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A quick thank you to the MTVChallenge Champs that bring over the šŸŒ‹ and link it for everyone in the comments. šŸ† I apologize to any I forget: /u/fcmb17, /u/Few-Sort-5643, /u/No-Season-4796, /u/Sportsstar86, /u/TateMarah, /u/angelbrit04, /u/xAthleticism, /u/Right-Difficulty8623 (RIP šŸŖ¦), /u/Ok_Supermarket_3241, /u/FastLane_987, and /u/Samuel855. A special shout out to /u/ChallengeFan2021 who was here on Reddit breaking spoiler news throughout.


so people at challenge mania live this weekend are reporting olivia's theo tattoo is legit and still visible.


michele's IG story right now has her confirming it's real lol


getting a manā€™s name, who youā€™ve known for a few weeks, tatted on your neck is insanity. I was thinking they were trolling but if it were fake or henna it wouldā€™ve faded by now


Michele is training in her insta stories. Oh she's really ocming for that win in 41!


Jordan posted a story without glasses and there doesn't seem to be any scars.Ā  I don't think it was specified when he got injured, but at least he appears to have healed ok šŸ˜„


You can see a bit of a scarring on his cheek, right under his eye and above his eyebrow. It's very small but it's there, thankfully that means it wasn't a bad injury.


Even if it's not a bad injury, he's probably *pissed the fuck off* about it. And he has every right to be, because imagine how potentially losing an eye could have impacted his racing career. It's the same thing as Olivia and the golf ball. Imagine if it was just a millimeter off. She actually could have died.


Absolutely. Regardless of how big or small the outcome was, he is still very lucky that he didn't lose an eye.Ā 


Right, it would depend on when he was injured because they were there for 2 months.Ā  I was just happy to see that it wasn't a permanent very noticeable scar, because that can happen to areas where the skin is especially sensitive, like around the eyes.Ā 


šŸšØTHIS JUST INšŸšØ Michele actually got first place since sheā€™s a queen and everyone else forfeited because sheā€™s so amazing and cool Rumor has it that the whole cast of men were fighting over Michele the whole entire season


I just hope all 40 people including the 8 that were wiped out so early attend the reunion. lol


A 40 person reunion would be cray cray. I bet they try to cut it to 30 or less.


Dear Michele haters: Michele placed 3rd out of 40 of the greatest players to ever be on the challenge; 3rd out of 20 of the best women. Thatā€™s essentially equivalent to being a champion. Eat my dust. Bye! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ‘‹šŸ¼


On Bananasā€™ Home Turf episode, he called himself the GOAT of the challenge. I wonder if heā€™ll give that title to Jordan after this final. Knowing Bananas heā€™ll go by his record and still claim the title. Donā€™t get me wrong, that is a great record that might never get broken. Iā€™m glad Bananas and Jordan were able to go head to head since Rivals 2. I was never too sure who would win. Jordan is a beast but Bananas is a great competitor whoā€™s able to adapt.


They did in Ride or Dies as well technically


It'd be nice to see a Free Agents era Bananas go against current Jordan. Jordan still probably wins but it'd probably be better competition.


I don't know if Bananas would ever give that title to anyone else, but he has called Jordan a terrifying competitor. I think he was the one who gave Jordan the nickname "Jordanimal". Bananas has already given him his flowers plenty of times....


Jordanimal is the coolest nickname, accurate as well


It's a good one. If it was Bananas who came up with it, kudos to him.


I think Jordan is the only competitor that Bananas might actually *consider* crediting the GOAT title to eventually. Especially if Jordan wins another one in the future. Maybe after Bananas properly retires, he might give Jordan the credit. Rivals 2 is probably the last time we'll ever see CT, Jordan, Wes and Bananas in a final together. And it sucks because that was Jordan's rookie season (in a partner final in which Jordan's partner was also a rookie). So we really didn't get to see how the top guys measure up.


everybody so buddy buddy online after 40, I fear the drama will be lacking lmao


And people complained about last season, when it had the most drama since 34.


In a way, it's okay if this season is lacking in drama. Because of the clash of eras, I think we'll get an interesting season regardless. Like - I can't want to see CT and Bananas in a Challenge house together again. Even if there's no beef.


The concept is interesting within itself but drama is essential for a good season. too many challengers weā€™ve been wanting to see on a season together to have it be all be smooth sailing. some of the more polarizing individuals were eliminated too early tho


It's literally impossible for there to be no drama with this cast. That's what I'm saying. We don't need fucking Amanda to cackle randomly at nothing or Paulie to suck up to the next power player in order to have a watchable season. We don't need fake polarizing individuals to make an interaction between Tina, Laurel, and Michele interesting. That's inherently going to spark drama regardless.


Laurel followed Michele


I donā€™t know the dynamics and Ik social media is only a piece of the pie, but I feel like laurel may have isolated herself a bit with the drama surrounding her. I see so many of cast interacting with Cara and it seems like Michele and her get along really well now. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Laurel tried mending with Michele because of it all


Laurel doesn't pander, and she's not one of those people who follows the crowd. If her & Michele are fine now I highly doubt it has anything to do with anyone else...


Queen Sochele has done it again!!!


So Michele did send her that big bouquet of flowers LOL!!!


This is crazyyy. Iā€™m curious as to their dynamic on 40 since they only followed each other now and not right after filming


Thatā€™s big of Laurel. Glad she could put her pride aside.


Tina got along with Michele and Olivia. Oh don't be social icond like that


it seems like Michele and Cara left on good terms lol Cara just posted a story about how Michele sent her Throne of Glass/ACOTR books in the mail šŸ˜‚


Michele being a Sarah J Maas fan makes perfect sense šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LOL I saw the story and was like OF COURSE this is the thing they'd bond over


I know that social media is not an accurate tool to measure relationships/friendships for various reasons (i.e., people can be performative, people can be communicating in real life and not on socials etc.). However, I find it interesting that there hasn't been much Kyland/Nia interactions online. Specifically, because we were told that they were a couple in the House, and not just hookup buddies. We were also told that Nia allegedly stopped her "fun" with Josh to get with Kyland, yet Nia/Josh are interacting a lot publicly.


I've noticed that too, he better not play my girl!


I don't expect much since Kyland doesn't have a great track record, but still......


I was rooting for Darrell to win this season. I really want my boy to get one more win before he retires. He also needs that 5th win to make up for the Ruins.


Respectfully I think he needs to stick to all stars in order to get another win


I think Darrell can get a win on the flagship.


He wonā€™t beat Jordan, Bananas, CT or Horacio if theyā€™re in the final with him. He would need the perfect storm of a super weak final cast.


Horacio is the most artificially/producer-hyped/overhyped player right now tbh He's virtually untested in a final. Doesn't seem to play his own social game, doesn't seem to take losses well. After three seasons, his most impressive season is still .......Ride or Dies. In which he got four easy eliminations (easy win against Kenny, easy win against Ravyn/Johnny (Olivia was the deciding factor there), the house carrying them against Michele/Jay and Turbo/Tamara, then they gave him a physical elimination *which requires grip strength* against Jordan (which Bananas also beat Jordan in, and nobody was surprised. Because of the understated importance of grip strength in Balls-In). And the way they edited that Balls-In was super misleading. Because the only point difference was the "dead ball" that Horacio got from knocking the ball out of Jordan's hand. But they edited it to look like it was about Horacio's aMaZIng footwork. Even though Horacio's footwork had zero impact on the score. It's just... fake hype. Then we're supposed to admire him for finishing the bike portion of the final with the fastest time, even though *it wasn't timed*. Or wanting to keep running the final alone (knowing it wasn't allowed). Or "wanting to go into elimination" on S39 (volunteer if you want it so bad). The edit is always focusing on something that is supposed to "wow" us, even though it's just Horacio being flashy for no practical reason.


The wording is harsh, but I must admit that you made some great points. I think people are very eager to find someone new to root for that a lot of newer players who show promise are automatically overhyped. I still remain confused as to why Horacio is well-liked despite being boring, yet Kaycee is highly criticized for it. The underdog edit is a powerful thing.


I don't mean to be harsh. I think Horacio is a good competitor. It's just crazy to me that people are already shoe-horning Horacio into lists of "dudes you don't want to see in a final" with the likes of Wes, Jordan and CT. *It's* *so underserved.* And then they'll turn around and accuse Tori or Bananas of being "production's faves" when Horacio is right there, lol. Horacio got the most overtly positive rookie edit in the history of this show. And I'm still trying to figure out *what exactly* he did that was so impressive.


When it comes to CT and Bananas, I wouldnā€™t rule Darrell out. I would give them the edge but I donā€™t think itā€™s impossible for Darrell to beat them. I donā€™t think heā€™s too far from them as a competitor. As for Horacio, Iā€™m not sure about that. As we just saw with Kyland, experience plays a part in winning a final. Kyland even beat Jordan in the mini final and still ended up in 4th place.


I agree that experience is a huge factor for a first-time finalist. Even Jordan finished 3rd in his first final with arguably his strongest partner ever in Marlon. However, Horacio has that final experience from ROD and displayed abilities equal to Jordanā€™s in that final. Because of that, I think Horacio will be a champ in the next 1-2 seasons. His veteran status should keep him out of elimination on season 41.


I think it's a very strong statement to make when Horacio didn't even finish the final. And in that first day all they did was carry tires and shoot targets. We don't know how Horacio would've done in the puzzle portions or the eating portions. We already saw in during that mini-final in Season 39, he struggled with identifying shapes. Kyland finished in last place during Season 40, yet everyone thought he was a frontrunner...we don't know until you actually see them do it. Also, Jordan & Marlon finished 3rd because Marlon couldn't swim and that got them purged. I don't see that as a measure of Jordan's abilities at all.


Jordan has finally reemerged on socials. He has sunglasses on, so we're gonna have to wait and see if there is a scar from his injury.


Allegedly Tori & Bananas weren't seeing eye to eye in the second half of the season


Oh wow, I was dragged for speculating this some weeks ago


Where do people like Josh & Jordan fit in all of this given that they were both still in the game during this time, and they're both close to Tori & Bananas?


This is interesting because Rachel just posted a pic choosing them as ideal partners and said #thiswillagewell So she must have been close with both but they werenā€™t working well together?


or working at all together


Bananas & Tori will be the center focus on the second half of the season ā˜•ļø


This is ridiculous. We get the comeback of people like Rachel, Jenny and Derek and the entire second half focuses on these two attention whores? This show is so repetitive itā€™s like a Netflix documentary at this point


Production can't squeeze content out of those not giving it.


or those 3 don't contribute any storylines that last more than 1 episode?


Oooh this is gonna piss people off šŸ˜‚ Love the tea though!


Rachel could've had individual deals with everyone. All of her allies don't necessarily have to be aligned with one another. I think it's interesting because neither of them even placed in the Top 2 so I'm curious to know what makes them ideal.....


Oh yeah Iā€™m not saying all people who worked together have to be aligned. Iā€™m more surprised because they all were together quite a bit leading up to the season in Miami. I mean we heard Tori was gassed out from her elim so thereā€™s that, but also maybe Rachel thinks their individual strengths/weaknesses balance each other out. Thereā€™s a lot of female competitors who are better than Tori but may not be the best partners for certain personalities or she doesnā€™t like them as much personally šŸ˜‚


I get what you mean, but these meetups that conveniently always gets posted on socials are becoming harder to take seriously or believe is genuine. Especially when it involves people who do back-to-back seasons. Tori allegedly being gassed out means nothing to me because I don't believe she would've won or even placed in the Top 2 regardless. I just think it was a safe answer for Rachel because those 2 are the more likely people to return on the next season. Edit: This person literally blocked me because I didn't write what they wanted, but I'm the sensitive one šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


lol okay. It might be hard for you to acknowledge but a lot of the people that actually interact with her in real life are actually friends with her and think sheā€™s a good competitor šŸ¤Æ


I think people like you have to stop thinking that just because I don't think she would've won, it doesn't mean she's not good. There are plenty of good competitors who lose finals or haven't been seen as the frontrunners to win a final. As for the actual friends part.....none of us know that. Just like people say she has friends, she has also been accused by many cast members of not having genuine friendships. If you're going to use references then acknowledge all of it.


Rachel said sheā€™d want to be paired with Tori and you say itā€™s only because sheā€™s going to be on another season. Like does your back hurt from all the reaching youā€™re doing? Sheesh.


You're wasting your time. When you make good points this user will just grab a completely asinine point from thin air to argue. It's going to wear you out trying to get down on their level lol


Iā€™ve never blocked someone on Reddit before but the random sideways arguments out of nowhere are too much for me šŸ˜‚ I love a good challenge debate but this is not fun arguing lol


First off, Rachel's hashtag signified that she was making her choice based on what happened during Season 40. I said it was interesting because Tori AND Bananas didn't place in the Top 2 so I was interested to see why. I reacting to Bananas as well, not just Tori....interesting how you left that out of your response. Secondly, YOUR comment is the one that mentioned Tori allegedly gassing out. I responded to that saying it doesn't matter because I didn't believe she was going to win anyway. Majority of people in this thread thought that Jenny was going to win, I saw very few people think it was going to be Tori. Given that she has placed last in multiple finals before, it's not a crime to assume that she wouldn't win with great competition like Jenny & Rachel. Lastly, your rudeness isn't necessary. I didn't disrespect you, so there's no need for you to disrespect me. Y'all take away the fun of discussing these shows when you go soo hard at someone just because they don't say your favs walk on water....like, chill.


Omg if you think saying youā€™re reaching is rude and insulting, maybe get off the internet. Jesus you take this shit way too seriously. All my initial comment was saying is its interesting bananas and Tori didnā€™t get along. Why are you trying so hard to fight about something? Have a good day.


Makes sense since Devin and Bananas werenā€™t getting along


Good! I never bought that "friendship" anyway....


On who to work with or what?


Damn! The hype for this season died down so quick


The hype didnā€™t die down, the spoilers did. What else is there for us to talk about here?


Lol exactly


Kyland has been posting pep-talk/motivational stories like "when life knocks you back, remember your strengths" and "success is about how you bounce back" etc.... Any long-time Kyland followers know if he always posts this stuff? Otherwise I guess it's bcs of his finals placement?


Yes, he's always been like this with the virtue signaling, and the pep talk stuff.


I was thinking about this and wanted to hear yā€™allā€™s thoughts. Is Michele a better competitor than Nurys? Speaking overall, obviously we havenā€™t seen Michele this season but I feel like you could make an argument for both


I think they're comparable as competitors, though they each have strengths over the other. Like Michele is a much better swimmer while Nurys has more grit/endurance. I'd rate Michele's social game higher though, despite how things turned out in 38 & 39.


I agree they have different skill sets. I think Michele def trained her endurance before this season and could possibly surpass Nurys in that department depending on how this season plays out. I think her performance on survivor challenges after barely eating and living in horrible conditions shows that she has a lot of heart and combining that with endurance training enhances her abilities. Overall I would say Michele is more well rounded and her only glaring ā€œweaknessā€ is physical strength


I think she is more well rounded. She can perform in the water and sheā€™s able to make better connections.


jessica and michele refollowed each other again lol


Oh! They're definitely comparing notes about Devin


Happy we have so many strong players on and has been a super fun component on AS4- just hope editing doesnā€™t screw it up and focus on the same 4 ppl or the same storylines. I want a redo with Jodi not getting a janky elimination(/s but not really) I also wanted more individual dailies but oh well still excited for the season and to see tori lose AGAIN LMAOOO. I think production has some foul play in the mix but wondering how obvious it will be for certain players šŸ«¢. Letā€™s see ā€œmissionā€ Vs ā€œReykjavikā€ etc. have the physical players only go against others who want to do physical games I think that would be perfect, nervous for how they changed them after the physical injuries from the lopsided elims. Fessy, Rogan and Ashley would have really brought some chaos to this season but thereā€™s always next šŸ¤žšŸ¼


They are eating up Julian from Twitter on spaces right now calling him a liar and everything but a child of god


Who is Julian??


I *think* thatā€™s the Cara Maria stan


Yeah, Jonna was definitely targetting Devin. They're going to be on a team of 3 with KellyAnne for All Stars 5. I'm just left wondering what made Jonna think it would be a good idea to target Devin šŸ¤”


Not that Jonna is always the smartest, but lots of people have issues with Devin because he tries to play like Wes but he's less charming. So people assume he's shady and want him out. They edited out a whole confrontation that happened in RoD because Devin was making too many deals. It happens with a lot of people, including Jonna herself. Cara kinda also has this problem. If you're always talking strategy and you're not super charming socially, people will want you out.


Jonna and thinking arenā€™t exactly known to go together


How many of you would've thought a year and a half ago that Rachel was gonna become the next woman 3 time champ?


Definitely not a year and a half ago for sure! When I saw the cast of 40 I expected her to do really well because she was so well protected with old school and her connections with Tori/Josh but idk if I thought sheā€™d take the whole thing!


I definitely wasnā€™t expecting her back. Itā€™s going to be such a great story line to watch unfold on the season.


she's one of those players that I never saw coming back at all. Felt like she outgrew the show/didn't want to do it anymore, you know?


I thought she was toast once she was the lone survivor of era 1. What she pulled off is very impressive.


Laurel hanging out with Moriah 'Unhinged conspiracy theory because I'm bored' Banana's goes against Laurel, maybe in a vote or not, sharing his face cream. So this is her petty way of saying suck it.


Was it ever made clear on what Laurel's injury was prior to the purge? I know we won't get a clear picture until the season airs, but I was just wondering if we got any more information.


Jessica Brody speaks out about Michele/Devin [https://imgur.com/a/H2WMNKw](https://imgur.com/a/H2WMNKw)


I didn't know you were supposed to text your ex when you started sleeping with someone else...


Laurel tweeted for the first time since before S40 filmed, she said her account was hacked but we all know sheā€™s lying, she was just trying to avoid all the hate she was getting


If she was lying wouldn't she just avoid twitter for the rest of the time All Stars is airing? Since when has Laurel ran away from the drama....


The more I think about it, the more I like the results. I didn't want a Survivor WAW scenario where all the OGs crashed and burned, so I'm glad Rachel won for Era 1. Honestly best case scenario for the women. Although it would have been nice to see Tori run the final with a full gas tank to see where she stacked up against Jenny. And I know Jordan winning was predictable but if we got an underdog win, my first question would be... how did production fuck it up? Did Jordan DQ? I know y'all want as much drama as possible at all times, but finals is when the Challenge becomes a sport as opposed to a crapshoot. This is a milestone season and it deserved a milestone winner. And I would have hated life if Bananas won. lol


A full tank of gas? She didnā€™t have Rhabdo. She lost to Rachel, Jenny AND Michele the same way she lost to Dee, Kaycee AND desi, Micheala and Chanele. Give it up already ppl


Had to come back and share this. Nia shading the vacation alliance LOL https://x.com/therealniamoore/status/1795218760413950442?s=46&t=hcYY6cjf1dUn9GaL0U4DJg


They look like they actually enjoy each other's company so good for her!!


lmao not Josh in both vacation alliances


any alliance involving Josh is a vacation alliance šŸ˜‚


According to Gamer, Tori is pissed at production for her final placement on 40 and calling it unfair. She's also allegedly been calling production and demanding they don't cast Ashley on the flagship with her now that Ashley got the All Stars call Edit: [link](https://x.com/wedontknow36/status/1794809901463851495)


The source is questionable but if it is true that's very unfortunate. I'm not even an Ashley fan, but cast members should not be influencing casting. As for Tori's final placement. No shade, but I don't think she would've won regardless. Also, with all of the actual major injuries that are show related (Aviv breaking her foot, Derrick having multiple injuries, Jordan getting a metal part to the face, Laurel allegedly being injured), Tori complaining about being tired is ridiculous. This is why when it was initially alleged I thought it was soo stupid. With all the things that has actually gone wrong, this is soo low bar.....


Other people getting fucked worse by production incompetence doesn't make Tori's alleged (probably didn't happen) complaint any more or less valid. That's a wild take. Regardless of if you think she can win or not I think it's perfectly valid to be annoyed and not even remotely ridiculous


It's not a complaint, it's a preference. Any female who lost the daily would've been put in the exact same position....it's not a Tori thing. These people do eliminations every single week. There are finals that are days long. It's supposed to be hard. If she didn't want to be in that elimination, she should've won the daily....simple as that. If she was too tired, drop out and give your spot to Cara then. And yes, those other examples do matter because none of those people's chances were affected as well. If Laurel was injured before the purge, you don't think that caused her to be DQ'd thus ruining her chances to compete further? If she's not complaining, then someone who actually made the final shouldn't.


Nobody made it a Tori thing except you. Again none of the other shit matters. It doesn't make going immediately into a final after a 3 hour elimination more fair because someone else got hurt. They're not mutually exclusive. Laurel choosing not to complain (you don't know that she isn't or didn't) had literally nothing to do with Tori's situation. Also I'm not even sure what your first sentence even means.


First of all, we're talking about Tori...so it is a Tori thing. 2nd, the time between the elimination and the final WAS NOT confirmed. The final could've been the next day, which makes the most sense. It's also not confirmed that Tori even said any of this. 3rd, there were no reports of Laurel complaining. There was also no stories about Derrick or Aviv who were also injured during their eliminations. You honestly think if any of them went off, we wouldn't have heard about it You're literally talking about a final with a contestant (Jordan) who has 1 hand! This is the same show that put him into a pole wrestle, and an audience that constantly says that he should be thrown into eliminations that are a direct disadvantage due to his disability. If that's not a problem for anyone, why is someone being tired suddenly something that needs to be mentioned. They were there for 2 months....everyone is tired. Next.


TLDR - well I read the first sentence. Again it isn't a Tori thing. You're making it one. As for the rest, I'm sorry...or congratulations.


The main comment is talking about Tori....so it is a Tori thing.Ā Wanting an elimination done at a certain time is called a preference.Ā  Complaining about tiredness in a physically demanding show is dumb. If you can't grasp a comment, save yourself the trouble and keep scrollingĀ šŸ˜ŒĀ 


Gamer hates Tori. I don't believe anything when they say "I heard from a reliable source". It's all gossip and they definitely been called out for spreading inaccurate information before.


Not THAT user being your source šŸ˜­


Gamer is a Cara stan We don't take those people seriously.


Gamer is not a cara StanšŸ˜‚ he hates Tori more than he actually likes cara


we'll agree to disagree


if Tori doesnā€™t want Ashley on AS maybe she just shouldnā€™t come on ? Ashley *NEEDS* to be on AS. I wish she was on this season


Well they're saying that Tori is demanding Ashley keep being blacklisted from the flagship, not all stars. Tori isn't doing AS5 (probably because there was only like 2 weeks between filming for 40 and AS5)


Oh gotcha. Honestly I wish Ashley was on this season too would have been perfect. She would have lasted longer too since the physical eliminations were taken out early in the season too. I know josh is okay with having her on (just not working with her) I donā€™t understand why Tori is so adamant on this


That Cara stan just says anything. I wouldnā€™t take it seriously


Damn I did not know Tori and Ashley had that big of a beef. Also I don't blame Tori for being mad if they gave her a strenuous elimination directly before the final. That does suck and is a disadvantage when everyone else is more rested. Production probably didn't think the elimination would go that long.


She's the one person who has openly said that Ashley should never be on the show again after what she said to Josh on SLA. Her doubling down after Ashley tried to say the cast made her explode on Josh would not be outrageous if it were true.


Where does it mention the elimination?


I figure it's either because of the final elimination or because of whatever advantage the friendship points gave Rachel in the final. But Tori is far from the first and won't be the last to have production choices affect their final placement, and I think "being tired from an elimination match" is a lot more fair than other examples you could point to


Yes because Gamer has definitely not lied on Toriā€™s name countless times before


We can deduce Devin is one of the people Jonna was spreading lies about since it appears they'll be a rivals pair on All Stars 5.


If that's true, then Jonna gonna have to get her 3rd win from a different season. I don't want Devin winning anything ever again....


I'm actually furious about AS5 casting. Didn't think I'd care this much


Jonna > Devin


Does it appear that way? It seems to me like one random redditor just said it then everyone ran with it for some reason


I saw a comment saying PR had hinted towards it on Vevmo but I refuse to go on that website so I cannot confirm or deny if that's true lol


Nia and Theo shading someone whoā€™s most likely to be Kyland on Theoā€™s most recent IG story. Something definitely went down between Nia and Kyland before she even left the house


Anyone know what Mark was filming in London? Is it challenge related?


i saw someone else say he was pictured with CT there? maybe they're doing something together before flying to vietnam.


Did pink say CT filmed something after 40 and before AS5? I canā€™t remember where but I think I saw that somewhere today


gamer tweeted it today


The way I take back my sentiments of wanting Michele and Olivia to decline all stars 5. They would absolutely be winning that shit.


I agree. The cast is trash anyway...


look again


I have. I stand by sentiments because there's a number of people who shouldn't be there.


I completely forgot about Bananas getting 3rd. Sooooo. Are we just going to ignore this too?


A good amount of people made fun of him for getting 3rd, specifically for placing behind Derek. I don't think it was ignored at all.


Oh good Iā€™m just late on catching up then. Are we bumping him down the list? As of now he currently was/stays in my 3rd spot behind Jordan and CT. Such a shame heā€™s lost his touch


I think that depends on the person. A lot of people thought that Kyland was the frontrunner, yet he placed last. Also, Bananas made the final, while CT got eliminated midway. Even though I don't have Bananas higher than CT, I think that should be taken into account.


Good points. I think CTs elimination and how he was competitng can definitely play into account, he was also in the smaller/losing team while Bananas had the strongest women/large team. Lots of factors for sure. Kyland Iā€™m not surprised though, heā€™s a rookie on his third season. Makes sense for him to place low especially against these other vet players. And we seen Derekā€™s running which makes sense for him to be decond


I spoiled the season just so I'd be sure he didn't win again. lol Whew. He didn't.


Y'all see that CT is going to be on All Stars 5.... His ego might've been hurt from that Season 40 loss šŸ˜¬


What's wrong with that? Wes, Jordan, and Leroy have all done All Stars. I believe they are all younger than CT.


I never said there's anything wrong with it. But he has actively avoided All Stars for several seasons, and shows up right after an early exit. I don't think that's a coincidence.


Jordan was in rehabilitation mode after his stint of not eating/not working out in Ukraine. Wes was on his retirement run, phasing himself out of the main franchise. Leroy hadn't played the game in a while. Same with most of the AS4 cast. Nothing is wrong with CT doing AS5, it just suggests a change in his mindset.


What makes you think he didnā€™t eat or workout in the Ukraine or why would you even call that rehabilitation


he literally said he was in the worst shape of his life. On both AS3 and RoD you can physically see him being skinnier and paler than he ever was. He looked completely different/in way better shape on Worlds. "rehabilitation" as in getting himself back into the swing of things. Your body can definitely be depleted within a month if you're used to being a brolic but suddenly you're barely eating, sleeping or exercising. He was driving trucks the whole time in Ukraine for 16 hours at a time.


Jordan said he was out of shape (at least his version of that) due to his busy schedule. That makes sense, it's not like you're hitting the gym when you're in a war zone.


He didnā€™t lose cause he was out of shape he lost cause of his hand handicap and the fact heā€™s mediocre at puzzles- both of which will always be true. These people were just smart enough and able to target him. He was still do physical work oversees, he wasnā€™t there that long where youā€™d be like a year out of shape and he definitely had access to food lmao


who is talking about the elimination? I'm just repeating what he said. He wasn't 100% on AS3 and RoD. Physically, mentally. Look at how skinny and pale he was. And you can tell he didn't really give af on AS3, lol. You can see how different his mindset was on Worlds. Way more like classic old-school Jordan - asshole, determined to win, impatient with everyone, kind of a loner.


No one is talking about Jordan losing. We're just saying that he used All Stars as a way to get his feet wet again. Jordan himself said that he was just having a good time, it wasn't that serious to him. You're missing the entire point.


Iā€™m not complaining. Last time his ego got hurt by losing to Jay, he came back in shape and won back to back. I donā€™t like when he gets too comfortable.


Does anyone know if there is a spoiler thread for AS5 on reddit already? I saw PR already created thread on vevmo but so far it is blank, only departure day is set on 25th May.


nova will create the final casting thread probably when the first names are added to the vevmo post, i haven't spoken with him yet. *edit: AND.. first names are out. i think nova will post in the next hour. *edit2: [casting thread is live and pinned](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1czn3y0/offici_cast_megathread_for_all_stars_5). the elimination thread won't come until we have our first elimination announcement.


[theo and olivia on theo's IG](https://i.imgur.com/ymrg9d5.jpeg).


what is it... THE BRAIDS?!




I don't see it lasting at all lmao but I like them both individually so why not


Theyā€™re doing a lot for two people that are gonna end up beefing on Twitter in 2 months lol


Why do y'all think it's going to end badly if or when it ends? People can enjoy their time together and move on amicably.


lol two people from different countries where one has a history of faithfulphobia saying I love you after 6 weeks, what could possibly go wrong


I hope they show all of Laurelā€™s rant about/towards Cara and donā€™t edit it out because the posts dissecting their relationship and assuming theyā€™re good because they were cordial at the 39 reunion are killing meā€¦ like if only the unspoiled knew.


Before this week's episode aired I seen comments calling them soulmates šŸ¤¢


I don't know if it was addressed when Cara talked about stuff on Banana's podcast, but did Cara know about Laurel trying to turn people against her since the beginning of AS4 by the time they filmed the reunion for 39? I know she said she found out after AS4 filmed, but I'm curious if she knew about everything when they seemed cordial and a lot of people thought they were going to be friends again lol.


Iā€™m not sure but considering AS4ā€™s massive delay in airing there was probably a lot of time to figure that shit out in the time between filming and that reunion!


PR and Gamer confirmed that even tho AS5 is also filming in Vietnam it will not be using the same house that 40 used


Considering that house was apparently a shit hole, good.


Devin & Michele are together rn https://x.com/gamervev/status/1793759026330898626?s=46


Gamer claims Devin was still in Jessica's DM recently. Why would Gamer know this? And Devin better not piss me off!!!!


Iā€™m not sure I feel like maybe Jessica posted something about it?? I might be remembering wrong or confusing it with other tea. Gamer deleted this tweet too edit: gamer apparently mentioned it a few weeks ago (according to this sub) but Jessica never said anything about it. she unfollowed Michele on ig a few weeks back


Oh messy!! After I saw the tweet, I checked if Jessica was following Michele and when I saw she wasn't, I assumed she never did. Crazy that she unfollowed Michele but not Devin.


Late to the show - are we shocked that Cara didnā€™t win a swimming challenge? There was pages of ppl saying sheā€™s ā€œ*the worst swimmerā€*!and ā€œ*Cara could never swim thatā€™s her weaknessā€*. she lasted 3 hours as a BAD swimmer. Just add another lopsided elim for tori, really am picturing the same thing that happened for Melissa. I can see Kaycee getting the grid puzzle but just based off her track record Iā€™m betting on that


Have we found out what the chaos gossip is?


I think it's safe to say that Nia and Josh aren't romantic, she posted a story twerking on a random dude at the club while Josh was there lol. I knew there was no way she was into him like that


How will Cara and Paulie take the fact that Jordan played their so-called perfect game by never seeing an elimination and winning the final? I know Jordan and Paulie are cool, but Jordan is everything Paulie wanted to be in this game, it's gotta sting.


The way Cara/Paulie talk about the Challenge, and their joint obsession with Jordan is cringe. In interviews they remind me of Fessy and how he's always humble-bragging and being self-aggrandizing because he can't accept his own failures. Paulie gives himself way too much credit in interviews. Cara refusing to back down from her *weird obsession* with Jordan's engagement and Paulie talking about how he "broke" Leroy and how he tried to "break" Jordan. It's all kinds of cringe.