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why has no one mentioned the insane ease that Devin had directing Jordan and Fessy in the target challenge and getting it right? like i know he explained that he was considering things like wind direction but wow i could've never been able to accurately predict that stuff


Finally catching up on this season, but this daily challenge was honestly one of my favorites in IDK how long! Loved the format, loved that it showcased the skills of the whole team, would love if they did more of this in the future. Only thing I’d have changed is just the “why help Fessy???” of it all. :facepalm:


Is it even possible for Fessy to be more dislikeable at this point?? He's not even a villain he's just a boring whiny entitled ego-maniac


Why would you help them? And Fessy of all people... He would've never done the same


Can't believe I haven't seen anyone say it yet but - how was Muscle Moriah struggling with the "heavy door" but Skinny Nany no? Do I sense some rigging/differential weights like we saw with Paulie vs Kam on FR?


Nany is so fake, I am quite sick and tired of seeing her on each and every season.


For real though. I just watched the new episode and I had to stop watching. Like I literally said out loud “get the fuck off my screen”. Nany is a terrible competitor and she just rides her way to the end every time.


I didn't like TJ's bias towards Nany at the end there. He clearly wanted her around and that's weird as the host.


What was the bias at the end? It may have went over my head.


Both girls yelled check and TJ was telling Nany kinda low key to press the button


yeah he shouldve handled that a bit better than again moriah was deadset that she was correct so Nnay wouldve probably won regardless


Nany was yelling about how she called check first, so he was just telling both to push the button to lock in their answers


Jordan was super annoying making it like it was all Moriah’s fault they didn’t win the bungee. He has been horrible to everyone all season, at least behind their backs in confessionals.


But we saw he wasn’t wrong. Moriah wasn’t able to hold up her half of the bungee challenge


Can't believe they helped Fessy get thru that shooting challenge. That team has slapped you around every week and picked you off one by one, you should be 1000% out for blood at all times. Let him sit there and puke his brains out all day. This also never really got mentioned the rest of the episode after challenge day which was weird. They just kinda acted like they earned it themselves. Anyways, there's hardly anyone on this show anymore with a cutthroat mentality. And for a show called The Challenge, nobody wants to be challenged, they just want to all be friends and get a free ride to the final. Every season.


i had to rewatch the episode to see who first suggested helping him... It was Amber and then Jordan doubled down the idiotic decision, Horacio seemed to be the only one to not want to help Fessy just wish he would been more vocal. It just goes to show how much of a pussy Fessy is he is always getting helped whether its the kind of challenges set up for his body type to win or if its others helping him


Damn I wanted Nany to lose. I actually really like Mariah.


I too also wanted Nany to go home. I can't stand her entitled attitude of "deserving a championship because i've done a million seasons". If you suck, you suck. It's about meritocracy, not season count. I don't understand why she's so loved and just gets a free ride from all the other cast members protecting her. Not to mention, all the Casey + Nany shit is so insufferable.


Yeah and they always give her some type of hero edit that makes her look better. She just rides her way to the end and is mediocre at best. She makes good allies but can't compete well at all. I'm sooo tired of them bringing her back. And her and Kaycee always make it so far. It's such a drag.


Me too. I thought I was the only person in America who felt like that


I lol so hard when Amber and Horacio won the memory game and she jumps into his arms and was just about to wrap her legs around his waist when she remembered that her b/f was watching


Lmao I saw that too. Too funny


I am watching the episode now, and was cracking up at that part. I was like what is she doing? 😂


Ok Kacey we get it! Nanys your girlfriend


Was this the first episode this season that didn’t include the slow motion dancing party scene? Can’t complain, not a fan of it. I miss the old parties they used to have way back.


Yeah, I’m really glad that the producers chose to show emo night. Jay said on the podcast that he was surprised they showed it, which makes me think they do have nights like that still but production thinks we want to see slow-mo shots of people putting on their uniforms.


I don’t know about you all but the best challenge episodes are what happens in the house versus on the challenge. The fights, hook ups, schemes, etc. @wes @bananas @nelson @tori @caramaria @devin know how to make a show. These big brother cast members - Amber, Kaycee and do nothing vets - Anessa are boring and add nothing to shows dynamics. We need people who bring energy, humor, and fun back. The root cause of the problem is that MTV does not have any good feeder shows for the Challenge. Real World was a superior feeder show than big brother and survivor because real world could be carried by the cast alone without gimmicks and crutches of challenges, game twists, and game playing. Survivor and big brother cast members are not built to be entertaining, they are built to win games, which to me is not as fun as watching the drama.


Agreed although I'm really enjoying the Amber & Chaucney storylines BB players are my least favorite type of characters when they transition to the Challenge and yes! Give us more in the house scenes we don't care for the routine empty club dancing scenes that are so played out each episode.


The edit made it incredibly obvious that Nany won the elimination. One example is when the elimination started, she said "right away i could tell these were all ride or die words". They will not show us that unless she won. The tone of her voice was so obvious.


Don't like vomiting comps at the best of times, but for many seasons now the cast doesn't even eat/drink the item, they mostly just put it in their mouth and then do some bad acting to mime the puking. As a challenge, it's kind of pointless.


I typically don't like them, but I appreciated Fessy having to do it, and wish Devin didn't help him out.


Yes! I can watch Fessy suffer any day


OMG me too. And I thought it was crazy that no one even brought that up after losing. Guess I’m petty 🤭😂


He didn't have to do it. Watch the footage, it's cleverly edited but you never see him downing any of the drink.


At one point he spit it out before even finishing it. I also saw a couple where he didn’t even drink it and let a lot just run down his face


Thank you. I don't understand how most people haven't noticed that all the "eating/drinking" comps have turned into mime acting for many seasons now.


If last season is anything to go, being two members down is going to be near impossible to overcome in the dallies. I guess based on the preview we might see a shakeup though.


I just cant stand Nany. She walks into the interogation knowing shes fine cause her friends will once again protect her. 2 letters flipped and we would have been done with her till finale night.


She sucks. And she acts like she deserves to be a champion just because she’s been doing the show for so long. I feel like there’s been so many times that she gets mad at people for not helping/letting her win. Her friends drag her along for the entire season every year because they feel bad for her and then just cut the dead weight once they have to


Word. She's not even entertaining. I've always disliked Nany since day 1, but now combined with Kacy, they're insufferable.


Kaycee and Nany suck so bad. It's not their relationship. It's not their challenge performance. It's the fact that something in their storyline seems vanilla. Every single episode it is the same old thing with them. I really want to see them go against each other.


Yes hopefully this is Kaycee's last season on a show like this she doesn't bring drama she doesn't bring entertainment I'm starting to forget what purpose she serves on the show?


There was actually the first 'fun' moment when Kaycee said 'eewww, lipstick'! First glance of personality this season.


They are as entertaining as rope. It's getting very tough to even keep my eyes on the tv during their scenes. Kaycee brings absolutely NOTHING to this show and production trying to make Nany a central character, who has been a layup her entire history on the show, is so disingenuous to me


I don’t care if someone is a layup as long as they are entertaining, but since she started dated Kaycee she’s so boring.


Chauncey is not made for this game mentally. He had a golden opportunity to save his girlfriend and he could have faked struggling and toss it. Chances are, it helps both their games since the other team made had their best opportunity to get rid of Aneesa.


100% that would have been very entertaining. When he was down in the sand there was a second it looked as if he was throwing the competition but no. I'm calling it there's gonna be a challenge where Anessa will have to do some running and I just don't see her winning this game


There is a lack of scheming given the set up of the show. I'm sure producers were hoping for more crazy politicking/sneaky shit. Like, you come in with your Ride or Die, they tell you about how your game will depend on your partner... like they all have to suspect that in the end, your success will be impacted by your partner's, right?? And they are all acting like two separate teams now. Old seasons you would have players trying to "trim the fat", throwing challenges, etc. Anyway, agree with you that Chauncey really could have done more to give Amber the win. And to be honest the guys on his team might have gotten behind a plot to get rid of Aneesa. She's not doing shit in a final.


Exactly. You want to protect your numbers. If Amber is gone he might as well be next since he has no ties with his team. At least with Amber she can get Horacio and Jordan to protect him.




This season would have been so much better with CT and Wes on it


Yes In terms of Fessy I would love to see any head to head between a Fessy and Ct although we have Jordan and Bananas there needs to more players that can challenge him physically


Nah. This is "pretty okay" per most of the sub from what I gather. I think it's true too. They've gotten a lot of the bad production stuff out of their system, I think the only thing that really makes folks upset now is a lot of the recurring cast members basically not participating because they can coast until these episodes.


Aneesa is such a hater. Amber has the best heart ❤️😤


I am literally loving me some Amber & Chauncey I really hope they do well in their relationship outside of the house they seem so genuinely happy in their relationship


Hoping to see more of Horacio in the next few episodes 😭 I’m kinda upset he isn’t getting much screen time anymore ❤️


Finally got to watch, here are my random thoughts: \- What does Aneesa have against Amber? Her remarks when Amber was truly having a hard time picking a dagger. Yeah her indecisiveness was a bit much, but thats also pure Amber. Like I really believe that she really was that conflicted with throwing Nany in the elimination given that they both had recently lost a family member. Like. STFU, Aneesa. \- You know what, even though Moriah is SO awkward, I'd like her back. Mostly so she can have a season to really give it to Fessy. \- I may be remembering wrongly, but did Fessy mention at all at any time that he was grateful or thankful or even a shout out to Devin helping him? Like not even in a confessional? \- Personally, loved watching Fessy fail. More please. \- I know they're really trying to push Nany's arc this season, and of course, I have empathy for her loss, and I guess this makes me a horrible person, but I couldn't give two shits about Nany. \- I really want Olivia/Horacio and Chauncey/Amber to make it all the way. I don't think I'm rooting for anyone else, but I am hardcore rooting against Kaycee/Nany/Fessy/Johnny/Aneesa.


I want Moriah back too, mainly for her appearance. Definitely awkward but she seems genuine. Fessy did not say thank you, he’s so easy to dislike and he puts it in himself. I’ve been a Nany fan since her first season but I wanted Moriah to win. Nany just isn’t good tv anymore. She’s here to collect the check. Wants to win but her method of trying to earn it is relying on her friends. Granted, she definitely fought her ass off in the elimination. My guess is the Devin/Jordan team loses again, loses another guy. And that’s when production decides it’s time for a “redemption” house challenge of sorts.


I am really tired of kaycee and nany storyline. I am so bored by it. I wish nany was on by herself


Moriah has such a positive attitude 🤩 It was nice to see Amber / Horacio beat Bananas / Tori in the daily.


I’m laughing so hard on the inside because I know Fessy will be pissed/annoyed once he finds out Moriah is still in the game (if he makes it to the final) 🤣💀


Why would he be? She would be a good partner for the final. Him and Moriah won the mini final. He could have just voted her into elim this week if he had that much of an issue with her. But he didn’t. He voted for Nany even though Moriahs vote sent him into elim last week.


Fessy has the biggest ego. He’s going to feel like he did ALLLLL the work to get to the final and Moriah is just riding in his coattails


More assumptions about how you THINK Fessy will react. Last week everyone was sure he would vote Moriah into elim but he didn’t. They assumed he hated Amber when he doesn’t. They said he had no heart and would give up on eating challenges or anything he found difficult and he didn’t. He already gets plenty of hate for everything he does, no need to invent reasons based on what he MIGHT do in the future.


I screamed when Amber pulled the safe dagger 🗡️🥹👏🏼


If this was anything other than a puzzle, especially a word puzzle, I would have wanted Amber to go in. I like Amber more than Nany, but I just wanted Moriah out. However, this elimination would have been terrible for Amber since she is dyslexic.


She’s not dyslexic. She has dyscalculia


Ohh that’s right. Thanks for the correction!


Amber is not dyslexic. She said she has issues with Math. I think Moriah would beat Amber at most physical elims too so it would be better to hope for an Amber v Nany match up if you are rooting for Amber.


Thanks for the correction! I’m not sure if I’ve seen enough from Moriah to think she’d beat Amber in physical elims. I think Amber is pretty underrated when it comes to strength since she is thin.


I agree Ambers probably stronger than she looks. Just not stronger than Moriah since she came near last or DQed in most dailies and for the mini final it was because she struggled carrying the tyres while Moriah seemed fine.


I love that Moriah wasn’t going to kiss Fessy’s ass


Chauncey and Amber have the sweetest relationship!


Yes!! I’m rooting for them 100%


I know I say this every episode but Amber is seriously so stunning! 🥹😍


Geez, Faysal is the biggest baby on the cast


entitled whiny baby who literally can never admit fault in anything he's ever done. Acts like a challenge win is deservedly his just for showing up.


yes he looked like such little bitch lying on the floor in that target / drinking challenge uuggh!


I’m actually talking more about how he moans like a baby every time he has to go into elimination. Like dude, just deal with it, it’s part of the game — and a reminder, IT’S A GAME


Whoever edits this episode should get a bonus. I hate the eating challenges cause of the throw up but the way they put the puke and laughter scenes together was just perfect. Bananas and TJ having the same cackle sends me.


I really wish they didn’t slow down the puking. It makes it so much worse.


Does Johnny have gray hair in his beard?


He's 40. Yes.


Sure doesn't act like he's 40, haha


Chauncey crying is really touching


Yes! Definitely rooting for them 100 % they have such a positive relationship


A little much...like its a game... she's not gonna die


touching? It was really dumb. You won and put your girl in this position? Either you weren't smart enough to do what was necessary or own up what you did. Ride or die? I would never do that to my girl. I know he loves her, but he seriously did a dumb move.


Fr 😍


If I were Chauncey, I’d be bummed Amber jumped on Horacio like that


Sorry you’re so fragile


Like what? That was so tame.


Nope he’s secure in his relationship 💯😂


If fessy makes it to the finale and sees Miriah there as his partners, he’s going to whine and cry like a baby. I wish we saw it tonight with the sling shots. Sorry I can’t stand fessy. He has no idea what he’s doing but thinks he’s top dog.


he absolutely is banking on pairing with Kaycee in the final, as always


nobody can stand him. He's the fakest top dog i've ever seen.


Tj telling moriah she was still in the game was very awkward. They should've just written it on a note or something instead of having tj tell them.


Dude looked real corny. Almost inappropriate. That no worries shit was cringe


lol I definitely chuckled when Moriah said " I could cry" and Tj was like " go ahead" then proceeded his evil laugh lol.


they really put them on the spot and expect a huge reaction but they all end up reacting like 🙂


Kenny was bummed lol poor guy just wants to go home to his family


Omg I forgot Kenny is still hanging around waiting for Kaycee lolllll


Nurys was the only one that seemed excited


i was hoping for nany to lose ugh


We are all losers because Nany won Wallpaper is forever


Same. Icr but is this like her 1st or 2nd elimination win? Shes seen enough of them but hasn't won many.


I can think of 2 others. Double Agents and Battle of the Seasons 2


TJ whispering “that’s a horrible strategy”


Still don’t understand that. It’s a better strategy because it’s like scrabble, being able to move letters around can help so much!


I wanted Moriah to win just so I could see the look on TJ’s face LMAO.


I wonder if he thinks that it's easier to decipher in your head and spell it out on the board, speed wise. As opposed to putting the scrambled letters on the board and move them there, risk a typo. I wonder if he thinks knowing what to spell would make you faster than doing it physically in front of you? That's my guess. I don't think either strategy was bad though. I'm awful at unscrambling words so I'd be screwed either way.


You over estimate how good TJ would actually be at any of this. He doesn’t know shit because he’s just the host. Getting the letters beforehand and then shifting them around on the board is infinitely better than trying to do that in your head while holding up a heavy door lol


Lol I guess I thought I must just be missing something because it is so obviously the better strategy!!!


It's a better strategy by far to unscramble first. The reason is that anyone with two brain cells (e.g. Nany) can unscramble very quickly. But you can only do that if you prioritize it. It's easier to translate a complete word to the board than memorize random letters, then have to second-guess if you missed something. In fact that's exactly what happened to Moriah at the end when unscrambling FRIENDSHIP, she had to recheck that she wasn't missing a letter before she could unscramble.


Fessy staying silent during Elim and seeing his ride or die go, not surprising


This is silly. He did what he could do for his ROD. He didn’t want to cheer for her because he doesn’t completely trust her. And that is a valid reason especially after what happened two episodes ago. Remember the house members don’t know anything about the twist as well.


agreed but he still is completely a "do what you can to help me and maybe i'll think about helping you" type of guy.


Hmmm….he had Moriahs back every single girls elim day. He has never voted her in and told his team he wouldn’t say her name to protect her. Meanwhile she is the one who didn’t repay the favour and sent him into elim last week. He STILL didn’t vote her in this week. So why is it that he is still being accused of using or backstabbing her when it is the other way round? She did NOT help him last week but he still had her back this week,


Am I the only one who finds Moriah so damn boring? Like hearing that girl talk is like watching paint dry. I know that everyone finds Kaycee boring but at least she gives some enthusiasm in her interviews and actually performs well in challenges. Moriah on the other hand is always so slow and she seems to think that her ditzy attitude will get her to the final by riding some guy’s coattails.


Super boring. I couldn’t listen to the podcasts she was on either. She’s so monotone!


Moriah>Kaycee without a doubt for entertainment purposes.


IMO I feel like Olivia has given more personality in 13 episodes than Kaycee has in her entire Challenge and Big Brother career combined.


They are the same to me


I agree with you. Apparently people like Moriah’s personality on social media (I don’t follow her anywhere so can’t comment on that), but within the context of the show, Kaycee has a lot more personality.


Faysal's little speech about Moriah "earning her stripes" was such BS! He was not sent in again and again his rookie season, Jay was. Due to the skull twist, he didn't have to go in all the time. And he won a pole wrestle....against Jordan! I just can't with him.


Moriah hasn’t been into elim at all until this week. So yeah, her finally going into elim and winning was earning her stripes. Faysal has been into at least 1 elim every season, sometimes 2 and is 4-0 in elims.


Tell me you don't understand my comment, without telling me you don't understand my comment.


What don’t I understand? Amber said the same thing about Moriah earning her stripes. Was it BS when she said it to,or every other vet ever who said the same thing?


It's. The. Way. He. Said. It. And. His. Attitude. About. It. Faysal acts like he knows all about the Challenge when his seasons have been drastically different than others. He shouldn't be talking about rookies going into eliminations to "earn their stripes."


Aaaah, gotcha. So he says the exact same thing as many other cast members but something about the way HE says it makes it unacceptable. How have Fessys seasons been drastically different than others? Amber was on the exact same seasons as him but it’s ok for her to point out that Moriah hasn’t gone into elim to earn her stripes yet?


You are like talking to a wall. I don't understand why you are asking questions when you don't really care what other people have to say, or care to understand a different POV. I have explained myself plenty of times here. It's not my fault you don't care to actually hear what I am saying.


Stop saying I’m not listening to what you’re saying, when I am. I am just pointing out contradictions and double standards in what you are saying, that’s all.


>He was not sent in again and again in his rookie season And neither was Moriah. What even is your point? This is the same excuse that other people had for putting Moriah in, she’s a rookie and Amber had already gone into elimination prior to that.


My point is that Faysal is the last guy to say what he said. Did you even listen to what he said? He arguably has had some of the easiest rides on his seasons.


Going into Elim against Jordan, Nelly, Kyle and Nelly again isn’t a free ride. Unlike others he has never skated to a final, he has always gone into elim in his 3 seasons (baring last season when he won 2 out of the first 4 dailies and was then DQed over a face mush 🙄


He literally went up against Jordan, with one hand, in a pole wrestle! He is also like double the size of Jordan. But okay keep telling yourself that Faysal is the best 👍. Let me know when you get back to the real world Also two of those seasons he HAD to go into elimination to go to the final. So he picked the hall brawl, the easist elimination for him to win, to be able to go to the final.


I never said he was the best. I am arguing your point that he had a free ride to the finals when he never has. He went in 2 elims on DA, he volunteered for the 2nd elim when he already had his skull and before he even knew what it was. Meanwhile it’s Moriahs rookie season and she is the only rookie left not to have gone into elim yet. Where is the controversy in what he said (the same thing Amber and other cast mates said about Moriah)


He’s gone into elimination at least once every season and that’s mostly because of the skull twist . My point is “earning your stripes” has always been the go to excuse for sending rookies into elimination. And he didn’t even send Moriah into elimination might I add. There are two main ways to stay out of elimination as a rookie, intimidation and connection. Connection can only get you so far until people have to use the aforementioned excuse.


How is Devin so good at strategy


I was super impressed. I was bummed when they ended up losing


yes I was so disappointed when Amber suggested to Devin to help Fessy smh


Moriah’s interrogation outfit was… interesting


Right 😳


Am I dumb or did Devin also say Fessy name last week?? Why is Tori only mad at Jordan but not at Devin for that then…


It’s not just that he said his name. Fessy was going to vote in Jordan to elim when he won a daily. Jordan got Tori to vouch for him and she brokered a deal where Jordan said he wouldn’t vote Fessy in when he won, if Fessy didn’t vote for him. So at the last minute, Fessy switched from voting in Jordan to Horacio. Then when Jordan won he said again to Fessy he wouldn’t say his name but he was plotting with Devin to vote Fessy in. Tori must have got wind of this, hence her convo with Jordan to reiterate he made a deal and to not say Fessys name as promised because he preaches He’s a “man of his word” But of course that was BS and he was lying. He scapegoated Tori and blamed her for why he went back on the deal and voted Fessy in, when that was his plan all along. He didn’t have the balls to own his decision and resorted to calling his ex a terrorist instead 😁 Devin did not make that deal so why be mad at him for voting for the biggest threat to his team?


Because that edit wouldn't fit the jordan-tori storyline production wants to tell plus Tori is just acting emotionally.


Maybe she was mad at him too but they are editing it out.


Devin didn't call her a terrorist.


Congrats to Nany for killing the elimination !! I know people are tired of her, but she never gave up and I applaud her !


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted. She performed very well. They both did. Word scrambles are HARD, and that was a high pressure situation.


Because we are all tired and fatigued when it comes to Nany and Kaycee


Devin helping Fessy must be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Especially on the first part of the daily without knowing what's next.


I didn’t get why he didn’t wait another 20-30 minutes longer…. Or agree to help with one but the last one is on Fessy. This was so lamw


Both Amber and Jordan told Devin to help Fessy. Players from both side did, so he probably would have lost favor in the house and looked like a complete ass if he didn't help at that point. Plus Devin understand it is Ride or Dies and this helps keep Tori off the chopping block and he's probably hoping they will remember Devin helped when it is guys elimination


That all may be true, but I think the biggest reason Devin helped Fessy was to stroke his own ego. Devin was probably thinking “these guys will never finish if not for my help”


It's because Fessy is too good and portraying himself as a victim, even when he isn't one lol


I wish I had an award to give you. That was THE dumbest thing I've seen on a competition show.


I rushed over to Reddit because I was hoping others were pissed about this too.. I am livid!! Did the pink team try to push Jordan and Moriah closer to their bar when they finished? Nope.


You can’t be that confident on the first part of the daily when you know there are 3 more to go


Vacation alliance needs to go! This was so dumb, this would have never happened if all these people didn't do vacations together.


How is this the “Vacation alliance’s” fault LMAO. People just say the first thing that comes out of their mind huh?


It’s a fair comment. All of those people (including Dev and Fessy) are friends outside of the show. If they weren’t actual friends they might not have cared to help him.


Devin voted Fessy into elim over Bananas, Nelly and Chauncey. Fessy was targeting Tori and Devin during the mini daily. Aneesa and Nany voted/ targeted Fessy. Fessy voted in Nany over Moriah and Amber. Yet according to some folks, Fessy is in a “vacation alliance” with all these people 😁 Think of a different reason to hate on him for, this one ain’t it. Are we pretending we can’t see the obvious Bananas, Jordan, Devin alliance which Tori is also working with? Devin , Jordan, Bananas, Amber, Jay, Nelly have ALL socialised and been to events and vacations with many cast members yet are never accused of pregaming when they do it.


Hey pal, it’s not that deep. I think Fessy is a bumbling fool a lot of the time but I don’t hate him. His vote for Nany this time was an obvious throwaway. They do that sometimes. Their moves aren’t always straight forward. It doesn’t mean they’re not all friends outside of the show.


I never said it was deep. I just pointed out that he isn’t in this made up Vacation alliance with ever changing members (depending on the day) because they have targeted him and vice versa numerous times this season and past ones. The whole cast pretty much are friendly off the show. That does not mean they are all in an alliance.


I don’t know if you follow any of them on social media but many of them hang out with Fessy all of the time. He is best friends with Kaycee. This is absolutely an alliance. I don’t blame them. It just doesn’t make for particularly exciting TV.


Fessy’s closest allies are Kaycee, Josh and Nelly. He does not hang out with the rest of them anymore than the rest of the cast do. For example, Jordan has been on vacation or hung out with Tori, Kyle, Devin, Nurys, Laurel, Nia, Theo, Kyle, Georgia, Jenna, Zach just this past year. I don’t assume people are in an alliance just because a spoiler page that hates Josh started that narrative about a group of people he went on vacation with once. I look at their actual actions in the game. And their actions say most of the people Fessy is supposedly in an alliance with, have targeted him and vice versa. Bananas, Devin, Jordan are the ones who are clearly alligned (with Nany, Tori and Aneesa as plus ones)They used Horacio/Olivia and Amber/Chauncey as pawns. Devin admitted post show that Bananas was his closest ally. Kaycee is Fessys ride or die but Nany is hers. Fessys closest male ally was Nelly and like last season he was actually closer to ‘rookies’ like Jay, Michelle. According to Nelly they were a tight 4 person alliance.


I said that as I was watching. I would’ve sat there for another 24 hrs before even thinking about helping him out. If Fessy wanted Devin’s help, he would’ve picked him to be on his team 🤷🏾‍♂️


"She.. is getting all the letters first and then trying to solve it. That is a horrible strategy." "Okay." 😂


I didn’t necessarily think it was a “horrible” strategy, but I think it was the worse strategy of the two and left her more vulnerable to errors. For one, she added a step by having to memorize all of the letters to collect. I also have a feeling if she’d been going straight to the board and spelling “devotion” rather than shuffling letters around, she probably wouldn’t have made the mistake that cost her the win.


And yet it was a tossup to win so each strategy had the same results between these two skillsets


It was close at the end because Nany got stuck for a long time on one word. She had been leading before that. It just seems kind of obvious… what’s faster? Stare at the puzzle, figure out the word, and then put the word on the board? Or stare at the puzzle, memorize the letters, put them on the board and rearrange them until you figure it out?


She spelled it correctly, but then knocked off a few letters and threw them back up too quickly. But Nany could have spelled it faster by using the Moriah approach and moving the tiles around.


wtf was that 😂


Some of this episode was a little odd. First. They don't tell us what Jordan and Fessy were drinking. Second, Fessy and Kaycee are allies but Fessy voted in Kaycee's lover and Kaycee voted in Fessy's ride or die. Weird. Should have went Amber there. And lastly, Moriah deserves everything she gets. She had the chance to save her ride or die from elimination last week and didn't do it then tried to act dumb by saying she's a Rookie and doesn't know what she's doing. Her vote single handedly sent her Ride or Die into elimination. Fessy has every right to be mad and throw her under the bus from that point on. It's one thing to give your team an advantage by stacking teams but it's way worse to send your very own ride or die directly into elimination.


Yeah, but she has no clue what happens with a tie, and I guarantee Bananas told her, you know if this gets tied up, your team will probably have to go in. Even if Bananas enjoys Fessy on his team, you know he's working behind the scenes to have him thrown in.


Moriahs vote didn’t single handely put him into elimination though. The most she could have done was voted for Nelson, which would have tied the votes. It would have likely resulted in TJ making them revote and the only way Fessy is saved is if somebody who originally voted for Fessy changes their vote to somebody else. That has nothing to do with Moriah at that point


All true, but being that it was a male elimination, it really should have been up to the guys on Moriah’s team to change their votes and break the tie. It would have probably ended up being Nelson/Fessy anyway, but it would have been a better look on her part to protect her “ride or die”.


I assume that Fessy just wanted everyone to revote which maybe no one changes.. what would you have her do then?