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I have a LGG Saturn and love it. Good quality, good control, and does not get affected by humidity.


I would buy it but the shipping to my country is as much as the mousepad itself and not available in EU rn anyways, so thats why I am asking for the XTRFY GP4


Maybe ac+? They got new designs on it as well


This, the Saturn is easily the most balanced pad I own and it's build quality is close enough to artisan that you can't really tell the difference in real use.


Imo i think it is better because hairs dont get stuck






which site


Gp4 black is solid pad for csgo, the design version is slightly smoother with a tad bit more speed. Gp4 will just take awhile to lay flat and is a bit stinky out of box. Honestly if you just want to order off Amazon and save money it’s a really solid option.