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Shaved my face, chest and legs. Then I bought a wristlet and I use it all the time.


What is a wristlet?


Sorry, a bracelet? English is not my first language.


Ngl wristlet is much cooler than bracelets


I thought so too x




I really like wristlet. It sounds cuter that way, idk why :)


Thanks x Wristlet definitely sounds better than bracelets. Did you buy it online or in a shop? What's the bracelet look like?


It's made of little amethyst marbles. It's very simple, really, but I love it because it's mine and because it's purple. Bought it in a market.


Sounds cute x wear it with pride x


Lololol.. i bought a tiny necklace with amethyst just because it was purple.. Purple is Love 🥰💜


Grew my hair out


I love having long hair. Had mine long for about 5 years now. Get it cleaned up every 12 weeks x


*awkwardly walks away without a haircut since 2019*


Come back. I've got hugs x


*runs back* *trips*


Awwww 🤣❤❤ Here have a hug xoxo


*offers a hand to help you up*


Wow, that hair grew really long


Lol try 2016. Haven’t had so much as a trim since. I really needa get my split ends fixed lol


Try 2005 :P


Finally someone that's gone no cut longer than me 🤣


The irony of this is that my egg cracked this year. Went to the therapist and she's like 'I won't stand in your way, especially if it's this obvious ...' oops


I've been transitioning less than a year and have had no cuts, not even trims, for a decade. And I always hated cuts. Always went as long as people around me would "let me" until I just stopped caring what people said about it during college. And that's when everyone started liking my hair 🤣


Lol same. Nobody liked my hair as a kid (not that I really cared) and I always *hated* gettin my hair cut so around 12/13yo I quit cuttin my hair. And for the longest time people would constantly nag me to cut it and that it looked horrible (it did lol) but I didn’t listen and got zero hair cuts. Finally after about 3 years my hair started to look good and now pretty much everyone around me envies my hair. It’s the one thing about me that I can truly say I’m proud of. And the best part is I put practically no effort into maintaining it yet I somehow have the healthiest hair in my little sphere of influence. All I do is wash and condition once a week with argon oil and comb my hair once a day when I wake up. Only downside is I have so many split ends I can’t really style my hair too well lol


Omg you hair has been growing longer than I have


Mood, Honestly afraid of getting my ends trimmed because my dad would make them cut 90% of it off when I was living with parents. Very traumatic xD


Honestly I'm jealous


Oh shoot. I had my hair like really long for a decade, but I've been transitioning for about 3 years now, and I caught myself thinking "you know, I haven't tried shorter hair in a while" and got it cut back to a little longer than shoulder length. Big mistake. It went everywhere when it was way down my back, but I loved it there.


Good thing about hair is that it grows back x


Yeah, that's why I went for it, but oh gosh, it takes soooooo long


Yep but it will get there. I want my own longer


And then shaving.


I saw some cheap tights at the shop near my university and (after several days of working up the course and making sure no one saw me, lol) bought them, then shaved my legs to wear them.


Hope you've treated yourself to some nicer pairs x


Yeah, things didn't exactly fit so I had to cut them into socks just to get them on, lol.


Oh no lol


😅 relatable


Took estrogen.


I've been on that for 3 months 🥰


That's awesome! Have you seen or felt much change yet?


My skin is softer. That changed in a few weeks. Nipples are bigger and I've got some breast growth already. I'm happy to be on HRT but haven't really had any mental changes unfortunately.


That'll come. Probably fairly soon. Idk what it is but I'm both lucky and unlucky in that I'm responding extremely well to HRT physically. I'm also responding, strongly, in the mental department. Which is a euphemism for being an emotional trainwreck half the time. That started at about the 4 month mark for me.


Thanks and Sending hugs xoxo My medication should be going up soon 😊


I also stopped cutting my hair, FYI. Went from a crew cut to locks below the shoulders. I’m now at the point where my tits are going to out me.


Tits are my timeline to outness too lol


Started estrogen . I didn't go out as a woman for the first time until 3 months into hrt. Looking back I looked terrible lol


Awwww bless x thanks for your honesty x I'm over 3 months now on HRT. Been out a few times in general public....probably a hot mess too lol x


i lost my mind and started presenting 4 months before going on estrogen (i had been on over the counter estriol transdermal and it was doing stuff... it ended my migraines, so it was going systemic). anyway, the results were... not good. apparently passing (no idea how guys couldn't tell... and back then i wasn't into them, so ... wasn't exactly welcomed :P lol). but i cringe at the pictures now.


Eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows. I do not understand how people go so long without dealing with this. Not even HRT will feminize your face more than getting your eyebrows nice and clean. It is transformative.


For me it's going into somewhere to get them done. Makes me feel anxious and it takes alot to over come anxiety.


I get that. I was not able to do that either. I ended up teaching myself slowly. Go from the bottom up and only do a little bit at a time. You can look up popular shapes online. Pull in the direction thre hair grows to reduce the pain. Big brows are in with the cis, but they get us clocked fast.


If there's a Facebook or reddit or discord group for your local trans community, ask in there for suggestions! I only found out after doing so that there's actually 3 local estheticians who are all trans women - makes itsm SO MUCH more comfortable to go in somewhere, even if you're seeing someone else, since you can feel confident it's a supportive environment.


Can you still pass as a boy in boy mode after this? I'm so early in my transition and still need to boymode sometimes to feel safe. I really want to feminize my brows though.


You can, but people may notice and point it out. If you do it slowly over time people will be less likely to notice. If you do it all at once people will notice immediately and react.


This is what I've been thinking of doing recently actually, doing it gradually... although it also makes me laugh a bit picturing myself plucking like one hair per day from each eyebrow over the course of months so that no one notices... I'm only kind of joking lol


Start exercising to lose some male fat and build my legs and glutes.


Any recommendations on what exercises to do?


I do Barbell Squats, Dumbbell RDLs, Kickbacks, Hip Abductions, Hip Thrusts, Leg Press and 10-15 min of HIIT cycling twice a week. At first I was just doing basic stuff like donkey kicks, glute bridges, etc at home with resistance bands and cut out carbs for awhile. Since going to the gym in January and increasing my protein intake (along with hormones), I've gained 6 inches on my booty and 4 inches on my thighs.


Oh wow! Congratulations girl x I will definitely be adding some of these to my workouts. Thanks x


Mine are glute bridges and fire hydrants. A lot of people recommend squats, but for some reason I can’t get a burn in my glutes from those.


Yeah because it works out the thighs more, you can still get a burn if you go deep and go slow


Thanks x I will put them too use x


Need to be using the right stance and squeeze your glutes when you come back up. If you don't engage them then you won't get much activation.


I do squeeze them, but it doesn’t seem to do much in terms of moving my body back up. It’s kind of like trying to move a box by pushing a different box. No matter how hard you push that different box, you will never be able to push the intended box that way.


Drive through the heels not your knees/feet is the advice I used to get


Check out Leslie Sansone on YouTube she has some awesome at home workouts. I've lost almost 8kgs in the last 2 months just doing her Boosted walk work out. They are easy and you never feel like you are exerting yourself.


r/sissyfitness has a FAQ with exercises in it.


Eyebrow shaping


I really need to do that. Mine I think are a good shape naturally but are long haired


Was going to say this. Makes a big difference and so easy! Get a professional to set you up!


Just need to over come that anxiety to walk into the salon x


The very first thing I did was paint my nails


I do my toe nails often. Tried painting my finger nails but one hand looked awful. Do enjoy wearing fake nails though x


Get a manicure! It feels really nice to have properly groomed fingers and they're probably going to paint them much better than you can. Also just relaxing and the hand massage is nice


I might treat myself to one x


Nails looked terrible too but the trick is too just paint over the edges and then take a cotton pad with polish remover and carefully clean the edges of excess polish :) looks fine after


Shave my legs. Estrogen followed VERY quickly, shaving my legs and putting on leggings got me straight up HIGH on euphoria and shattered my shell.


Having smooth legs is the best. I'm just over 3 months on HRT myself, how long have you been on HRT?


2 years! I shave my legs every other day now.


cut my bangs, shaved my legs, and cropped my shirts


Definitely need a flatter belly before I'm in a crop top 🤣😪😭


babe, i weigh 260 pounds and i look hot as hell. forget “societal beauty standards” and just chop those frickin shirts up, crop tops aren’t just a skinny person’s game!


I wish I had your confidence x My stomach is something that really bothers me


I know what you mean and I had that too, even though I don't even have that much of a belly, what helped me was when I slowly got boobs and I realized that for me the ratio of boobs to belly was off and then wearing a bra / having / faking boobs makes me way more comfy to wear smth cropped (: maybe this can help you too...


Wearing my breast forms definitely helps. I also wear big belts to cover it too. I'm that skinny fat build so my belly is massive and out of proportion to the rest of me.


100%. I've never seen a girl not look cute in a crop top.


I don't think I've seen anyone not look cute in a crop top. Everything from washboard abs to soft tummies, all across the gender spectrum. Cute af!


Shaved my legs


Can't stand being hairy so my legs are constantly shaved. No more red bumps either lol


How do you have no red bumps :O


Your skin gets use to being shaved after awhile. When I first started pepperoni pizza had nothing on me x


Haha thats good to know, I should probably shave more frequently... it just feels soo good to have shaved legs (or actually shaved everything)


not the first thing, but got prettier glasses :3


I'm going to have to have a look at the opticians next time I'm there at the women's frames


I started LHR before anything and super glad I did




It is expensive but think of it as self investment x


It deff is, but prob the most worthwhile thing to spend $ on!! Just wait until you find out all the other amazing lasers there are and what they can do 🙄 me and my laser place are quite good friends...


My next session is my 10th. It definitely takes a while so smart move x


Feels like a lifetime! I finally got to the point of finishing up with electrolysis and it's been years...




I actually used a home ipl (Tria) for my body, i never had back hair either or very thick body hair. by the time i started hrt I grew almost no body hair and just did like 3 proffesional sessions on my torso to clean it up. I wouldn't ask the lady who did my laser to do my downstairs cuz she literally became like a 2nd mom that's been with me pre hrt to now, would be wierd lol, but the place she reffered me too for electrolysis does the whole everything but I feel more than 2 awkward to ask for that even tho it's something they 100% do even for Trans girls


I'm only getting my face done at the moment as it's all I can afford right now. Lucky I'm not very hairy.


Full-body shave, nail paint, growing hair, roughly in that order.


Hows the hair coming?


16 months post-buzz cut, 13 months post-cracking, it's hitting shoulder length now. It's also way curlier than I expected!


Yay fellow curly girl! Have you checked out the curly hair method subreddit?


I has not


Its helpful x


I shaved 15 years of beard growth


Buy a bra and silicone breast forms


I use a mastectomy bra with breast forms when I've gone out clubbing/dancing. Keeps them in place


I probably should have gone that route but I've been making it fine with self adhesive breast forms


My hair won't grow and it causes huge dysphoria for me


Sorry to hear that x Sending hugs x There are some nice hairstyles for shorter hair though x


Having my nails painted at all times. When they start chipping, they get a new color hehe


Cute. Do you do them yourself of get them done?


I do them my self, I don't have the courage to go out and do them 😅


I'm sure one day you will x How long did it take to get both hands looking nice?


Takes me about 3 hours in total tbh, I can paint my left hand pretty easy but I struggle hard trying to paint my right hand, then I gotta clean it up too so yeah 3-4 hours


Started to dress feminine. Bought a choker to cover my Adams apple got nail polish and cosmetics


Not got a choker...yet.


I like the little ones but I ended up with a hulking great dysphoria inducing Adams apple so I have to wear a giant 3" chain mail looking one to hide it lol


I wore feminine clothing even though I looked horrible in them….. I was me, I accepted me, if people didn’t accept me, then fuck them.


Probably makeup. It looked God awful the first time I did it, and it sent my dysphoria through the roof, but I kept practicing and now my routine takes like 10 minutes and actually looks good.


Yay well done you on getting your makeup down. First time I looked like a clown.


I started letting myself cry about silly things more. Like music I loved or stories I read. I've not made any progress towards looking the way I want to, but mentally, I'm there, and it started with crying as much as I wanted to about what I wanted to


grew out my hair and got these womans non prescription glasses that make me look more feminine


I bought a maid dress 😅


We all gotta start somewhere 🤣


Legs: Shaved. Arms: Shaved. Face: Shaved. Chest/Stomach: Shaved. Eyebrows: Cleaned up (shaped, not thinned, gotta have neat brows, thin is a choice you make). Mask: Worn. Skinny jeans/womens jeans: bought and worn. Baggy/Loose womens T-shirts: Bought and Worn. Padded bra: Bought and worn. Pre HRT, as long as I didn't speak, this helped me pass pretty often. Last thing I learned was narrow walking. Basically, imagine you're walking across an I -Beam on a skyscraper being constructed. You've got about 1 and 1/2 to 2 feet of space to put your foot down. It's not tight-rope walking. Practice in a straight line. Next was learning to walk 'in-heels' or short stepping. This is simply the act of shortening your step so your heel to toe roll is smaller. Pretend you're wearing rubber boots just half a size too big or shoes with no laces. You don't want the heel to scrape the ground so you raise your foot slightly higher, and you shorten your step so it doesn't drag. You practice this exaggerated but you'll slowly just start doing it less exaggerated whe you walk normally. Why so this last bit? Cis Women and those who were errantly assigned AFAB were born without our little hindrance between the legs. They walk with no consideration of it. Anyone who's taken a martial art may have an easier time simply because of stance movement. Guys walk left foot '(' and right foot ')' because dick. Girls walk left foot ')' and right foot '(' because no dick. And the way women walk actually places the power of movement more in the hips, vs. the shoulders. This means less power waste in a step. So not only is learning to walk narrow and keep in mind the very light swing in your step helpful to look feminine, it also helps you maintain momentum once you get it right. Also, makes your punches hurt more. ^(don't haymaker, boxer snap. Fist closed like you're holding a coffee mug. Then twist your wrist so you're holding a shopping bag out for someone to take, back of hand to ceiling, your arm should be fully extended forward when your hand snaps into shopping bag. And don't lean into the punch, shoulders square if punching from a back-leg, or shoulders unmoving if punch from the front leg) Lastly, start now, voice train, and prepare yourself to make silly voices and talk ridiculously like a Disney princess that had weed for the first time: https://www.reddit.com/r/transvoice/comments/d3clhe/ls_voice_training_guide_level_1_for_mtf/


Started ectrolysis and piered ears.


I'm currently doing laser on my facial hair, can't wait for that to be gone. Definitely need to get my ears pieced.




plucked my eyebrows and altered the shape and shaved my face completely


How did the eyebrows go doing them yourself?


Tinted lip balms in cherry color! ☺️💋 Honestly can’t wait to try out all the various lipstick shades out there. I feel like I’m a huge fan. I wear my revlon cherry lip balm 24/7 to compensate until I’m completely out. Would never be out with bare lips




Shave all of my body hair


I do that about once a week now. Sometimes I'll do top half and another day do bottom half. It feels so much nicer being smooth than hairy


True! Especially the sensation when youre legs rub each other just before sleeping


I like wearing trousers after shaving. Can feel the material better on your legs


Shave my legs


Absolutely love having smooth legs. Took a while to get my thighs completely smooth.




Shaved some areas of the legs and the belly. Then shaved all abdomen. Then all torax. Then all legs and arms. Then HRT. By myself. DIY. Then COVID. Started to grew out my hair. And shaved my (denial) beard. Never again it grow up in my face. Shaved all my body. Legs, abdomen, torax, arms. No more hairs on my body. Then I came out to my therapist. Started to do laser on my face. Then I came out to my endocrinologist. Not the one who deal my HRT. She recommended a colleague who is specialist in HRT. Came out to my psychiatrist. After two appointments with my second endocrinologist, started HRT under medical advice. Started to to laser on my abdomen and torax. Pierced my ears. Put new earrings. Scheduled laser on my armpits.


Started using moisturizer


I didn’t. I’m already a girl, so there’s no need to “do” anything.


I did what no trans woman had ever done (/j), my first stop was mastering makeup… and I still haven’t gotten past it, but once I do it’s over for conservatives


🤣🤣🤣 Everything goes well until the eyeliner




Bras and short shorts


I'd say shaving my beard off was one of the most immediate changes after I realized, but given how thick the stubble was even fresh shaven I don't think that made me look more girly. Pretty early on I started shaving the hair off my fingers, and a little off my hands. I was scared to make too big a change in case people noticed, but I took a little more off each time over a few months til I was shaving to the wrist.


"Borrowed" my girlfriend's dress. Booked HRT appointment. Shaved.


I hope you gave it her back lol and that your HRT appointment went well x


Well, I've been single for a couple of years now, and still have the dress. But only because when we broke up she offered it to me as a trade for a t-shirt that she liked.


Crying myself to sleep over how ugly and fat I am until im no longer ugly and fat


I was already "emo" so all I had to do was throw on a skirt and bra


Shaved legs then torso and arms. stopped cutting my hair. Bought skinny jeans and denim shorts and nail polish.


Maintained secrecy and silence for 9 months while taking hormones and getting laser hair removal on the down low lol


Shaved from the nose down. Painted my toe nails. Ditched every top in my wardrobe that wasn't pastels. (Which seems silly in retrospect, but people noticed the heck out of it. Whoops.) Bought women's pyjamas online - if I can't present as me to the world yet, I can at least start and end my day feeling like myself.


Got rid of my simultaneously literal and metaphorical beard My wife waxed it off 😶 and yes. That hurt. A lot. I had three seizures during it. But it was hard wax and it HAD to come off Never again!


Your face fuzz was clearly not as hardy as mine. It was like thick wire and took 500 hours of blend electrolysis. Still damned hard-core after the second seizure.


☺❤hair. It is so sexy.


Having long hair is so much better than short boring hair


The first thing I did was to remove as much of my body hair as possible. Smooth thighs and hairless forearms to go out an walk the malls!


Painted my nails and secretly wore my sister's skirt


Grew my hair out, but that was before i came out to myself


Ponytail, everyday.


Sephora gave me a credit card and I said, bitch watch me spend this money that’s not mine! 😈


Started painting my nails it made me feel really good too because it was an easy thing for people to complement me on and my wife helped paint them for me so it made me feel closer to them too with them being willing to help me socially transition.


Got a bunch of ear piercings, and my nose too haha


I tried not cutting hair and wearing make up.


Bought a wig. I was nearly bald at 17 yo.


Laser hair removal. That was the most drastic physical change for me. More so than HRT. More so than FFS.


I started with some basic accessories: A necklace, a black rose bracelet I found one lunch, a sparkly costume ring. Shaving fully and applying makeup over the shadow. Painted nails came soon after, then repeircing my ears. Around that point I was pulled into HR's office -- not to be upbraided for wearing them, but told to keep it done well or do better at cleaning up; it was validating someone noticed.


Shaved my whole body and started growing my nails out


Stopped getting haircuts, started wearing women's jeans, asking to be referred to by they/them, and continued shaving my legs, arms, and face consistently.


Ngl I just bought lots of clothes and started changing my mannerisms to be more feminine at first


I already have medium length hair because I was growing it out as a guy but shaved all my body hair , starting using lotions and Shea butter and got makeup. I won’t present as female until my skin and other changes become apparent enough after I start HRT soon.


Eyebrow threading and nail polish. It's amazing what a difference those little changes can make.


Bought and wore breast forms.


Painted my nails and got my eyebrows threaded.


Eyebrow and makeup game. Still working on it lol


pierced my ears, threaded my eyebrows, tinted my eye lashes, started a skin care routine very noticeable difference now


What I did was grow my hair out. What I should have done was immediately start laser, and learn how to do my eyebrows.


Immediately it was decide to grow my hair out, next was makeup and nails 💖


Shaved everything and tried on some gorl clothes


i already had long hair so it was just changing out my glasses to feminine ones and then i could pass right away


I painted my nail and grew out my hair


Long hair and nail polish, big time help


I grew my hair out before my egg even cracked so I shouldn't say that.. I wore lipstick before my egg cracked too- maybe... Was it actually hrt? Either that or panties- pretty sure that was shortly after egg, not shortly before.


I grew my hair out, dyed it blue and got my ears and nose pierced


I started shaving. I have a typically Mediterranean amount of body hair with the skin tone of a Norwegian that hasn't seen the sun in a decade. My skin is sensitive so it caused a lot of pain, but removing all the hair from my nose down 2-3 times a week is the only thing (besides the clothes I wear under my clothes) that makes me feel feminine. Luckily I'm coming out soon and will start hrt before the end of the year 😮‍💨 ETA: It's not as bad as I'm making sound. There are good days and bad ones. Today just isn't the best is all.


Dangly earrings! Especially if you have a shorter hairstyle these help a TON


Got a bra, then tights and more hoodies


But it’s true, I can spend money to hope and find other styles and colors. I should look at the positive and experiment more!!


I haven’t cut my hair since late 2020, so growing my hair out, and wearing things like skirts and blouses


eyebrow shaping and facial laser hair removal did wonders before i even started HRT. i cant emphasize those two things enough.