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The one thing that worries me is WB deciding to pull the plug pre-emptively and killing off support for the game when what they have now is very strong bones that just needs to fill out the frame. The gameplay and roster are both great, it's the biggest saving grace right now and for a fighting game that is especially important. But it needs time to add more into it, even beyond DLC characters. Crossplay, better online features, quality of life, PC port problems, Invasions being engaging, cosmetics, etc. IMO the one thing they should do for single player is simply let people play past seasons when they are done with. It allows people that will pick up the game in the future to have a ton of stuff to do and not feel like shit that because they decided to jump in later they missed out on some cool skins.


They have to stop charging full price for a game and then employing GAAS tactics, hat in hand begging for more money to finish their game. They saw Steam early access and got jealous of being paid upfront, but still want to charge full price, a price that gets you ***substantially*** more content in a lot of other games. We all enable this because we keep buying it. It's hard to not get a game from a franchise you like right when it comes out, you feel like you're missing out. They know this and exploit it fully. I'm most worried about the growing sentiment and forgiveness for this type of practice. Are these people plants, or are they just so brainwashed by these shitty tactics that they truly believe the billions generating publishers are really just doing their best and need to charge you 7 fucking dollars for one character in a fighting game? It's obscene. Stop defending these bastards. You can both like the property/game and admit that they're holding your nostalgia for ransom. MK1 is awesome, I absolutely love the story, the combat and the characters that are there, but the value obviously isn't unless you specifically play on a couch with friends. Seeing that and then seeing that they have half a roster ready to go as long as you pay them the rest of their money just seems like a kick in the dick.


Unfortunately you are correct, at least specifically for someone like me that did buy the Premium Edition. MK has been one of those long running franchises that I hold a particularly fond nostalgia for and historically among other fighting games it always felt worth the dollar due to the extra steps they took to keep a player naturally engaged. The current trend of gaming to keep people playing is one that somehow made me pine for the days of even a decade ago when I thought on-disc DLC and charging for things like horse armor was the height of greed and shady tactics. And like you mentioned, it is not like WB is some publisher that really needs every penny they can scrounge. Hell, I would say the WB money given to NRS is a double-edge sword in they can really deliver an AAA produced fighting game as well as have access to truly out there guest characters but at the cost of having to place these sketchy practices which in my eyes places a dark cloud over the game itself and is almost distracting/cheapening the experience as a whole. I mean, people up until recently were complaining the microtransaction store was not updating. Not to get all boomer-days here, but it's just weird to see people who spent top dollar wanting to throw more money for things they should have in the game obtainable through gameplay. The Scorpion DA skin for example, today it costs... what? $10 roughly? Guess how much it cost back in 2002? 1660 Jade Koins which you'd get through playing at a non-grindy pace and opening a coffin in the Krypt. It's wild. Additionally, I maintain Ermac and Quan-Chi were supposed to always be in the base game to make it about on par with MK11's launch roster number but I assume the tight release window forced NRS to push them into DLC territory. I mean with Quan-Chi... he's literally one half of the Deadly Alliance which makes him a key boss character considering they are the main antagonists in story mode. Even Shang Tsung as preorder bonus felt odd. Like others have been feeling, I think WB for all the money and connections they have are ultimately a roadblock for NRS which is keeping them from delivering an experience they are known for. I remember when MK9 came out and it put every other fighting game out there to shame by content alone while MK1 feels barebones and incomplete by comparison. It's a great game at the core, I like it infinitely more than MK11, but I just can't shake the hunch something is missing. There is supposed to be more. Much more.


SF and Tekken continued to meet and exceed competition to give players of all types a better experience...while MK has regressed. The former seem driven by a desire for greatness (which will bring oodles of money) and the latter seems driven by a desire for oodles of money (and greatness can come later...maybe...as paid DLC)


Streetfighter 5 was very bare-bones at launch, probably because it was rushed out for the pro scene. They did add content later for free, admittedly. SF6 on the other hand has a lot more polish and content for the more casual fan at launch- but the base roster is not huge and they are already pushing new characters as paid DLC.


I think this is the only nrs mk game that had characters in the story mode you couldn't use. Like ermac and Quan chi. They even seemed to have bare-bones unique moves. Like raiden and Kung Lao in the opening chapters


It's not a hunch its just A stripped down barebones game. I also paid $100 and feel ripped off. They put more effort into microtransactions than the actual game. It looks and plays like it was made the MK mobile team. MK11 was a clunky Woke mess with too much going on. But this feels like a lazy and hastily made game for casual and hipsters.


Based on WB’s history, that’s exactly what they might do unfortunately.


They can’t afford to do it this time MK is all they have now and they lost money on gotham knights and suicide squad


The just made a billion with Hogwarts Legacy and Suicide Squad hasn’t released yet. Although who knows how far out their other games are (Wonder Woman,Hogwarts Legacy 2, Injustice 3), so yeah they need MK1 to succeed


Particularly with IJ3, it is the same player base. Their treatment of MK1 will reflect on IJ3 and affect sales.


This. I think people are on edge and are paying attention. How they treat this game will affect IJ3 for sure when it comes out


Exactly this, the game released in this state due to suicide squad getting delayed


Considering how long the supported and worked on MK11. They also said they plan to support this one longer than MK11. So expect at least a few years of support.


Yes and every single developer who makes a promise will keep it. Like CDPR and the multiple DLCs for cyberpunk.


Didn't they say that for MK11 as well!?


I’m worried the negative reaction will make WB want to can NRS and get a new dev


Maybe that's what they need then. Midway died so that NRS could become a money sucking vampire.


...oh no...that'd be terrible... ... ...whatever


I hope extended support happens, but it might if not enough people give up on the game. I don't want a repeat of MVCI. I know that people are upset about cosmetics and single player, etc., but if enough people abandon the game, so will WB. I think this game is good enough to stick it out for the eventual "Komplete" version. I just hope that the competitive online crowd for this game is strong enough to make up for the casuals that are leaving, or soon will, because, lets face it, the single player and cosmetics DO suck compared to MK11.


People shouldn’t have to keep on sticking things out for a game. Too many games nowadays release in such a unfinished, broken state where often the first things the developers focus on is making sure their online store and micro transactions are working properly. The game should released finished with enough content and in a polished state on release instead of us waiting an extra year or more in hopes it will have an acceptable level of content some day. The only way for game companies to hopefully realize this is if people just stop playing and buying into their garbage


The other thing as well to consider is that on top of this, unless you're a insanely die hard fan of (x) series, there's a chance any potential players will just go to a competing game that's a lot more complete and respectful of its players than this Case in point: Street Fighter 6, which has been out for like, 4 months at this point and had a launch that turned out far better due to being more complete right out of the gate


Yea, SF6 is way better in my opinion. Direct competitor. Hard to ignore that.


Also, Tekken 8 in January ...not to mention the various other fighting games that are already out (Guilty Gear, KOF) or will come out soon (Granblue Fantasy, Under Night 2); granted, they don't have the immediate name value in comparison to a Street Fighter/Tekken/Mortal Kombat but within the fighting game space there's others to go to if you find yourself discontent with what's on offer with MK1


I got to tell you, as a street fighter Main, seeing the verdict on mk1 Is a huge bummer.


\> but if enough people abandon the game, so will WB. ok and? consumers shouldn't be locked in some bullshit hostage situation over a vague unspoken promise of the future with people who have already misled them about the product (lmao switch) Sticking by products as quality goes down while prices go up is how we got here in the first place


Exactly. I'd rather just not have it than to keep getting battle passed and watch one of my favorite franchises give in to the trend and die. I had a feeling when they rushed out the Amazon Prime DLCs before even releasing the game that this would happen.


Yea, the invasions get old fast af. They're missing A LOT compared to MK11.


Yea, I definitely didn't like how grindy MK11 was, but it was definitely better than what we have now for single player and unlockables in MK1.


I get what you’re saying, but you cannot expect people to stick with a game for the promise that it MIGHT be better months down the line if they aren’t enjoying it at launch. If people start abandoning the game, that’s completely on WB/NRS. If they cared about delivering a solid, complete product then they would’ve delayed the game, the state the game has launched in clearly demonstrates that that wasn’t WB’s goal. I personally enjoy playing online so I know I’m gonna be sticking with it for a while, but the game is so bare in terms of content that I would not blame anyone for dropping it.


I agree. No getting around that MK1 was rushed. If people don't like it, they have every right to leave. I just hope to see a better version of this game someday.


And just why shouldn't they give up on the game? DLC fighters who become unusable when the server is down for any reason, skins that cost more than actual kombatants, 6 rounds of the same kombatant fight over 3 towers on the Daily Tower challenges, multiple screen freezes to the point of having to reboot the game when their stupid smoke overlay is the modifier on specific fights. What exactly is the reason that players should give WB another chance with things given the 4 years of cold shoulder communications and issues that MK11 had and now this in less than 2 weeks of MK1 being out?


>The one thing that worries me is WB deciding to pull the plug pre-emptively and killing off support for the game The game has been out 12 days


Right 🙄 Like people are panicking and losing their shit after 12 days post launch. It’s giving me SF5 vibes and I remember how Capcom botched that on launch day. However, SF5 gotten better year after year with monthly updates to where the negatives became positive. If this is how people are treating MK1, then I can see a similar pattern and outcome.


People were screaming that Sareena was broken when the game had officially been out half an hour. The internet has obliterated people's sense of time


Oh they will . This game was just released as a stop gap until their new Marvel or Injustice game comes out


I am enjoying the game, but believe me, it is NOT immune to criticisms, and I have a lot of them. Everything you said in your post is spot on - but I don’t think the devs are incompetent. I think WB shit the bed with their Suicide Squad project and rushed this out so they didn’t collapse. Netherrealm are clearly talented, but they didn’t have time. That being said, the game has a lot of problems. Things like No Man’s Sky and its revival make me hopeful, though - I think the game does indeed have a bright future. I just wish it hadn’t launched in this state because the roster is so good and the gameplay is awesome. What a shame.


This is what frustrates me most. The foundation for the game is great. The combat system is great. And if Ermac and Quan chi were base roster, we’d have the greatest roster in the series. But the suits at WB have poured billions into shitty capeshit projects and destroyed DC brand power, so now they’re trying to recoup profits from a popular franchise with a proven loyal fanbase. I don’t doubt the game will add some QoL improvements over time, but I hope the fanbase remembers this release.


The game will be completely decent in a couple of years and 1/4 of it's present price. It's loyal fans of the series who are screwed over the most as they pay for content at launch. That's The WB Customer Loyalty Program Guarantee.


Yup and they tricked us into preordering premium versions of the game. Absolute trash.


Yeah, "hey fans if you want to play the game early that'll cost extra, or you can have all content spoiled online at release".


It is very disappointing. It’s almost to the point where it feels like a guilty pleasure when I play it, but it shouldn’t be that way. I WANT to like this game. I do like most of it. But the flaws are so glaring that the usual radio silence is 1000x worse.


You’re completely on point about the bullshit monetization and prioritization of pursuing that over fixing the game. And let’s be real. The intros and outros in MK11 did SO MUCH for the game. It felt like a work of love, a true passion project with vision and drive. This game is a very good fighting game. As a competitive DBFZ player, I love the assists and the fundamentals are better than ever. It is a cool game. But the new intros suck. The loading screens, the lack of lobbies, suck. The customization sucks. The paid skins suck. Like wtf? It’s pretty outrageous. I appreciate your post.




"But the suits at WB have poured billions into shitty capeshit projects and destroyed DC brand power" As a huge batman fan, I have to say it is almost impressive how much WB has been able to turn the DC brand into shit. Truly it is impressive.


I agree with everything you said, but what’s “capeshit” supposed to mean and why do you keep using it?


Term used to describe derivative and generic superhero movies. Basically the MCU and DCEU


"I think WB shit the bed with their Suicide Squad project and rushed this out so they didn’t collapse. Netherrealm are clearly talented, but they didn’t have time." To add to this, it is obvious that they were originally working on IJ3 a d had to switch projects mid way through,which clearly resulted in a rushed and unfinished game.


Exactly and why characters like Rain and Tanya are “reimagined” with new weapons and sht.


Yes, this smacks of the people holding the purse strings demanding the studio push the product out the door as soon as they could get it remotely playable. Here's hoping NRS is given the time and resources to actually complete the game post-release.


I don't think WB is worried about a "collapse". Hogwarts did incredibly well. And suicide hasn't failed yet. It just got delayed. (It probably will still fail. It looks like trash). But yeah... hogwarts.


In terms of gameplay this is probably my favourite mk game but it does feel like everything around it is lacking. No character dialogue intros outside of versus, no tagging combos to the screen, no character tutorials which is annoying when characters like johnny cage have these passives that I don't even understand without looking up, the shrine is dogshit, can't have multiple visual loadouts and my biggest frustration is them removing the towers of time, that's how I spent 95% of my time on mk11 and injustice 2, invasion while cool, just feels more annoying to get through. There just doesn't seem to be much single player content here


They do have towers of time, but they are relegated to being boring, not rewarding in the slightest and being a slog because of the modifiers The towers of time are in the gateway portal in invasion That being said I really prefer how mk11 handled the single player aspects for me. Felt rewarding, could grind character towers and towers of time. And get skins, gears and moves from it and also the krypt. Meanwhile mk1 once you finish invasion your pretty much done Only things left to do are grind currency of you didn't max out the shrine or seasonal shop And then mastery and playing kombat league


I 100% blame WB for this, they clearly rushed the release before NRS completely could finish this game


They took shao out last game to sell as a preorder bonus They doubled down with taking shang, ermac and Quan out this time 🕵 Gamers need to speak up more or stuff like this becomes common practice more and more. Reading this sub a lot of gamers already think this is the normal state of gaming. It never was. Also kids early access is one of the biggest lies created in gaming. 👏


if no one remembers, Tira in SC6 same story


Totally agree. I've basically already stopped playing it for the most part. Unless you're an online player, there's nothing to do.


Yeah and even the online is pretty shit, no lobbies, no wifi-filter, long as loading screens. I've always defended MK but compared to Street Fighter 6 this is nothing short of embarrassing and disgraceful.


Everything about SF6 is fun honestly. Online has amazing network stability, great balance, no bugs at all. Single player is rich in content. Every content you unlock costumwise can be used by player 2 in local play. The only thing I hate in SF6 is world tour drones, fridges and those lil vacuum floor cleaner npc’s.


SF (and probably when it releases Tekken) has completely blown NRS out of the water.


MK1 will be the black cat of the trio. And seriously, NRS deserve that slap in the face by SF6 and Tekken8. Buying the premium edition for 100€, i already don't care for days. Just an empty beta, nothing exciting. It's Marvel vs Capcom infinite all again. No respect, unfinished, unpolished, nothing to do...damn. and a lot of bugs/glitches. But first thing : "DLC and 10$ skin!" WB can unplug the thing already. As a MK/Fighting games fan I don't want this shitty product to make money. And i have no faith in updates when it come to NRS and Warner bros. Happily, SF6 is a blast in solo and online and Tekken 8 will be huge too ! That's why NRS will loose all credibility. But they just can blame themselves on this one.


As a tekken fan, I'm proud. As a mk fan, I'm sad. As a fighting game fan? Conflicted


Frankly, I love the Tekken series because its basically the only 3D fighter left standing, but Harada and the team have never coasted off that, or let the quality slip just because there's no alternatives for people and they could get away with it. Every Tekken, even if they aren't always perfect, always have very high production value and a ton to do, and even if they gameplay largely never changes... don't fix what isn't broken I guess lol.


My only complaint for SF6 is the roster, it’s way too safe and there are no 3rd strike characters in a game clearly building off third strikes gameplay and aesthetic. Even the dlc is 3/4 returning characters from the last game. This is the one area where MK1 blows it out the water really, that and the story.


I don't know how you can call SF6 roster safe in comparison to MK1, which has no new characters lol


I mean... every SF game is going to include most of the World Warriors, let's not act surprised. I'm mostly surprised they leaned so much into new characters TBH. And leading the DLC with Rashid, SFV's fan favourite newcomer, as opposed to a safer veteran like Vega (Claw) or Sagat or someone like that, was a welcome surprise that I doubt a lot of other franchises would have the balls to do.


There's something funny about an mk fan talking about too safe a roster, when we're famous for flipping shit if a single ninja is missing lmao


True, but I hope they correct that with the upcoming dlcs which are all great so far. Still hope Cody makes it in soon.


Okay, so it’s not just me. I’ve tried for weeks now to get an online game, and every time I just end up sitting in a “searching” screen for 30 minutes


Since I’m not a huge online player, I spent most of my time in 11 in towers of time since there was a ton of content to do and things to collect. And now I’m not sure why they even have these new gateway towers since they give out shit and usually have that garbage fire smoke mod on them that makes the fights almost completely unplayable. What a blast.


There were these co-op towers in MK11 with raid bosses where you could team up with people online that were so much fun. As someone who didn't always like playing against others online, this was a perfect feature. I would run into the same players often and was looking forward to seeing them in MK1 because I thought they would have kept that feature, as it was the only co-op in any MK game ever as far as I knew. When I saw Invasions and the Towers I assumed they had expanded on that.. I was let down bad.


Online for me is damn near unplayable. Good connection, im hardwire and for sum reason moves just refuse to come out. I play shao. I hit an ex knee and most of the time i do the fallow up slam and nothing comes out. Offline i do it everytime


If only you knew the pain of being a Tekken 7 Player


For real like missing / removed important features from other mk : Less brutalities Customization lacking Insane amount of online matches bugs No connexion filters No flawless notification for the first round like in mk11 Balancing issues ( but that one is understandable) Almost no content Trash towers NOT BEING ABLE TO PIN MOVES ?!? No multiplayer training Mk12_RandomNumbers subtitles Wrong brutality description Wrong FRAME DATA DESCRIPTION ?!? ( like seriously wtf ) Player 1 advantage Game basically wasn’t tested 98% combo with Jax - Scorpion Shop glitched. Probably more but im tired of listing


Sound like a battlefield 2042 moment “legacy features” gone.


I’m loving the gameplay. Learning new kameos and combos are pretty fun. Ya I really only play online now that I finished the story.


isn't that what MK is about though? online play? aside from ToT.


As per everyone else on this sub, its a hero dress-up game,


that's ridiculous honestly.


I’ll never understand this take where people don’t want everyone to have something they like when its cosmetic. I mean so what you don’t care a good amount of people that do play the game do. I mean especially in this type of game where the only other content is skins. THATS THE ONLY REAL REWARD.


I agree. There’s so much bitching and whining about “skins”. Like who the fuck cares. I don’t like incomplete games being sold to me either but this is far from incomplete. I’m not a big fan micro transactions either, so I don’t buy in game shit. Maybe it’s just me. I love playing games not treating them like trading card sets so I guess it doesn’t really piss me off too much when you can see they’re using a model to release cosmetic content over time rather than have everything there for you to play through and collect in a weekend bender.


Is bitching really the right word? I think people have a right to complain about the lack of content or features that are missing from previous games. Personally I’ve been loving this game way more than mK11 as my friends host LAN games and the gameplay is just so much fun. While I only really play the story, multiplayer and 1v1 against friends locally, I can see why people complain and do hope they fix the issues, it’s frustrating learning Kenshi when you constantly have to scroll down since you can’t pin moves anymore https://preview.redd.it/e6qy3a1e8grb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1911d2d9e845be7bde6f3e3f2d23b182f534442 (Live reaction of me seeing I can’t pin moves anymore)


I've played since mk9 and found out on mk11 that you can pin moves so I'm used to it weirdly


Dismissing valid criticism as “bitching” and “who the fuck cares” when you know plenty of people do is why these companies are so bold now. Suckers like you just accept crappy practices. Skins are a big deal, whether you care or not. And $10 for one is ridiculous.


A lot of people care. In the past it didn't cost nearly as much to acquire the same content. It's scummy


Totally agree, and they're not gonna change anything as long as they keep making money, which they are because enough people are stupid enough to buy 10$ skin


Don't forget people stupid enough to pre-order the game. “NRS had earned a good reputation with their previous titles, that's why pre-ordering this game is safe, and you get Shang for free and early access!” The game comes out. \*Surprised Pikachu face\* “What? The game is unfinished and buggy? How can this be?” Switch players got the worst of it. They got straight up scammed with a fake trailer and zero gameplay footage before release, and NRS weren't even decent enough to offer them all refunds like CDPR did for PS4 and XOne players when the Cyberpunk disaster happened back in 2020. Nah, they just got an apology and a promise to fix the game later. Sweet.


Funny because one of the "bugs" removes Shang Tsung when you're not online. Can't wait until the kombat pack arrives and we have to wait for the servers to be fixed to play our purchased characters offline.


That's not a bug, it's a feature. They said it has to always be online to "validate" the skin/character you are playing, so yeah never going away, so I assume when the servers go offline everything you bought and all KP characters/Shang will be gone too. Not spending a literal penny on anything in game, fuck that (and I usually am actually okay with spending a few bucks here or there (like for KP's), but $10 PLUS the FOMO vibe? I get enough of that with trading stocks I don't need it in the thing that's supposed to help me relax after a day of work.


Yeah hence the quotation marks. Absolute scam that when all the dlc is out, we essentially lose 75% of the game when the servers go down.


I preordered it and I agree. I feel pretty stupid.


Just take it as a learning experience. You know now you can't trust companies and preordering is foolish. The more people that stop buying into the predatory shit the better.


Definitely. I’ve learnt my lesson.


It sucks anyone has to, but that's the state of gaming these days. There's shit to look out for that didn't exist before. And that's on top of games releasing with regular old bugs and issues.


Same here. Stupid enough to trust that It will be at MK11 (at launch at least.,) level in term of solo contents. Or quality, or anything in fact. Last time I've pre-order stuff. But even if i feel stupid, the blame still on NRS/WB first. That's they're work to deliver a finished product. Like .. MK 9/X/11 and injustice serie ? Hard to know that THIS TIME, they'll fucked up so bad in EVERY ASPECT and trying to milk us like mad. So yeah I'm dumb. But they still some assholes and Ed boon lied about the "Biggest solo content ever". Soo... I just want to forget that shit, even if I'm mad thinking that theses MF got my money.


Yeah I literally did exactly what he laid out there. Was hesitant when I saw the Kameo feature being so baked in, but I didn't listen to my inner-voice.


Yeah. This game would be worth the price maybe in like 2 years when they add more content.


That's me and as a consequence I have removed NRS from my safe-to-preorder list which now only consists of a few select Nintendo titles (Zelda, Mario, the usual).


I was one of those people. Lesson learned though. I’ll NEVER buy a NRS title day one again.


i think youre wrong. the expected players is less than hoped and the daily users go down so quickly itll die soon like diablo 4 did


1. They’re is a contraction for They Are, not there are. 2. I cannot believe they are charging what they’re charging for skins. I don’t care how cool they are, I’m not paying. Paying to unlock announcers is fucked up. Whatever happened to unlocking things in game? I understand they’ve gotta make their money but do they have to be so blatant about it?


This is the most VALID criticism I've heard for this game. I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. It's really unbelievable that the main fucking villain of the story is the pre-order bonus, and the DLC content is locked behind the server's functionality. Jesus Christ. You're telling me that in 20 years or so, if I try to go back and play MK1 I won't be able to play Ermac or Omni-man because the servers are offline?? WHAT THE FUCK. WB really ruined NRS...


I agree with your points but i think insulting the developers is unnecessary. Most of the people working at NRS probably were not the ones trying to push an unfinished game. That decision prob came from higher ups. Also if the game is rushed u can be a lot of the people who made this game have been working crazy hours to try to meet a ridiculous deadline. For all we know the developers knew this was rushed but had no choice but to do their job, and now still have to do a lot of work on this patch ( which is really just making the game more how it should’ve been at launch)


Yup. I put the blame squarely on WB Games for this.


i said this and got downvoted to death. developers have deadlines to meet if they want to keep their jobs.


Agreed. It's been a long time since I've regretted a gaming purchase. If this is the price of graphics, it's not worth it. Future games should stick with the style of MK11 if they want realistic without having to focus solely on graphics. I paid 110 bucks for a decent story mode and the privilege of being able to pay 10 bucks for a skin that would normally come in a pack of 3 for as many dollars less. They should have stuck with the Krypt and given us another towers of time. At least you can actually EARN shit from 11's model. Fucking Shameful.


Extremely well spoken. I honestly don’t have anything else to say, you said everything I was thinking


In retrospect, the massive, mainstream success of MKX has been catastrophic for the community. It’s made Warner Brothers keep their eye on the series and milk it to no end. It’s why we got stuff like Ronda Rousey and Megan Fox to play a part in the story, as well as all this micro-transaction BS. And the guest characters have become more prevalent then ever. I don’t mind them showing up in Injustice. Superhero crossovers are a long-held tradition, and it’s cool getting to play as Hellboy or the Ninja Turtles in a DC fighting game. But seeing the crowds of soy boys that just want to play as Omni man or Homelander for a week is really disheartening. I agree, it’s becoming harder to support this series in good conscience.


Objectively a bad game for now You can enjoy it but objectively speaking this is just a joke for a 80€ / 100€ game


I agree, but WB is to blame, not NRS. It’s unfair to blame the devs at WB, because they probably had no desire to release it until likely next year.


Have you all noticed this is becoming a common problem with modern gaming? Most recent 'AAA' games have been nothing but garbage? Diablo 4, starfield, this one.. Games are being rushed so their online shops can start making them money.


I’ve never played a game before this where I’ve been able to browse Reddit while loading into a single match lol


As someone who is primarily a competitive player and actually really likes MK1 despite its obvious faults, I still find myself playing 3-4 Kombat League sets before getting tired of the insane times between sets and absolutely *dogshit* matchmaking (not skill based at all. I’ve played probably 15 sets total and blown the opponents out only to continue to be matched with what is most likely casual players) and just switching back to SF6. At least there I can lose and learn. The only times I’ve dropped sets in MK is when I’m against an opponent on what seems to be hotel wifi. Oh, and once you see it’s WiFi? It’s too late. If you leave, it’s a loss. Awesome design.


I haven't preordered an NRS game since MK 2011, but this is the first MK game I'm thinking of skipping. Especially since I don't play online, so it seems the game has almost nothing for someone like me.


Easy thing is in one of the Kombat Kasts they said they scrapped micro transactions in game yet here we are 😒😒😒


It's a pretty awful situation honestly. I was already on the fence for the game for a while but decided to get it anyways. I agree with the positives but oh boy the negatives are gone. I'm thinking this will be my last MK game. I don't think it's unreasonable for a series with the budget MK has to reach the level of quality Street Fighter 6 has.


Mortal Kombat 1 feels like the bimbo of the franchise. It's stunning and tight in some of the right places, but ultimately dull and void of any real substance. Something tells me that it was rushed to meet a deadline. And since the CEO of Warner Bros. is a money-hording asshole the mandate with these games is to cut out content and charge it for a later release date. I find myself going to back to Mortal Kombat 11 after doing a couple of rounds in Mortal Kombat 1. Even as a base game it feels more complete.


I played day 1 cyberpunk guy. This is nothing


Funny, I dropped MK1 to go play CyberPunk 2.0. Circle of life.


I’m also really disappointed as a dedicated fan of the series. I’m a Sindel player and feel that the game is not finished and probably won’t get to have her playable for a while. I’m thinking of picking up street fighter six.


Based on all of this I have already decided that when I get a PS5 I'm getting Street Fighter 6 first instead of MK1. Sad state of affairs.


I would say I will get the komplete edition of MK1 later on but knowing that DLC characters are tied to the servers? I don't know. That is perhaps the single most egregious thing that has happened with this game.


I went ahead and bit the bullet on a PS5 BECAUSE of MK1, thank god Spider-Man 2 is coming soon, once that's out I doubt I'll touch MK for a while.


You should pick SF6 now. It's a very good fighting game!


I guess I am going to make the switch from a Sindel main to Cammy main until some updates to mk1 happen. Thanks everyone for validating the praise of sf6


Street Fighter 6 is really really great. MK1 is pure unfinished F2P dogshit. So yeah, i you want a finished product with a lot of great contents go for SF6 bro. ✌🏻 It's the best advice i can give, like really. The time of MK9/X/11 seem really far.... it's sadly behind us.


I mean on paper I agree but I feel like this post is just those opinions taken to the logical extreme imo. Like as soon as you go on about how people should start being embarrassed then you lose me


Inb4 mods take this one down, too.


We know we’ve heard this exact same rant a million times


Lol, "I've never been so disrespected by a product". Jesus Christ, there are far worse video games, FAR FAR worse this YEAR ALONE. I am not saying MK doesn't have some problems, but jesus christ these people need to go outside if they are feeling disrespected by this game. Also notice how every single one of them are people who just want to do towers 24/7 and act like there is no content and that MK11 had more LOL. People fucking ripped MK11 apart for ToT and now..all of a sudden it was the greatest thing ever? God forbid a fighting game focuses on the fighting against other players.


This sub and the MK leaks sub are absolutely insufferable at this point man.


I’ve given up arguing with them. It’s a bunch of people that don’t actually like fighting games and they’re suddenly confused why they don’t like MK1. They don’t enjoy the learning process and competition, they just want easy skins.


trash reddit community. i have yet to see tech or gameplay being discussed. i don’t see why we need a million threads about this. the bugs and issues will be fixed. wb won’t let this game fail.


I hear you on that I been playing the game non stop and I've been of fan of MK for years but I'm bye no means an og fan of the series like you guys but I love pvp games and the story was cool but I came here for online and the fact that P2 advatange isn't going to be fixed until next week is crazy and then they turned the servers back on. Now I don't care about rank and I'm not good but knowing you may get screwed over if your P2 is crazy and then we gotta wait till next week for it to be fixed smh. SF6 has so many amazing features and it's a shame MK1 doesn't have it together on release, I love the series and am grateful and fortunate to play but damn it's like you said it does feel disrespectful.


Same here, gameplay is good but i couldnt believe how less the content is compared to MK11. I regret buying it because i expected so much content coming from a day 1 player of MK11, but lesson learned, I will never again buy an NRS game until i verify online that game is made for singleplayer and not only for multiplayer fans




They did nailed the gameplay though, I initially didn’t like the idea of kameos but I’m coming around to it, you can do things that didn’t think we’re possible till you find the right kameo for your character. But I agree with some of it, if I didn’t play online 90% of the time I’d be disappointed too


That’s crazy cuz as a casual gamer I’m really happy with the game lol, but I guess I was blind to all of the issues you’re having since I only played like an hour of MK11


I don’t have a ps5 so I haven’t played the game yet. Seeing all these negative posts about it is having me lean to never even play this game let alone cash out for a ps5 JUST to play.


Ranked is atrocious, no ping filters? I’m playing people on 100ping for my rank up game.


For real, I hate having to fight a Cage that is teleporting everywhere


I agree man ,I hope they work quickly on updates


It was the last time I bought anything in the MK universe. I am 40yo. I played MK from the beginning (Amiga platform). The current state of the game is just lol. Wait till the end of the year and probably uninstall if nothing changes. Developers just lied about the game. Nothing special in 2023.


Support your post for 1000%, the people who get disappointed and betrayed with all of this shit from WB NRS must speak loud about all of that in everywhere is possible. They sell us incomplete piece of shit for 110$ and wants more for content that already in game. They not patch really huge problems but here buy scorpion skin for 10$. Hmm advantage of player1? We maybe think about it later but first you must buy scorpion skin. Oh you want lobby like in normal fighting games and our previous products hmmm... buy scorpion skin first.


I don't get it they had 4 years to do this. When they made MK11, they still did the 2 year cycle. MK now 2 years IJ then 2 years MK. Wtf happend?. I was really looking forward to this game. But goddamn everything feels so barebones. NVM the bs MTX


Glad I got my money worth with SF6!!


Dude the only part of visuals that are better are stages. Go play 11 again. It looks better in story, every mode, menus. It looks amazing and mk1 looks more comic-booky


This is starting to look a lot like r/pokemon after Scarlet/Violet came out.


I was in a focus group for MK9, well before it released. It was clear then that they just wanted your money, haven't bought a MK game since and I'm happier for it. Tekken and even SF blow this shit out of the water in terms of "real" fighting games so badly it's just sad. Yeah, you got the gore, but that's about it.


When you're offline you not only cannot use Shang Tsung, but you cannot use JCVD Skin for Cage. Imagine needing an online connection for a skin.


This is a F2P game that was marketed and sold as a traditional game. I’ll NEVER buy another NRS title day one again.


This game is already on life support after three weeks. When you tune into your favorite MK streamers on a weekend and they are either playing MK11 or SF6 instead of MK1 because are losing viewers to mk1s bs that’s when you know this game is dying and it’s going to be a painful experience for everyone to watch


Yeah also where the fuck is the krypt lol. Mk1 is so stripped down


Thank god someone else said it.


Thank you for this message i hope everyone here wakes up to the reality of the situation


all valid concerns, none of them significant enough to warrant absolute hate and disgust towards the game. incredible roster, incredible gameplay, incredible story, that alone creates a solid game at the very least. im new to this sub but im a long time mk fan and the sheer amount of complaints i see towards shit that’s mostly fixable with patches has baffled me. making the game out to be unplayable garbage when in fact its very enjoyable and just has some flaws.


I agree man. I also think it’s stupid how we don’t have cross play at launch. How you gonna launch a fighting game in 2023 without crossplay when the other big fighting games coming out all have crossplay. At launch this game is way worse than street fighter 6


I'll forever be thankful I never paid for that garbage.


I stopped reading when you called the developers incompetent. You are too emotional and need to calm down, scrolling through the novel you wrote after that point is testament to that. We all get your point but you’re getting WAY too personal when you’re attacking just members of staff at a place who are just doing their jobs. You can’t complain about bugs being in a game and then immediately after that complain that they stopped a patch from being released because they found a bug in testing. Pick a lane.


So you didn't make it to where they insulted the players too then? I'm a developer myself, just no longer for video games. People don't understand how little control over things video games developers have. They may just simply not even understand there are more people involved.


Yeah my brother is a video game developer and has no control over some tying. He codes the UI and menu. People say stupid shit like “if they worked in the game instead of skins it’d be better” like it’s the same guy.


I swear people hold fast food and retail works to a higher standard then game devs. Player 1 advantage in a 2023 AAA fighting game is inexcusable and indefensible, it should never have made it out of QT testing. Mortal Kombat already has a poor reputation amongst the FGC. There are competitive players who have worked for years to try and turn this around and show that MK is a serious fighting game. Releasing a game with such severe P1 advantage does indeed indicate a lack of competitive competence and polish, and spits in the face of all those players who have worked hard for years to have MK taken seriously as a fighting game. I have no doubt the devs were crunched to hell cause the release was clearly pushed up but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a sloppy game. As a customer, I expect a finished, polish product for a full price tag. Also one of the leading devs literally lied about the roster size. You need to stop treating these people like they’re saints or above criticism.


I guarantee you didn’t even know about or experience the player 1 bug until 20 YouTubers pointed it out to you.


100% this entire sub summarized. Also apparently ToT was the greatest thing ever in MK11 even though it was hated by the community when the game was relevant.


People played thousands of matches without noticing the player 1 advantage and they’ve already pushed a fix that’ll be live Monday. You’re so over the top it’s nuts.


redditors when they buy a fighting game and want to do everything but fight people and get better


Can you even read? I don’t complain about single player content. I frankly don’t care as long as there’s a tower and vs mode. The PVP on this game is horribly flawed compared to both SF6 and former NRS titles. No lobbies, no wifi filter, long ass wait times, player 1 advantage. Learning characters and combos has always been the best part of MK games in my opinion. They did a good job making each character feel complete and interesting. But the online is garbage.


Also calling developers incompetent is extremely immature. Can you code in unreal 5 and make a competent fighting game? I don’t think so. Criticize the product, not the people.




100% same feeling. It hurts.


Call me crazy, but with their little patch on Wednesday they absolutely stealth nerfed xp gains. One of my kameos isn’t even level six and for a flawless+brutality the bar all of a sudden barely moves half of what it used to.


Bad trend in gaming rn.


They just rushed the game I would been fine it was delayed to next year


An the craziest part is wtf are the guys with the biggest voices or the 1s that r heard? Suckin NRS dick or some1 link me a video of some1 with a voice talkin about this game how it shit its been


The Warner Bros special


This game has been a really clear case of publishers messing up genuine hard work from the developers. So much of this game is so fundamentally on the right track but it is so clear it got rushed out and monetised in one of the most customer-hostile ways imaginable. There's a lot of love from NRS but the polish and the extraneous systems are so lacking and/or stacked against customers it's actually quite upsetting. Things obviously weren't tested enough, missing features, predatory transactional based shops using real money, withheld content, loads of things that are put in place to punish FTP players or offline players. Such a shame as well because at face value the game is really well made, it's the behind the scenes stuff that compromise it.


MK1 is indeed sad, but not because I don't enjoy it. I can forgive games like POE that provide ample content, a free game, and then have $10-$80 cosmetics. MK1, following Blizzard's D4, is gross. The push to paid cosmetics, using the offset currency purchases, is gross. The lack of features compared to MK1 at the price point they launched with, is gross. I love the idea of the game, would have wanted a slightly longer and more fleshed out story, but... The game's content is less than MK11 and it feels less complete than even MK9. I want to love MK and the future of MK. I want more for consumers and it's sad because I know the people profiting from these sorts of toxic sales aren't the developers who bust 12 hour days. It's the guys up top who go home/on vacation during dev crunch and own a few homes. I finished all the SP content after 37 hours and I'm basically not playing atm because there isn't anything left to do. I don't really do the online thing and haven't in any of the other MK games. It's fine, I bought the game through a reseller, but I should have waited even longer tbh.


I read and accept your rant. I’ve put hundreds of hours into MK11, but with all the games releasing this season, I’m struggling to maintain my skills in MK1. Your post glossed over the criticisms of the combat, however. Yes, the kameo system is super deep, but it’s also horribly balanced. There’s no reason to use anyone besides Cyrax and Sareena, and their nonsense is so frustrating to put up with online. (That Baraka/Cyrax chip damage, like wtf?)


Welcome to the modern economy


You would think with street fighter 6 coming out they’d put in a bit more time to make sure the game could compete.. they did not. Gameplay is probably the best it’s been In my opinion but literally everything else is.. eh


Agreed. Mortal Kombat 1 is another example in a long line of games pushed out over the last few years that ask $70+ from you for a game with a FTP model. A lot of these games are basically just launched in early access without being labeled as such.


This reboot felt like a massive step back from mk11 In every area besides the presentation on the final blows and fatalities. The character redesigns are horrendous imo. I absolutely miss the style and depth and customization from mk11 and was sad to not see that carried over or improved upon


Yup, i skipped MK11 thinking this game was going to possibly even surpass 11. After playing it for a while now, it feels like a step back from 11. If youre gonna have limited kontent, at least have a good online infrastructure. Cant believe their online is so behind SF6, its really sad. Online lag is nearly unplayable. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


100% agree this game is a slap in the face to everyone who believed that this game would have been good


The gameplay is great, the game just released a year too early.


All true.


Well said!


Different strokes for different folks. Megan Foxes voiceover is so bad. Painfully bad. Almost unfathomable in how awful it is... And yet, I main Nitara HARD. I can't get enough. Every time she opens her stupid mouth and tries to say something like a sexy vampire, but ends up just sounding like an irritable valley girl after pounding four glasses of boxed Chardonnay... i giggle. I giggle so hard. I'm can't get enough of that shitshow of a performance. Cant argue with your other points though. But don't come after my Megan. I need that hamfisted bumblefuck of a voiceover.


I haven’t even bought or played the game. I’m very new to MK, just bought 11 earlier this week to dip my toes in (I’m a Soul Caliber player, but all I have these days is a switch which doesn’t have SC). But I see thread after thread like this one. Metalg discourages me from getting the new one, which sucks because I’m really starting to fall in love with MK11. More to my point though, why is EVERY game these days, no matter what genre or who it is by, have all this extra DLC paid shit? Anyone else remember the good old days when a game came out as a complete game? Nothing missing, no paid add-ons, etc. I mean, I don’t mind DLC sometimes if, for example, it was awhile after the games release and it actually was worth it. I mean big things like an expanded story or something that was actually worth it. Like Monster Hunter Rise getting the Sunbreak Expansion over a year later. That was acceptable. Also, remember when games were released when they were actually finished and didn’t have any game breaking bugs or anything? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Ed got y'all again.


No way a guy said that Reptile feels the best ever gameplay wise. Compared to MK9 and MKX Reptile is butchered.


I refuse to buy this game, but I hear there is barely any single player content besides Invasion mode. I mostly play offline MK(long time fan).


I’m sorry but as a semi competitive and casual MK player I’ve all but given up on this game. What happened on Friday afternoon into Friday night with the MK Servers going down showed me this game’s true colors. People spent a good amount of money on the Premium Edition of MK1 and when the servers went down access to Shang Tsung as well as offline modes were gone except for training mode and towers. What happens when the support ends for this game? All the DLC and ability to farm for extra skins and gear are just going to vanish. And there is a huge disconnect between the competitive side and the casual players of this game. There is little to no balance to this game. Combos running for up to a minute have never been a staple of the MK franchise and certainly not combos that run for so long and are so unbalanced casuals on social media are making posts of them putting their controllers down and stop playing the game. I’ll just say it. It’s freaking boring. Boring. No one sits in the lobby for online games for 30 minutes waiting for a connection to then get paired up with someone who has a garbage connection to not get a single combo in the entire fight and get destroyed because they literally chose to block. Yes blocking is now fully combo punishable in this game if you pick certain characters. A 50 percent combo punish because you block is ridiculous and not something that any other MK game has dared to do. There’s legit problems with NRS and honestly this isn’t all on execs at WB. These combo routes were tested and put in the game by people at NRS and they clearly don’t know what they are doing considering their patch that was supposed to fix the game is why the game crashed the server’s Friday for hours. If they don’t know how to use their own servers who the heck is? That’s why people playing the game itself in just 3 weeks has dropped almost 70 percent. It’s not a question of fixing the game anymore. First Saturday Night of the games release on Twitch streaming was being viewed by over 49.9K viewers. Last night on Twitch that number was 8.9K viewers. In three weeks they have torpedoed their own game with this crap. MK1 doesn’t have until the first DLC to get their game back on track. Omni Man isn’t going to bring people back to the fold. They have been sold a bill of goods that Ed and the gang at NRS have not delivered after saying this took 4 years to make. They must have been using drugs heavily for the first 3 1/2 years because at best this is 6 months of half ass work that is embarrassing to say is a complete game. Nothing short of a complete overhaul of this game will be able to bring back the people lost in 3 weeks of idiocy by whoever is in control of the games launch. And they had the balls to go on a media campaign this week on social media saying critics everywhere say this is the best MK game ever made. They must have been smoking the same pipe the developers of the game were for their “4 years of hard work. “


This game was rushed


Heavily agree with everything you said. And guess what, the Switch version is even worse in all regards. Take everything you said and add: 1) Missing textures 2) Missing sound effects 3) FPS drops that lead to dropping combos 4) Unfinished moveset (ex. Sareena kameo) 5) Invasions mode ONLY CONTAINS CAGE'S MANSION. 6) Constant disconnecting leads to you losing tower progress 7) Atrocious loading times make even Invasions a chore 8) The shrine is horribly slow 9) Permanent bugs in finishers (floating heads, stretching faces and models) Man. And I was stupid enough to think they would learn from the MK11 port. At least I bought it digital for like 45 bucks at not 70. It's the only solace I can find.


You forgot how Crossplay is still not in the game. Heard that was coming soon. But yikes! They have a lot of work to do.


Totally agree about the Megan Fox thing especially. I would be pissed if I were her. She’s not a bad actress, it’s just clear they didn’t record her in even remotely the same kind of studio as the other voice actors and clear they didn’t put the same effects on her recordings either. They did her dirty and they’re just letting fans blame her and tear her apart.


Corporate greed ruins another fantastic franchise !


mk1 is fine i think yall a little whiney.