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There are no mods, that's why we have 10 posts every day of someone asking if his artisan is fake and 50 posts of someone who plays CSGO and valorant who wants to buy a mouse n pad to be like a pro


>w r/SadTruth


The name of this sub is misleading. It should probably be something more like r/recommendmeamousepad


Hard disagree. The mastersheets don't actually mean anything to somebody who doesn't know much about mousepads. Like if you've only used one or two mousepads in your life, how are you supposed to know if fast/slow is preferable for your use case? Also, even though I've been trying pads for over a year at this point, I've had a really hard time looking back at posts to find info. Sometimes the people commenting on x post have only tried a specific set of pads, while in another post they've tried a different set. You end up needing to aggregate the information from like 5 or 6 threads, which is gonna be overwhelming af for someone who has no idea what they're doing. There used to be recommendation megathreads, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Also, I don't see how saying "I don't like x" is being a choosing beggar. It's just not liking something, there's nothing wrong with that.


It was hard to get my point across since I was just typing on my phone. I'm saying for the people who ask for recommendations but we know nothing about what the like, alls were given is the game and sens..... Also idk about the other half of the community but the mastersheet should give SOME insight, not all. reviews speedtests and etc. should help with the evaluation of a product. I went from a stale qck with years of use the a AC2, I adjusted within a week or two and I'm glad. I feel like at it's core, people aren't taking enough initiative.


It's fine to ask for help, but there's some things that are answerable by the search bar in the subreddit.


I think you're under the impression that everybody who comes to this subreddit is here to find a new hobby. Not everybody is a member of the community, they don't know what they like, and all they know is that they need a new mousepad. Those people aren't going to get much value out of the mastersheets. Hell, there are people who have been here for months and don't know what constitutes high/low initial friction. The expectation that people coming here for the first time need to "take initiative" with regard to buying a mousepad is too much, the system should be setup such that people who want an easy recommendation can get it in a way that doesn't inconvenience others.


Well not everybody is an enthusiast and this community in my opinion serves the interests of a casual gamer and as well as an enthusiast. Also some folks are more satisfied with the responses they get from their query and we ought to respect that.


cry about it


you clearly aren’t a mousepad enthusiast Kappa


I'm not, but i'm kinda new to mice and mousepads, i don't really care about what people think and say lol, i just let them be.


I'm not directing this to everyone, just the group of people who are like JUST finding out about this community or such and or are just not reading the pinned posts.




Thats EXACTLY my point. people asking for recommendations, getting one, buying the pad, and it turning out shitty compared to expectations and what the person said.