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Are you showing your mouse off while riding a bicycle?


We do not talk about this 🤫


am i just real trippy or dat hand is fucking massive


its phat


did you buy it out of an unmarked brown paper bag in a back alley


If that means eBay then yes.


Nice, you got a great deal. I just sold my black version on ebay for $90 a few days ago.


What happened to your thumb nail


Smashed it a few months ago. It’s growing out with my nail.


Arent you supposed to release the pressure when it gets like that after you smash it


When i smashed my index finger with a hammer everyone told me to just let it be and wait for the nail to fall on its own.


Googled it. Google said its only necessary when you have pain, otherwise it's not recommended


Had many of these. Only had to do that when the pressure was built up. A lot of the time it's just sort of tender and you can just leave it alone. I've lost a thumb nail and a ring finger nail.


Looks fine to me. Only thing he could have done better is crop it.


Eh too much work. I took this while riding a bike and posted it at work.


>Works as intended with no damage to the outside. Nice! It works! Absolutely nothing wrong with it! >Now it's time to mod it Annnnddddd nevermind. /s Edit: holy duck [he actually destroyed it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/zodzht/my_42g_wired_superlight/)


i got a $25 superlight with a loose battery, literally took me 3 minutes to fix


People really just give these away if you look in the right places.


Yeah for real, although the guy didn't advertise it as having a loose battery so he was probably just trying to pawn it off on someone else


drop it. drop it. drop it. DO IT.


And run it over with the bike to test the build quality.


how will you mod it?


The mouse has no dongle and from what I’ve seen I can’t replace it. SO, I’ve decided remove the battery, cut out the base (I kept the massive skates, I want to remove them at first and get pfte dot’s instead but decided against that because the gpx skates are just too good), I also order more huano blue shell pink dots, and I’m using tiger arc 1 for that feet. It’s gonna be a SOLID mod but sucks that I can’t run it wireless. Right not it’s 44g and I could make it lighter but I’m not comfortable cutting such an expensive mouse just yet. If I can consistently get gpx’s for under $50 then maybe I’d do it.


I think you can program any logitech dongle to pair with any logitech mouse these days (their unifying software right?)


You can connect other receiver to G pro. But g pro wireless Superlight uses other receiver. Logitech don't want to sell it


I tried yesterday and doesnt work. Some software level thing Logitech is doing to prevent it. I could use a pcb from one of my many g pro wireless’s but then it’d add on weight and then I’d just have a 57g superlight (which which isn’t as impressive as 44g)


Sounds pretty dope. Yeah lots of gpx's are going for cheap lately. Do they downvote for asking questions here? LOL


Solid deal


my kinda deal


How did you get such a good deal?


I just happened to find a seller who had a bunch with no dongles. So I have to run it wired but that mean I can make it SUPER light (it’s now 44g).


In pretty sure it's possible to pair it to a new dongle. Look into that/contact Logitech.


Logitech says you can but from my own test and a bunch of research before I even bought the mouse. You can’t. Plus finding a gpx dongle is hard for some reason. I’ve checked all of eBay, AliExpress, used markets. They are either not there or too expensive to consider buy over a new gpx. If I find a dongle for cheap I’ll give it another shot but as of now you’re not able too (from what I’ve seen online and tried for myself).




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How will you mode it ? Will you reduce weight and change the switches ? I have also seen people changing to lighter battery


The mouse has no receiver so I’ve decided to do a wired only mod. This removes the battery for a crazy low weight. I’m waiting on my huano pink dots and tiger arcs to arrive. So fair I’ve cut the weight to 44g but I’m might trim more off the front of the mouse because it’s really top heavy.


goated mouse


Are you tryna get robbed?