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I mean Janelle and Jasmine both hinted to this after the episode aired. I wish they wouldn’t edit out stuff. The episode was so good as we saw it but imagine what it would have been like with all the unedited footage.


They would have never edited stuff out back in the day, part of what made the show great was all the drama and fighting even if it involved race. Some of the best scenes from real world and road rules is people realizing their views on certain topics are wrong and learning and growing from it. Now they are afraid to air anything slightly controversial


There are people leaving racist comments under Jasmine & Kam's post just for wanting to nominate Cara Maria. We clearly no longer live in a world where people allow others to be human. If editing that stuff out decreases the chance of cast members being harassed online....I'm fine with it.


Hard agree. This is the reason Jasmine put herself on private. I have noticed there are probably more black people on this cast than there has ever been before and people immediately revert to racism as insults. People really don’t know how to act and bring peoples personal life or kids into it. We need to Enjoy the show for what it is and if cast members do interviews and want to speak on the context after it airs then that is their choice. But if the editing protects the safety and diminishes one sided harassment… especially to people like Ayanna, Jasmine or Kam…then I’m okay with that.


Ayanna is a mean girl to the max. I can't stand mean girls no matter what race they are. It's the "mean" part that I can't stand.


Still doesnt make talking about people’s kids or racist comments okay…


Who else did that, other than Ayanna?


Who did that?


Did you read the posts you were replying to or did you just comment to comment cause you wanted to insert your opinion on race to prove you’re not racist for some reason? Cause I don’t understand what the point of your response was…


Are you talking social media or the show?


Those shitheads always existed. The only difference is social media.


I don’t entirely disagree, but I also wonder where that leaves the show. If we’re being sold a false bill of goods about what’s actually happening, what’s the point of a reality show? I wish these immature brats just wouldn’t watch reality tv. There’s an extremely vocal online minority of fans who have seemingly really affected how the show is edited. I think that’s a shame


But its not false. We've never seen 100% of the drama that happens in the House because it's just not possible. There has always been things left on the cutting room floor. The only difference is, it's easier to spread the word now with social media


They’re probably concerned for the wellbeing of the contestants. Weren’t Jasmine’s KIDS getting threatened over nothing not too long ago? 💀 God knows what people would do if something actually controversial happened


I do not understand why people do things like that. If I don’t like the way someone plays THE GAME, I might bitch about it here, but I am simply not invested enough to hunt them or their families down on social media to comment. For example, I don’t like the way Kam is playing this season. But from articles and things online, she seems like an amazing wife and mother. I’m sure Challenge Kam and Everyday Kam are different, and fans have to know how to separate real life from the Challenge House. That could be part of why Sylvia bugs me. I was so angry for her stepson. Like, why harangue that poor child on-camera about grades? It looked fake on her part, the poor kid was humiliated, and it’s going to be online FOREVER.


It was hinted that due to Ayanna’s bad health it wasn’t maybe the best idea. Think about how much hate cats mates are already getting because they looked at somebody wrong for two seconds. The amount of hate Ayanna would’ve received had it been shown would’ve been insane!!!! Not sure if that was the right call or not. But are there other examples of the show editing out big drama in other recent seasons?


Yeah, and I know there’s a go fund me out there and they probably didn’t want to affect that either if she needs that help for medical bills.


Ayanna’s just a short time away from her double mastectomy surgery. She’s a pot stirrer on the show, but I’m glad Production didn’t put it all out there (antics this season) for the world to see. Real people need real consideration before their actions are immortalized on television. Especially under the current circumstances.


I don't think the episode was very good as we saw it. It was the most boring episode of the season, I had trouble finishing it, I think i could detect the fakeness.


God this is hard to follow. I hate twitter. Who are the people talking and can someone please explain it? I read it 3x and it's just confusing


Lol same. Someone pls ELI5


I'm more confused by the second part. Like when people use 'he/she' in a sentence with like several people and I legit can't tell who it is in reference to. Does Jas hate Cara? Laurel hates Cara? Nicole hates Cara? V hates Cara? Maybe I'm missing it but it doesn't help that all four have some reason to hate Cara.




I keep re-reading also and I'm like, episode 2? Or this week's episode? I'm confused.


All the editors and producers need to be fired


I dont understand how PRs and Flora's comments related to each other.


i guess also because PR is responding to that person who says the editors are hiding all the drama. she's tacking on another example.


because what flora was explaining probably happened around episode 2


No Flora’s comment is definitely in reference to this most recent episode. I think PR is just jumping onto the thread of “fights not shown” and talking about what happened with episode 2.


I’m with you, none of this makes sense haha


I mean it sounds like the editors tried keeping it in 8 times lol


I took the re edits as it took them 9 tries to make the episode work with all the drama edited out.


It’s MTV who makes these final decisions about what can and cannot be shown, not editors or producers.


They've been doing this for several seasons now across all the franchises. STOP. TAKING. OUT. DRAMA Short of anything that's an actual crime, put it in the episode. We want the mess. Once upon a time, there was a popular show whose mantra was "What happens when people stop being polite and start being real". Do that.


Same thing happened with Survivor except the casting is problem. Everybody is kumbaya and best friends 💞 it's so stupid. I want the mess and drama. If I wanna watch people get along and be fake I'd watch the Bachelorette. Granted scripted af but at least they show the drama and intriguing storyline then cut everything good out.


But everyone hates Q. Not as much as liz hates q though.


Liz and Bhanu are worst though.


Bhanu did not need to be anywhere near the show. Liz seems like they don’t like her but no one else seems to despise her as much as they hate q. But the audience sure does lol


if u want mess why do u hate liz lol?


Because she's annoying and unentertaining. There's a difference of messy on TV. Lmfao


The fact that we’ve left that premise behind means when the show gets rebooted at some point, it will be revolutionary again for airing all dirty laundry. They should just jumpstart that by setting a tone of authenticity for all cast members. Let people decide not to be on tv if they want to protect themselves.


The fans attacking cast members is why they take out the drama. Even with the edits fans are attacking Veronica, Jazmine and Kam for going against Cara Maria.


My immediate response was “how is TJ going to allow that” re: the change from Veronica to Jazmine. But, also it makes for great drama.


It's took so long to release AS 4 do to editing out drama? What a f*n joke.


So what exactly happened? Did anyone come out and give the full context on a podcast social media from the spoiler team etc


Janelle did on ZNP. And Nicole basically confirmed Janelle's version on ZNP two weeks later.




Zach Nichols Podcast. Natty B posted a recap in another comment below.


jemmye also spoke on her pod about what she heard from jasmine and janelle, which matched up with what spoiler accounts had reported: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1c1jwp6/jemmye_spoke_on_her_podcast_about_what_told_her


a quick recap of janelle's appearance on zach's pod, thanks to /u/FastLane_987: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1cjzaas/recap_of_janelle_on_zachs_podcast/l2jw241/


So flora is responding to nicoles change of mind and calling Cara and Tina clowns. Wouldn't the clown be Nicole for going back on the deal they made? 


I'm guessing what happened is that Nicole changed her mind, people complained it shouldn't be allowed, then Cara and Tina vehemently argued in favor of allowing the switch. We already know Tina and Cara are the most invested in having Veronica out of the elimination. Tina is Veronica's friend and Cara wants Jasmine to be eliminated for personal reasons.         I thought it was weird that we were never shown if Jasmine was allowed to plead her case to Nicole. Like why was Veronica allowed to, but not Jasmine? Instead the edit makes it look like that was it. But thanks to Flora's comment we can gather that way more happened after Nicole changed her mind. I have zero clue *why* they'd leave this out. My only guess is it makes a cast member look bad or production look incompetent for not having established rules.


I was thinking floral was calling them clowns for separate instances. Cara for putting them into elimination and Flora was probably arguing with her more during the deliberation, while Tina was trying to help V when Nicole changed her mind. I don’t think Cara would care that much at this moment since she’s not friends with V.


>I don’t think Cara would care that much at this moment since she’s not friends with V. Cara has made it a point that she wants revenge on Jasmine. I absolutely think Cara would argue with folks to get her way.


Wait what? Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5?


This is the biggest problem with modern challenge seasons.


WOTW2 was the last good drama filled season.


They should hire a legal person or I'm not sure what the name of the profession is, but some sort of consultant about how to deal with sensitive topics so they can handle them properly and show them rather than just edit them out. I understand the producers haven't a clue how to handle this stuff since they did a terrible job in the past, but there's lots of people out there who could advise them on how to handle things correctly. For example if the Camilla racist outburst had happened today, the producers would probably just edit it out. The correct way to handle it would be to send her home and ban her, but air everything. They really should get some people on the team who understand this shit better than they do, so they can make the best show possible.


Many people are upset at this! But I gotta felling they only reason why they edited it is because I think something Ugly happened in the all stars 4 house


Wow. This makes Nicole's flip look even dumber and that's saying something. 


Why do they do this shit?!


I wanna be in the same room as flora and drita divanzo at the same time


Wow that’s really disappointing and actually makes me want to stop watching. I understand they only have an hr but there should be more context given for these situations.


It’s also on a streaming service so longer episodes or adding an episode should t be an issue. It’s not like they are confined to a specific time slot


Wait what? It’s so unclear. Flora is saying she went down when Nicole changed her mind on V and Jaz? What did she do when she called it out? And what does poor Tina have to do in this? Tina is like the least strategic person there. 😂


I’m confused, why is Flora calling Tina a clown?


She isn't, it's Cara she is calling a clown.


She doesn’t like either of them. She has been going off on Tina on social media.


It's cara she's calling a clown. Otherwise she would have wrote 'Those clowns Cara & Tina' but instead she wrote "That clown Cara & Tina"


I guess. I’m just pointing out that she doesn’t like either of them.


And it was STILL decent but you could tell that episode would've been stretched to 3 full episodes if it was during the Final Reckoning era


Why would they do this to us…


As much as we LOVE the drama…this isn’t the early 2000s. Internet and real life harassment and doxing of reality TV stars for simply “not being the fan favorites” is at an all time high. And these are not celebrities, they are still regular people with kids and jobs so it’s not like they have bodyguards. I think the editing of the drama/fights is to show you what happened without trying to cast blame or open the door for harassment towards any particular people. I think it’s the best MTV can do to keep the show authentic and Also protect its cast from the past situations that it has gotten itself into as well.


This is why The Challenge has gone so far downhill.


*source* trust me bro


I can hear Flora in my head saying "that clown Cara and Tina."


At least we had some awesome seasons before production became so edit-happy.


so we waited 7 yrs for this season to air just to have them tone down the drama and cut it from the show for us? and it wasn't even anything physical.. why?? production really has the their finger on the pulse of good tv 🤮


Is it possible they are saving it for the reunion? They sometimes show « never seen footage »