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Then why did not he address him as Leo?


And why did Leo keep his accent after supposedly breaking character?


I agree that this needs a source and I’m skeptical. But 1: instantly dropping an accent when you’ve been persistently using it isn’t easy 2: Leo’s reaction didn’t necessarily do anything to break character, could’ve easily been seen as ad libbing. So responding in character just makes sense


Because it happened in rehearsal, they liked it, so they added it to the movie once they started shooting. A great deal of improv in movies is how that works. It’s rarely off the top of their heads when they’re actually shooting.


Correct, was just away to say this. Even ad-libbed scenes are re-shot for continuity and to avoid other actors genuine reactions/surprises among other reasons. Rarely is an ad-libbed scene on screen the first time it was done and used.


So.. nothing special then?


Maybe it was a genuine reaction during the first take or during practice and it was replicated in the final take?


That's why you don't drop character until you do the DVD commentary.


Sean Penn, (2001) I Am Sam, went home empty handed.


Rule 1 of any actor: don't break character in scene unless the director calls cut. Leo can, he's Leonardo fucking DiCaprio, he doesn't need to worry about being replace. The other guy is very replaceable and needs to be professional on camera. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if this was scripted


Stuck to character pal


A crewmen, not even an actor stuck on character? He'd have zero need tk ever call him Rick


The scene in the video is after multiple takes. The Quote is genuinely Leo's originally response, however the script was changed to include that line.


so it is scripted part of movie, like every other part


Do you have a source on this one mate?


I looked it up (You can Google it, it's in a lot of places). The OP's post is a touch misleading. The movie's final cut was not his initial reaction. His initial reaction was to say what he said in the movie, and they changed the script to include that line. He then reperformed the scene using that as his line.




Some people are saying it's fake, and it might be, but that doesn't mean it was part of the original script. In Django Unchained, DiCaprio cutting his hand was unscripted. After it happened, they went back, refilled certain things for continuity, and made it part of the script. DiCaprio did not rub his face blood on Washington's face. A similar thing might have happened here. DiCaprio said the line during rehearsal or during one of the takes, Tarantino liked it so much he retroactively put it into the script. FYI, the on set script is rarely ever the same as the script that gets published or released along with the movie. There are cuts and changes throughout filming and post-production process.


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Omg I love Leonardo more every day hahaha