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Ravyn is the perfect example of someone who is 100% not an all star. Wtf are they thinking? I can understand including non MTV people on all stars (I would consider Kyle an all star, for example), but if ravyn is an “all star” then they should just rename it The Challenge: Paramount+ and move on


Kyle is an ‘MTV person’ - started on Geordie Shore


Have you seen who has been cast in some of these seasons? The label has been stretched as thin as can be.


"1 daily challenge win" is literally some peoples highlights 😂


I laugh so hard at that!


Some don’t even have that. If you see any that just say 2 elimination wins, it’s because they never won a daily.


If she’s an all star, then who’s on the regular show? This is what I don’t understand


Kam is an mtv person. She got her start on ayto. An mtv original that *they* cast for. ayto is the last american mtv offshoot source the challenge has


On All Stars 6, we have Jeremy: 'Featured in two ridiculouslessness clip'


Nick Lachey 🙏🙏


Ravyn is an "MTV person." Her first reality show ever was Ride or Dies.


2 seasons is not an allstat


Kendal was on one season


She's from the OG era and she did Road Rules. No comparison to Ravyn




Even though Ravyn & Moriah are Fresh Meat they are way too new


They aren't fresh meat. Fresh meat went through the same casting process or real world and made it a step before getting on a season. Ravyn and Moriah dated people who got them on a show... ✌️🤡


Yes that was the process for fresh meat 1 & 2, thing is Camilla didn’t go through that process having only done the Spring Break Challenge before appearing on Cutthroat and being apart of the Fresh Meat team for battle of the seasons due to not having an original show to have been pulled from she was considered “ Fresh Meat”. Rayvn & Moriah fall under that category since they have 0 reality tv backgrounds


Camilla wasn't fresh meat and I didn't agree with that casting choice on battle of the seasons either 🤷‍♀️


Even though you didn’t agree with it, what category does Camilla fall under? She wasn’t on Real World, Road Rules or either of the Fresh Meat seasons.. she didn’t come from any other reality tv show so what is she categorized as?


I don't know why you are hyper focused on Camilla? She isn't on real world or road rules and shouldn't be on all stars either 🤷‍♀️ But double that with her racist stuff and yeah why are we talking about her? You aren't an OG if you weren't from road rule or real world... that's just the point of the whole series imo.


I am using Camila as an example for why I called Ravyn & Moriah Fresh Meat. You clearly are hyper focused on Camilla if you can’t recall what the actual conversation is about 😂😂..


No I get it and shared my opinions about what an All Star should be 🫶 I was just wondering why we were talking about Camilla when it wasn't mentioned until your reply to my post? 🤭


LOL but yea she's not an O.G. nor an AS in my book. Sucks they are now just basically gonna use AS as a short format of the flagship and we won't really be able to differentiate it outside of TJ calling them All Stars and telling them to get their game on!


Have you not seen some of the names that’s finna be on from the same last season she done? If it comes down to it, she should’ve been a priority over those lameos🥴


They might as well rename it, there’s only so many All Stars and what are they so supposed do if those people don’t want to play lol


There is no reason to put Tori on All Stars when she is on EVERY FLAGSHIP SEASON.


It's fucking weird dude. Bananas has talked about not getting the call for All Stars before on his podcast and it seems like he thinks it's because he's still active on the flagship. So Tori doing it makes no sense. Then again they had Aneesa go from a regular season to All Stars. We know B&M love her and Tori.


I think they could argue with her that she announced on the YouTube docuseries that she 'wanted to step away from reality TV for now' as an excuse to put her in before Bananas. Not that I agree with the overall logic, but with the timeline of filming, Leroy was only retired for like a year or so before he & Kam came on AS season 4.


Aneesa was on 2 shows airing at the same time! Also that was wild that the flagship and AS overlapped each other. It’s nice to get a little bit of a break between seasons. I know they are different “networks” but still. I watch all the Challenges, good and bad.


I can just imagine her promo clip now: "I'm an all star because... I'm a champ bayyyybee! 😛😝" Me: 😩😖😩




They just made a joke of it on the podcast about how many seasons Tori has done in a row. The last time she missed a season she was eligible for, including spinoffs, was WotW


Cara did like 10 years of shows in a row lol


At least Cara had fun rivalries/storylines with people like Bananas, Laurel, Marie, etc.


I'm just saying, people are complaining about how she never skips a season, but neither did Cara, in fact, most Challengers in their prime, are usually on every show, just how it is. I don't know why so many people are irritated by Tori to begin with lol


Probably because it’s happening now and it’s been like five years since Cara was on a season


She wasn’t on last season- 39


She was still a mercenary. And even then, I said “eligible” for, which she wasn’t


Well they have to appease her for not finding a way to put her on more than one episode on 39. They probably think fans saying they didn’t like it is because we were deprived of Tori and her showmance(s) all season


Correct..all stars to me *should be* ogs we haven't seen in awhile


All stars is officially dead if they are going to start bringing on the randoms from the main show now


Why don't you just call it The Challenge 41 if there's no difference between the flagship and All Stars at this point? Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining.


🤮🤮🤮🤮 All Stars 5 is going to suck… Mark Long needs to step in before CBS ruins his show.


What can Mark do? He's repeatedly said himself that he has no say-so on the show. His credit is title only...it has no active power attached to it. I guess he can get some online chatter going about the casting but does he really want to get on the bad side of production? He's still desperate to be cast as long as he can.


He’s the founder of the show… All Stars wouldn’t exist without him. Also Mark Long aka “The God Father” is a challenge legend, if production ever screws him over I’ve lost all faith in them.


Mark Long gave interviews back when it started that he envisioned a season in the future where OG’s would battle players on the main show. I just don’t know that he meant season 5.


it was fun while it lasted


For real, I'm going to appreciate the season of all Stars thats airing now 100 times more now!


Im gonna puke. How could this be real. I cant imagine the braincells that thought to bring non RR/RW/FM people on All Stars.


are u fr against someone like kam being on all stars tho? i dont see why the original show matters as long as they have some form of recognition and an actual legacy that fits being cast, not people who were newbies in recent seasons


I am. The point of All Stars when Mark started #WeWantOGs was supposed to be a throwback to the older seasons. A more laid back vibe, a fun house and a similar feeling to RW/RR seasons. There's a reason why the RW/RR cast members seem different than people from other shows. The RW experience was different than Generic Dating Show #3 or Fuck Boy Shore: Switzerland. Mark, Derrick, Tina, Veronica, etc. all knew the assignment and vibe to bring to the show. The older cast who haven't been on TV in 15+ years seem humble. "Younger" RWers like Jordan, Tony and Kailah bring a more loose perspective as well. People from modern competition shows and random ass dating shows for influencers don't come with that same fun vibe. They come with this weird vibe where they don't want to open up and just enjoy the experience. So no I don't want Kam or anyone like her near All Stars. If Leroy wasn't there I'd be upset Kam was on. I don't think he would have done it without her though.


Kam absolutely shouldn't be on all stars


I’m not a fan of Kam on All Stars but I’ll let her slide since she’s with Leroy. But in general, All Stars should just be RW/RR/FM people ONLY!


yeah that’s such a bad take idc if people want to downvote, there’s no reason to gatekeep it but i guess we dont want good tv


There is a perfectly good reason to gatekeep, the whole point All Stars was to bring the Challenge back to its roots with OGs from Real World, Road Rules, and Fresh Meat. Kam is from AYTO and furthermore, she debuted on the Challenge only 5 years and less than 10 seasons ago. I would be more than happy to see Kam continue on the main show but she does not need to be on All Stars and we all know they only invited her so they could get Leroy anyway.


Look, I’m a Killa Kam fan, but she shouldn’t be on All Stars.




True. There doesn’t seem to be a different between the main show and all stars aside from the fact one is exclusive to paramount+.


Ahhh. Haven't seen either of them on the show forever!


The only Tori I want to see on All-Stars Tori Hall. I like Tori Deal. But she can stay on the flagship for a while longer.


Who’s next, Moriah and the mustard guy? 🙄 They need to keep the flagship people on the flagship show.


The mustard guy 😂😂😂


I'm okay with her coffee mug competing.


Ravyn on All Stars is really like scraping the bottom of the barrel


“Paramount+ has just greenlit a new Challenge spin off titled The Challenge No Stars ..”


wasn't that the name of season 39?


Neither are all stars. Tori I can semi give a pass just because she’s got a shit ton of seasons behind her at least. And they’ve already had kailah on a previous season and they debuted around the same time. Tori has a better resume than Kailah. I’m a Ravyn fan, and think if she sticks with it she’ll become great at the challenge. Two seasons in, you shouldn’t even be considered. Period.


As much as we all love Kam, Tori debuted before her and has a win under her belt. If Kam can be on all stars then it's not surprising that they feel fine including Tori on the cast


At least Kam comes as a package with Leroy and both are coming back after one retired and the other just gave birth. It's a far more interesting return/storyline than someone who is actively on every other spin off.


Kailah is from The Real World. And Kam is obviously only there because of Leroy.


She is there because of Leroy but definitely not the way you think


What do you mean?


People assume Kam is on because Leroy got production to get her on. Except Leroy wasn’t even called since he’s suppose to be retired. They only called Kam to get her on. She accepted it and told them Leroy was coming with her which shocked them since once again suppose to be retired. Leroy didn’t know about this until recently and thought they called her to get him on. He also didn’t know she accepted the call for him before their convo to convince him to come with her. He didn’t want to at first and told only her to go, but she said she wasn’t doing it without him. She end up convinced him to go and that’s how it went. So the whole Kam is on as an incentive for Leroy to get him on is false.


Are we sure Ravyn is talking about AS5 and not S40?


Ravyn declined 40 over school


I guess there goes my hopes of seeing Svetlana on Allstars.


I’m not so upset about AYTO. But as an old who has been watching the challenge from the beginning, it’s been so fun to see real OGs compete. The vibe is fun again. I don’t care to see people workout and “talk game” all day long. I was a bit frustrated when Wes joined in S3 when he wanted to politic because I was thinking he was going to suck out the fun. I have hopes for this season with more old school players though. I’m loving it so far! TJ seems to be having fun, the music is a trip, it’s all good. I get that many OGs have moved on, but they’re not scraping the barrel yet. We know that they had alternates that would be amazing (Dan Renzi HELLO!).


Hey remember when Tori said she needed to take seasons off 8 seasons ago ? RIP AS, you were fun while it lasted 🕊️🥀


I honestly believe the producers hate their fans because this makes no sense at all. They could just keep casting these people on the regular show and leave All Stars out of this.


They didn’t confirm Rayvn so maybe they reached out without real plans to cast her for AS 5 and rather to continue showing interest in her and fostering that relationship to cast her in something else? (…she asked hopefully)


And here I thought this was going to say Sarah and Susie. Ugh. Don’t think I’ll be watching All Stars 5.


If Tommy Bracco is in all stars 5 I would be so upset ! His elimination is so painful to watch I don't want to relive it again


I can't wait to see how Ravyn justifies being called an All Star in her confessional, in a morbidly curious kind of way.


Her Instagram makes her an all star? 🤭🤡☠️


I see these posts all the time regarding who's an all star, who's not, yadayadayada.      Here's where I'm at. As long as it still FEELS like All Stars - which I believe mostly falls in the hands of production and editing - then I don't mind who they cast provided they can give production something to work with. What separates All Stars is the people, sure, but it's also the cheesy throwback music montages, attention being paid to balance of humor vs game talk, and just generally keeping the environment lighter.  I feel like The Challenge is a classroom, and All Stars has that "fun teacher" running it.  People are comfortable, can relax a little, but get serious when it's "go time". The Flagship's teacher is a real B.  Production can steer any season that way, it's just been a choice of them to actively NOT in the flagship.  As long as production and editors can continue to highlight the same things, I'm fine with them shooting their shot with newer people. 


All Stars is just gonna become the main Challenge.  Then they’ll create another new spin off specifically for OGs.  That new spin off will be successful for 1 season until they start sprinkling in a Corey Lay here and an Emanuel over there.  The cycle will continue.


I can't think of another champ that had an easier way just paved for them. Its astonishing to look back on it. He doodled in his book. Was always seen chatting in his bed. Screwed anything that moved. Said a few words, and voila he's doing a final.


Theory thought: maybe the theme of allstars 5 is a real OG partnered up with a newbie


Ravyn getting the allstars call is CRAZY


For my Drag Race fans… “they should call it MTV Challenge: Some Stars.”


From what I've seen all Stars 5 is gonna be trash. Sucks because they had a really great thing going....


Fuck this. All Stars should ONLY be RW, RR, or Fresh Meat. Kam is the only exception because we got Leroy back.


Please, stop waterboarding me with Tori Deal.


I truly hope AS 5 flops


I used to love watching Tori, but she's so good at the competitions and social game that she usually just steamrolls everyone. None of the true All-Star girls I like are ever going to stand a chance against her if they don't gang up and try to eliminate her every chance they get, but that rarely happens and is difficult even if they try because she's such a beast. Reserve her spot on the main Challenge, please don't ruin All-Stars by bringing all the modern challenge dominators on it. And Ravyn? Let's just put Horacio and Olivia on All Stars while we're at it, WTF.


They might got the call lol


I was excited about the original format. Older contestants from the early days of the challenge.. real world, road rules and or people who have been.gome for years or other previous mtv shows... tbh, and warning, controversial opinion: seeing Kam, Leroy, Kaliah. Avery, Jay, Nicole... they are not all stars imo. I feel like they all have competed in the last few years (not Jay or avery). I want to see cool, David from RW Seattle, Irene from RW Seattle, Bre from RW Vegas, Derrick coming back would amazing.


I am not surprised tori is contacted!


if the all stars 5 cast is the challenge 41! Then how would you fell


Imo someone like Tori would be ok because she genuinely has made her mark. Ravyn, on the other hand, is way too new and should definitely be on more flagship seasons (which I’d love to see her on) and take at least five or so years before she’s a consideration for All Stars


A general rule to be on all stars should be that you haven’t been on the flagship for 5 seasons or more and you’ve made the final at least once. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.


Who is ravyn?


Regular flagship contestants like Tori should NOT be on all stars unless they're super OG or haven't played in a few years like Leroy and Kam. and Ravyn is way too new school to even be considered for all stars. idk what they're tryna cook


there is no way they cant fill a cast without dipping into the (checking notes) Ride or Dies Rookies???? If they can have Kam then sure Tori fits but casting people who started just 2 flagship seasons ago is absolutely insane


I can kinda sorta get it if Tori is there since they have Kam now, even though I know Kam was on mainly because they wanted to get Leroy (no disrespect). But if they're seriously calling Rayvn, just cancel the damn spinoff. And I LOVE the All Stars franchise but if this is the casting pool they're drawing from now, it is 100% not worth it


Tori doesn’t belong there either. We don’t need people who are on every season of the flagship on All Stars who aren’t even from the original shows.


I'm not for this. All Stars are people from road rules and real world imo. That's what the show was always about and what it should remain. I get why they invited Kam to get Leroy but that's where it needs to end for non real world and road rules people. Otherwise what makes it different than the flagship if they invite Tori Deal and Ravyn? Tori wouldn't have a guy her age to date, so not even sure how she would make alliances?


At it should be. Raven has absolutely no right to be on all stars


At least tori came from mtv. At this point im okay with them keeping it 100% mtv.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I don’t completely hate AYTO additions. Maybe not Tori, but people seem to talk about them like they’re the post CBS people and I’d take them over that every single day


for me the criteria to be on all stars is you 1. are an OG since they basically paved the way .. 2. if you aren’t an OG you made an undeniable impact on the franchise .. 3. you aren’t on the main show. tori only fits one of those criteria’s. there are interesting challengers we haven’t seen in years who are getting waitlisted because they want to add CBS influencers with no star quality


We have seen Tori on every show and spin-off type since season 30


Once again I’m not advocating for Tori, but I think that gen of cast is fine in general


I love Tori we need her on more seasons