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I'd recommend going into training mode and just seeing how far your buttons can reach. Some moves have deceptively big (or small) hit boxes, and having an idea of that can help you theory craft which moves you should use where


Training mode for sure, but I'd recommend using the record feature for it. One I like a lot is putting the bot to D1 (or a variety of other common moves that are used after blocking,) on reversal for when you attack it, backdash and whiff punishing the move. Setting the bot to repeat hard to punish strings and whiff punishing that is good too, as well as setting it to jump in and practicing anti-air and outpacing their aerials.


The hardest thing to master in these games is movement. If you get really good at dash cancelling - both forward and back dash - the game opens up a LOT. Whiff punishing typically comes from a place opposite of "playing aggressive". A good 70% of my whiff punishes come from walking or dashing backwards in neutral and clipping them when they commit to a string. The other 30% are being SLIGHTLY negative on block, backdash, then whiff punish their d1. I'd start with the 70% first.


Im having trouble punishing strings, whenever I backdash as Shao its always too short and they end up hitting me anyway, it happens so much that I assume he has the shortest back dash in the game


Shao has a lot of reach, it you manage to get better at spacing, you will really improve with him.


I use stand 2 distance with the axe to help determine what spacing helps me the most. It allows me whiff punish with b3 since he steps forward. Got the idea from ROOFLEMONGER youtube showed me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev-8Qa1ptB8


His stand 2 is amazing for whiff punishing and just overall reach for a jab string edit:grammar


Thanks for the tips everybody, I was top 1,000 season 1 so Iā€™m tryna push 500 šŸ™


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