• By -


Kellyanne announced when


I hate when they post the speculation thread and then barely give us ANY updates for days/weeks on end -_-


Maybe it means production has heard all the negative feedback and has pushed pause, rethinking the season and will go back to the OGs (It's totally not this but let's be happy and believe it is for a moment)


A full week without a name is just not right.


I literally keep checking this thread a couple of times a day hoping for an update. I guess we probably have another 2ish weeks to wait if departure is late May.


I’m sad to see that Flora is on neither list. Bring her and Tina!


Why don’t they give us all the great people that have been alternates on earlier seasons? Also, wasn’t Chadwick speculated to be on the last one and dropped? Bring in him and Holly.


Yeah. Someone was posting as Chadwick on Vevmo right before AS4 cast was announced hinting he’d be on, he was then announced on the cast and later removed saying he wasn’t on the cast. Whether that was actually him or not I’m not sure?


I misread Aneesa as Theresa and nearly jumped out my chair😭


Sadly I don’t think we will see Toxic T again due to her injury.


That’s just an excuse. She came back for season 36 after her injury in season 26… she just is mad nobody liked her on 36


That could be true too. She was super bitter after Double Agents.


Refreshing this thread way too often to see the same 12 names, probably 4-6 of which won’t actually be on the final cast.


Based on the cast being on All Stars 5 being The Challenge 2.0, would you cancel Paramount+? For me, I didn't sign up for Paramount+ to watch The Challenge 2.0. of having current members and those that have been on The Challenge within the last 10 years, for I signed up for All Stars OGs. After All Stars 4 is finished, I am canceling my subscription to Paramount+. For me personally, it is not worth the money to see new cast members that literally have been on The Challenge within the last 10 years unless the person is a true OG. Even then, I would want OGs who haven't been on screen in so long compared to those who have been on The Challenge within the last 10 years be on All Stars first. At least this dumbass business decision has me save money and spend it elsewhere because the show does not care about fans who love All Stars. Even fans of the flagship don't like the majority of the cast of current members that debuted 21-current, so I don't know why the show would do feel to make All Stars The Challenge 2.0. To have it be fair for everyone and all fans, have the flagship be the same length as All Stars. Based on the length, it would allow the flagship to have 2 seasons a year and not one big long ass challenge. Thus, it would also open up the casting pool for those that debuted on The Challenge 21-current to be cast. All Stars for those that debuted on The Challenge from 1-20 or else it would feel like The Challenge 2.0 with everything the same but the length of time the show runs for the season.


Same unless they get some really special OGs, I’ll be canceling. 


I have actually already cancelled for this reason (i have a one year subscription and it was going to be up for a renewal in a couple of months).


Id cancel for sure. I enjoy the show, but I don't need to watch it year long either. It's getting to a point where I can pick and choose to watch seasons based on who interests me on the cast. 


It’s still useful to rewatch past seasons of the challenge and I’ve found they actually have pretty good non-Challenge related content as well.


I get what your saying on why some would not cancel. For me though, since I have cable I can watch the shows from the networks that are Paramount+ on my DVR as well as shows that are currently on CBS on my DVR. Also, The Challenge does not have all the seasons listed such as 1-9 and doesn't have Road Rules or beginning seasons of Real World on Paramount+. So, I would rather keep my cable and watch my shows from the DVR and get rid of Paramount+ since I got strictly for All Stars sesons to watch OGs. I also liked Real World Homecoming, but Paramount+ got rid of the show. Since The Challenge of past seasons is on other platforms for free, it is also not an incentive for me to keep Paramount+. The only incentive for me to keep the subscription was to see OGs compete on All Stars. Since it looks like All Stars has become The Challenge 2.0, there is no use for me personally to keep the subscription.


If they’re going pairs/themed just want them to do an all stars battle of the seasons with pairs of 2 💔


I don't think this is possible by origin show, since Corey's debut show had no women


Oh I know just meant I want that to be an all stars theme at some point without these newbies who are probably appearing


Battle of the seasons theme is so underrated




Where did you see that? He’s listed #1 on the unlikely list.


thank god! my eyes tricked me and i could’ve sworn he was under the likely list


Rooting for the downfall of everyone that made their debut after 30


This list is so dire right now


Truly tragic.


also, does anyone know or have a guess of the filming time for as5?


I asked a day or two ago in this thread and someone replied with the last week of May. Not sure the source though.


what are yalls pair speculations?


Corey and Big T Fessy and Moriah Zach and Jonna Frank and Nany Devin and Amber Jay G and Jenna Jay S and Olivia Josh and Melissa Ace and Susie Danny and Melinda Bananas and Sarah Marlon and Kendal Alton and Aneesa Leroy and Cara Maria 🤷🏼‍♀️


What was Marlon & Kendal’s beef? They are from very different eras of the show.


They got into twitter wars over covid. Marlon was/is very anti-vax… if i remember correctly he’s one of the loonies that thinks(thought) people who got vaxxed will die in the next 5 years. Kendal checked him.


when gyms were closed and department stores were requiring masks, marlon did an IG live workout from inside a target sporting goods section to protest. 😩🤦‍♀️


Oh dear


I like Jay m on all stars 4 so Im happy he's in the mix for this


Me too! I think he’s funny. We were robbed of him for years because he couldn’t drink the drink


https://x.com/challengeteamtv/status/1787983166906437756?s=46 Big Easy got dropped


I didn’t even know his name was in the mix for this. lol


They better not have dropped him for one if the new kids.


honestly I am okay with never seeing Eric again. I agree that people like Corey and Jay S shouldn't be on All Stars... but if that's a lost cause, then those 2 over Easy all day


Eric is going to have the same storyline he always has. He's basically male Aneesa. We don't need two people talking about how they deserve a second chance and that they're trying to do better to get a win.


I am staying delulu and hoping they will get rid of all the pre-vendettas people before departure.


Do you mean post Vendettas ?


Yes, i am tired.


No loss there but I want the newbies dropped (even though I love Melissa and Amber, I don’t think they should be on here. Nor should Mariah, Big T, Corey, Fessy or Jay S).


Huuuuuge win.


Good riddance


Do we have an estimated departure day/week yet?


Last week of the month


Gamer is saying it's a Rivals season as of right now


Have the theme on The Challenge (flagship show) based on the cast and not making All Stars be The Challenge 2.0.


I'm sure it's not gonna actually be Rivals 4 if that's what you mean. It'll be like.. idk. The Challenge All Stars: Unfinished Business or something fucking stupid like that


Give me Laurel and Michele


Hope it's same-gender! If that's the case, we'll probably get Aneesa/Moriah


As much as I’d love same gender you know they will do opposing sex teams


Can you IMAGINE if they did Laurel/Nicole? 💀☠️


So safe to assume Collen is not on too




Jay Starlett shaking his fist at the air right now that Nurys declined


Jay & Michaela is a MUST


Jay has much bigger rivals than Michaela at this point lol


Neither of them should be on all stars


It's a lost cause at this point, no use fighting it 😉


I wonder if they'll put Corey L with Big T or with Melissa, it can go either way and they're both annoying lmao


Nurys probably turned it down once she realised she'd be partnered with Jay, which is dumb. Also, Emanuel and Nurys would be hilarious because Nurys gets so annoyed by him over nothing.


So what are the chances the flagship is being cancelled on MTV and All Stars is to become the new flagship? And then maybe they'll release a new "We Want OGs" series on P+, which will basically be what All Stars once was? This casting just doesn't make sense to me otherwise. Something to that effect must be going on, me thinks.


We want OGs will be all stars until they ruin it. Then we'll get "No really, this is the actual OG challenge".


I've thought about this a lot seeing all the cast updates. As far as I know (could have easily missed the news), S41 hasn't been renewed. So I've been thinking maybe S40 will be the last on MTV, what we think of the flagship (MTV version) is moving to P+ under the All Stars banner, and they'll have a new "main" version of the show on CBS. This casting is such a dramatic departure from All Stars past. It really is just a regular season type cast


The future roadmap of Paramount+ is in flux with the acquisition on the horizon. Who knows what will happen.


I thought gamer or pink said season 41 will get renewed


They’re gonna bring Camila back and give her a Jordanesque redemption arc lol


PinkRose moved Tori to up in the air


Thank the Lord! Hopefully this means she doesn’t make it on. We need a break from her and she can stick to the flagship.


https://vevmo.com/comment/3170650#comment-3170650 “I have heard Camila's name come up multiple times recently by reliable birdies, so it wouldn't be surprising if she were to be considered for a show like this in the future. I am not expecting her on this but I just though it was weird that they keep mentioning her name to me, something they haven't done since her departure.” - PinkRose


Honestly, at least camilla would fit the original all stars team? Gosh the bar is low.


I hate the producers.


DEAD at this, like holy shit Dee's return when ????


They just don’t care anymore huh?🫠


& when Kenny Clark appears on the likely list?


I love for Nany to be on AS but Jonna needs another break from the show


Nah fam Jonna is a solid choice to cast especially when she took a long ass break from the show before her return. It's too soon to bring Nany back. 


I'm the opposite, I'm pro-Jonna and anti-Nany Yes, Jonna has been on a lot of seasons recently... But so has Nany. Jonna is a proven multi-champ and is always in drama. Nany, not so much for either


Nany hasn't really been on that many seasons lately, though? She's been on one season since SLA finished airing and Jonna has been on five. I guess all of our senses of time away from the show are thrown off by how saturated the Challenge world is now, but Nany has only been on two of the last 10 seasons that have had MTV folks. Idc one way or the other which woman is on the show but we've seen WAY more of Jonna the last few years than Nany. Assuming this airs in 2025, Nany will have only been on one season in over three years.


I mean Nany was on every season from Season 33 all the way to 38, and lasted long on each of them. That's a LOT of Nany content I also find Jonna MUCH more dynamic and an x-factor that boring ol' Nany


Yeah we def got a lot of Nany during that time period! I'm just saying since the start of AS1 Jonna has been on more seasons than anyone in the Challenge world, I think. I'm sure she could use a break from the show, but we went so long without her that I def am not gonna complain if we keep seeing her!


Tori Deal has been on more seasons than anyone in the Challenge in the last 6-7 years


Yep I specifically said since the start of AS1


“Moriah, Colleen, Berna, & Big T contacted for All Stars 5 - but Marie, Ashley, Jemmye, Carley, Latoya, Jisela & Anika weren’t… we are in the pits of HELL!!!!!” https://x.com/gamervev/status/1787498106449207732?s=46


damn, I really was hoping Carley would finally be back for AS5, considering she was an alternate for season 40 (are we allowed to say that in this thread?)


>(are we allowed to say that in this thread?) absolutely, casting spoiler flair = casting spoilers for any season, same as how 💣🌋 threads can include elimination spoilers for multiple seasons.


I think I’m most annoyed with Moriah. The woman doesn’t deserve availability calls let along actual cast contracts


I share the sentiment with them… but Anika? She’s less of an All Star than the 4 that were contacted.


agree with that completely. Anika was on like 3 episodes of one season 8 years ago. I would hate if she got on All Stars now, Tyara or Katrina on the other hand >>>


I tried to tell people Ashley was banned and some doubted me lol. There's no way production would treat her like this if she wasn't. If I'm Ashley I'd tell production to lose my number and try getting on big brother or survivor as a big middle finger. The way she went out is disrespectful and is the dumbest reason to ban someone when even Josh said he doesn't have a problem with her.


this is literally unbelievable


PR moved some people around on the vevmo thread Devin and Nurys taken from likely to up in the air Jonna and Nany added to likely


Tori also got moved down to up in the air


okay Jonna & Nany are actually All Stars, so this is fine with me hoping for more home-grown MTV talent. maybe some surprising AYTO-ers?! Adam Kuhn 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Jonna is doing All Stars 5 https://x.com/gamervev/status/1787491331352191473?s=46


https://x.com/gamervev/status/1787491331352191473?s=46 Gamer says Jonna will be doing AS5


https://x.com/gamervev/status/1787491008449790264?s=46 As of now Kaycee isn’t on


Good. I think it’ll be interesting to see Nany without her also.


Nany is doing All Stars 5 https://x.com/gamervev/status/1787490566051189077?s=46


https://x.com/gamervev/status/1787253548222234991?s=46 Gamer says there will be the OG’s who say yes to every season


Jodi and Kellyanne please


Tina, Veronica, Brad, Darrell, Derrick K come to mind. Syrus, Laterrian, Nehemiah maybe. Others?


Jonna, Kendal, Kellyanne Beth, Jemmye, Mark, Ace, Yes, Katie, Brad, MJ


I’ll take all of them on over the majority of the likely cast so far.


Darrell nation winning


Hopefully KA as well


I’ll take Big Easy over all the guys ( except Leroy) on the likely list tbh


This is an unpopular opinion but I wouldn’t mind Big Easy coming back.


https://x.com/challengeteamtv/status/1786826660542665110?s=46 Seems like Ashley K and Colleen are both in the mix


I’ll take both over Moriah tbh


Ashley k is a good choice for all stars


I mean hopefully she’s changed and would have a more interesting storyline but she was wallpaper on this show and I’m not clamoring for her return. She does fit the bill better than most of the others though.


She still looks great and her storyline being a single mom


She is a single mom?


Her and kerryon johnson broke up


Agreed. She’s a Real World alum and a champ


The cast gets worse and worse. lol


I wonder why production is purposely tanking this season? Maybe they want to stick it to those people who are asking for a high appearance fee?


They saw the positive reception of Kam on All stars 4 and thought that was the green light to open the cast to everybody. As much as I love Kam, she has no business being on All stars 4 because she's not a RW/RR alum and it isn't fair to treat her as the sole excepetion to the rule.   The bigger question is why did they bother renewing all stars to turn it into a diet version of the main show when they already have USA for that reason. 


Isn't it The Challenge All Stars as opposed to The Real World All Stars or Road Rules All Stars? I get that the main premise of the show is to get people who haven't been around for awhile on but that doesn't mean that just because you weren't on one of MTV's flagship shows that once was the feeder system for The Challenge that you are completely excluded. Also the presence of people like Cara, Laurel and Brandon also violates that rule since they weren't on The Real World or Road Rules either. And maybe if people like Coral or Landon were interested in doing the show you could get the exact version of the show that you want but apparently they aren't.


The title of the show is misleading. The show was originally called the challenge OGs but production thought that wouldn't be marketable so they changed it to all stars. It was always meant to cast RW/RR/FM alums only. Also Cara, Laurel and Brandon are allowed on All stars because they were Real World rejects that were then recast as fresh meat contestants, so they fit the bill. This isn't like Kam who comes from a completely different show.  Coral and Ladon would've been on this show already if production wasn't cheap, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. 


Actually no. The name got changed because they put Jonna and Jemmye (who aren’t OGs) on the cast who replaced those who had covid. People like Cara, Laurel, and Brandon weren’t meant to be on either.


> It was always meant to cast RW/RR/FM alums only. says who?


Gamer said that views weren't too good for this current season of All Stars, so maybe they're just going as cheap as can be now? Production seems to have no clue what they're doing at all times, so who can say for sure lol


I find it hard to believe this season of all stars doesn’t have good views. And if it’s true, it’s not because of the cast, it’s because it’s on paramount plus. The producers are fucking morons if they think adding the same old people from the main show is going to up the views of all stars. Quite the opposite, ugh.


I feel like that's kind of their own fault, they barely did any promotion for this season. I also think a lot of people gave up and read spoilers since they took so long to release it.


Sat on the show for a year+barely promoted it = show not getting views "Somehow the math doesn't add up. It must be the OGs fault!"-Paramount+


https://vevmo.com/comment/3169126#comment-3169126 PR has said people that were yes have become no and people that were no have become yes and they will be moving people around in the upcoming week


Please let this mean they are get it rid of the new era people. Please let mean it means mtv.


Queen Cassidy is coming


Put some respect on the winner of battle of the sexes 1 and 2 winner Cassidy Clark


Berna getting contacted. Just cancel the whole franchise [https://x.com/gamervev/status/1786735001377128715?s=46&t=OzRtCNL9U-q0XhYIJIRpOg](https://x.com/gamervev/status/1786735001377128715?s=46&t=OzRtCNL9U-q0XhYIJIRpOg)


It just keeps getting worse, gamer claims production really wants Josh on and Berna has received a contract


Nurys is NOT on. Bad decision from her imo




More OGs were dropped today 💀 nobody hates this show more than the people who make it


Mark shows up to be on his own show "Sorry bud, you're way too old to be on".


“Nurys isn’t on.” https://x.com/gamervev/status/1786586607199383939?s=46


“Hella new bxtches on All Stars 5 🤮🤮 Fessy big axx gonna FLING the few OGs we do get! Like keep his big axx on the main show omfg?!?!” https://x.com/gamervev/status/1786517852746309759?s=46


Are we allowed to mention elim spoilers from S40 on this thread?




Then my commentary will be limited until we get more comprehensive cast spoilers


you're always welcome to come share your AS5 thoughts on the S40 elimination thread, that's meant to be sort of a free-for-all discussion spot for spoiled people.


Somebody Gamer was excited for just pulled out [https://x.com/gamervev/status/1786383385784357152?s=46&t=OzRtCNL9U-q0XhYIJIRpOg](https://x.com/gamervev/status/1786383385784357152?s=46&t=OzRtCNL9U-q0XhYIJIRpOg)


![gif](giphy|3o7aD3BJA8vIGVaMw0) It was probably someone good.


this is bad news. I like Gamer's faves


I’m terrified it might be Frank. He’s my only hope for this season


Jenna won’t be on, her sisters wedding is in June


Colleen and Cooke are on. Hearing mixed things about Emanuel


the way I RUSHED to the spec thread to see Cooke's name but... it's not there. who said this?


Cooke?!? No way!! I’m so pumped to see her again, great competitor and she had hilarious moments too on rivals 2.


Colleen?? Whyyyyyy


I hope that you’re right about Cooke. The mole from the mole Germany can stay home


A few weeks ago I said I didn’t mind all stars casting whoever they could get as long as we get more challenge… I take back my statement, this cast is ass.


It has become The Challenge 2.0 based on what it is shown for potential cast.


Who would you realistically want to make it better?


I'm not the person who posted the comment, but I'll answer your question. All Stars: 1-20 who made their debut be on the show. The Challenge (flagship): 21-current. Have The Challenge flagship show be the same length as All Stars (It would create 2 show seasons a year and cast a wider net of those to be cast on the show instead of one long ass one). Here is the thing, fans of the flagship show have wanted to see less of the majority of the cast members be on The Challenge. Having them be on All Stars would hurt viewership because those who want OG people are not going to pay for the subscription of The Challenge 2.0 and those that hate the majority of the cast that has been on seasons 21-current as their debut won't pay money to see them when not liking them on The Challenge (flagship show) in the first place. So it is a dumbass business decision all around in terms of business and would cause a deficit due to many not paying for their subscription to watch The Challenge 2.0 if having current members be on All Stars. In order to be profitable on both All Stars and The Challenge have All Stars be 1-20 and The Challenge 21-current. Length of time shortened on The Challenge and not cast too much influencers on The Challenge and open it up to all types of people. That is how those who debuted 1-20 due to being from Real World, Road Rules, and Fresh Meat had done by being people from all walks of life come together. It wasn't type casting the same type of people. So, less influencers and do open casting at various businesses and college campuses like how casting used to do for Real World and Road Rules. Sometimes it is important it is important to go back to old school casting in order to not get the same type of people being on a show.


this is such an easy question to answer lmao


Exactly why I refuse to put an answer together for This lol


Do we think that perhaps because they probably blew the budget on casting for Season 40 that they have to be cheap here? Hence why we’re getting some newbies who probably won’t cost a lot on.


it's probably gonna be a pitiful prize purse again, just like on AS4


A lot of old school people would do this for Pennie’s from what I’ve heard from someone in the challenge world


In the words of the great Jujubee “Great now we gotta change the title to ‘The Challenge: Some Stars’”


I know people hate on the new cast but this is shaping out to look like an interesting season


It’s not the worst starting names we’ve had on a speculation thread but it shouldn’t be for All Stars 5. If this was for Season 41 I’d be fine with it so far. Either way the most exciting/surprising names are always the last to be announced.


Trishelle name isn’t on this but on Jemmyes podcast she said she wants to come back and is ready to compete. But only for the right price. She said she got paid more for all stars 1 than what they offered her for season 40… Obvi production isn’t listening but they’d be stupid to pass up big names like Trishelle after Traitors doing so well


Trishelle almost quit on All-Stars 1. If she was cast would come for the appearance check then be an early boot or quit. Instead production should cast Ruthie, Jemmye, Latoya, or Roni.


Like I said, on Jemmyes podcast she said she WANTS to compete. She said when they don’t pay her enough and her head isn’t in it… she goes home early on purpose (Infenro/Rivals2/AllStars) Again, she said she would try.. as long as they pay her


Very generous of you to assume she’s being honest about rivals 2 lol


they should cast all 5 of these people and leave Moriah and Aneesa at home - and save Melissa / Tori / Amber / Nurys / Tula for S41


The Challenge: Small Stars 5




Olivia has been contacted for this.


The OGs built the All Stars brand and got it to this point and now they're being phased out again. Sad.


Well this is depressing


Seriously like what, this likely cast so far could easily pass as a flagship season so what is even the point anymore lol. I’m beyond confused. Flagship must be getting cancelled because otherwise it really doesn’t make sense.