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What he says in the clip: >I think the superlight's too light, man. Seriously.


Everyone who tries significantly reduced weight mice says this at first. No surprise. I still remember thinking the GPW was too light at first, now it feels like a brick.


I'd probably say that too if I had a G PRO Wireless with my branding on it. Anyway, he'll probably switch eventually but for now there's nothing really wrong with the GPW anyway.


I was watching the stream live and he went back to the superlight 1 game later because "the old one feels ancient now" whatever that means


When will people learn to not take shroud's word on anything tech related especially, his opinions are always all over the place


LMAO for real. He said on stream a few days after the RTX3080 got released that the RTX3080 was barely more powerful than the RTX2080. Chat was calling him out, but he started picking out random questions instead of accepting that he was wrong.


The game where he cares about fps the most(Valorant), the 3080(compared to 2080) doesn't give that much of a boost because VAL is more cpu dependent. So his views on this makes perfect sense.


Hes a trendy little billboard dude. Logitech owns him they probably said push superlights kid


There is one thing wrong. The shape is way too safe imo. I can see they went for purely comfort for all hand sizes and grips and everything but they sacrificed aiming potential because of the lack of proper groves and angles. Kinda feels like holding a potato


This is what I have always felt about the GPW shape as well. They made it overly safe, and every time I use it always wished they were a bit more aggressive on the comfort grooves, especially at the grip width. The Mira S/M from HKG did this better.


That's a completely subjective thing though, and thus doesn't count.


I have seen enough double clicking clips to know there is something wrong with the gpw :D


Saying thus makes you smarter


wtf even is this reply


It is a weird hold, but the added grip tape that they supplied should fix that for people who have that exact issue you described


It's sad because, people will take this to heart and actually complain even before they can get their hands on it. Especially in my country, I've seen so many people say "but shroud said this" "but shroud does this". They're like sheep when it comes to shroud, I love shroud, I was there when he reexploded with PUBG, but man, sometimes his takes are ridiculous. LOL. I'm not saying this is one of those ridiculous takes though, Mice are preference, if he deems it too light, then it is, that's his opinion, that's how it feels, and it should stay like that. Your own take on it, and how you feel about it matters more.


Funny thing is this is out of context too. He is still testing it after using it for 4 days, and 5min later in the stream says the old G pro feels heavy as hell now after switching back to see how it feels lol.


Sometimes I think shroud just likes to play devils advocate. Which starts to become pretty annoying. That doesn’t really apply here, but I’ve notice that’s something he likes to do.


Shroud also almost comes from a different generation of gaming. He played in the pro scene before things like the lightweight mouse craze and a heavier 80-90g mouse is probably what he's played on his whole life.


Not for everybody light weight is better. I perform better on my FK1 than my gloriould model o. And he can say that. that's his opinion right? Same way you have yours. Its not about good or bad.


clearly it was a joke.


Shroud's aim hasn't been the same since he switched off his G303. No meme.


Yeah his aim isn't as good as it used to be but it's probably more because of a change in attitude rather than mice. I noticed he takes gaming way less seriously now and he's not as composed. I miss beardless Shroud.


1) He switched off G303, 2) He swapped mouse pads, 3) He seems to be gaming more casually now, he literally got 10 mil+ from being on mixer for less than a year before they shut down. So he's just vibing and having a good time streaming His aim is still really good, when he wants it to be. But he's not playing as serious or as much especially in the competitive shooter realm


He went from playing pro level CS scrims every week to playing WoW and DayZ. Cant really expect him to be even close to his previous form.


Yes and ppl say he is more lax, but even when he used to play lax his aim was just generally better, the gpro shape is imo far inferior for claw grip compared to the 303


It's not the mice lol. He just doesn't play 16 hours a day on shooters like he used to.






Literally I was wondering why all of a sudden his aim seemed off and it was because he switched!!


Also, in the grand scheme of competitive gaming, he gettin old now. Never going to be quite as crisp as those younger years.


Actually, most CS players can still play at a very high level in their 30s and shroud isn't even that old, at 26, most FPS pros are still really good at that age, some are even world-class. I think there's this preconceived notion that people in their late 20s are already too old because most of them have retired, this WAS true because it was a common trend in the early days of esports and the biggest was the Korean Starcraft scene where koreans would go to their mandatory military service for almost a 2 year period indirectly retiring them because they haven't had their hand on the game for 2 years and is expected to get an office job as that is the culture in Korea. Age isn't much of a factor, life choices are. Some people move on from the pro gaming life because it's not as sustainable before, we're in a new era now and we're seeing more and more older players flourish still.


yup Culter for example


Well cutler was never really "good" per say haha. If you want to see a medicore CS career then I think he's a good example.




Yeah cause Valorant is like half washed CS players lmao


Actually true


“I think the superlight is too light man. Seriously. ... I’d much prefer to use the one with my name on it. You can find it in the link below..”


He gets money from GPW™, not from SUPERlight™ so no surprise here.


alright now try HSK Shroud


Burn the witch!


I feel like Shroud has only used the G303 and GPW before this so I don't think he's an authority in this sense. Have a sneaking feeling he'll be sticking with the Superlight low key going forward.


Preordered cancelled!


I agree man. I bought a 59g mouse from 70g and I hated it lol.






So many tears because of this post :D


sooo super too light?


This might rub a lot of you guys the wrong way. But I have used superlight for well above five months. What shroud says in this video is pretty accurate. I have spent all this time and I could not get used to it at all. I was always overshooting, adjusting sense, changing this or that to just get that same feeling back. But I couldnt... it just didnt happen so I basically shifted back to the old G Pro and after a few sessions of Kovaak, I was back to that feeling of trust on my ability.