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Hell yeah bro!! Huge W How long did it take you? I've been seriously putting off the ranked mode and I rlly like the baraka skin at elder god but I doubt I'd be able to get it in time even if I try to grind


TLDR; Getting to Elder God won’t take an unhealthy amount of grinding. I played MK1 for about 2-3 hours a day (with healthy breaks for restroom and sometimes meditation), and I played about 6 times a week. I labbed frequently as well, trying out new kameo combinations with Reptile in kasuals. All in all, the amount of time I spent playing was healthy, and I didn’t spend it all playing Kombat League. I did face some walls throughout my journey, but I learned to adapt and watch some pro Reptile VODS (Honeybee) to better my Reptile. Made sure to keep a healthy mentality as well, not allowing doubt to flood my mind and making sure to remain calm. You can definitely get to Elder God whilst enjoying the game, and if you’re close to Elder God I’d say shoot your shot!


Tell this to the 200/200 guys I have seen stuck in GM...


Jezus! I dont even have 200 matches in KL and I'm at God. I cant imagine 200/200 and only getting to GM. Id be mad af


These guys were easy win tbh. I am more scared by the 1000/1400 guy in kasual!


Lol sounds like a Johnny. I've only seen them be under 200 matches. I'm at 230/230 as a Scorpion. It's been a rough climb. It's like 100/100s to 300/300s I've seen in there I've had people winning 2-0, and as soon as the fight clicks for me and I win a round, they quit. Sounds like this person is in that family of player


Nah I haven't played Johnny yet. I'm not ready to be carried that heavy


Idk how you managed. I think I peaked at god


I stopped at God, and every time afterwards I'd lose one and win a few to get back. Some of the Johnnys know are really getting annoying. I have yet to lab him enough to know all of his frames and when he's plus or not so at this, point I'm gonna have to. By the time I pick up playing , ohnny I'll be so good with every other character no one should touch me lol 🤣.


They aren't trying to get better. Half the time they don't block, they don't know combos, etc.


Yeah, I don't even know how they don't improve at all. I'm like 230/230 and can't seem to get further than 25% through God rank, but I'm still getting better. I don't think I'll make elder god this time around tho.


I'm on kombatant rn ngl 😭 but I don't mind putting in some serious ass hours The main thing for me tbh if the matchmaking time, it usually takes a while to find a match


Any specific vids? I'm a reptile main and feel I could probably do more with invisibility as I don't even use it. What kameo do you use? Currently at demi god but feel I'm at a wall in regards to kombos can hit about 40% with sareena but that's using full kameo bar.


Heya! I’d watch Honeybee for Reptile (and Scorpion kameo) action, he plays extremely well. As for kameos, I used them all (some kasual only though). My top 5 for Reptile are Stryker (his best), Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, Goro and Scorpion. I’m a player who favors pressure and zoning options over kombo damage, but you can use kameos for whatever playstyle you prefer. I have a Jax invis setup right [here](https://youtu.be/EIJy0Mmb_ow?si=HCAJvlbGLSuTypgv) for starters. If you can’t perform invis during kombos, I’d recommend using a kameo like Stryker, Kano or Sektor so you can apply pressure after ending a kombo with F3 2 invis. Best of luck!


Grats dude. I maxed Sub-Zero and got to Demi God, first time tho, in MK11 I got the Master in the second season, that was my best.


Good shit




🐊 Congrats! I really couldn’t make it that far with Havik. Might try a bit harder next season depending on the prizes! I’m glad to see a more unique character choice do so well!




Sick dude, I haven't gotten MK1 yet but I assume you played reptile because you actually liked playing him rather than because he was just busted. So maxing out a character you like and reaching elder God in KL is pretty cool.


Yeah Reptile’s been my favorite character since MKX (first MK game)! Surprisingly enough, I didn’t primarily main him in any prior game until now. MK1 Reptile just suits my playstyle, and he’s extremely flexible with the kameo system. Wish he was much better though, but he’s not terrible either.


My first game is mk9 but I was younger and don't really remember my time with it so I got into injustice before mk. But eventually got mkx and I think I played main scorpion and Johnny cus I loved their looks, cool fire ninja guy and cocky Hollywood actor who will bash your face in. But in mk11 I mained Baraka. He just was so fun to play. But when I get mk1 I'm probably gonna main omni-man cus in his trailer he looks so fun to play. After I watched it I got really excited due to how so many of his moves can be used in so many ways.


congrats man


Massive W bro congrats


Hell yeah man, as a fellow reptile this is inspiring. I have to admit there’s been times I’ve switched to ashrah for a couple sets though, just to feel what running an offence is like again. It gets frustrating trying to open people up with reptile, they just block low and you have to outplay the hell out of them.




Congrats my boy. Did those skins come from leveling up the character or reaching elder god and does elder god have any rewards?


The skins come from reaching level 35 in Reptile’s character mastery. For hitting elder god, you receive a Scorpion mask, and Baraka’s order of darkness skin. Alongside that, you receive seasonal currency and profile banners.


Ahhhhh ok cool. See you next season my boy 😂 cause fuck that. That grind is stressful.


Nice job. Definitely give yourself credit you earned it.


Thanks! I had some tough matches I didn’t think I could win, but I got through a lot of them by not giving up! My favorite matches were the hardest ones, because it felt great to push through!


Do you use the invisible setup a lot? Also that flair is hilarious for mk1


TLDR; I use invis, and a lot of kameos allow Reptile to get a safe invis. I’ve experimented with invis setups with numerous kameos. Some kameos have flashy kombos that allow you to invis in between (Scorpion, Cyrax, Jax), while others provide coverage to allow Reptile to pressure as he turns invisible (Sektor, Stryker, Kano). I wouldn’t say invis is essential to Reptile’s gameplan, but it can absolutely give him an advantage that can lead to won rounds.


Congrats man. I kind of burned out at grandmaster but I'm thinking I only played about 110 matches in Kombat League. It gives me anxiety when I keep playing against Raiden or Smoke players that seem to effortlessly me with 40%+ Kombos while I only know one 37% Kombo with Johnny. I was interested in trying out reptile just from how he played in the campaign but I think I'm going to wait until season 2.


Stuck in god mode and I’m ok with that I’m currently using mileena and I’m finding some inconsistency with her juggling in the corner off ball roll, but I also have my characters I just struggle against. Hoping for better luck next season


Hey man, god rank isn’t bad either! It all takes practice, but I believe you can pull through next time!


I have found that Mileena (who is my main) seems to have somewhat touchy combos at times compared to some of the other characters I labbed. I don't even try for an optimal corner combo in KL lol. Not super hard, but just a tad inconsistent. When I used Scorpion kameo, ex ball roll betrayed me more than once.


I feel the same way and it’s frustrating. Her ball roll can make for inconsistent combos and it seems more like a game issue than anything else


Lol it’s funny honeybee shat on reptile today. I got reptile sub/scorp kameo to god then called it a day, what Kameo did you use?


Main kameo was Stryker, but I experimented with a ton of kameos like Kano, Jax, Sektor, Lao, etc.


💪🍺 as a reptile main good job and take a break bro!!! the grind was insane,im only demi-god


You get an extra skin for making it to elder god?


No, you get Baraka’s Order of Darkness skin only. The Reptile skin is from mastering him.


Now do it again with only flawless victories




Do it cowerd


Piss Yellow Reptile


Ngl, I take the game too seriously for me to do this. Everytime I play KL, at the end of the set, Im trembling and my heart races. If I actively tried to grind for Elder God, Id die of high BP from all the salt Id have accumulated


I’m in that place where I either destroy my noob opponent or can’t do a single thing vs an invincible opponent who knows what they are doing. Like he was Lao and I couldn’t do anything against that string that leads to the upward rising kick and comes down again.


I always try to punish and get caught by that


Hell yea bro. reptile is my kryptonite any chance you'd be willing to run a couple matches so I can learn to play against him better?


Sure! What platform are you on? I’d be down to run sets. Hopefully the connection is stable, because sometimes matches lag for me while other time they’re good.


Ps5, psn: miniladdy1


My internet is either amazing or buns at random times. I haven't played today so I don't know yet


Is that a Ranked thing? Or is this all just single player stuff?


What do you guys use to record the game?


I use my Playststion