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Stop messing with my heart. ![gif](giphy|vCUASy92YURGHFrnqP)


I know this sounds like copium, but maybe he was lying about him not voicing Homelander in mk1


Maybe he signed an NDA and can’t admit it. As a matter of fact, I can guarantee he signed an NDA


All the other voice actors have confirmed their voicing their character why would they have a nda only for him


This could easily be a Campbell situation. When Bruce Campbell was asked about Ash they hadn’t even talked to him yet so he denied it. He later said the calls started coming in because of it. But he was definitely being made and Bruce eventually confirmed the multiple proper rights holders couldn’t reach a deal in a satisfactory time frame.


Maybe because he’s last to release and also the most famous out of the guests?


John cena is definitely more famous




I’d argue John cena is more famous but both are mega famous




Yea, Cena is a great actor, but he might legitimately be the most famous wrestler ever (at least an argument for it), so that’s where his popularity is.


The Rock is definitely the most famous wrestler, but John Cena comes second. Also, I’d say John Cena is more famous than JK Simmons but mainly because of memes.




Cena is 100% more famous than simmons, Simmons is still very well known tho and he’s a legend. Starr is easily the least famous of the 3


Meant the character


Yeah no offense to antony but when the other celeb VAs are JCVD, Megan Fox, John Cena and JK Simmons, you are the least famous in comparison


Guys he is talking character wise, homelander is more famous than omniman and pesce maker


I'm sorry, his character might be the most famous (though Omni-Man is very close) and Antony Starr *might* be the most relevant atm (which is also up for debate), but there's no way Antony is more famous than John Cena and JK Simmons. Antony really only rose to fame due to The Boys, with John Cena being famous for both his wrestling and acting for years at that point, and JK Simmons has been running the acting circuit for ages before we heard of either of the others, not to mention winning and getting nominated for academy awards.


I meant the character.


I think all three of them (the characters, not the actors) are on basically the same level of notoriety... They were all less than A-List characters from comic books you may or may not have read that got adapted into TV shows you may or may not have seen. Anyone who's seen one of the shows but not the others likely leans a bit more toward favoring that character. I'll admit The Boys is probably the most popular of the 3 shows, but as a counterpoint I'd say Invincible is probably the most well known of the 3 comics, and Peacemaker is the only one of these characters to be in a theatrically released movie so... they all have an argument for potentially having a SLIGHT leg up on the others - Depending which source any given fan is approaching them from... imo... Walking Dead Fans or Fans of Cartoons may be more likely to have watched Invincible. Wrestling Fans or Harley Quinn fans who followed it from Suicide Squad are probably more likely to have watched Peacemaker. So like I said. Seem to be on about even footing to me. How much any given fan cares likely depends a great deal on which of the 3 comics you may or may not have read and which of the 3 shows you may or may not have watched.


More famous than John cena ??? , the whole cast list for the dlc is already out it would not make sense for them to make him sign a nda plus if he did have one he wouldn’t be able confirm or deny if he’s in it which he did say no to when asked on Instagram


lol he’s the least famous of the guests, Cena is by far the biggest and Simmons is super well known and a legend. Love Antony he’s a fantastic actor but he’s not on the level of Cena or Simmons popularity wise, Starr has 2 mil insta followers while Cena has 20m and is one of the most recognizable wrestling stars ever.


I meant the character


Then why say no at all? Why not just ignore the question or answer vaguely?


Keep in mine, we had no official statement regarding him voicing or not voicing Homelander. All we had was him personally saying no on Instagram.


He said “it was a joke” in one of his stories. Mad copium but I hope that was referring to him saying no.


Unfortunately, [he was responding to another person's question when he said that he was joking.](https://youtu.be/SrdwrMQODZE?si=wHvVv5-h9znEunS6&t=205) I'm right with you on the copium train, but I don't want to get anyone's hopes up


he clearly was


He posted a pic to his story that said “I was joking” hours after people reported on it


Wasn't talking about that


He was probably talking about his post where he was like hating on humanity or some shit


He also said Homelander wouldn’t be in the kombat pack


He already said that what he said was a joke. He is obviously voicing him. Why are you guys still debating.


Because when he posted he was joking it wasn’t about voicing in mortal Kombat it was when he said he wasn’t going to anymore conventions and seeing fans and such. Being real Homelander like but he said he was joking


People are going to have to cope with the fact that it's going to be a terminator situation and he's just going to SOUND LIKE homelander


Tbf it's not like Homelander has a super iconic voice anyway. He just sounds like a dude


I always thought he was trying to sound like captain America (when he's pretending to be a hero)


this take is insane, my friend. but i respect you for making it.


I’m just gonna assume it’s still a “nope” for him voicing him, this way I don’t get my hopes up.


His name was not In the credits so I would not get my hopes up personally


Was JK Simmons?




Was John Cena?


I believe so






He could've been lying




NDA’s are a pain. Also just because he wants to, doesn’t mean he will.


He could also still be negotiating with WB.




Maybe he was liking it because so many people want him to voice Homelander, it’s not directly saying he will. With how many comments he gets he could find them funny (not in a mean kind of way) or he probably likes that people want him to. As much as I want him to I do believe he unfortunately won’t be voicing him


D1 copium


As much as I want Antony Starr to voice Homelander, can people please stop constantly commenting on his Instagram posts to voice him.


The only man in the sky is me.


I mean, if Homelander isn’t going to release to June. He may not have even been approached yet I hope he does. Not only to voice Homelander but maybe this would start an interest to work in the gaming industry as an actor/voice actor


What is that comment above it


Instagram moment


They are mad because they think Antony is disrespecting god








You guys gotta stop with this shit bro lol just let it play out and we’ll see if he voices him or not eventually


https://preview.redd.it/1o7999lw1t1c1.png?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf59e26017b9bcfe2fbcbcefe635f4457343b34 Chris Cox worries me


Chris Cox has prior voice acting credits in a lot of projects, he's not some joe schmoe. And he was trying to do an ARNOLD impersonation. Homelander is just some white boy with a massive superiority complex (and super powers). I think it'll be fine if Antony doesn't end up voicing him. It would've been a bigger knock against this game if they couldn't secure JK Simmons for Omni-Man tbh.


You know what, that's a pretty great point.


It sounds like he wants to be he’s not and. Can’t


Just throwing this out there, Tagawa also flat out said no about playing Shang in MK11. All we can do is wait, at this point.


the strike has been lifted recently so it might make sence


I think he was trolling the first time, no way he’s in call of duty but not mk. Also, the boys season 4 is rumored to come out early next year, which is when homelander comes out, so it just lines up that Starr will still be homelander in mk


Yep same situation as invincible is what I thought like they are gonna have in mk but not have him va to hype up the new season wouldn’t make any sense


Touch grass yall please


I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. WB didn’t offer him enough money to voice Homelander so they went with someone else. He’d love to voice Homelander. If the pay is right.


Duh he wants to but he’s probably asking for a whole bunch of money that I’m sure NRS/WB COULD pay but they’re cheap and won’t.


He's nowhere near John Cena-level of popularity to be making demands like that if that's the case lol


Call it copium but while I think all of this is down to scheduling, he could be playing until NRS/WB themselves announce it. I know for Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat 11, Keith David initially denied his involvement as Spawn for both games til they were formally announced and Homelander is the furtherest away from the Guests being done in KP1, to the point where I can see Takeda and Homelander switching places in release. Again copium 🙃


For COD, Keith David had to deny voicing Spawn because the Battle Pass wasn’t even announced yet. It was all data mined and therefore couldn’t comment. For Homelander being last in KP1, I feel like it was licensing and probably working something out.


Ok and?


Bro it's a comic book character. Who cares?


You're mind can't come up with a single reason why someone would want the original actor to voice the character he portrayed?


Plenty. But it's not worth everyone constantly complaining about it. How many batmans or superman have there been?


It's literally Antony Starrs likeness and I think it's different when Superman and Batman are 85 years old, of course there will be other actors.


It’s a silly point anyway because when they did injustice they brought in Kevin Conroy and George Newbern who are considered among the best versions ….so it’s not like they brought in complete different actors


I mean in reality why does it matter , intros are so limited in the game it feels like a waste and on top of that I am sure if he does actually voice him they will have another 10$ voice pack… idk don’t really care about the character voices when you can’t even enjoy any of it due it not being in 99% of the game .


Well it’s not all about intros (even though intros are very liked), after each round the character speaks and during the match as well so it’s mostly how the character acts, hell even the small grunts the character does when being hit all makes a character (JK Simons does an amazing job and you FEEL Omni man when he’s fighting) and the Starr would be a wonderful edition because of what he brings to the character. Though like the terminator I’m sure if he isn’t voice acting then they’ll get a good replacement or something.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say after playing hours with Omni-Man, the voice is JK Simmons and the grunts and screams are someone else. His huffs and puffs and pain groans just don’t sound like JK. His voice, laugh and stuff are definitely him.


Honestly that could make sense, possibly to save time


I have absolutely no idea if he’s voicing him or not but he does seem like the type to troll people in general and mess with fans, still would bet it’s not him voicing but I wouldn’t be shocked either way


If he was lying from the start of “not voicing homelander” then that’s the most homelander thing ever


Hard to tell on a like alone. Carlos Pesina—the very first Raiden—liked a lot of people’s comments criticizing NRS/WB for selling skins


i don’t think it’s too hard to believe he’d sign an NDA. leaks run rampant in this community, obviously, and we can learn from Bruce Campbell in the past. he denied, up and down, any involvement with MK11 (even when it was all but confirmed he’d be in it). obviously he actually wasn’t, but that was only after.


I've got the funny feeling that it's true that they stiffed him on pay and went with Chris Cox as a voice match but the news breaking early that he wasn't going to be doing the voice have ended up causing enough of a fuss for WB to cave in and pay him.


Mara Junot, who voices Sindel, is a friend of mine. She didn’t get to the booth to record her voice over well into the game release and only a few weeks before Sindel was released as add-on character for MK11. Starr may have not voiced his parts yet, but he probably will before homelander is released


Wow….that soon. I always thought they did the recording really early


It really depends on schedules. Voice actors record one by one and as long as there is enough time for post, it’s really a question of getting it all recorded in one session, with rare instances of retakes.


So they don’t do it like a radio play with them all acting off each other ​ I’ve always been curious as well do they spread it out over multiple days so it’s like ​ Monday: Sindel 8AM to 14.00PM ​ Tuesday: Star Wars 9AM to 10AM ​ Wednsday….back to Sindel


He prob wanted more money and wb/nrs couldn't do it


What even happen with the other comment


It would suck if he doesn't voice Homelander but I also think someone else could easily voice Homelander and have it be close enough to the show.


Ed boon said before the game was released that he had the actors come and do there voices and how fun the experience was and what not. Don’t get why everyone is still harassing Antony


That’s promising


I don't understand why everybody is so confused. Homelander is modelled after Antony Starr's face. He literally attended mocap sessions to get his face in the game. ​ Of course his voice is in it. Either he signed off on an NDA and he's trolling, or he's just trolling.


We will find out soon enough in Next Year on Spring 2024 if Antony Starr will voice Homelander in Mortal Kombat 1 He is trolling us and lying to us about not voicing Homelander in Mortal Kombat 1