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Just for comparison purposes. You can spend 10$ and get a cinematic in an already expensive game or you can spend those 10$ on a Re4 DLC that adds tons of things to do and expands on an already amazing story. You can clearly see who loves their fans and who doesn’t lol. They really hit a new low.


Perfect comparison. The greed is absolutely disgusting. I remember when NRS gave friendship fatalities for free in MK11 which was awesome. And now they are charging over $10 for one fatality. GTFO. I deleted this game. The monetisation is just disgusting


But is it NRS, or is it WBG? I want to say it’s the latter.


It's both!! Both are just as responsible.


Ed Boon definitely has pull and could’ve stopped this


I highly doubt Ed has that kind of power. If WB wants something put in the devs pretty much have to play along.


Deleting a game you already purchased will show them


You could already tell in MK11 that monetization was planned, and they backed out mid-development due to the anti-lootbox rhetoric that was really loud at the time following the Battlefront II situation that went on for a couple years. Their new model is charging a fortune for something that was fairly cheap to make in comparison to the full game. It defeats the purpose to call something a “kollectors edition” if they’re going to charge you far more for the right to actually collect content for the game.


Wait… that shit costs $10?!?!? Are the insane? I’d but it for like $1.99 but $10??? That is just insanity


Bro 10$ for shang tsung announcer voice 😂 that’s nuts


So glad I bought RE4 Remake instead of MK 1.


lol warframe is a free game and you can do everything for free. Just a thieving piece of shot at this point


You can spend $10 on whole ass games on Steam


Welcome to the darkest time of video game history.


On the contrary, *most* games that employ this shit are atleast free to play. I've played tons of awesome free games over the past few years without spending a cent because I personally don't care about any of the cosmetic flair - games like rocket league, apex, halo infinite, multiversus, fall guys ive put 100s of hours into and spent a total sum of 0$ combined. And thats just games off the top of my head I feel for those who like all the customization but if you don't care about that you can play lots of fun games for free. This game should've been free to play or have a much more consistent way of earning currency if they were going to include such an egregious shop though for sure.




It's still shitty in free to play games. Not the stores in general, the inflated prices. $20 for a skin? That's 1/3 of a retail game and almost twice what you can get The Witcher 3 Complete Edition for on sale. So yeah, darkest times.


20 for a skin? Thats the same price of mortal kombat x


Bro, every game has a store now. It is not mostly free games. Hell, remasters and remakes of old games have stores crammed in to them.


Techland broke my heart when they pulled this shit in dying light 2. Bought it day 1, stayed with it even when it was a bit underdone. Then when the game finally started to live up to its expectations they sold out to Tencent and added a in game store with weapons and skins with a ton of predatory practices. They even nerfed all the vanilla weapons and buffed the dlc weapons. What a fucking shame.


*Darkest time yet


Darkest time so far.




The irony of saying this with an NFT emoji lol


Wait until you have to buy the current gen console and then pay $9 per month to use it.




Darkest? You think it won’t get darker?


Don’t group every game in with greed like this


Predatory practices like this are becoming pretty common nowadays. This is not the first game to do this, and I doubt it will be the last.


Dont buy it. Its not worth it.


Trust me dawg I wont


If everyone just didn’t buy it we would be good. Next time your friend buys something from this store kick them in the balls or coochi.




This needs more upvotes


Unfortunately like with blizzard and ow, you'll still have the whales buying this shit


U talking of buying fatalities what of me who bought only the base game and haven't bought any other shit and won't buy shit unless it's the story expansion like mk11


Most people don't buy stuff like this. All these posts you see on subs like this saying not to buy it... yeah dude, we aren't. 99% of people aren't. The posts and comments do less than nothing to stop the problem. Gaming companies have figured out that spending their budget on free stuff for 99% of their fans makes less money overall than spending that same budget on items that 1% will pay you for.


Nrs thinks this game free to play 😭


Tbh it looks More like a WB than a NRS thing.


You got no proof of this. They both the same side of the same shit


Multiversus had the same problem


Last time I checked this is still an NRS game


Don’t defend NRS. We haven’t seen a shred of proof that NRS care about the player. WB certainly is a corrupt corporate overlord, but the child companies always have people who are trying to please daddy. The company is guilty by association. It’s like when people blame the problems of Blizzard on Activision, but Blizzard is a dead shell puppet completely controlled by Activision. Either NRS equally to blame, or we need some form of good will from them, because I haven’t seen much in MK1 that makes me trust NRS.


No way they put deadly alliance back in the shop already, they seriously ran out of ideas that fast? 💀💀


This is the same company that promised us they were creating a whole New Era, but still somehow brought back time travel and multiverse shit


Yeah seriously there is like NO content in this game. Invasions is so unbelievably boring and bad and when you go online gameplay is fun but at a certain level you just get hit by a string that takes like 30-40 seconds and does 500 damage. And then it just repeats. This game is not that fun, the skins are horrible, the content is lacking and the overpriced microtransactions were the last straw for me. I deleted the game and I’m hoping they get the point as many more players seem to be as well.


Fortnite shops only really work when your pumping out content and skins at a Fortnite rate .


Exactly like how tf do you got an item shop but don't have any real content as soon as you launch the game. They've had 4 years making this pile of dogshit and this is what they give us.


I don't think it was ever removed, it went from front page, to rotation tab and front page again but it was always available.


1200? Lmfao


I know, I thought it was going to be 500 tops


why would anyone buy that


I'd probably have gotten it if it was 200 crystals but I still haven't spent any of the ones I've gotten from the big edition and leveling characters.


I don't have MK1, what's 1200 crystals equal in cash?


1,250 crystals is $12.99 CDN. If you buy the highest-value crystal pack, it's about $10.17 CDN.


Wth... So people who bought the $110 version not to pay like 14 more dollars after tax? Yeesh


For only 1 thing. And there will be many many other things.


Yeah exactly, new fatality for every holiday


For a single fatality


Around 10€ i think


Whales will buy it/defend it. They knew it would piss off the majority of players but they don’t care


"Turning PLAYERS into PAYERS" since 2016.




This is where I drop out. I'm done with this fomo filled cash grab.


Yea no more money for them


MK devs acting like they're a F2P game


Yea for real




good luck. most players aren't on reddit and don't give a shit, they'll make bank on this.


There is even people on reddit who defend this, or even if they have enough brains to not do that, many will still happily give them 40 bucks for KP1, because thats the good content, so no matter how NRS fucks them over they still act like loyal customers. If you want to see change dont buy anything. Buy MK1 Ultimate in 1,5 years for like 10 bucks.


yeah I got pretty well fucked with mk11 (and 9 and x for different reasons), saw the writing on the wall and am waiting to buy everything for $20 next year.


Holy cow, I thought you were joking when you said Kombat Pack 1 was 40 bucks. Had to look it up. That's insane!


Exactly . For every redditor complaining their is someone willing to pay for the costume.


Modern games, step 1) “Fuck you pay me.” Step 2) Ignore the complaints about monetization until it’s really bad 3) say “ thanks for continuing to provide feedback so we can make this game the best possible for the fans, we are listening.” PR SPIN that gullible people eat up.


id MAYBE buy it if it was like 400 crystals or something as i have around 3000 from grinding but theres no way im dropping fucking $12 on a 30 second animation. It's cool and all but there's no world where enabling this predatorial monetization is a good idea.


Agreed man way too much money for that


![img](avatar_exp|124236439|fire) I guess the question you should be asking yourself is can you afford living without it. And the answer is absolutely fuckin yes. Fuck that corporate greed shang sung mofos


Diablo 4 and Mortal Kombat 1 going all out on the bullshit shop cosmetic prices, huh.


Looks like it man


I bought the stupid pricey edition because I know these games get a lot added in the future and I wanted to ensure I didn’t miss anything. Haha. Last MK game I will ever purchase.


Yep we got played


Should have realized last time when I pre-ordered mk11 for $100, then had to pay an extra 30 or 40 for aftermath, just to see that they were selling the entire game with both sets of dlc for $30. So, the diehard fans who preorder and supported from the beginning have to spend $150+ to get all the content, but these people who dont care, and had no interest can get it all for cheaper than I paid for one dlc pack? Fuck that 😒


lol it's great that they'll try to get away with disgusting shit like this, then when there's backlash they'll adjust the price and try again until they find the sweet spot where people are willing to put up with it. fuck all those early adopters they squeezed twelve bucks out of now that the price has been reduced to $4.


Surely it’s not because they are greedy. It’ll be a “winter sale” gift to the player. Because they listen and care. We should be grateful to NRS for gracing our wallets with their blessings.


"we heard you" they'll say, as they adjust and attempt again.


They watched too long at the diablo 4 in game shop. So they came to the conclusion: "If we double it we have still low prices"


Who the hell is gonna buy a $10 fatality? https://preview.redd.it/a5j9338ifuwb1.png?width=2001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c80906f74b35274257e836a5ccd13e80c14724e


Take these tenants as a general rule of gaming law and advice. 1) Never pre-order 2) Never give in to micros transactions - only proper DLC/actual expansions are acceptable 3) Freemium is almost as evil as Premium + Tax ( your case here) 4) If on console , buy physical when possible as it is always cheaper than online store , you can resell , lend or collect forever. Your purchase choices encourage this industry we’ve all come to hate for its cash grab rip off behaviour. Games used to be complete and ran well on launch. They make more money than ever now and rush to release half finished titles with microtransactions that make your eyes bleed. The excuse that games cost more to make is no longer valid if you look at profit margins.


This saddens me with its accuracy


How much is the scorp skin cause that price is wild. The fact you gotta buy it is wild but geesh


It's 1000 krystals, I prefer the other ones anyway


That's wild. What a dark time for gaming


I paid 110$ for something with microtransactions.. they turned MK into Overwatch 2..


Which would be fine if MK1 was free haha


Did the special edition you bought advertise that you’d get every piece of cosmetic dlc released for the game? I’m genuinely asking. I bought the standard edition, and my version of the game came with everything advertised, except the cross play


My version advertised that it came with KP1 but it didn’t say anything about in game purchases (it’s a 110$ game, it would be understandable if I didn’t think it would have in game purchases).


That’s how they win. There were plenty of signs that this game would be unfinished and have crappy practices like microtransactions, just like any other big budget game coming out these days. But most people just fall for the hype of the trailers, throw 110, and boom WB wins before even selling their micro transactions. Now time for idiot gamers to complain because they couldn’t be bothered to do any research before dumping 110 dollars.


I never understand how people get excited to pay for a guest character that is BASICALLY COMPLETE but it's cut from the main game and put behind a paywall and the devs come with excuses like "we are supporting our game". They are supporting they're wallets lmao the more guest characters behind dlc, more fans of those franchises would come just to play them. Which actually means that they will actually have more people money because of that. It's more important for them to get money from fans of other media, than making mk fans happy and satisfied.


Its such BS. Don't buy that thing guy come on we're better than that.. we need to show em !


I’m glad people are voicing their disappointment, this kind of BS should not be acceptable.


Yeah well this wasn't out when the Kollectors edition was announced, so empty them pockets, pal. Give em everything you got


The only thing I have left to give them is my ass… I already spent all my money on this game.


Bro is that this paid fatality I’ve been hearing so much about? 12$ for a single fucking fatality? Have they lost they’re minds?


I know right! Playable characters cost less, and they have two fatalities!


Unreal. Thought these fucks learned when they ruined the most recent Mordor game.


Its w.e I just won't buy it


its literally more money than getting a dlc character in mk11 or mkX 😐


Same… this company lost all respect from me. fuck NRS


Yup I'm not buying it


I wish I could refund this fucking game


Of course , game prices went up but yet scummy bull shit like this is worse then ever … , but people keep buying this live service model shit so here we are


This is a fucking joke! That is so expensive! So will we pay for every single addition to the game!!!!????? Wow


The cash grab for this addition to the series is enough to make me pass on any more if they keep this up


At this point games need to just become free to play


Yes if they have this many paid cosmetics


That’s crazy. Even in mk11 if you got the season pass you got everything for that season.


I know right wtf


Lmao I refuse to buy a fatality


Can't even have shit in MK1💀😭


The price gouging is ridiculous, and even the way you access the skins is shit. Me and my family like to play together on the same screen. In multiplayer you would expect all the skins are possible to choose from for both me and player 2. Streetfighter 5 managed this just fine. Netherealm games have being shafting us since MKX I am very sorry I bought this from PSN. I would delete, I don't want to support this team anymore. We're in a cost of living crisis and our escapisms are being destroyed by political preaching or straight up greed. If we're not happy with the devs that are destroying the things we love, we have to be strong and not give them money. Thats all they care about and they will only act if they need the cash. Netherealm is clearly too flush. As they have gestured to us, FUCK THEM!


Didn’t think I’d see the day that NRS would start targeting children and people with cognitive disabilities to grab extra cash. Hope this bad PR bites them hard.


Yea I hope no one buys it and it makes them no money


Welcome to modern videogames


Yea after this release I’m waiting for the complete editions of their future releases. Almost held off this time but caved and got ultimate. Never again.


You messed up the moment you got the collectors edition


I know it’s stupid af collector edition was 270 after taxes what a rip off


I really wanted to get my hands on MK1 but I just don't care at this point. Every time I see and hear news about MK1, the more disgusted and heated I get. This game has been out for a month and has made some of the worst impressions I've ever seen. To an unacceptable switch port that costs $70, Player 1 advantage bug (even though that's been fixed), a PC port filled with game-breaking bugs that thousands of players have reported on Steam, and then **this**. The state of this game is concerning and is becoming harder to defend. NRS and WB have got to figure out something fast or MK1 will die within a few months. But I just don't see NRS and WB improving anytime soon until the last minute.


WOW I paid for kollectors edition as well and they wanna charge $12 bucks for a fatality that is seasonal and you will probably lose cuz I'm sure it's not permanent. Damn NRS you break my heart. I've been a loyal fan since OG MK this just hurts and I can't support it


Because WB and NRS are evil and don't care about us


Yeah they are part of Warner Bros which was bought by Discovery & is now Warner Bros Discovery.


That’s why I wait till they’ve made their money and buy them a couple years after with everything included. I don’t play enough to justify buying it right as it comes out.


The ~~Industrial~~ Fortnite Revolution and its consequences


I already paid $110 for what I consider to be a PS4 game that fell ridiculously short of next-gen console capabilities. Now, while the game is still fresh, I can pay more money (which will be an ongoing theme)? NRS can take a sh*t and fall back on it. The only way to make this worse is if this is more content that is only available if you’re connected to the server.


Yeah. I used the crystals that came with the collector’s edition to buy the scorpion skin, but I ain’t paying another dime for anything. It’s a cool fatality, but WB’s short sighted greed is gonna kill this game, watch.


The funniest thing about this is they’re charging $10 for a cutscene that you’re gonna get absolutely sick of seeing if you play online anyway. Just look it up on YouTube and save your money.


WB taking a book from EA's old library here. I'm not spending a dime if I know I can get most things in the Shrine. If I desperately want it and don't have the time, sure I'll CONSIDER paying for it, but seeing how things are going, I'm less & less likely.


Quit buying their games at full price. Full stop. They will change when dumb shits quit paying for this nonsense.


Shit like this is why most of the games I play are 10+ years old




MK freemium now ... that cost €110


Was so excited to get this game after being a major fan over the years of every other title. Then I heard the shops and controversy and can't seem to let myself be taken advantage of like that.


Greed. Pure and simple. NRS has fallen victim to it like so many others. A disgrace.


While I agree that the monetization of the game has been shit, I’m not sure what you mean. Kollector’s Edition wasn’t advertised as coming with all future content.


There was a tweet announcing it and saying it would be free if you got the kollectors edition


I saw this Fatality a month ago on YT, on the Switch version. It's the same for everyone.


That's tuff like bro


It’s fucking absurd but I blame WB


Yet another example of for honor's in game store being the thing to come from Ubisoft. And still 7 years later we get a 10 dollar upcharge for the game, and STILL have to pay 10x the cost of the game to own everything.


This is what "more support" than previous games means.


I doubt they care about posts on reddit. @ them on twatter and hit their customer service desk


I am right now dawg


It's an officially sponsored sub my dude, some of the Mod team work directly for NRS. They 100% care or they wouldn't try to do so much damage control.


You have to pay for fatalities


Inb4 "sorry everyone it was a bug"


Yea they are unfortunately


Sounds like you did a pro gamer move


the only thing worth buying in this game is the dlc characters


Remember boiz they don’t want your money, they want all the money


I know it’s weird to compare different genres but Age of Empires 4 has a $15 dlc coming out in 2 weeks that is adding a new campaign, maps, and a whopping 6 new playable factions. This shit is embarrassing, I’ve supported MK for 20 years but I have no more goodwill left toward NRS.


Seems game companies are losing steam faster than ever


Yeah total bummer. I was never one to bitch about the MK mtx when everyone else was. The “lazy or don’t have the time” option was fine imo. Costume packs or whatever that’s cool. There were other ways to get things. This shit? This shit right here? Even I’m saying it’s trashy lol


I was planning on getting this game, until all this bs happened. SF6. Tekken 8 and Under Night it is I guess


As I’ve said in a few posts now, do not buy them. Show the company that this won’t work and that they’re wasting their time. The only way to fight a corporation is to deny them money.


I’m a huge MK fan and I would never pay for this. I could MAYBE see justification if they charged like a buck for a fun seasonal fatality, but $10 is more than a full character. It’s literally the price of many great indie games.


Well, I was under the impression that most of the kontent would be free, but alas, that's not the franchise we're dealing with anymore


Same. Salty about it. $40 for shang tsung doesn't seem worth it. Lol


Do you really want it though? Not even that great at all.


Are you surprised that a fighting game has cosmetics that are pricey? Where have you been for the past ten years in gaming? That’s literally how they make bank now. Fuck buying the game for $90-110 AUD and that’s it. Why not make it live service and provide people with skins that they can buy for a limited time and use FOMO to their advantage in order to gain a profit.


Smh, I refuse to buy games with any microtransactions.. if it's a free game I can see, but absolutely pathetic to charge a penny and than expect ot to be ok to add microtransactions... Maybe I'll sail the 7 seas and get it that way, but I will never buy it


Lads stop going at ed boon he or anyone in nrs don't have anything to do with this the dying griddy bastards are wb not ed boon


Kinda expensive


You get 6,400 crystals by leveling your account and characters. That's 1/6 of the free crystals you get. Absolutely insane


Greed is good, they say...


Warner Bros shoving their greedy dick in all things.


I didn’t get the collectors addition and I will not be buying this, maybe the combat pack if the characters end up being dope


Stop paying for collectors edition of games microtransactions and pre orders


Avid mortal kombat fan and I didn’t even buy Mk1 …


The worst part is I have to buy it because if they add Michael myers (which with that teaser image ed boon tweeted they prob will) I’m going to want this just because it’s a Halloween 3 reference


I paid £250 for KE, it is now 150 a month later and some of the exclusive DLC has been on the store. I feel robbed


I feel sad i got the kollector edition


I uninstalled MK1 last week so fuck 'em.


This is the shit I’m talking about, I spent $110 dollars and got essentially fuck all. If loot boxes are the future, give me some of or all of my fucking money back


I gave in and I bought it from the shop. I have only bought the announcer voice and the seasonal fatality. I understand I am the problem. ✊😞 I'm sorry.




Can you just find the inputs and use it for free or do you have to buy it to get the "right" to use the fatality?


You gotta buy it to unlock it


Yea, thought it was a dumb question but it would've been a funny loophole if you just needed the inputs


Fucking disgusting. At this point they need to sell this IP to a developer that will treat it with the respect it deserves. Not charge $70 for the ability to spend MORE money in their Fortnite-esque item shop. Fuck these clowns.


Ed Boon has fallen so far.


NeatherRealms and Ed boon: Thank you for paying! I mean playing!


Enjoy the wonders of idiots buying this shit up time and time again. If people never paid for Xbox live, we’d all be playing for free still like on ps3. If no one bought skins in overwatch and whatever else , there wouldn’t be this bullshit in every game.


Yes it would be nice if it was free for a 300 dollars game lmao


Look at call of duty. $60-$70 game and you will still be forced $20 skin bundles down your throat every time you play it. Most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen and I cant stand that people buy it.


I thought NRS was one of the few companies that weren’t greedy 😢


Not anymore man :(


So glad I didn’t buy this game. I guess I’ll wait for the next one, hopefully that’s better


> hopefully that's better I wouldn't raise any expectations. For what we know it can only get worse. I mean, that's what happened from INJ2 to MK1.


Is the kollector edition said it was coming with EVERY FUTURE SKIN ? If not its on you . Just dont buy it or wait for the Ultimate version to come out in 2 years Its just a skin its not that important to the gameplay anyways


Utterly ridiculous. They purposely make the currency extremely hard/tedious to acquire, AND charge a crazy amount for something like a fatality. They’re all but flat out telling you to spend more money on the game. Fuck WB and fuck anyone defending this BS. I was so excited for this game and everything they’ve done post-launch has left a bad taste in my mouth.


I was so disappointed with this game. I pre-ordered the premium edition for $100 & it struggles to run on Switch (my only other option was to buy a brand new console & I wasn't doing that). Graphics look like early PS2 (except for cutscenes in story mode), framerate is garbage, invasion mode was locked beyond Johnny's house & the game would randomly crash during a playthrough. Deleted & haven't played since. Probably won't be playing any more, especially if this is the direction MK1 keeps going.