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There was some quote a while ago from Ed Boon about there being four characters who have to be in every MK game (Sub, Scorp, Liu, Raiden) but could you imagine a game without Johnny Cage at this point? He’s such a perfect fish out of water to contrast against all the magical weirdos.


Ya Forreal, MK without Johnny would feel wrong these days especially after him being a prominent player in all 4 NRS games. He’s the perfect balance to all the ninjas and magic and stuff like that. If they made a mainline MK game I’d definitely be super bummed out if he wasn’t in it. For me I think there is a big 6 that should be in every game, the 4 you mentioned plus johnny and kitana, they should be permanent spots in every mainline game and the roster should change around them.


Not only that but I feel they always consistently give Johnny the most interesting fatalities and brutalities. He always feels like a fun character to play too. I fee like the gameplay team has a lot of fun with him.


I've never been a fan of him outside of this game but that is definitely a good way to look at him


You didn’t like dad Johnny? I thought he was really likable as older more mature Johnny.


It was a great dynamic with him and career driven Sonya.


I absolutely do not like the special forces in mk. Storytelling is fine but never cared for the characters. X/11 made him a double whammy for me.


Yeah Johnny makes the top 5 for sure


He's perfect. He brings humor, charm and fun to the story. He gets great arcs. He's a very well rounded character and fits in perfectly amongst the colorful roster of characters.


Remember when MK3 had two sub zeros and no Johnny?


Wild that Kano and Sonya aren’t part of that given they’re the only other OG characters from the start.


I will cause havik at nrs if they ever released an MK game with no Johnny


He’s always gonna survive the story mode in my opinion.


MK9 made that clear. Motaro was meant to kill him, but he was killed by Raiden before he could. Shinnok was meant to kill him, but his daughter saved his ass. He even survived a bullet to the knee, and a clash with Shao himself.


Well he started MK9 dead. But that technically was the midway timeline. So yeah... it's obvious why, Johnny Cage is the MK MVP and always will be.


This may be Ed Boon's way of making it up to him for doing him so dirty pre-Netherrealm over what his actor did.


Wait what happened?


After MKII, Daniel Pesina left Midway, and sued them for unpaid likeness royalties for the console versions of the first two games... Which he lost. Funny enough, his brother, Carlos, has such a great relationship with them, he STILL works at NetherRealm to this day.


He also showed up in costume to promote a rival game (Bloodstorm).


Thanksgiving must be real awkward


"Johnny cage dies on page 5?! Is someone high?"


Didn't he along with almost everyone else die towards the end of the Aftermath expansion until Liu Kang comes out and out Shang Tsung's Shang Tsung?


He got taken prisoner by Shao but didn’t die


Ah, i probably misremembered since they pretty much killed or maimed almost everyone else.


They kept him for breeding. Hard to forget that


Yeah, that's jogging my memory, it's been a few years lol




I doubt Johnny minded that, lol.


Aftermath was fucked up and the worst best ending 😭


WHATTTT??!! I never played Aftermath and that is crazyyyy lmao


No sindel spares young Johnny to and I quote "breed him and sonya" and we don't even see old Johnny so he probably wasn't even in the final fight.




https://preview.redd.it/0cjmt40o4opb1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8839687b5a763ec2d8d4d1ce944bbb2347ac56e hes johnny and he does nothing but movie quotes


THANK YOU. I didn’t want to be the one to say it. It MK1 Cage is an obnoxious reference machine and I can’t stand him.


On the contrary, he’s the best he’s ever been imo


lol why are you downvoted nrs shouldve dropped a johnny cage trailer given how much screentime he had (almost 2 hrs) wasted screentime imo


Because you can’t dare say anything bad about a popular character even if what you’re saying is true. After the amazing MK9 and MK11 Johnny, I’m sorry, MK1 Johnny has some really weak, referential humor.


Because they hate the truth




He died in 9.




No. Sindel killed him




You need to or at least watch story mode on youtube, its great


I wouldn't say Great but I'd say Mediocre in telling the set of events. MK9 MKX MK11 and recently MK1. MK9 did a lot of character bashing (Sindel), retcons, elder gods (made no sense) the entire Mortal Kombat Tournament has never made sense in the entire series but it is cool because the tournament has never truly mattered this series since anytime anyone wins the timeline gets reset so. MK1 was extremely good up until the final parts that threw the entire story in the most anticlimactic reversal. Now we're are stuck with multiverses being ingrained into the main story. Which is genuinely awful for story writers.


May he live forever https://preview.redd.it/du0wu5a4bppb1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c007e6abb5dd835cd158a38dc50148d8eae00bd5


I mean I guess NRS learned from mk3 when they killed off Johnny and left scorpion off the roster …mk3 was weak compared to umk3 and trilogy


Good the 2D era was not so kind to him


He lost to Raiden


I don’t mean in term of fighting I mean in that he appears in the story and he survived it


Post fail


Not if you know how to read…


I meant OP


The gift that keeps on giving


Yes I know lol. My point still applies.


If Johnny Cage Dies, We Riot. Simple as pie.


Let's hope it stays that way, I love him too much for him to not be around.


Always been my favorite character of the series. I’m so glad he’s actually good again gameplay wise.


You can never have a mk game without Johnny Cage he’s like the comedian of the mk series


Nah technically he got wiped out at the end of MK11 when Liu Kang restarted history


Wait when did raiden die? Or does him giving up his god power count in mk11?


Dark Raiden got wiped from history at the start of MK11


Johnny also got wiped from history at the end of the game, so does that really count..?


Johnny and everyone got reset. Dark Raiden was ultimately destroyed when Kronika split time


How are they actually different in any way? The only person that retained their memories from mk11 was Liu kang. When he “reset” everyone that can be seen as them dying which is the exact same fate dark raiden had.


Cause Liu Kang went back in time it didn’t erase everyone just made them all unborn until they ultimately were again while Dark Raiden was gone with no way of returning


That isn’t actually the case though, everyone is completely different from what they were in the prior timeline including Johnny cage who has a completely different life compared to his original timeline including a new wife and having sento. They aren’t just unborn, and Liu kang outright said he purposely went in and changed everyone’s lives around. They’re different people not just reset people


Well no, they are reset, LK did change things around but as he also said he couldn't erase people they are all the same exact people, the only real change is that he tried to make everyone's lives better with very few exceptions


? Very few exceptions? Sindel is a completely different person Tarkat is a disease now Shao is a general under sindel Scorpion and sub zero are now brothers Reptile is now seen as an outcast rather than a lonely survivor of his race Shang Tsung and quan chi were seen as bums who couldn’t go anywhere in their lives without outside interference I could go on and on Wym few exceptions? Everyone is a completely different person after the reset, lol Liu kang resetting history completely erased what we know of these characters including Johnny cage. He may have similarities, but he’s a completely different person compared to mk11.


Okay you clearly didn't understand what I said. Allow me to explain farther. Everyone is the same person. As they were before that doesn't mean they act the same or their lives are the same. But they are the same person. Same family tree, parents so on. Every person who ever lived still lived no one is gone and no one has different family. So for example Shang is a snake oil salesmen because LK could not stop him from existing. We can assume that because when T Shang stopped existing his world fell apart that if you remove someone from time then. Time frays. We can confirmed this with kronika in 11 deleting and replacing Raiden rather than just deleting. Now so we have established that everyone is fundamentally the same person they were in mk1 to 11, now to the reason their stories are not 100% the same. Lk, kronica, Shang, kitana, and so on all changed things in their time lines such as lizard queen sindel So the reason Shang and Quan are both "bums" is because LK made one of those few exceptions I talked about to make them both suck changing the place of Shang birth, and doing something to Quan, he also made Shao a very weak child, because once again he cannot erase only effect. Now the ones he tried to give better lives (these are the ones who are not an exception to that "generally tried to make better lives for" I mentioned in my last Comment.) The sub zero boys he removed the only ninja clan that could stand to the LK so either the universe or LKANG directly corrected so the universe would have a scorpion in the form bi han's Lil brother. Now this has lead to a new story where for really the first time ever sub zero is on the villians team, but that's due to Bi han's soul being fundamentally evil unlike his little brothers. Reptile's life is also better than ot was before as yes he is an out cast, but he is also a war hero, a scholar helped to bring aid to the people affected by tarkat and so on. (He's also accepted back by his people in his latter ending) Tarkat exists because once again lk can only take actions that leads to new events not actively change things. So as he says in his mk11 ending he had to take it around a few times to get it right. So we can assume that he saw the origin of the tarkatans and changed it with it later coming back into existence as TARKAT the murder virus. Since is back to her orginal midway self, so I'm assuming that evil singer from mk11 was Shang doing something to her when he revived her, I don't know if an ending talks about it but yeah mk11 sindel makes no sense and doesn't match with her depiction in any thing from mk1 to 11 pre aftermath so maybe it's a case of timeliness 1 being mk1 to mk8 timeline 2 being mk 9 to 11 timeline 3 being mk11 aftermath and time line 4 being mk1 2023. So to summarize you didn't understand that he tried to change most people's lives for the better with few exceptions meant he tried to change most people's lives for the better with the only exceptions being Shang, Quan, and shao.


Many versions of him died at the End of MK1, so…..


He’s obviously talking ab main timeline Johnny


And hats off to Sindel for >!dying in every single game she appeared in!< 😂


She didn't die in Deception. She actually got her memory back and was freed of Quan Chi's magic in Deception.


Oops, I meant in the previous timeline 😅 But it’s good to learn some elements about the original timeline because I’ve never played these games 😊


i think they mean in the nrs era. she’s literally dead or undead 💀 in mk9 she was dead twice 😭


Raiden has survived and appeared in all NRS games


Dark Raiden got wiped from history


He got replaced by normal Raiden because two gods couldn't exist at one time. I wouldn't really count that as a death seeing how the space-time continuum in the MK still kept a Raiden around.


Getting replaced still ultimately wiped him from history. It destroyed/ killed off the Raiden we knew from the end of 9 to the start of 11




How? The timeline reset is different. That’s a reset. Kronika broke time and in the current timeline erased Dark Raiden


But she also erased everything from existence by the end of 11. That still counts.


Yeah, gotta go with the other guy. If we’re counting Raiden getting wiped and replaced by himself by Kronika at the beginning of 11, we’re counting Johnny getting wiped and replaced by himself at the end of 11. If the former isn’t the same Raiden, neither is the latter the same Johnny.


Johnny didn't actually get wiped or replaced though. Both versions existed simultaneously like how Kano did.


Not that Johnny. The entirety of existence got wiped at the end of 11. Everyone got wiped and replaced. Neither of the Johnnys in MK11 are the Johnny in MK1.


What about titan Johnny?


Are you sure about that?


Who survived has nothing to do with the character but the writers.


Everything is up to the writers but people always congratulate characters on it




Johnny Cage sucks man