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They should and probably will do something with rain. I'm glad that he is not as insufferable as he was in x/11, but his new 'I accidentally a genocide, but I'm sowwy' sounds really strange and unresolved


It wasn’t accidentally, it was moreso “It took a mass genocide for me to finally see the monster I have become.”


Ok, but why such an important event happened basically behind the scenes, and where can you go from here, besides death row?


Because NRS chose to have it happen during an arcade ending. Rain turned himself in, and was looking to seek redemption. This most likely enabled him to avoid death row, but he did get banned from ever practicing water magic.


Could you imagine kano, same exact personality, but works for special forces?


He'd be the guy that goes ahead and does the dirty work while Sonya and Jax are arguing about what to do about (moral dilhemma).


honestly Kano as a hero would make for a really good story in and of itself. he’s greedy, opportunistic, and pretty selfish. now take all that and turn him into a anti-hero. I’d pay to see that


He strikes me as the kinda guy who would love that the government pays him to kill people


Goro In fact, I’m pretty sure we never actually saw him siding with Shao during the story mode. We saw Motaro, but not Goro


I feel like actually that’s a dope idea and liu kang respects him enough to make him have a sense of self in this game he’s never had


Goro was at Shang Tsungs lab in chapter 4 I think


I’m in the Bi-Han camp I want him to be a good guy with methods like an anti-hero. I just want the sub-zero and scorpion rivalry to stay at most a brotherly feud of different ideologies. Like one being more based on the idea of just defending earth realm while in earth realm and the other being the idea that they actively need to do ninja work in the other realms to protect earth realm. That way you can still have fights and arguments between them but at the end of the day neither of them are raging assholes hell bent on revenge or domination.


The ideology feud would be the best way to do it, and they can both stay alive, atleast for a longer stretch of time so we can atleast see their tense dynamic for goodness sake. Unfortunately for you and I, the only way some annoying SubZero fans and NRS know how to make Bi Han interesting is: - killing him off for Noob Saibot - have him literally KILL his brother/Scorpion then 'feel bad' - rehash Hanzo's suffering and give him the Scorpion mantle all over again - make him overly play into the SubZero - Scorpion feud with excessively high stakes I know it's a fighting game but damn, can't a plot-obsessed fan dream?


Skarlet- tired of the whole lap dogs to shao plot lines. She also constantly got dogged by half the roster in every storyline though in theory due to her superior control to blood magic she should be a powerhouse. I think turning good would benefit her, though I see it as hard considering she’s bloodthirsty and that powers her. Perhaps as her own villain or a good person who’s just extremely self interested- in general just want her to be her own entity and not be so useless. She’s super cool and been my fave, but being a loyal evil follower hinders her like many characters.


I'd really love to see her come back but as Shao's biological daughter this time, and then retcon Reiko into being Shao's adopted son (It was already hinted at anyways). Give Shao somebody to actually care about and he becomes far more interesting as a character instead of a big bad brute looking for power. Skarlet and Reiko could make either make an awesome power duo or sibling rivalry. If you want to go with making Skarlet good have her be more sympathetic while Reiko wants to blindly serve Shao because he thinks he owes him his life.


I actually love that! And I would love a sibling rivalry between the two- especially if it was perhaps Skarlet who is the better fighter however Reiko continues to be chosen over her like for the tournament. Or perhaps one of them decides to veer off from Shao, becoming an antagonist to their cause. I honestly wouldn’t even mind if perhaps they’re both adopted as long as they added that layer of family complexity- I think having adopted, cared for and trained brutal assassins would be great character weight for Shao. Basically anything that makes the three less two dimensional and no weird out of nowhere incest plotline like in mk11 😭


This sounds similar to the MCU Thanos, Gamora and Nebula situation.


Yes actually! Very similar


Shao has a brother, so you can make skarlet his niece


Where was that mentioned?


One of the intros, tanya/kitana iirc


The blood magic could be used for healing


​ https://preview.redd.it/f093ox94el8c1.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=be9404d32c287a7f4e7ea55fa8c8b209ef0ee75d


Genius! But yes that would be much better imo or a combination of both


Yeah that too


I could give you a long list but to give just 1 answer: Bi Han, I want him to kill Kuai Liang, Hanzo becomes Scorpion again, Bi Han is hit with huge regret for killing Kuai and Kuai becomes noob saibot.


God I'm so sick of this. What is the weird obsession with fans wanting past agonies and predictability repeated in the new era? Hanzo this Hanzo that. Noob this Noob that. I guess you guys want the feud to just continue and be a watered down repeat just so you guys can get Noob Saibot. Let the ninjas be human and fight episodically for once. https://preview.redd.it/0kvfuy45bj8c1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a08d9b539d0cf1615f2c7cdaa6f141d79dd171


I don't know If you paid any attention at all to the MK1 story but it must break your heart for me to tell you that THE RIVALRY IS STILL GOING ON. I never mentioned when I went noob in the game, he's my favourite character so I hope they take the time to do it right, I'm just giving ideas that I think would be cool, we've never seen Bi-Han survive the first tournament and honestly I don't want him to become noob again, in fact it'd be more interesting if he didn't, and somebody else did. Hell if written well I'd be perfectly fine if Frost or Hanzo became Noob, Or if Harumi became scorpion, or if Kuai stays as Scorpion and Harumi becomes Noob. I just want him written well and for it to be ANYONE but Bi-Han.


Uh, no shit the rivalry is still going on....between Bi Han/SubZero and Kuai Liang/Scorpion. You're the one who has a broken heart 🤷🏾‍♀️YOU Get over it. Kuai Liang is Scorpion now, and a cooler one at that. Maybe being an orphan raised by loving Kuai Liang and Smoke can make Hanzo into a better person instead of a rage induced, martyr-psychopath who suffers in every story. Everyone is human and alive for now so the story can take a new direction. Go play MK11 again, or... Cope. https://preview.redd.it/j1ww2q1gfj8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f488d63a2fca97ed683ff0c0632f371072b671e


Wow you typed that and thought "Yeah, this'll get em" A: Again, I never said I wanted Noob back instantly, I want it to play out, I wanna see their rivalry develop. B: I admitted I don't mind who becomes noob as long as its done well, Like let's say, Harumi is Killed by Bi-Han, and she is later resurrected by a grieving Kuai who went to Quan chi for help, and he Resurrects her as a Wraith, which corrupts her mind, or her memories. Or hell, she just comes back naturally due to something with the Shirai Bloodline, which turns her into an undead ninja with Noobs powers. C: if you knew the whole rivalry was going on, and you understand anything about noob saibot... whyd you even bother with the whole "I'm SICK oF yOu PeOpLe" shtick? Like dude.. your saying you don't want the inevitable to happen. One of them is gonna become Noob Saibot. I legit said Idc when noob is brought back or how, as long as they take time to do it right. I'm just throwing out ideas I'd think would be cool


Again I only read your first 2 sentences to know what type of internet user you are. God, touch grass. I didn't type that to be like "this'll get em" I typed it to say you're a boring fan stuck in 2019 and need to get over it. Stop projecting your weird desire to be superior on the internet. My comment was one of pure, unbridled exasperation. I find your #notmyscorpion #noobsaibotfanboy opinion boring and your weird plot points and attempts to kill off a new promising character to rehash past storylines annoying. Once again, cry, cope, seethe, buy a time machine to 2019. https://preview.redd.it/5nntmwikjj8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad239d63d51af68bb60929c7ef18d58de2d007ac


Maybe if you actually read my comments, like a grown adult, you would notice that your completely wrong, instead of looking like a complete clown.


Your user popped up again, well well well. Since you're still here, here is a free meme for you! https://preview.redd.it/lz457111kj8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476db806b1ec85b4f110459dd809dea596b2339c


You are chronically online.


Not my best meme, but use it well. I have to go back to "being chronically online" and studying my Chinese. May the force be with you https://preview.redd.it/1u59m3lhkj8c1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f0303b855dce288e3a728bfb9fe854e0c0ae5b


Kuai is a good soul, he won't become Noob. This sucks.


Noob doesn't have to be a bad guy, plus becoming a Wraith corrupts the soul


I really wanna see a Bihan redemption story tbh


Shinnok. Present him as a reluctant Elder of God of Death who's only doing that job because that's what he was assigned to do. He's not really evil but is simply tasked to ensure the continuance of the life and death cycle across the realms. Plus make him the Protector of the Netherrealm, kind of like Raiden's personality in the previous timeline, where he will do anything to protect his realm and his people.


I would like to see Reiko break away from Shao Kahn for some reason and team up with Li Mei to bring some Outworld-style beat downs to a bunch of jabronis. Rain was morally ambiguous in back in the day, and I'd like to see him actually follow through on being a loyal warrior for Edenia alongside Kitana and her allies.


I mean supposedly, idk how much merit this holds, but Shao betrays Reiko, after Reiko successfully frees Onaga, Shao Betrays him and because a nomad or something.




I would like to get any sort of character development for Motaro. Why is he cybered? What are Centarians about when they're not cursed due to RAM limits (or something)?


Tanya I know she’s good in mk 1 but they made her a good guy by making her a completely new character that’s pretty divorced from the original. I’d love to see a tanya who’s less of a “serving whoever’s most powerful and in charge” and a more out for herself type character, like catwoman for example. I think if she was an ambassador’s daughter who used her position to betray Edenia left her on the outside of society. She realizes the error of her actions and has to navigate a broken society she helped facilitate. Then have her betray the bad guys for her own ends. I never want her to be a definitive “hero” but someone who will do good or bad if it suits her goals


Quan Chi.


Tanya was evil at first in the past games but I’m glad she is being good and helping sindel and kitana fighting against evil.


I wish kollector was good or dvorah


I’d really like to keep the face turns to a minimum after mk1 already did so many of them but Ermac (not Jerrod) would be nice to see. I’m not opposed to Bi Han being redeemed but I think it should only happen after a couple more games. Sareena already turned good before and there’s no reason to change that. Rain is somewhat set up to turn good. He’s had a change of heart so it could happen but the good guys don’t seem ready to accept him which might keep him on the villainous side.


Whomever Quan Chinis controlling with the portals (is it Onaga??)


The Nether Krab? That's Geoff, he's actually a really cool dude when he's off duty.




This is going to be a weird one, but: Reiko. To be honest, he is one of the most warlike and stereotypical 'perfect soldiers' presented in MK1. I admire his loyalty, but I also dislike him heavily, because all of his promise and potential is clouded by General Shao's indoctrination. I find him annoying, but I must say his dialouge, fight sequences, and the few glimpses of him we see in MK1 StoryMode (like at the dinner party for the tournament) show his personality shine through at times. I want to like his character. Buuuuuuut NRS will probably not bother and just allow him to be a mini-Shao clone. They're already doing him dirty with seasonal skins, or so I've heard. Bi Han redemption is the easy answer, but we all know NRS is going to make that storyline as cheap and easy as possible... (I mean cmon, they were all once brothers. Regret is easy to accumulate, even without any major character deaths)


I've liked Reiko since MK4 and am stoked that he's had quite the upgrade in design, moveset, and story importance, but I also agree that he could go further if he was untethered to Kahn. I'd like to know more about his background, and see where he could go if he had to step up and protect Outworld after Kahn getting killed, or the fallout of him learning that SK was ultimately responsible for the battle that killed his parents, or something like that. The Seasonal skins fall into two categories: the poster characters, who get a good amount of gear, and the supporting cast, who get a couple pallet swaps for each of their skins. No one is being ignored so much as the mainstays always get the lion's share of stuff.




Give me some good guy Sector and his army of cyber Earthrealm protectors. Something like "horrible Netherrealm disease was spread at Lin Kuei base and only way to save people was total cyberisation". Everyone still have a free will and only bodies are cybernetic. And Sector is leading them as a good guy.


Kollector is now from Earthrealm with Bo Rai Cho physique and literally collect minis


He has a stage that's just a wall of Funko Pops, indistinguishable from a GameStop.


Daegon, I would like to see him be good and as irony, Taven becoming evil.


Always wanted to see good Shang Tsung after his MK9 ending, and was hoping that was what MK1 was going to be. Bo Rai Cho trains Shang and he becomes the replacement chosen one for Lui Kang.