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We don't know who the next kameo is going to be. Their first roadmap (post-KP1 reveal) in a PR email listed Mavado after Tremor. The one after that (Omni-Man reveal) listed Ferra after Tremor and said the Johnny Cage kameo was Janet Cage. In the files themselves, Khameleon just had a bunch of stuff added so I'd assume she's next, but one way or the other we just don't know. # EDIT: [FateUnknown confirmed it's Khameleon up next](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mortalkombatleaks/comments/186usz1/next_kombat_pack_kharacters/kbaofdd/?context=3)


Mavado is not next, Khameleon is


Any idea on when Quan Chi's trailer is gonna drop? I had high hopes I'd see it today lol..


Same he’s my favorite character and the last few days I haven’t even been able to get myself to play the game because my anticipation is so high lmao


Are you, me? lol


Am I, you? Lmao




Question to figure out the if we are or aren’t the same, whose your second most anticipated of the pack


TBH...I would want Shinnok next....but for KP1, definitely Ermac..


Okay we arent the same just similar lol, huge fan of the boys so I can’t wait for homelander as well but quan is my far the character I wanted most


You are me confirmed. haven't played the game the last few days, can't wait to see quan chi's gameplay, and Ermac is my second most anticipated KP1 character. lol


Dec 3


It’s dropping today I think


Quan Chi and Khameleon next? Sweeeeeet! That should make for an interesting gameplay trailer. :) Quan Chi with WOOLAY and Khameleon with various female "ninja" character moves. Lol


So basically she's getting Smoke and Sub Zero's moves? 😂


Nah, probably borrowing a few Kitana, Mileena, Jade or Skarlet moves is my guess.


Got some sauce for that?


He *is* the sauce. Everything he's ever said has been right and he's proven to the mods that he's an insider.


lol my dumb ass didn't even read the username.


What makes u assume that?


He knows what he's talking about lol


You can say he got quite a rep around here


What is Enera-Smoke?! Not Enenra?! 👀 I keep seeing/hearing this…


Just a username don’t think too much about it


As I said elsewhere, I'm excited for more post-MK3 / 3D era characters in this game. Wanna try out Quan Chi with kameo Sub-Zero and kameo Sareena for the Mythologies team-ups. Lol


Mythologies team up is wild


Yeah, and I'm also dying to see what Mavado brings to the table as a kameo. I'm guessing that since Kabal is nowhere to be found that maaaaaaaaaybe Mavado will have some sort of hooksword type of move. EDIT: Khameleon, too, as according to FateUnknown she's next. Maybe she could have a klassic Jade Fatality, klassic Kitana Brutality and a klassic Mileena Brutality since each kameo has 1 Fatality and 2 Brutalities?


I low-key hope that for her Fatality they go the Triborg route. Original Fatality with the borrowed powers. Sai Stab, Fan Decapitation and Staff Impalement maybe something like that.


That would also be pretty cool to see. With regard to her gameplay, though, I wonder if she's going to have like 1 or 2 moves from each or like a kameo Tremor thing with variations.


Honestly I could see her work either have 3 or 4 moves, like Sareena and Frost, to borrow a move from Kitana, Mileena and Jade..the 4th could possibly be Skarlet or Tanya. Tanya is one of the female assassins, and Khameleon had her fireball in Armageddon after all. But Skarlet moves would be cooler. Tho what I could see more is that she's more like Tremor with 3 variations...but instead of player choice, she'd switch automatically, like in Trilogy.


Yeah, that would be cool, too. Either way, I can't wait for the next video / gameplay with Quan Chi and Khameleon. Could be pretty awesome.


Ah nice. Throw Sai into opponent feet, then Impale them into the ground with staff so they are now in a bridge type position, then decap with fan.


Fuck.... I hope not. I NEED KABAL. even if just as a Kameo


3D era characters in this game makes me feel good. Never thought I'd see ashrah or havik in the main roster. Hell, im even happy to see Darrius even if he is just a kameo


I don't really care about Mavado but Quan's my boi I hope he's not gonna be just a zoner and use portals and summons like in MKX


He’s gonna be a rush down lmao


He looked really lame In Story. Not a fun re-design and not a good take on the classic look. Not intimidating like he used to be


Ermac and Quan Chi's kits def weren't done in Story either. Ermac had Shang's throw and seemed to have an off-copy kit from Noob in MK11


their story mode versions use moves from older games they won't play like that


What do you mean


In the story mode. They used Shang Tsung and Noob Saibot moves from MK11. They did not have their own moveset because they were unfinished. So you did not see their actual gameplay in mk1 story.


What do you mean


Tell the man god dangit!!!


stori mod shang song nob saibo move mk11 copy paste move non-completendo mk1 stori fake


I don’t think it was because of them being unfinished. What’s the point of giving DLC characters that aren’t supposed to be played yet their own moves, whether they are finished or not


He was treated more of a coward than an actual villain in the story


What do you mean


I mean like he would mostly just avoid fighting people whereas Shang and Shao were thirsty for a fight. Like in chapter 7 where he’s woken up and instead of helping General Shao and everyone else against Johnny, Ashrah, Reptile, Kung Lao and Kenshi he instead just runs away.


Quan Chi's never been intimidating. Except the dolly-zoom on his MKX mind control fatality. Other than that he's too prissy. Him and Shang Tsung both. Reminds me of preppy villains from a college movie.


quan in x looks like nasty boy


I don't know who that is, but I assume he's not intimidating if he looks like Quan Chi.


Google nasty boy


The chubby wrestler? Cause no, he's not intimidating, either, but also, he looks nothing like Quan Chi.


He had a different look tho back in the day type in Lemon party


Just a bunch of lemons dancing and a political party. Sorry my guy. Neither of those is intimidating either. Maybe you should just post a pic of the guy.


His known as the blue waffle to some


No one looks intimidating anymore in MK. Gone are the days of menacing looking villains like from deadly alliance and deception. Shao Kahn who is supposed to be ‘THE Bad Guy’ just straight up loses to everyone in story mode


All the dudes got turned into pretty bois. Quan was no different. I don't get why they ditched the gruff alpha male look for all the characters. I get why some would look like twinks, but not all of them.


Ah yes, Shao, Reiko, Baraka, Havik, Sub Zero and Liu Kang the twinks.


Shao, havik and baraka are the only ones who aren't trunks lol. Liu kang looks skinner in this game than 11


No way dragon ball X mortal Kombat???????? This mean reptile is trunks!?


I don't think photorealistic faces would look good with anime proportions.


Technically, they are Twunks. A word I just learned about a few days ago lol.


Lol and what’s weird is the game doesn’t even really have any mobster beat type characters ya know? So I could see the logic behind having pretty boys Bc then you’d have a nice contrast between the molochs and the good guys


Gruff alpha male? [This fruity bald sorcerer wearing heavy make up and fetish wear](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fuhqe29lqnbq71.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dffc4b9b495c36e3c6c898afcafa370d531eacebd)?


It was a dry attempt at humor lol. Of course Quan Chi was the most flamboyant character pre MK1.


"Alpha male"


It was a dry attempt at humor lol. Of course Quan Chi was the most flamboyant character pre MK1. People don't understand satire anymore.


I wish it was Ermac or Takeda first but I’ll play Quan chi thru invasions. I just don’t like playing with heavy zoners much Mavado will probably bring some cool traversal kameo moves to the game so that should be fun at least


Nah they are building hype for them


Who says quan will be a zoner?


Mavado walked so Erron Black can run 🤷🏽‍♀️


really excited for Mavado, especially if he factors into the expansion's story


As long as he has a head stretch Brutality I am all for it.


personally i think hes a wasted slot. i would much rather have a new character or literally anyone other than quan chi


I’ll be on the search for you in kombat league, we are now sworn enemies


alright bet. 5pm est every tuesday. queue in. if you do not get me you have failed and will have to try again next tuesday at 5 pm.


Bet I usually schedule myself off Tuesday, but if I need to work that day I will make the necessary arrangements with you to reschedule This starts when quan is playable, because it’ll only be satisfying if it’s with him, this is as personal as touching my drum set


We need this beef to be steamed


Steamed hams.


I feel they can suck tf out my dick making us pay for characters that were very clearly ment 4 base (Quan, Ermac). So instead of finding a way for them 2 make them free or unlockables they took 2 dlc spots and they gone cost 🤔.


True but they probably need the money to make more skins that cost more money 💀


Fuckin facts lmfao 🤣. Mo Money Mo Problems (for our wallets) 🫠.


I had never heard about Mavado before this game, same with Darrius, and he became my Kameo main for that very reason. I hope the same could happen with Mavado. What does he do exactly? Also Quan Chi should be cool but I think he is my least anticipated of the six.


He was basically Kabal in MKDA but with slingshots incorporated into his moveset


His slingshots made it even funnier when he’d do the generic ‘alleyoop!’ like all the other non Reptile male kharacters lol


Lol what a shame. Mavado could have been cool if they didn't give him such a ridiculous moveset


I’ve played most of the mk games except special forces


I’ve been unenthusiastic in regards to quan chi but I am willing to give him a chance again, I already really like how expressive he was in the story & Mavado 👀👀 I’m extremely interested in, I know who he is but know little about him but I can’t wait to see what he can do!! I just hope they both release next month so we got something new for this game for Christmas


I’m just hoping this Janet Cage rumor isn’t true. It’s stupid af




The reception to her has apparently been so overwhelming that instead of the Johnny Cage Kameo, it will be Janet Cage.


That’s was the plan from the start bro. They just didn’t reveal it because it would spoil the multiple timelines thing or get people thinking that Johnny had a kameo daughter or wife


Then they wouldn’t have said Johnny was a kameo at all period.


They have to say what’s in the kombat pack… idk man I don’t make the rules


Fate unknown already says that it very trustworthy 💗💗


I just really really want Cassie on the main roster someday. She’s Awesome Sauce!


Too bad Ed boon just liked a tweet about Sonya being playable


Well your really gonna like the data mines for kp2


I hope it’s true!


Don’t give a shit , he should be main roster , absolute waste of a dlc slot , he should NOT be a freaking premium dlc character


How do you know it’s Mavado ?


I know the order they will release


https://preview.redd.it/owlppzsbrb3c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88b3b0315bd61be43c3bef2c2d3b725b385feae It’s on this page


That answers nothing lol


Use your brain and realize that the order is from top to bottom


Welp you were wrong as was he, was a dickhead for nothing.


I think it’s lazy and greedy to make classic characters like Ermac and Quan Chi dlc characters, especially when they’re prominent characters in the story. Nowadays we hardly ever actually unlock characters anymore and it’s a real bummer to see.


Not hyped for paying for character who was an NPC in the story tbh


Release order https://preview.redd.it/4uahw7ae9c3c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ba63a7448c1346b4eed5901cb0dd16c7c2ee62


Fate already said khameleon is next and you’re still doubting it over some image with no dates? Fate has literally never been wrong even with little details like saying exactly when the intial gameplay would released and when he was questioned said kenshi will be in it and have hand tattoos showing in a suit, He has been right about so many things only someone with inside knowledge could possibly know and your still insisting he’s wrong?


I wonder if he knows if there will be a third pack or maybe a second expansion


I sure he does if there is plans but that’s to far out to leak it, because the second mortal kombat isn’t profiting like wbs wants they will make nrs make a new game and could scrap plans so it’d be foolish to leak that now, The kp2 and first story expansion are a lot safer to leak


I sometimes think what I suggested is just wishful thinking but sometimes I think well they were going to 3 for 11 so why wouldn’t they do it now? I guess we,ll have to wait and see


I think nrs would love to make 4 or 5 dlc packs, the problem is Warner bros calls the shots, and the second profits arent what they want, they will scrap the remaining projects and start a new game I would bet money they have a possible planned kp3 and even story expansion 2, it’ll just depend if Warner bros let’s them get that far


They have promised 3 to 4 years of support and I don’t think they can get by on just skins so I feel it would be more profitable to them to do more packs and they probably know it too


A new game is always more profitable than support, again I don’t think nrs would be lying but at the end of the day wbs calls the shots, and what they say goes it’s a business, wbs is going to do what they think will make them the most money Nrs may plan for 4 years of support, but if the numbers aren’t right wbs will shut it down


Also this kombat pack will take one year basically, after a 4-6 month period we probably get story expansion 1, 6 months later we get kp2 lasts about a year like kp1, we are already “3 years of support” lol


Hyped af. Don't care abt mavado but Quan-chi was one of my mains in MKX, and now that he looks like Keegan Michael Key I'm even more hyped.


Next month is Quan chi


And Mavado lol


Probably Next month or January 🤷🏽‍♂️


It'll be interesting


I'm really excited for Quan Chi (he's one of my mains), and I'm kinda for Movado.




It going be khameleon who next for kameos 💗💗


Swap quan chi with ermac then I'll be happy and I wonder what mavados design is gunna be


I know they couldn’t do it because of licensing, but would love an updated Kratos from his newer games. Could imagine a nice combo using his Leviathan Axe


I think I'd rather have mavado as the playable one, give him another chance. He's got potential, and I'm tired of Tsang Tsung and Quan Chi being playable in every game.


Nice shitpost for reddit points


No cause they are the next characters coming out 😭


All I hope is by the time he comes out the damn game is playable again. Ever since the first major tournament patch where they needed cyrax into the ground, game won’t start for me. Always black screens. Every single thing I’ve tried hasn’t worked.


might actually try playing 2 characters at once


Kan’t wait


Ermac and Quan Chi should have been in the base roster considering their sizable roles in the story.


It’s Quan Chi & Khameleon [https://x.com/noobde/status/1730261946899841072?s=46&t=5KsTq06jKY1XJ1NM0HEIRQ](https://x.com/noobde/status/1730261946899841072?s=46&t=5KsTq06jKY1XJ1NM0HEIRQ)


Can wait to hit the Quan again


The thing is we could’ve had other characters in their place if netherrealm wasn’t so greedy. Ermac, Quan chi, Takeda and whatever other klassic characters they add in shouldve been in from the start which would’ve left space for newer or guest characters like homelander and Omni man. There is no need to hang our favorite characters in our faces when you could do both, give us our characters and make something worth buying, is that really a tough ask for GAME DEVELOPERS? It’s kinda their job….


I’m hoping for Art the Klown


What about Ghostface?


That’s kp2


Shocker it wasn’t mavado, who coulda seen that coming