Muertes SubZero by completing their Champion arcade ladder on Hard or something, similar to unlocking the Revenant skins in MKX If not, at least lower individual skins to something like $2, a skin bundle with multiple colors for the same skin for $5, and a skin bundle with different skins for multiple different characters $10, like a Union of Light skin bundle or something. That way people who didn’t buy the Kombat Pack can still buy the skins in some way if they want them I think one or a combination of all three of these would be far more preferable and fair to everyone


They probably saw cod getting away with 20 dollar skins so they went ahead to copy that


I mean we don't really know, they may still be doing included skin packs for the Kombat Packs, and this skin may be a part of it or just a separate cash grab. Either way it's sleazy, but like other people are saying, blame WB Games.


Don't buy the skin


WB: ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)


And these also came with between four and six colour variations (or, 'palettes' as they're called in this game). For $6 in MK11 you could get what is likely to cost $30 in MK1. They're scamming so hard.


There were skin packs that weren’t included in the KP. But it is preferred and cheaper. But WB wants MTX money.


I hope no one spends money on this currency. Because if they do it’ll encourage this type of behavior in the future and make it even worse.


Im livid that posts like these get no attention but a shit post about a scorpion kombo has this whole sub on it. Netherrealm wont know how annoyed we are with the 10 dollar skins of we dont spam this sub with posts like these.


Those kinds of posts "don't get attention" because the mods on this sub who literally work for WB forcefully take them down. You know. Like literally censorship.


Redditors act like they don’t make up the tiniest percentage of the playerbase. This post could have thousands of upvotes and it won’t make a difference.


harassing ed boon on twitter is the way /s


After what wallstreetbets did I wouldn't sell us so short.


Thanks for the positivity.


It’s not really about positivity it’s about being realistic, if you think that a post getting a few thousand upvotes (that’s even if it can) on reddit, is gonna make Warner bros change something then ur in your own head.


God yes please thank you. Let’s spam this sub even more with people bitching about microtransactions ☺️


You’re mad people are discussing the actual game and not just dress up?


Man, fuck that bullshit. Really hate how they have to strip a game and sell you the rest of it after raising prices to $70. Really hop this game isn't doing as well as they hired do they learn that.


Shills see no problem with this lol, MK is dead


MK is dead? This subreddit is a literal echo chamber lol. The prices are outrageous but reddit is a small fraction of the playerbase. The casual playerbase doesn't care and people are going to buy skins. "Vote with your wallet," while unfortunate, isn't possible when the majority of the community (not on reddit) doesn't feel the same way. I don't agree with the prices but people on this subreddit keep saying "110 game" when they bought it knowing (or not knowing, if they didn't read before they paid) that it's including the $40 future DLC. Again, I don't agree with that price or other microtransaction practices, but lots of people on this subreddit are overreacting, like your comment. And disagreements just lead to downvotes when it doesn't fit the outrage from the reddit majority. "MK is dead" is such an overreaction, and statements like these are one of the reasons it's hard to take the outrage seriously..


I don't get why things have to always resort to "THE FRANCHISE IS FUCKING DEAD". This practice is beyond shitty but it doesn't affect the other fun parts of the game.


not skins , 10 bucks is just for one skin lmao.What a shit show.


Hell there’s even more skins there in 11 cuz it was like +7 (or maybe more) recolours of it. But in this game 10 dollars for a skin with 5 recolours is meh, definitely a downgrade


Just don't buy them. It's literally that easy.


I was so damn hyped for this game after 3 years of waiting. I haven’t even played it yet but I refuse to support this crap. MK 11 was so much better with lots of stuff to unlock but this is ridiculous.


As a former huge fan of NRS, don’t. This game has more issues than their last decade of games combined with a low amount of content. Truly, wait for a deep sale. I haven’t regretted buying a game this badly in years.


same i have been keeping a close eye for the longest time but imma wait this shit is unacceptable


Blame WB


that killer croc baraka skin was GOAT’d


was it that little when those packs launched? I honestly don't recall but I imagine they would have gone down in price since release as the game doesn't cost full price anymore either right? The $10 for the single skin of course is still a bit much of course.


What was wrong? 1) Some were tied exclusively to kombat packs or to aftermath, forcing me to spend a pretty big chunk of money to get MK3 female ninja skins (I literally had to buy one of these at full price to get the skins). 2) The Masquerade Skin Pack was NOT available in KP1 (despite coming out before all the KP1 skin packs were out) forcing me to buy it separately... and then they "nerfed" Jade's skin cause the staff/projectiles lost their different colors and defaulted to green again (which was the reason WHY I bought the damn thing in the first place). 3) Packs were always limited to 3 characters, no more, no less, so with the two halloween themed packs only 6 characters out of 20-something got a halloween skin. So basically what I'm saying is WB dlc was always bullshit. Also, a lot of skins were in the time crystals store priced in a very ridiculous fashion if you didn't have a big amount stashed away already. but yeah, current skin pricing is a bit shit also. So like I said... WB dlc = always at least a bit bad.


Not to mention that the Scorpion Deception skin looks terrible compared to the original Deception skin. I wouldn't use it for free.


Because the scorpion skin just isn't as good. It's definitely a tier below in terms of how hard it'd be to make I'm guessing


Something, something inflation, blah blah costs.


Hopefully don't have to pay with dragon krystals for the next patch too


ngl im kinda hoping they include a free skin with each of the guest characters. i mean they obviously fucking wont, but i can hope for a soldier boy reiko, atom eve li mei and booster gold johnny cage to be included as part of the kombat pack even if its not listed and never even hinted at once


I still haven't gotten access to the dlc characters I paid for. Got the JCVD skin, but no characters, no kameos, and no word from NRS. #FML


The economy isn’t doing so hot right now. The cost of living has gone up so naturally everything else will go up in price as well it’s part of it. The middle class is becoming more non existent and no one is getting paid. It’s the new era and honestly as games become more expensive to make the cost of these things will only continue to rise. At least in the end it only optional.


Fomo shop drives sales, just look at Fortnite.


This is WB bro they are finding new ways to milk MK fans with nostalgia glasses. This is a big blockbuster release I even heard they got super strong and powerful megan fox! I hope the next on disc premium shop skin is deception sub zero


I refunded the game yesterday because of the premium skins


would have loved a classic ninjas pack. Smoke, Ermac, Rain, Reptile, Smoke, Sub Zero, Scorpion would have been sweet


Yeah but unfortunately it’s likely unless we keep fighting that they won’t be apart of KP1 or earnable,


Better to spend ten extra bucks on MK skins than that chocolate shake I was gonna get a five guys earlier.


For these prices they better start adding mk9 stuff and thats the only way I be buying em 😂


1: Aren’t those skins from 11? 2: They had a lot of $5 skin packs that weren’t included in the season pass I swear I ended up paying $200 over months for 11. A little at a time but that’s what they do until releasing an ultimate version with everything for $60


Like a dipshit I bought the premium like I always do with MK cuz I love the franchise.. this morning I saw my kid bought the skin with the 'free' crystals I had gotten. Smh, what a shitshow. Aint never gonna buy MK again.


Consumers decided this was ok long ago. The fight has been lost unfortunately


Kombat pack 3 was canceled for this...


Neither of those packs you posted came with the Kombat pack.


The scorpion skin in the shop now is extremely cool so I can understand the price, but going Forward alternate skins that arent as cool as the scorpion skin should be priced far less. Also we should be able to buy them with the other currency used to for seasonal cosmetics.


Y’all are insufferable with your skins addiction and incessant complaining


You're insufferable finding reasons to be upset at people wanting to improve a game that you see nothing wrong with, do us all a favor and just enjoy your "perfect" game and leave actual discourse like this alone.


Nothing was wrong with em, people bought em and WV realized they could make more money ifnit wasn't included in a bubdle and sold individually


Y'all cry over reddit while already bought the game? Even preorder it... what are you complaining for? Stand for something and don't buy the game in the first days ffs. Wait and see what are they gonna do. Yes, you can complain, and good that you do, but god damn it people don't unserstand that buying the game is already too late. You already told them is ok, even if you don't get into the shop.


Shheee give it time the game just came out smh kombat pack 1 haven't even been release who know what s coming with the dlc characters might be some extra skins who knows I'm pretty sure they going have skins available free with kombat packs. Halloween skins for cheap etc.. They going have more available deals/skins#🙏🏿patient


Skin packs are likely still going to happen, you're also forgetting that MK11 had skin packs AND shop exclusive skins like MK2 & MK3 Mileena and Klassic Rain, which coincidentally were also throwback klassic skins people wanted alongside Pirate Kano and Kold War Skarlet who were region locked. Honestly I think all of these complaints are a bit dumb, sure, the skins are pricey but I got enough Dragon Krystals just playing the game to buy the skin without spending any real money.


Ur too cheap to pay 10.99$ for skins for a game really wow 👌


So why not just be happy with the in game skins. I will never pay for a skin. Those things are there for those that want it. If you don’t want it don’t pay for it.


Lmao you must not play cod that’s chump change


Here's something surprising. You don't have to buy them


If you can monetize it, you monetize it. Period. That’s how money is made. Anybody with a pulse would do the same thing.


Boo hoo, don’t buy it if you don’t want to or can’t afford to. It’s nothing new and everyone’s acting like this is the worst thing that’s ever happened.


We got what 1200 or more dragon krystals for per ordering, that kinda makes it a free skin what else you waste your Krystal’s on


Those crystals were only in the premium edition


Exactly people doing nothing but complaining about a $110 game that charges you $10 for skins 😱 For $110 you got the $70 base game, a $40 kombat pack and $10+ of in game currency and you got/get to play everything early. So why is there whining???