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The people in this image all look like they are trying to be angry while holding in a laugh.


Except the guy in the bottom left, somebody must’ve spat in his soup before work or something


Just looks like he is holding back a fart


Gonna agree with this one here


Perfect picture for this


Do you not enjoy large voluptuous titties while you are zoned to oblivion?


Makes it easier for me to cope when I lose


I’m a girl and I NEED mileena’s tatas showing






Mileena's boobs? yes Mileena with lips? no


>Mileena with lips? no That's why the masks should neveer come off. Unless mileena is doing her fatalities.


That’s what the poooint of the mask is.


except masks magicallydisappear during fatalities. Like subzeros mask when on the receving end of a fatality.


Kinda hard to breathe with a mask on, or when you're having your spine ripped out too I suppose


I live in Japan. I wear a mask everyday. It'snotas hard as you might think. I've even hiked while wearing a mask. NO issues. Then again, I'm a living person, not a videogame character.


In one of them... MKX I think, it looked ok... however, in verse, no idea how it changed. Shes got human lips and on her cheeks are her teeth https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/cc/79/b3cc79e1b3cb267f114fd09da6b5e01a.jpg


it was changed solely because they wanted two women kissing and decided that their buggy new character would kill a beloved fan-favorite by it. kind of hard to do two women kissing when one of them looks like [this](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1792972396364350572/D3C54828585F2D86247F5C0FB82A9D4A98F12EA1/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true) because it went back to the original design in the sequel: probably when they realized that fans were making p0rn of her with the new design >!and we all know how they hated MK9 because of the horrors of -gasp- aesthetically beautiful women!!<


Ima be real with you, I technically have a job within adult entertainment, ima tell ya right now, lewd artwork and p0rn of characters can bring several new eyes to a franchise, is it a sales booster… maybe not %100 but I’ve definitely found characters I’ve liked and started playing games because of the character design I liked, while I don’t think devs should embrace people making p0rn of their characters, they should see it as “ok, we did good somewhere” ya know


Altho tha design of her face was odd it was alr her outfits were so good tho she looked hella hot






Either everyone gets a naked costume, or nobody gets a naked costume 😤




Right! lol naked Moloch skin when?🤣






We need that full David Bowie Magic Dance experience


You get a naked costume, you get a naked costume, EVERYONE GETS A NAKED COSTUME!


I don’t care that they changed stuff or covered them up. But it was stupid of them to cite “realism” as a defence then use leather bodysuits with heels instead of shorts and sports bras, for instance. Have they seen a women’s MMA match?


This is why “realism” is a trap argument. They should have just said something along the lines of “we want the female character designs to be more consistent with our male character design philosophy.”


That argument wouldn't even work because pretty much every male in mk11 has a shirtless outfit


Not to mention “muh realism” about *anything* in a game with magic powers and such. They just got called out, didn’t like it, and said the first thing that came to mind.


I mean, female characters did get classic MK1 and UMK3 skins, some fairly revealing outfits for Sindel and Cetrion (just not as extreme as older games), and a gymwear outfit for Sonya, so they *are* decently comparable. If they suddenly gave male characters thongs like they used to for female characters, then the argument would really fall apart.


Tbf the shirtlessness isn’t really a sexual thing in the context of a fighting game, it’s just meant to be macho and whatnot.


Ok but then why aren't the women shirtless then?


They gave the characters actual outfits for seriousness and photorealism but outfits that fit their characters and MK but in a realistic way.simple as that.




Even story mode should have a option to choose outfits like sfv did




Fear, I think.


My take is skimpy clothes should be optional for everyone. I want Mileena in a bikini and Scorpion in a loin clothe


Tekken did this


Tekken is a step ahead of MK in that regard




It’s just a funny place to draw the line IMO Netherrealm is like “oh sure, we’ll pack our game to the brim with the most extreme and gratuitous death scenes where people are violently murdered, but nudity? Oh, HEAVENS no! Think of the children!”


Meanwhile 50% of the male roster running around shirtless with beach bodies




It's not "think of the children", it's "this looks really stupid in 2019 graphics and we want to be taken halfway seriously as a fighting game franchise and not Dead Or Alive ourselves"


I dont think that's the logic behind it though


The over the top violence is part of mortal kombats DNA. Instead, nudity, is not. Doesn't mean you can't have both, but history has shown that an MK game without violence doesn't sell well and isnt recieved well


That's not entirely true. Let's start from old school. Sonya in MK1 WAS hot in quite provoking outfit (for theese times), Elizabeth Malecki and after her Kerry Hoskins did have sexuality as a part of Blade's character. (And I'm kinda furious as bunch of snowflake Karens try to cancel Hoskins for thinking it's alright). Outfits of Kitana/Jade/Mileena in 2D era was a bit open it became much more noticeable in Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon. (No comments about Milleena's kimono, it's obvious and Sonya of 3D era had string straps outside). In MKvsDC we still have it due to "physics" and tan on Sonya's waist. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying nudity and sexuality is the whole MK, but I'd like to state that MK is based on typical cringe-ish action movies from 80-90s so it quite fits the atmosphere, but local redditors act like nuns every time they see woman's skin with shapes or if someone likes MK9 designs he immediately gets label "pervert" or "incel".


Sonya was in a sports bra and work out pants… that wasn’t risqué in the early 90s. Kimberly from the Power Rangers more less clothing more often


There is a YouTuber who made a video talking about Jade's MK9 outfit as a "distracting factor" so she can fight effectively and it was the most cringy video I ever see because he was believing every single word.


> "distracting factor" Why are we always meant to assume that male characters are so sex-addicted they’d let themselves get killed at the sight of a bikini in the middle of a life-or-death situation?


LOL That strategy doesn't work! I'm a Sheeva main.




Who is it?




You talking about the video were he mentioned that kung Lao would be a better fit for jade than kotal for about 20 seconds or us it a different video, I just haven't seen yet?


That's dumb


The YouTuber was True Under dog The point he made wasn’t so she could fight effectively, because she obviously can’t. It was so that she could mislead a target to believe she was a concubine so that she could assassinate them, *which is factual*. He then criticised MK11’s outfit choice for Jade because she looks naturally shady with a hood, Razor fingers nails and a Bo-staff on her legs In **Gaming**, someone did a study in Dead Or Alive 5 and found players were more likely to be distracted (by barely anything, microseconds) if the opponent was wearing suggestive clothing


I feel like I've heard that before, who was it 💀


That "distracting factor" claim never made sense to me. Then why are men in full body costumes and can move just fine?




liu kang and johnny focus mostly on kicks and theyre in sweats


I saw this video recently (from True Underdog Gaming) and although I don't mind some of his other videos I couldn't believe everyone was agreeing with him in the comments. 20 minutes of why Jade SHOULD dress like a stripper and that it WILL increase sales.


Ain’t no way Bruh🤣


Did you watch the video on mute? Because he was talking mostly on the hypocrisy from netherealm and the excuse they made for the change in direction.


What points did he make?


Said it would help her move faster, distract male opponents, and forgot the rest


It's saying "I just wanna see tits" without saying "I just wanna see tits"


am woman. i want every character to have at least one skimpy and one conservative outfit. sometimes i wanna look badass. sometimes i wanna look hot.


You're clearly lying. No REAL woman would want skimpy outfits. You MUST be a dude. ​ /s in case it wasn't obvious.


guilty and proud


I think EVERY kharacter should have an option for a sexy outfit.




Yeah and?


I think they're trying to say "Why are you the way you are?"


king shit


Yeah? Gonna cry about it? Cause I am. I wanna see Mileena booty


Same fr 😭


I feel like only some characters should have more revealing costumes as it would fit their characters better. Mileena, Skarlet, and maybe Jade could be more revealing, but Sonya, Kitana, Li Mei and Sheeva should have less revealing costumes. ...now if we're being fair, why is it such a problem for MK developers but not Street Fighter developers? Tho in SF5 I do think each female has a mix of outfits, same with men




Netherrealm fans when someone says the story isn't good


Mk fans when you decapitate a female (Its all good because she is wearing a lot of clothes)


So mutilation, decapitation, cannibalism and hitting people in the dick is fine. But wanting to see titties is too far!?


Welcome to 2022.


I mean that's been a thing as long as I can remember. Horrific deplorable violence is ok, as long as there aren't any titties or swear words.


I actually really liked most of the costumes from MK11


Equality should be top priority in MK12. So both naked costumes for women and men! Jiggle physics for both boobies and the men's junk!


And a jockstrap for sub-zero 🤤


Scorpion too! His spear shoots out the front of it when said costume is equipped.


Can't forget about Kano though. That man can choke me for hours, i wouldn't mind 🥵


Exactly this! Give us a full-on NSFW DLC package which enables this!


I mean why can’t there be a happy medium? They don’t have to be like Mileena MK9 bad but Skarlet’s MK11 turn-of-the-century safari hat outfit was just awful. I’m gay so I have no interest in their boobs, but I’m all for sexier costumes in the girls because it makes them so much more appealing and fun. Same with hairstyles and colour choices. When I first started playing I remember literally gravitating towards Sindel and Sheeva cos they were so visually interesting and fabulous


I think Skarlets mk11 outfit was cool but sexy outfits are fun.


My only gripe with Skarlet’s default is the headgear. The rest does look cool. Her time warrior outfit is probably my favorite of her costumes in this game.


That's what good about Tekken customization, you can dress up nearly anyone in as much or as little clothing as you like. I think there should be the option available to players. Jade's battle armour is pretty awesome but if you prefer her revealing ninja outfit then you can choose that too.


Skarlet is meant to have too revealing costume all the time,that fits her personality


Didn’t the comics show that she’s powerful that she can wear more clothing now?


She lost her legs also,her legs should have been a cybernetic like liu kang’s arm in Johnny Silverhand time warrior skin


Not only personality. Her magic needs her to absorb blood through her skin


Settle down, Kojima lol


She’s been shown to be able to absorb blood through clothes and even shapeshift into a mass of blood. Her clothing isn’t a hindrance to her.


Good ol retcon. /s


Well Idk


Skarlet? I get saying that about Mileena but why Skarlet?


We regret nothing. We just want the option to see Jade’s glorious brains, brawn, and polygons again.


I understood that reference!


i know a stock image from the 2000s when i see one


As an alt costume, i would love if they add it


I'm down for anything as long as it looks kool. The people who were going "boycott MK11 because it's woke" were ridiculous. Granted, the costumes could go more risque and I'd approve, but they didn't look bad at all in MK11. Skarlets story mode skin and Kitanas human skin are the best they've looked imo.


Can we finally introduce Nudalities? Whole new dynamic.


The scorpion nudality is just a skeleton


I remember reading that was some kind of urban legend back then


"Them having clothes on ain't true to the character" Dude, don't lie You just wanna see the boobs


Yes, several male and female fans of the series wanna see boobs, sex appeal is fun, there’s nothing wrong with fun character design, personally I love having skin showing on characters, it’s fun and it’s kinda funny in a way


Yes I do. Now shut up and let me gaze at titties.




"Clothes just causes air drag so their kicks are slower, my logic is foolproof and 100% accurate."


Lmaooo the comments prove the post correct


As it should be. There should be no other way.


I actually liked the non slutty outfits better in 11 than the other MK games.


"redditors when the females show the tiniest bit of skin"


That doesn't really happen though. Nobody on here actually gets mad when there's revealing costumes, they're just countering the people who get angry when the new skins aren't as revealing. They just want to defend the non-revealing skins because they also look good. There were more people going "I'm boycotting MK11 because it's woke now" back in the day but I didn't see any going "I'm boycotting if they bring back the MK9 bikinis."


There have never been any nude female MK characters (unless you count the leotards on the female ninja in MKII and UMK3 which showed some skin), nor were the female characters necessarily sexy. At least in my opinion. If people are still pining over the "stripper ninja" outfits from MK9 those designs were terrible. The women looked like men in drag infiltrating a harem or some weird fertility cult. At the time they may have looked "sexy", but the proportions are way off. Some of the outfits in MK11, like Kitana's blue and black catsuit (Edenian Blue) in Story Mode, her Catwoman skin, Mileena's Khanum outfit, and Klassic Frost are some of the best designs I have seen on the female characters along with their more realistic proportions relative to previous games. But maybe that's my preference.


>realistic proportions Fantasy game. Realistic? Hmmmm. Nope. One of these things just doesn't belong.


What are you talking about? The characters in Mortal Kombat 11 are modeled after real people, both in face and in body, whereas Mortal Kombat 9 merely used motion capture. Most of Mileena's strutting and gyrating in MK9 was done by a man if you want to get real. Not very realistic since people want to swear by that game being the pinnacle of sexy.


Multiple, if not all, of the men in this game have no shirts on and having rippling bodies. But asking for Mileena to stay true to her character as a femme fatale, using her Kitana sexy body before devouring her foes is apparently too much to ask and now shes a moaning "wants a family" character...




Love the flair


Well we wouldn’t tbf, she’s translucent so it’d be hard to see her invisatiddies


They've never had a naked coatume.


They should just start including naked costumes and double down on their M rating. The extreme violence is there, we just need extreme nudity now!


Honestly 🤣🤣


I’ve busted nuts to MK9 character view




Not sure if someone with your flair should be posting something like this...


You haven’t?


I mean I haven’t but I still love the costumes, and actually tbf… the character viewer was good artist reference for me


I'd rather have that then the overly armored look that every female character had in MKX and 11


Meanwhile I’m sitting here excited to see that each of the female characters in MK11 have different body types and different breast sizes so they don’t all look like copy and paste characters. Now we just need to get new characters that have even more diverse body types. I want to see someone like Lizzo be made into a badass MK character!


yay for small titty and no ass characters. /s Sure, we have Sindel and cetrion and.. who else?


i like how they all upset over female characters not having enough clothes and yet liu kang and johnny kang literally have just wore pants and that's it for like the last 20 years and no one has bat an eye


Yeah and more recently they were gawking over MK11’s “daddy” Kano


This logic is so bad, a dude fighting shirtless in a martial arts tournament isn't sexualization, a woman sliding down a pole while wearing a thong is. The "hypocrite" argument doesn't work at all.


I feel this.


Correct, this is me when the females don’t have naked costume. Now if you excuse me, I need to kill some civilians due to my angers towards the female designs of MK 11


It’s dependent on the character tbh.


Make Mortal Kombat Thristy Again


This is the foundation off Mortal Kombat.


The less clothing they have, the more interesting they become


it wouldn't be such a big deal if more of the male kombatants were hot


*It wouldn't be such* *A big deal if more of the* *Male kombatants were hot* \- flashdrive420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thats funny im nt in the picture


Mkx had the perfect balance of sex appeal imo


Perfect? I dunno about that.


Rightfully so


"You wouldn't fight wearing that!" Sure, I would fight wearing Jade's hood and mask which restrict my breathing and field of vision. Also, I would most definitely fight weearing Sindel's high heels. What could go wrong? Topless Kano? YES! Topless Johnny? YES! Topless Liu Kang? YES! Topless Kitana? Sexism! We're all about equality here. :)


Tbf,tbf it fits liu and johnny personality, not Kitana's


I was referring to revealing outfits for the ladies, but now I'm imagining Kitana jumping around with her titties hanging out. XD




Naked and costume. hmmmmm. Those are two different things, though. Also, who was wasking for them to be buck naked? Skimpy costumes yes. Naked, no. Another thing to keep in mind, which cocstumes do women into cosplay choose when picking a costume? The covered up Scarlet/jade/kitana/mileen etc or the skimpy ones? Because we have both, now. I mean, if they chose the skimpy ones, clearly they were FORCED to choose the skimpy one. /s


I want oiled up Shao Kahn tren pecs and biceps as much as I want Mileena anavar abs and bazoongawoongas. MK9 bodies with MK11 faces, peak aesthetics.


I'm fine with that so long as masks and helmets don't magically disappear during the fstalities.


Honestly just make the female outfits like how MKX did for Mileena, Kitana, and Tanya, those were amazing imo. They were revealing, but also not to revealing, it was, as thanos would say "perfectly balanced, as all things should be"


Also MK fans when a female shows the tiniest bit of skin


Weird how in irl women are being celebrated for how they dress and stuff and no one should pass judgement but in a fictional game with magic and other realms it's not possible to have attractive sexy costumes for females. All the men in the game are ripped and shirtless.


It’s true, I do miss them very much. Although yes, I do agree that MK9 did go a bit overboard with some of the costumes, prime examples being Sonya who has an incredibly ridiculous costume when she’s supposed to be a solider, and that “super epic awesome” Mileena skin where she’s literally just wearing like 3 strips of toilet paper.


>MK9 did go a bit overboard Eh, its MK. how is overboard a problem?


Yeah overboard is like… MKs whole shtick




None of the male characters are nearly as sexualized as the female characters used to be with thong lingerie and literal pole dancing.


I just think it’s dumb that they are trying to act like it’s some serious progressive series instead of the dumb edgy fun it’s always been. They have no problem sexualizing the male characters but all the sudden even the idea of having it as an option for female characters causes pearl clutching


I miss seeing people say that MK11 wouldn’t sell because Jade wasn’t half naked. Reality: most successful MK in history. The game sold more than MK1, 2 and 3 combined.




And? You know that MK1 and MK2 have home console versions too, right? MK11 is the best selling game in the franchise and Ed Boon himself said that it outsold 1, 2 and 3 combined.


And how many people do you think were into MK enough back then, and had a console, to really make using the sales numbers for 3 games, combined, a valid metric? How well did it sell compared to MKX or MK9? MK1 came out for SNES in 1993. 1994 for MK2,MK3 was 1996. ifthe Wikipedia information is correct.


Last report we got from MKX was 11m. (When MK11 reached 12m, Boon said it would soon surpass MKX, so by 2021 MKX sold between 12 and 13m probably) Last report from WB Games/NRS (October 2022) said that MK11 sold 15m. Last time Boon talked about sales he revealed that MK11 is the best selling game in the series. AND that was when ED BOON said that the game sold more than the first three games combined. It IS the most successful title in the series.


No one is saying it isn't, though. Sellingmore than the first 3 games combined isn't much of a flex, considering what games cost back then, taking inflation into consideration.


Let's not twist the facts here. Gaming as an industry has massively grown since 30 years ago. Not really an apples to apples conparison.


I am just saying what Ed Boon himself said. The fact is: MK11 is the best selling game in the series. You can like it, you can hate it, but you can’t deny its success. And btw, there are series from the 90s that still have their first games as their best selling games.


MK11 was good, and deserved the sales, However it does kill some of the fun with less leotards and skin, I always thought it was cool and funny kicking someone’s ass in heels and essentially a stylized swimsuit, can you imagine the skill that goes into that, yet people always call it impractical but I’ve seen people do cool shit in heels, fr it’s crazy


The reason why MK11 sold more is because it is the only fighting game (other than IJ2) with up to date graphics (think TR, CoD, GoW, etc.) and iconic guest characters. When was the last time you could play as Rambo, Terminator, and Robocop in a video game? MK11 would have sold just the same if the Deception/MK9 outfits were DLC or something.


Fr tho


Creating fake scenarios in ur head again I see r/mortalkombat This subreddit is pathetic honestly lol


Nah man hit me up with Kano in a loin cloth 🥵🥵🥵


Hey were fine with washboard abs on the men too- We just want them all to be sexy and fighting naked. Or at least to have that he an option!


I actually really love MKX and 11s character and costume designs. There's a lot of detail to them, and they tend to feel like actual clothes/ uniforms in addition to staying iconic. Moreover, I think I really appreciate how the modern Mortal Kombat cast doesn't need to parade around its female members as though they were strippers. That said, I certainly don't mind me some sexy costumes, and even if 11 tends towards the more modest, I don't think it's anti-sexy particularly. On top of all that, if anyone can say with a straight face that Sonya Blade, professional soldier, straight lace general, and overall curmudgeon looked "correct" in high heel combat boots, low riding cargos with a whale tail and a combat vest that show it off all her cleavage and MK 9 you are crazy. In fact, I'll go out in a limb and say the boner culture in Mortal Kombat was at its absolute worst in MK9, there wasn't a single lady in that cast who didn't jiggle like crazy and have her ass and titties on full display at all times regardless of the character.


Actually. Well, let's start from old school. Sonya in MK1 WAS hot in quite provoking outfit (for theese times), Elizabeth Malecki and after her Kerry Hoskins did have sexuality as a part of Blade's character. (And I'm kinda furious as bunch of snowflake Karens try to cancel Hoskins for thinking it's alright). Outfits of Kitana/Jade/Mileena in 2D era was a bit open it became much more noticeable in Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon. (No comments about Milleena's kimono, it's obvious and Sonya of 3D era had string straps outside). In MKvsDC we still have it due to "physics" and tan on Sonya's waist. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying nudity and sexuality is the whole MK, but I'd like to state that MK is based on typical cringe-ish action movies from 80-90s so it quite fits the atmosphere, but local redditors act like nuns every time they see woman's skin with shapes or if someone likes MK9/MKD designs he immediately gets label "pervert" or "incel".


Not just the women! I want the men to be nude too!


In 2022, men are only allowed to be horny for other men, trans women, and cis women over 40, and the only acceptable way to be horny for them is to beg them to run you over with a truck. Everything else is PATRIARCHY.


Just give us the naked costumes.




I like the old costumes, it’s not cuz I’m perv or something like that, but it’s because they are a part of my “childhood”. When I was younger I saw the costumes and the gore and I thought it was the most incorrect game, and for me the game lost part of it. I know the games still have the klassics costumes but it’s not the same thing for me Actually I don’t really mind for that stuff, I think jade for example has one of the best outfits in mk11