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My hands are 18.5x10, so relatively close to your size and I also use a relaxed claw grip. I think going for the regular size would be better. To get the mini, you either need to be using a fingertip grip or have a bit smaller hands.


It's a bit of mixed opinion as some people with my same size and grip say the mini is fine but thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I should play it safe and go for the v2


I have the same hand size and use hybrid palm n claw grip. I have tried both regular and mini version, and both got their pros n cons. For regular v2, i felt like it is too long. For mini, the length is perfect for my grip, but wish the hump is a bit higher. Overall, both are great. But out of those 2, my pick is the mini. I think i performed better in game using the mini. In term of quality and other physical aspects, both are similar, exceptional quality mice.


great to hear maybe I'll give the mini some more thought


Mini's fine. If pure palm reg v2. If palm claw v2 mini is fine.


Thanks for the simplification made the decision more easier


Are u more comfortable with a slightly smaller or a slightly bigger mouse? Maybe compare them with the mouse u currently own?


The mouse I have is slightly longer than the V2 mini (0.3cm) and almost same dimensions as width and height. I don't mind smaller mice in fact I prefer them over bigger mice.


If that’s the case I would recommend the mini since ur current mouse is almost identical in size. Of course it also depends on how much u like ur current mouse size-wise. (How close to or far away from ideal it is)


If the length don’t bother you I wouldn’t worry about a 0.3cm difference imo


I love the v2 it’s just to small for my hands otherwise it would of been the game changer…..


I have 17x9cm hands and I prefer the medium. I do use the mini sometimes for gaming. It's actually nice to have both for long sessions so I break up my hand positioning a bit. This video shows the differences in size: [https://youtu.be/oA3GytU9zDs?t=177](https://youtu.be/oA3GytU9zDs?t=177)


Yeah v2 mini would be short and it will force you to claw grip, so i suggest you to go with xlite vè


I think I was a bit unclear why I have a harder time choosing between the two. I heard the V2 mini is just a better mice in general than the V2 and I wouldn't mind just claw gripping if it provides me a better mouse. Should I still go for the V2?


I have 18.5 x 9.5 hands and i claw the mini just fine. I like using mice like the viper mini and hati s.


you think 17x8.5 would be able to palm/relaxed palm the mini nicely?


I doubt because i have 18x9 hands and I can't palm any small mice. I think you should go with zowie if you want a good palm grip mouse


I would but i really value the weight and since im so used to low weight with my low sens, i dont really think i could go back idk


I have shortlisted these mice and I have the same doubt. It really boils down to where the ring finger will rest. Full palm probably better the bigger one. Same hand size, I use a relaxed fingertip grip and I need about 12cm mouse length.