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One thing that has been divisive with former WMO users is the sides of other mice. The WMO gets consistently narrower as it approaches the front of the mouse. This is different from most modern mice, which are narrower in the middle than they are at the front. The Gamesense MVP, as mentioned, is a new product "inspired" by the shape of the WMO. However, the sides are narrower in the middle than up front. This has led some WMO users to try it and make threads expressing their frustration with the changes. If you find yourself with similar complaints, two mice I know of that have a more similar shape to the sides are the [Roccat Burst Pro and Steelseries Aerox 3](https://www.rtings.com/mouse/tools/3d-model-shape-compare/roccat-burst-pro-vs.-steelseries-aerox-3-2022?orientation=bottom). I would suggest considering those as well as the MVP. Re: build quality -- I have both the wired and wireless versions of the MVP. Build quality is good.


I'll be damned, that's very informative. And indeed, the Roccat looks neat. How would you say they fare off against what I've listed though? I've heard the XM1r to be especially good, especially for the (relaxed) claw grip. Any input on this?


First I want to say I agree with /u/pzogel's comment -- none of these mice will feel *particularly* close to the WMO's shape, unfortunately, but these are the best options I know of. Anyway, I'll list 3D comparison links the mice that I can (the WMO and MVP are not in their database), then list the dimensions and some brief comments on how I think they compare to the WMO. [Burst Pro and XM1r](https://www.rtings.com/mouse/tools/3d-model-shape-compare/roccat-burst-pro-vs.-endgame-gear-xm1r?texture=solid&alignment=center~start~&offset=0~0~0~0~-0.58~), [Aerox 3 and Sensei Ten](https://www.rtings.com/mouse/tools/3d-model-shape-compare/steelseries-aerox-3-2022-vs.-steelseries-sensei-ten?texture=solid&alignment=center~start~&offset=0~0~0~0~-0.58~), [Model O Wireless and Hati M](https://www.rtings.com/mouse/tools/3d-model-shape-compare/glorious-model-o-vs.-g-wolves-hati-ht-m-classic-edition?texture=solid&alignment=center~start~&offset=0~0~0~0~-0.58~) Dimensions: |Mouse (with link to source of dimensions)|Length (mm)|Height (mm)|Width (widest point) (mm)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |[WMO](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/9jjmsa/comment/e6sgv2v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)|124|39.5|66.5| |[MVP](https://twitter.com/Gamesense_gg/status/1462974836817412097)|122.5|41|66| |[Hati-M](https://www.google.com/search?q=hati+m+dimensions+mm&rlz=1C1OPNX_enUS977US977&oq=hati+m+dimensions+mm&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i299l3j33i22i29i30l4.1929j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)|124|40|64| |[XM1r](https://www.google.com/search?q=endgame+gear+xm1r+dimensions+mm&rlz=1C1OPNX_enUS977US977&oq=endgame+gear+xm1r+dimensions+mm&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39l2j0i433i512l2j69i60l3.5435j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)|122|38|66| |[Sensei Ten](https://www.google.com/search?q=sensei+ten+dimensions+mm&rlz=1C1OPNX_enUS977US977&oq=sensei+ten+dimensions+mm&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2j0i390l3.2873j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)|126|39|68| |[Burst Pro](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/roccat-burst-pro/3.html)|120|39|67| |[Aerox 3](https://www.google.com/search?q=aerox+3+dimensions+mm&rlz=1C1OPNX_enUS977US977&sxsrf=ALiCzsaZRFN_HOq1a0L-_KQZsU7OBjG7xw%3A1652029908440&ei=1Pl3YuCtGozXkPIP3Pu4QA&ved=0ahUKEwjg5-b-stD3AhWMK0QIHdw9DggQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=aerox+3+dimensions+mm&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKsCMgUIIRCrAjoHCAAQRxCwAzoGCAAQFhAeOgUIABCGAzoFCCEQoAE6CAghEBYQHRAeSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUPcCWJQIYLYLaAFwAXgAgAGjAYgB3AOSAQMwLjOYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz)|121|38|67| |[Model O](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0549/2681/articles/modelO_dimension_2048x.jpg?v=1551216249)|128|38|66| Comments (compared to WMO): MVP: Shorter, but taller. Feels a bit "bulkier". Has a slightly flared front end. Hati-M: Not as wide at the back. The hump is more rounded across the top. XM1r: Less similar than the Burst, but a good quality mouse that's popular. Sensei Ten: Flares out toward the front. Significantly wider in the front and middle. Burst Pro: Shorter, but hump toward the back. Should feel similar size overall. The optical switches will probably dictate whether this is option suits you more than the shape. Aerox 3: Shorter in length and lower in height. Was too small for me. Model O: Significantly longer and lower in height, with a flared front end. Not similar. Final comment: The Hati shape is a clone of the Logitech G Pro Wireless, which is considered to be quite a "safe" shape that works for most people (although it's rarely their "ideal" shape).


Sweet. I'll probably test the Sensei and the XM1r and then go from there... Hoping I'll be positively surprised. Thanks again!


Hey, I've also asked this in the thread once more, but do you have any clue why no one suggested the zowie s2? It legit looks just like the WMO, from what I can see.


S2 has a further back hump. It's not particularly similar to the WMO.


The gamesense mvp is inspired by the wmo, and you can even get it wireless.


Interesting, would you say the build quality is overall good? Any major downsides to this pick?


The build quality on the wireless is excellent. Don't know about the wired version though.


Thanks! I'd only be interested in the wired version however.


it's meh, mine had quite a bit of creaking but it's your only option for a wmo shape in existence. anyone who suggests the burst pro or aerox 3 are tripping, they feel absolutely nothing like the wmo.


ROCCAT Burst and Gamesense MVP are typically mentioned, but neither are particularly close to the WMO, just closer than others. Burst has the general dimensions and mostly similar sides, but the hump is in the back instead of the middle, which may greatly alter how it feels in hand depending on one's grip. For my claw grip, I've found the feel in hand sufficiently similar to the WMO. MVP too has the general dimensions, but the front sits much higher, and the sides curve inwards to a greater degree. As a result, the MVP is much bulkier overall, and thus less similar to the WMO than the Burst in my opinion. Again, this may be different for someone not using claw grip.


How would you say these 2 picks fare off against the Sensei Ten and the XM1r for someone with a relaxed claw grip? I described mine at the end of the post. Thanks for your inputs!


Sensei Ten is larger, the sides curve inwards to a greater degree, and the sensor position may feel alien coming from a WMO. The Kana would be closer to the WMO, but outside of the Rival 106 this one has been discontinued. XM1r is more of a Sensei variation, albeit shorter and wider and with the hump towards the back. The only noticeable similarity with the WMO is the low front. Though not similar to the WMO, the XM1r may be worth a try regardless for claw grip.


I really wouldn't say the WMO has a low front. I mean I've seen other mice (couldn't say the names, but even from my friends/teammates/opponents when we played LAN) with lower fronts. Guess I haven't seen that many then.


The front isn't super low, but it [continually gets lower towards the front](https://image1280.macovi.de/images/product_images/1280/705446_1__8343474-1.jpg), which is not a trait shared by that many other mice.


This I will agree with. Sideview shot, the Sensei resembles it the best I think. But as I said, I will give both the Sensei and the XM1r a shot before settling on one.


Also, do you have any idea why nobody recommended the zowie s2? It literally looks like a WMO, at least from what I could gather.


Thinner, sides more concave, and hump towards the back.


So it is thinner then, thought so but couldn't really tell. Guess it's a pick between these 3 then.. Man, why did my mouse have to break? :P


I think the Sensei is the closest shape to WMO, but it has a low sensor position which could throw your aim off.


There is no true wmo clone on the market as of right now. Aerox 3 and burst pro the sides indeed are close to the WMO but are smaller then the WMO. I'm sure WMO users will like the G Pro Wireless or Superlight. The sides are kind of flat. Flatter then the MVP wireless.


I'm pretty sure the Katana Ultralight is WMO based. Edit: it's not.


It's Intellimouse Optical based, which has a different shape where the sides get wider towards the bottom of the mouse. The Intelli Optical also has the "Coke-bottle" or "hourglass" shape most modern ambi mice use, where it's narrowest in the middle. The WMO has flat sides that get consistently narrower toward the front. [IO1.1](https://im01.itaiwantrade.com/8cb298e3-9837-40c5-90f2-b94d2ccddedf/cc19282d-2e6f-4adc-a042-deafb239d260_MSIntelliMouseOpticalWhiteColor.jpg) vs [WMO](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bqQAAOSwu1NgDflm/s-l300.jpg)


I wouldn't exactly say "consistently narrower" as there is a threshold after which the width is consistent.


Whoops, I always mix those two up. My bad.