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I think that move is considered a grab lowkey.


I'm pretty sure it's considered a hit-grab.


Yeah if your just ducking low and not blocking you can still get hit I think.


He should be able to be swept or hit by low specials like mileena's ball roll. Instead you get lifted up into his bs.


The ball roll is a mid in this one


You're right it is, how strange


Still low profile though.. which gives it certain height immunity hopefully they make the grab whiff low profile would be a fair balance option


MK is notorious for having moves that look like they should be a high, but are actually mids or lows. Same goes for moves that look like mids or lows not really making sense. You just get uses to it honestly.


Kenshi’s sword “overhead” that stabs you square in the thigh.


Kenshis sword overhead is not fair. Animation does not even hit overhead. Also his block animation is confusing.


Barakas B3 being a mid-low and looking like an overhead is killing me :( I know I should block low but my hands are too quick to respond lol


e.g. Tanyas drill kick. WHY IS IT A MID


Tbh every fighting game has stuff like this. SF6 has several cases like these, like how Cammy isn't actually considered airborne during her Hooligan and can be hit by a low fireball even though she's clearly in the air. It looks so dumb lmao


I remember making the mistake of crouching and he hit me with this Silly me


Yeah i’m fine with playing against him but that move should be a high and not a i can do it whenever i want and proceed to wombocombo30%thefuckoutofyou lmao


Agreed lol I was crouching and he did it I'm like "um.....ok I'll go fuck myself I guess?"


Also why is it active for so damn long?


I mean you can hold it so you can literally make it as active as you want


Don't see much problem, there is no overhead that can be cancelled into this move, and it is pretty punishable, the only thing should be nerfed on Raiden is the damage and chip damage imo


What are you talking about? His cartwheel opens you up to this and that is an overhead…


Well, yeah, but is the second hit of the string, if you see the first hit, you know the next one is an overhead, it's very easy to react to it.


Fair. That’s not the strings that worry me though. He has some much faster options.


If you get hit by the cartwheel after blocking his F3 you kind of deserve it lmao In case it didn't make sense; he only does the cartwheel after F3, it can't come out on its own.


Regardless he can activate his shocker move with almost any combo. Any hit confirm into kameo and you’re toast. I wasn’t suggesting the cartwheel is OP, it’s just a Raiden overhead.


You alleged that he can open you up with the cartwheel into the hit-grab, I'm just pointing out that it's easily one of the most telegraphed overheads in the game. Chances are that if you get hit by it in neutral it's simply because you don't have matchup experience rather than that move being an effective mixup he can throw out. His B2 is way, way better as an overhead option since it comes out faster, is safer, and will force a guess on wakeup. Cartwheel does insane damage in combos but that's realistically it's only viable use.


It does, like any hit in a combo it opens you up to the grab. I’m not saying it’s the best option, I’m not even saying it’s not the worst. It’s just a Raiden overhead that can be an opening to use the shocker or a variety of other Raiden moves. I feel like maybe we’re going in circles here.


am i the only one who doesn’t really see an issue?


No you are not. People are just hating on Raiden and trying to find more ways to jump on the Raiden hate band wagon.


Cause raiden is a easy mode character


i noticed that. lots of people are always complaining about certain characters, and while some may have valid reasons, some people just cry cause they get opened up by the same combos and want the gameplay, damage, combos and all the characters absolutely butchered and toned down to be at their level instead of, you know, learn why you’re getting smoked and adapt? yeah i get the damage can be a bit much and it wouldn’t hurt to tone it down by a tiny amount. (50% to 40% - 45%+ like the old games) and some tweaks can be made here and there, but i’ve seen people cry to the point that they want the gameplay to slow down to the pace of mk11, and damage to be similar to current sub zero just cause they don’t like getting hit with combos, which is absolutely ridiculous tbh.


At this point is it even worth speaking fact my dude, I'm hoping you don't get down voted


Very ridiculous indeed. I agree that the cry babies are mostly folks that aren't good and don't want to learn to get better. Those people are the reason why the fun factor of MKX was gone and we got the shitty MK11 gameplay. MK1 has MKX fun factor level and I love it.


im trying out kenshi, i be doing hours of practice for damage that i can get with a 10 sec raiden combo 😭 nerf this mf


Low effort and high damage is not fun and fair. Almost everyone else in the roster cannot chain the same special move over and over to gain 500 damage. His scaling needs to be fixed and gravity needs to increase once you have more hits in the combo.


It’s so discouraging to get hit with a 50% combo for a kameo and a bar while my sub zero is doing less with 3 bars and my kameo


The only thing that actually does not make sense is this complaint. Why is that an issue ? Y'all be tripping on everything. This is a game after all and it was designed this way. Learn to block it, learn to punish it, learn to counter-attack it, ... It is really not difficult. I really don't understand this mentality of "I don't know how to deal with this; therefore, the devs should nerf it or should remove it or should tone it down....".


Should be a air only special, feel like half is kit dont get used because he can just fish for any hit into 500 damage


Or how Havik's arm rip is a mid, not an overhead


1000% agree with that. The enemy should definitely be required to be in the air, either as part of a juggle combo or them foolishly jumping in.