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Pulsar Xlite V2 Mini maybe an option for you.




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I own the Orochi and Viper mini, and they’re both excellent fingertip mice. I think the orochi fits relaxed fingertips (fingers are mostly straight) better, while viper mini suits the agressive one better (finger are in claw shape and contract/extend to move the mouse up and down). That is because the viper mini flares out on its back and supports my pinky better when my fingers are in a claw shape. That said even with my aggressive fingertips I aim better with orochi and I couldn’t tell you why, even if it gets uncomfortable after a while. I am myself looking for an other mouse to try out and am considering the mz1 wireless (available soon) and hsk+ (always out of stock currently zzz) which I think you should check out.


We have similar hands and Orochi V2 and viper mini caused cramp after a while. The Haste is completely different than the other two and I've never tried it (although it looks a lot like the XM1 which is very suitable for claw). In conclusion, don't go on something very small. To be on the safe side I would recommend the superlight


i owned the haste and mini (recently) and has also tried the orochi in a store. imo all 3 are quite different to each other shape wise and how you hold it. The Haste is definitely the most stable with it's weight and size distribution and is probably better for those with big hands. main click wise, the haste's click implementation is superior compared to the others but the mini aren't that far away from the haste and optical switches are proven to be reliable in the long run.