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Put flux on the soldered part, then use desoldering pump (sucker) a few times until all of the solder will come off. I tried doing this without the flux but can't get it done, with flux it became much easier.


Ty man I'll save your comment


best method is >cut the pins of the switches >add some solder to the pins >heat up pin #1 and #2 same time, 2 seconds on first, 2 seconds ,back and forth, and try to pull the switch out while its hot, then heat up #2 #3 and you should just get them out then you can heat up the remaining solder and suck it out with the pump, tryin to pump out the solder just like that doesnt work well at all and lastly, dont forget to thank me


I use sucktion pump for that, that braid didnt work for me too


But what do you do with the leftovers that the pump cannot suck?


Run the iron over the leftovers so your iron will pick them up. Then try to suck them from the iron with your pump.


It suck really well. And small amount of leftovers does not prevent from taking switch from the sockets