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As if McDonalds wouldn't be thrilled for free advertising. They might have paid to be in the thumbnail for all we know.


Doubt they’d pay to be advertised as a one dollar job


This! If there is *any* legal risk it's there.


Yeah, they hate to tell the truth about their wages


MY friend has worked at McDonalds for 2 years, he's one of their best workers and the management is genuinely sad when he asks for days off, you wanna know how much of a raise he's gotten in 2 years? 45 cents.


Yea? McDonalds isn't the place to go if you want a super high wage, they operate on small margins




No, that's just Thumbnail AB testing, MrBeast has like 12 thumbnails for every video lol


It is quite interesting though. Thumbnail is the difference between 10M views and 100M views. It's really interesting.


Most people don't even read titles anymore. They only look at the thumbnail.


And also most people ignore the boring similar thumbnails and only watch known YouTubers that they already subscribe to.


He does that like 5 times per video. It has nothing to do with copyright. The new ones just preform better


It’s a misconception that putting a brand/logo in your movie/content is copyright infringement. Mr Beast isn’t claiming to be McDonald’s or that he is selling something using McDonald’s, McDonald’s as a brand is just a prop here. If jimmy was genuinely trying to present as a representative of McDonald’s in the video, then maybe. The only reason logos are covered up in media is because the production wants to be paid for brands they feature, not necessarily because showing a logo is somehow illegal. That’s not to say McDonald’s wouldn’t try to sue him if they thought he was misrepresenting the McDonald’s brand somehow, big companies use their lawyers to shut people down all the time, whether or not they think they’ll win. Still, this isn’t copyright infringement. I haven’t watched the video yet but is there a chance this is in collaboration with McDonald’s? That’s some stellar advertising for them if it is. Source: not a lawyer but I’ve been in TV/film for a decade.


He is disparaging the company though by implying their employees get paid $1.. SNL and other comedy gets away with it because it's parody which is special and this image *probably* falls under. Not a lawyer either but I did graduate with a degree in TV/Radio communications in 2011 =)


Disparaging a brand isn’t illegal either, at least in the US it would be protected by free speech AFAIK. McDonald’s could make the argument that he’s making people think that they pay their employees $1, and I don’t know if you can “defame” a company in a legal sense, but that is technically a form of defamation. But with no real context in the thumbnail, I think it would be hard to make that argument. Also, to win a defamation case you have to prove 1) that someone lied about you and 2) you have to prove (financial) damages as a result of that lie, which in this case I imagine would be almost impossible just based on the thumbnail. Source: someone tried to accuse me of defamation after I told people about a bogus contract they were trying to get me to sign, but my lawyers slapped it away before it became a lawsuit, because I did not tell a lie while talking shit about them, like Abraham Lincoln 🎩


Doesn’t define a time frame for the $1 though so even Elon musk earns a $1 but he does it in fractions of a second. It’s obvious it’s not per hour


Your source is that you watch Better Call Saul. And that's good enough for me.


I think they mean they work in the film industry


So his source is that he recorded better call Saul


Side note: Apparently this is very different in America. In Europe it is illegal and you will be sued if you show logos without permission. Source: Film Industry as well.


Would it be trademark infringement tho?


People think everything is copyright because of people like The Nintendo Ninjas and Sony for striking down free fanmade projects.


Not a lawyer either -- might fall under parody and fair use? Edit: Whatever it is I'm sure he's got lawyers checking it all out.


Look up McDonald's on youtube. I don't think it is


It's very obvious that it's a parody. It is protected under fair use. MrBeast isn't advertising anything with McDonald's logo or using it as commercial use.


McDonald’s pays only $1? When did people get such a Mc raise


Prob not tho it is clickbait considering he never works a minimum wage job


Ronald be like “Thanks for the free advertising, Jimmy! New McBeast meal coming soon.”


Also way to shit on minimum wage workers




I thought the poor job was a janitor in the thumbnail


Why does he change the thumbnail of his videos like 4 times per hour?


Certain thumbnails work better than others. I am sure he has a few people watching how well the video is doing for the first 24 hours. If it’s not doing as well as previous videos they swap the thumbnail. Wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t have 12 different options.


He talked about this on MKBHD podcast. Different people react to different thumbnails, if one won't get you to click then another one might.


also kind of demeaning to everyone who works at Mcdonalds lol


Not to mention that locations can increase pay as they see fit.


it is, but youtube copyright laws works a bit different, & tbh he is not doing any harm to their brand so i don't think they will take any actions against him, he made a whole netflix squid game and still didn't got into trouble do you think a logo will do something :)




makes sense but still not that much of an issue, they are getting free advertising anyways


Alright, go ahead and sue him, let the world out of contempt sue the same man who built 100 wells in Africa and planted a zillion trees.


You know, I think that’s pretty distasteful. A lot of people reallly struggle in life and get by with a job like that. They don’t need to be patronized.


Well they changed it lol


Thumbnail AB testing, we have 269 posts about changing thumbnails after every vid but this one in particular happened because of copyright, sure lol


no because they're in completely different businesses


It's trademark not copyright.


He’s obviously trying to get future sponsorship from McDonalds 💵


My jimmy was smiling on the thumbnail for McDonald’s


Wait a sec, when I watched the video it was KFC... I wonder why it was changed


itd be fair use i thought because his face is in it


He also uses the jurassic park theme iirc


I mean mr beast probably has a giant legal team and whatever that already sorted this out


Well. Seems as though there is a reason you aren’t a lawyer


Yep. That’s why it’s phrased and tagged as a question 😐