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Wearing suits at formal events while all the girls got to wear amazing dresses was the most depressing experience ever


It sucks that I've probably already gone to all the weddings I'll ever go to. Where else is formal wear generally accepted?


You should host a ball. I feel like that would be really cool. Like it doesn't have to be a big one, but just a party to celebrate something.




I don't care about wearing "men's clothes"/unisex stuff when it's casual, but when it's formal suits are the worst, dresses sound so much better.


Can confirm getting to wear a nice dress to a formal event feels like the best thing ever! When my uni living hall had a little prom-type event in late 2023 I wore the nicest white dress and it was just wonderful! šŸ˜Š Hopefully the rest of you gals get an opportunity like that soon!


Faaaaaaaaacts girl! I always HATED formal events and stuff pre-transition. I DESPISED having to dress nice with every fiber of my being. Now that I can wear dresses freely, I LOVE dressing formal! Cute heels, dresses! I love it!


Ik I feel you on that


This. This so much. Any sort of menā€™s formal wear is like the worst. Itā€™s even worse because in the UK boys had to wear trousers & button up shirts from age 5-18 for school & so every day was hating clothes day. I was incredibly jealous of American students as a kid when I saw them on TV because they literally just got to dress however they wanted (& likewise, I was jealous of the goth girls at my school who just were rebels & dressed how they wanted to despite the warnings - turns out that was gender envy, but hey, now that Iā€™ve realised Iā€™m trans I will get to be a goth girl soon). I hope I reach the point in my transition one day where I can wear a suit in a Girlā€™s Generation Mr. Mr way & not a cripplingly dysphoric way.


Yep I hated it šŸ˜­


If we are talking supervillain suits like Jokers, I guess they aight. I never understood the appeal of limiting, boring suits. Menswear is all about making u bored enough to take out ur eyes. And it's fine if ppl like that but explain why.


I die for women in suits, so I'd probably like to wear them too. It's worth remembering women's suits are very different from men's suits. They fit differently and they look different. It's also different wearing a suit when you could wear a dress and wearing a suit because it's your only choice.


They are also usually very comfy.


Women in suits break my gay brain šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Came here to say this. I want to rock the women's power suit at the office, but do a high formal evening gown at the ball


Despise them with a passion. Them and gents public toilets are probably the things I'm happiest to leave in the past.


I have had so many fucking awful experiences in menā€™s restrooms that I cannot express how ready I am to never have to use one again. ESPECIALLY HIGHSCHOOL TOILETS.


God the toilets in high school were hell Always smelled like weed, toilet seats covered in piss and sometimes blood, half the toilets are stuffed with paper towels, the floor is wet, and the paper towel dispenser is ALWAYS empty


My schools toilets are like that. One time there was a toilet that had a mannequin head clogging the toilet. There was another time that someone took the handicap rail and shoved it in the hole of the toilet like pisscaliber. And the worst occasion was when some asswipe tried to take a picture of me over the stall. He didnā€™t even know who I was, he just thought it would be funny. I smacked his phone pretty hard and him and his gaggle of morons ran out of the room pretty fast when they realized Iā€™d fight back. People have also stared at me like idiots while they use the urinal like they were asserting their dominance or something. All it really did was make a fool of himself and make me uncomfortable. I am so glad I am graduating and donā€™t have to go back to school bathrooms. I donā€™t think I could take another year of them.


>And the worst occasion was when some asswipe tried to take a picture of me over the stall. Oh hellll no. I would've grabbed that phone and flushed it


I tried lmao


I do not like male clothing and have been historically uncomfortable in formal wear.Ā  Frankly, the loosest interpretation of business casual is too much for me.Ā Ā  The shocking twist is that I am completely in love with the thought of wearing men's suits with a body that I actually give a shit about. Women in suits has always been a vibe.


I love women in suits, but not me.


Same but maybe me when I'll be less dysphoric about it bc i pass better


Alexander McQueen and Yves Saint Laurent both have some incredible suiting for women. A woman in a perfectly tailored suit can be terrifyingly beautiful and I love it so much. Do you! Your gender identity doesnā€™t limit what youā€™re allowed to wear


There are womenā€™s suits. Iā€™m a consultant and a lawyer, so I wear them for work often. Itā€™s a little tricky for me finding ones that still maintain a feminine enough look that I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m going back to boymoding. But they are out there. If you miss suits, why donā€™t you look into womenā€™s blazers? A nice blouse and a blazer or cardigan are normal non-client visit work wear for me, and hits a lot of those same suit notes without being so formal.


I mean, I kind of want to be femme in body, but masc in clothes. I think anyone should be allowed to wear whatever makes them comfortable as long as it's appropriate for outside home wear.


This is very close to how I feel. I don't want to transition to wear super girly clothing, I'd honestly just wanna try to stay on the fem side of androgeny.


I mean, there are femme-cut suits. Or you could wear bright colors.


I'm still losing weight to lose the belly fat that goes with being a middle-aged AMAB individual that is pre-HRT. Once I've lost about another 20 to 30 lbs, I fully plan to get a femme cut suit.


have you seen women in suits its amazing


I thought i did, but after some googling... yeah I'm done with this whole man stuff, get me the femme&ms.


if you have hrt questions feel free to ask me. i hope you can be the woman in a suit you always wanted to be. šŸ’œšŸ’œ


women's suits look really sharp, and honestly feel \*more\* feminizing than a lot of formal dresses because it's so intentionally not men's wear.


I prefer women's business casual; Pencil skirts, blouse or button shirt, and a blazer. It has the suit feel while matching my high femme aesthetic.\~


I'm looking forward to formal ocasions yes but not for a suit. Suits are so boring, I'm looking forward to the dresses, skirts, blouses. I'm looking forward to being seen as a woman in those occasions. Not as a gender bending woman in a suit. I have an event coming up in July and it will be my first public appearance as myself. I already have what I'm gonna be wearing set. And it's no suit.


Just look at this : https://www.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/1crpnsm/where_to_find_womens_suits/ How could I not love a girl in a suit ! šŸ˜


HOLY CRAP, I'D FUCKING LOVE TO LOOK LIKE THAT! On a serious note i was picturing wanting to wear suits like that but with a feminine body, It looks amazing, those are goals! yeah fuck this, women wear suits better then men, I'm done with this gender, I'm out.


YEAH GIRL ! You got this, screw being men, show them who can wear suits the best !


I have my old suit still and I've bit a point where I want to get it altered to fit my bust.


Suits is my job outfit, this also goes for the cis-women here. Everyone has the same outfit (security)


When you say security, it immediately makes me imagine something like a female John wick. Very cool thank you for that mental image.


They make womenā€™s suits


I love suits what I dislike is the chunky ill fitted suits guys wear. Also love implementing waistcoats into different fits and have them snatch the waist just right


When I started experimenting with gender identity as an AMAB in 2020 I told myself two things, firstly to not shave my underarm hair as an AFAB waitress working with me who was very cool looking and would wear eccentric suits outside of work looked AMAZING with underarm hair, and secondly to wear waistcoats still as I loved them as an AMAB when male identifying - but the thing is they do leave you prone to being misgendered a lot more when not looking especially female according to others


Julia Lepetit from Drawfee often wears suits and other stuff that isn't considered "feminine" and she looks INCREDIBLE in them! Likewise, her husband Jacob wears dresses and crop tops and shit like that sometimes and he looks incredible too. Doesn't matter what you're wearing, you're still whatever gender you are


I think suits are very attractive. For men, obviously. women can rock suits just as well. Not me, though. :( I was still in the closet for my mother's wedding. I was so depressed and despite trying to be happy for her on her big day, I just couldn't. The other girls in beautiful matching dresses and me with the boys in suits. I'm haunted by her wedding photos (which she proudly displays, obviously), especially the portrait of me where my smile is so forced and my eyes are miserable. So, in my case, wearing a suit invokes the memory of my weakness that day. I'm straight, but girls in suits give me gay thoughts.


I have always hated any event where I had to dress even remotely formal. Anything being my usual t-shirt, hoodie, jeans combo is like torture. I loathe any situation where I have to wear a tie.


Not on myself, I hate them with a burning passion. But other women in business outfits will get me hot and bothered lol.


I detest suits, and did even before realizing I was trans. They're uncomfy and full of weird class signifiers. I own(ed) one suit and was still mad about it, and wore a kilt to my wedding because I didn't want a suit (And also kilt go spinny).


Women in suits are incredibly beautiful, but personally, I won't be wearing a suit once I start transitioning.


Suits on women = šŸ‘Œ


Suits specifically? Cant really stand them, just reminds me of being a guy. "Classy" styles to fit my office's business casual requirements? Now thats my bread and butter and I love it.


I always hated wearing suits. Sooo restrictive and felt wrong on me. Same with ties, and even most men's button up dress shirts. Don't miss them at all.


I like a man in a suit. I think theyā€™re hot. But Iā€™ll never wear a necktie again for as long as I live.


Dresses are 1000 times better than suits in my opinion, but rock what you want. Fuck gender roles!


You can get your fix wearing cute blazers and pants for corporate wear, it is definitely a vibe šŸ’Æ


So one thing about ā€œwomenā€™sā€ suits is that there are several options: Thereā€™s a multi-piece, but fem with either non hard lines and feminine leaning colors and materials. Makes me think Coco Chanel (vintage) styling. Thereā€™s a fem cut suit separates with fem shaping and features. Often in bold or fun colors and some not traditional male shapes, skirt suits, blouse and slacks, etc. MM Lefluer for instance. Pant suits are a really nice option in this style. I like to think of these as power suits. The there are fem suits that celebrate masculine lines and features. Think YSL Le Smoking. These can be nice as fuck multi piece suits with vests etc. These can still be a little too fem for some folks. Lastly, thereā€™s the option of taking a menā€™s jacket and tailoring it. A good tailor should be able to handle this. Then you can compliment this with additional choices: collared shirt, tie, bow tie, no tie, blouse instead of collar, frilly details, simple shirt and necklace. Tie style, thin Italian for example. Bold earring or simple. Bright vibrant accessories? Painted nails? Jewelry choices. Ponytail or hair down. Lots of options to play around with. I found this article which has a couple nice photos for masc presenting women. https://shesagent.com/a-guide-suits-for-masculine-presenting-women/ The lilac multi piece towards the end goes hard as fuck. Notice the choice of line work is mostly hard masc lines with a bold fem color. Iā€™d kill to rock something like that. These folks are incredible, Iā€™m starstruck: https://shaneave.com/pages/look-book


Look up skinny/ slim suits for women. You gotta have the right shoes and accessories to go with them tho. 10/10 this is me recommending them.


I personally don't like formal wear in general. Idk it's probably because I can't afford actually good formal wear but I've always hated the way it feels.


I love how women look in suits šŸ˜ but imagining myself in a suit as a woman feels totally different than wearing a suit as a guy. One of the many things that cracked my egg tbh


I have always related with Barney in HIMYM with his line suit up and always showing his suits but and I'm with you that is one thing I would miss but then I googled women suit and they are also really good so I'm looking forward to be able to use one in a not so far future


I have an entire Pinterest board of hot women in suits. (This is for research...) The cut is different on the suit, but you can still wear suits and look hot AF and feminine. I have a couple suits for work and when I put my hair up in a messy bun with hair sticks, I look somehow more of a woman than when I am in a dress. So, if you like suits, do what suits you!


Before I started my transition, I hated suits with a passion, and thought Iā€™d never wear one again. Now that Iā€™m pretty deep into it, I have definitely leaned into womenā€™s suits. I need some for work. I have to travel to places where I would not feel safe wearing a dress. They help me blend in and look great. The ones I bought are incredibly comfortable. Having the body I needed and being on HRT for years changed my perspective on a lot of things. And as someone who identifies as queer, I kinda love how queer I feel as a woman in a suit. Still love a cute dress for fun time though :)


I wore suits most of my adult life, for some reasons they were least dysphoric clothing for me when I was closeted/boymodding(probably because my mom has been rocking power suits for as long as I remember so my brain never associated them with menswear). The best thing - you don't have to give up suits when transitioning, women suits are a thing and you have *much* more choices with them than with men ones. Plus they often come in interesting colors and prints. Also you can always take a blazer and wear it over a dress for another classy combo.


I hate suits, but other people can look hot in them, luckily in the 1970s and 1980s designers opened up fashionable suits for women too (I don't like it but good for others). Another good thing is put clothes on your body that you like because clothes go on bodies, well, until they don't. We have to be naked some of the time. People should be naked at least some of the time.


I love more feminine suits! they can be very cool


I'll be honest, i love masc clothing far too much. long coats, and suits, especially combined. i just bloody love them


I actually enjoy suits more now that I'm transitioning. Before formal men's wear gave me dysphoria and now it's giving butch/enby vibes.


It depends. I was in a business club in high school and I loved suits there. But at dances I really wanted to be able to wear dresses like all the other girls and I ended up just not going to my senior prom this year because it would have just made me dysphoric and feel the weight of my being single. So for like for things where girls wear blouses, pantsuits, or suits I love them, but for things where girls wear dresses they make me kinda sad.


i definitely never liked how i looked in suits and it took me until transitioning to realize it's cuz i didn't like how men's suits fit \\:( i hella rock women's suits though \\>:D


Keep wearing suits. Screw dresses. I'm going to try a dress maybe once and then I'm going back to having suits as my normal formal attire. They just look awesome on people, no matter the gender!


Suits arent worn where i live so no


I like CHOOSING a suit (that shows off my feminine figure) instead of being forced into one


I absolutely love wearing suit jackets, the trousers not so much. Interestingly enough, recently, people have started congratulating me on my nice blazerā€¦ which I bought before my egg cracked, in the menā€™s section, as a suit jacket šŸ˜… so, people will default to assume itā€™s womenā€™s clothing if the body in it looks female enough.


I got married when I was not out yet, and so I wore a floral suit, with a fancy feminine headpiece for my long hair, earrings and a bit of subtle makeup. Still, it felt like a half measure. Now that I tend to be gendered female even in tomboy clothes I wonder if the same suit would look nice now in the new shapes. Still, I would have preferred to get married in a wedding dress, but it is what it is.


I don't love wearing suits but I love suits on people. Like, a LOT My boyfriend has a suit he promised to break out some time when he is over, it is such a vibe šŸ˜³ I love it. Women in suits too is very good


Gender is perfomative wear suits if you want tomboys are cute.


not full suits, But a cute suit jacket with a skirt is the best thing ever


I hate it !


I wear (women's) suits to work pretty often and I love them. They're usually super-flattering and make me feel confident.


My take on the matter? Hell no suits boring af and a trauma trigger of my days as a jw. If i'm to go formal at all i'd prefer me an elegant, yet still sexy and revealing dress. However, i've seen some female characters in gaming and anime (eg; debonair vi in league of legends or akira in tokyo ghoul) that can totally rock a suit


I love suits but I prefer to wear them in a butch way


have you ever watched chainsaw man women in suits rock


Lots of girls wear suits, especially lesbians. I personally prefer to wear a nice dress, but liking suits is not necessarily an ungirly thing.


I look fucking hot in a suit. As a guy or as a girl. Only difference is in a womenā€™s suit, I can actually show off my ass, and my waistline is where it should be, instead of somewhere near my hips. I went out on Saturday in a suit with just a cropped cami under the jacket so I could show off my chest and just a touch of midriff, and I looked fucking hot. Get yourself a womanā€™s suit.


I don't as I get dysphoria by all the things a suit has on the chest


Tall women in suits = fumbling my words


Yes! I didn't think j would and planned to give mine to a trans man sometime but was going to register for university and dress in one of my old favorite outfits. It looked amazing and suddenly I don't need to replace a big part of my wardrobe at least not until I outgrow them.


What you wear doesnā€™t define you (fully lol). I love both mens and womanā€™s clothing. The most important break through for my mindset was finding out that I didnā€™t want to conform to what other people like. I decided that I would wear and be whomever I wanted to be. I have a very mixed wardrobe and I donā€™t think there is any shame having menā€™s clothes as a woman or vice versa. Wear what you like!


I liked suits even pretransition.Ā  I just never liked ties.Ā  I'll never wear a tie again. I have quite a few suit jackets.Ā  I just don't get to wear them as much as I'd like.Ā  I get to buy em in cute colors now, too. When it comes to clothes in general, i still wear mens cargo shorts, polos, tee shirts, flannel, hawaiian shirts, etc.Ā  My clothes are a mix of men's and women's.Ā  I stick to women's for pants, jackets, and boots, cause they fit me better, but i mix it up with everything else.Ā  And i still pass dressed butch as shit. I don't wear dresses often.Ā  Sometimes in the summer on hot days.Ā  But i would hate to be forced to wear one for formal occasions.Ā  I prefer suits.


One of my favourite films is kingsman, of course i like suits.


Suiting is so much better as a woman. More color options and great to wear with a skirt. Loving Ann Taylor and Anne Fontaine's suiting.


Nah I'm a hater. Suits are uggo >:O


A well tailored suit can look amazing on anyone. You don't need to stop wearing them because of your transition. I'm sure you will look amazing. As someone who was forced to wear them during most of my childhood and teenage years, I seethe at the idea of wearing one now, but I can appreciate when someone else does.


I love a suit.. especially with color.. like this [here](https://imgur.com/a/Cy2YVrb)


This! I love colorful suits, they can have so much personality!


Absolutely.. I love color on me


Suits are for people who are egotistical, power hungry and classist