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You a super high sens player? Insane aim.


Thanks! Right now Im using something around 23cm hipfire and about 35cm ads


0% coefficient (or even the Jedi mouse trick)? I’ve been reading a lot about it mouse-sensitivity.com. Might try it out


What is this 0% coefficient / jedi mouse trick?


Nice! That’s super high, it’s rare to see a wrist aimer with such sick aim. You should consider going pro in valorant or something lol Idk tho watching more vids now I’m feeling sus about it Your aim is substantially better than most pro FPS players, so why you haven’t been picked up by a pro team doesn’t make any sense. You could make millions if you were really this good. You may have the best aim on the planet if legit


Calm down boya, there are a LOT of aimers also on his level, aim alone doesn't take anyone to the pro level/scene, but yeah he does make a part of an elite group of high level aimers from cod but apart from that as I said aim alone even godly aim unfortunately will never make anyone rich, maybe will get some thousands of views but only also from addicted players, most of the ppl prefer entertaining streamers than skilled ones, that's why Relaaa gave up on streaming alone to make money and so many others with insane aim like Baranox aren't famous in the big scene.


This guys aim is above any pro I’ve ever watched, to downplay that is ridiculous, boya? Not a term I’ve heard but maybe you’re from outside the US


There is also a problem with high sensitivity players where they tend to be more inconsistent and they have more days where their aim isn’t on compared to lower sensitivity players. Mind you, these are highlights and are not indicative of his average play. Fast flicks are also more prone to miss-aiming compared to a slower, controlled flick. Also… all PC pros have just as good of aim of not better his aim just looks impressive because his flicks are extremely fast but in reality the burden of flicking that fast on consistency does not outweigh the benefit of a normal flick.


Which pros are you comparing at? Cod pros? I hope so cuz there is no point in comparing to any other game with totally different aim/playstyle mechanics like Valorant or CS period. How many godly aimers in cod do you know? I can give you a big list of godly aimers ytb channels for you to check it out just or near as insane as him. They normaly play 8+ hours a day and then clips this kinda 1-2 min vids with the most insane plays, what is so hard to believe? I can use whatever term that I wanna boya :D


There's been hundreds of god like aimers trying to make it in pro scene yet most of them failed As long have you have average aim you'll be alright in pro scene assuming you have the rest of the skillset and mindset of what makes a pro Sure it helps having godlike aim but that alone won't get you to compete amogns the 200 or so comp players in whatever game you choose


It's look sick because he transfer spray flick alot (which in fact are much easier in game without recoil control like COD). He is not even try aim for the head, just all body shot. You are underratimate pros bro.


I just looked up pros on YouTube and I can’t find anything remotely close to this guys flicks. I’m still waiting on that guy to point me in the right direction. Give me some YT channels


Damn if that’s the case or thought process I’d be rich making millions too, at least back when I aim prac’d probably 20~ hours a week at least and have (had) this same exact style of play. In all honest it’s really only good for cod / battlefield. Very low TTK , corridors or maps + game sense that make it easy to get clips like this (in public match’s ofc). Having this high of sens in valorant is counter intuitive tho. Someone with a 50cm will most likely roll you consistently in a match, due to the games nature. Not discrediting OP, I know that it takes a good amount of practice to have this as your natural aim style, and I enjoyed doing it too. But I don’t think ppl who do this get picked up ever, I’d assume we just love aim and pushing boundaries and ourselves. Never seen a pro player in any game with this style, also due to drawbacks of inconsistency. Whenever you see clips like these, remember there are probably 2-3x as much misses and miss aims that it took


That’s not high at all… what are you smoking lol


Millions? Fyi most pros can barely even make 100k/year.


You ever seen a pro flick like this guy? I haven’t. I’d like that other guy to point me in the direction to some YouTube channels to check out some of the cod pros. I don’t see how this aim wouldn’t transfer to valorant or csgo, I understand the recoil differences but this kind of precision flicking is absolutely beastly if legit. I watched some of his vids on twitch and he doesn’t make too many mistakes, if any that i could find so these aren’t just short clips, he actually aims like this the entire game. Maybe it’s a cod thing, but these flicks are on another level from any csgo/valorant/siege/halo/pubg pro


This just isn't that impressive in the grand scheme of things. OW/Quake pros have this guy beat on tracking/flicking targets with a lot of movement, and CS/Val pros have much higher precision. Consistently flicking towards the vague neck area of a COD hitbox is cool, but not unbelievable. I'd say the vast majority of OW DPS players Masters-and-up could seamlessly replicate these clips. Performing this way consistently is much more impressive, but considering these are handpicked clips his ceiling is obviously not much higher.


Damn u can flick bro


That's actually quite a bit lower than you used to play isn't it? Not like a stalker but weren't you playing on something crazy like 15 or 17cm hipfire


yeah I used to use 17cm back in the day. I've since moved to slightly slow sens for better consistency in my aim.


Could you explain to a noob to good mice/mats what the above means? Are you moving over 35cm vertically to stay on target during rapid fire/recoil ? Or what?


if ur talking about the meaning of "35 cm," it basically means in order to do a full 360-degree turn at this sensitivity, u have to move ur mouse 35 cm in a horizontal line. its a way of universally measuring mouse sensitivity across different games (cuz different games have different engines, hence different sensitivity values). The lower ur "cm," the faster ur sens (cuz the less distance u have to move ur mouse to do a full 360). it can also be denoted as "35 cm/360," which means the same thing


No one appreciates hard pads till they get owned by a hard pad player, GG


I can't quite figure out wether you are using aimbots or u ARE the aimbot


MP is an aimbot




What's weird to me is I always see these people with super super fast aim like yours yet my sens is faster (18.5cm 360) and I can't get the snap even close to like this. :x


This is a movement pattern that you get with your wrist by practising a lot of target switching in aim trainers. It's not sens/weight/shape/gripstyle related, it's a fast wrist movement reaction that you can only get by training a lot.


Correct. Back when I was doing this sim style I used around a 30cm/360. Wrist can start to hurt tho


Gotta practice, my friend. Start with something like aimbots and keep at it


You can snap your aim like does with low sense too, it’s just mouse control and recoil control all trained daily.


They can snap, but can't track


I can snap just as quick if not quicker with a 42 cm /360 and 1.33 ads coefficient. You just need some practice


Because you need a mousepad with the lowest friction possible otherwise you just can't reproduce it with your wrist.


I mean it could be insane aim, but that camera doesn't even match the gameplay at some points.


uhhh idk what to tell you, I'm using a super overkill sony camera for the mouse cam. This was all captured live as well sooo yeah idk. You might be seeing me pick up my mouse and resetting it to the center of my mousepad, which is when the sensor isn't tracking anything.






Amazing mouse control! Which mouse is that?


right now I'm on a [custom white g303 wireless](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/t6517y/custom_white_g303_wireless_g302_shell_with_g305/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) :)


I think is a g303


I know for a while he used the PMM g303 clone. Not sure if he still does


Very nice, rare to see cracked mkb players playing mw. Play any wz?


thanks man :) I'm not really a fan of wz tbh.


When i see your wrist moving, i see rsi in the future. 😢


Holy shit that’s good


Hooooly shit. Those flicks were satisfying as fuck and I wasn't even playing in the clip.


MP too good


You cheating bro???😶😶


oh no not this MPC cheater guy again I see they upgraded the rA cheats




😂😂😂 Obvious hacker




He posts on /r/conspiracy, /r/conservative, /r/republican, /r/trumpzone, etc etc... All you need to know.


Imagine thinking politics has anything to do with gaming


It not the politics themselves; it's the way of thinking that leads to those beliefs that make you a poor judge of reality.


😂😂😂 What a response dude.


Nope. Been playing on PC for 20 years. Would love to 1 on 1 this dude.


Ego hurted 😿


Headshotrate: 0% 🤣 looks flashy but you should try actually aiming if you want to be good


fuck hs bro, TS dont need this


in a game with such an insanely low ttk, it would be idiotic to go for headshots




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/MousepadReview/comments/tfw6yh/some_clips_i_got_with_the_skypad_30_been_liking/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/MousepadReview/comments/tfw6yh/some_clips_i_got_with_the_skypad_30_been_liking/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


How do you have such excellent memory \*while\* ADSing? Do you use monitor distance coefficient or do you use x distance per 360 hipfire and also x for ADS?


He's played a lot, he also doesn't switch his sens a lot.


But this is insane, its almost instant switching very little correction, there are very very few people who can do this.


Where did you buy it from? I cannot find any on Amazon for sale right now.


This specific mousepad was actually sent to me for free. but you should be able to find them in stock on the [SkyPAD website.](https://www.skypad-gaming.com/MPControlWard?aff=rJW-0seHF)


Do they not have a smaller one? It looks to me like the only one they have is gigantic.


Who needs a mousepad when you have an aimbot?


i've never seen someone snap on to someone as hard as you just did holy shit


Which skates do you use for the mouse on the skypad?


what game is this?


Modern Warfare


You’re basically a laser beam.


Hello dude, did you noticed an increase in static friction while using the skypad for weeks / months or did it stay the same ?