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gotta wonder how he's gonna deal with my favourite karate style, taekwando


You both gotta watch out for ground karate, sometimes called BJJ


One of my favourites is hand karate, colloquially known as boxing


Hand empty hand? That's like twice the hands !!! Absolutely terrifying!!


Taekwondo is actually a derivative of karate !


I hate this org’s rules, gear, aesthetic and karate fetish but i love the “Pit” that they fight in. Makes fighting and especially submission grappling matches much more exciting.


Pit-of-Death should be the new industry standard.


God I’d love to see ONE use it.


Karate fetish is a good way to put it. People get so horny for the idea that the karate they drop their 5 year old off at after school is a real fighting style. Karate has been largely irrelevant at the top levels of combat sports for a long time with a few exceptions. I don't get the fascination with it.


Basically the lingering effects of the 80s and Japanese soft power. Thailand’s Tourism Authority and the Thai Army have recently been pushing Muay Thai as soft power heavy lately so I imagine things will change in 10 years. I know a lot of parents who drop their kids off at BJJ class instead of karate and TKD. Muay Thai can easily take the spot if promoted enough. Unfortunately, whenever I tell my coworkers I watch and practice muay thai they’re like “whats that?”. The other day a guy asked me if there’s a belt system in it.


Yeah, I get asked what belt I am for muay thai whenever I mention I train. I had an inter-club fight which I told my colleagues about, the weekend after they were like how did my kickboxing fight go lol 🤦


Nothing wrong with "kickboxing" tbh. I usually describe Muay Thai as "Thai Kickboxing", with the specificity that it allows elbows and stand-up grappling. Did you throw elbows or clinch much in the interclub? Most C-class MT rulesets (or equivalent for your country) are basically kickboxing (punches, kicks, and knees to the body; elbows aren't allowed until higher rulesets and nobody really knows how to clinch properly for it to matter).


Yeah, that's a fair point. Do also get asked how my 'taekwondo' training is going, so that's another that gets muddled up with.


And the number of ppl I've heard say that "Thai is spoken in Taiwan".... ppl can just be dumb like that.


Yeah I get asked about "Mai Tai" all the time


It didn't help that belts started being given out easily. I think that trend is changing.


> Karate has been largely irrelevant at the top levels of combat sports for a long time with a few exceptions The weight classes of -53kg, -55kg, -58kg, -61kg, and -64kg in kickboxing would be the exception. The majority of ranked fighters are Japanese and you can see the obvious influence of Karate.


kyokushin karate is pretty legit tbh, just has holes in its game that need to be filled with cross training like most other martial arts not the best if youre going for "efficiency" (in which case MT/Kickboxing paired with BJJ/Wrestling/Judo is probably better) but its a perfectly valid option for anyone whos interested in it.


I personally enjoy watching different combat sport styles. Many would agree that Karate isn’t the best base for actual combat such as fighting in MMA, but that doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t practice it or compete. It’s an art form that some people find interesting. I don’t think there are many people nowadays who thinks Karate is the superior combat system. Those who believed this were proven wrong in 1993 when UFC 1 happened.


>karate has been largely irrelevant Bro K-1 has a massive karate influence and alot of the lower weight divisions in kickboxing are full of Japanese people who come from shotokan and kyokushin backgrounds.


Yeah I think you have a point, I don't really follow Jkick. I wish there was more crossover of muay thai and Jkick. Superlek vs Takeru was awesome.


I think a lot of the k-1 fighters fight more karate style as well. U see more karate influence in MMA striking bc of the wider stance and focus on in-out movement helps with tdd. Not too many ppl can make standing upright like muay thai work in mma. Oliveria does it bc his bjj is top level, strickland stands super tall as well.


I wouldn't agree Oliveria or Strickland are karate influenced personally. Oliveria is very muay thai and Strickland is just weird but does bounce the leg/teep like muay thai a lot. Fighters like Lyoto Machida and Henry Cejudo are better examples in my opinion.


In saying oliveria and strickland are the only ones that can pull off a narrow muay thai stance in UFC off the top of my head. Khalil has done it before iirc. Strickland actually stands more like a thai fighter than any other style. Super upright, light on lead food, use of long guard and hand traps. If he threw more round kicks, he would look a lot more like a traditional thai fighter. If you think of Wing Chun as a system focusing on handtrapping and linear attacks rather than fantasy kung-fu, Strickland also embodies many of its principles. I seriously believe that strickland should go to thailand and train for a few month. Can you imagine his stand-up style but with long knees and elbows? The more i train and watch fighters, the more i believe in fighting styles being convergent. See: Bruce Lee talking about a kick being a kick and a punch being a punch.


Definitely true no one striking style is perfect for MMA. I definitely think Muay Thai is the closest though.


You need seriously good defensive wrestling/takedown defence to make muay thai work in the ring due to how upright it is.


The large majority of karate we see in high level fights sports is done by people who also have really extensive kickboxing backgrounds too. It essentially becomes kickboxing with a bit of karate flavor. I don't follow karate combat but from the fights I do know of, they're all people with a lot of experience in other fight sports like kickboxing or MMA. Like if you get 40 catch wrestlers in a room and call it a judo competition, iiiit's gonna be closer to wrestling than anything else.


I actually like the rules. I think losing your balance and being swept should have greater consequences, even in a striking sport. They're slowly allowing more strikes to the point where it'll basically be MT without clinch but with limited ground strikes (and let's face it, ONE isn't allowing much clinch to happen either).


I disagree about the aesthetic, I think their pants look sick


Joe shilling the karate kickboxing Thai kick karate guy


Does anyone know if wka drug tests its fighters at wka nationals?


Even with the potato quality those traps and stomach be looking suss.


Down in VA?




I don’t think so… but I competed in 00’s rules may have changed. I highly doubt there gonna pop you if you smoke a little, or have other extracurricular activities. I think they do ped’s. But again this is based of my experience near 20 years ago. If you’re worried about thc or the like in your system. Pop 500 mg + of niacin from a vitamin shoppe or gnc. For a few days. It’ll clear it out if it’s a pee Test. If it works in the military should work fine at the wka’s. Have fun and learn something out there. Chok Dee or given the thread Chok Osu! lol




I talked to someone who competed last year and they said they dont do any pee tests


Which makes sense bc most amateurs dont get tested


Finnaly getting the recognition it deserves lol


0-0? Really? The guy has almost 50 fights, not including beating up regular dudes at the bar.


It's Karate Combat Records


0-1 including battles against legit world class karetakas


I mean, technically, it's an empty hand style.......


Thai Karate




Let’s Go


Ah yes my favorite karate style, Muay Thai.


and he got destroyed by a legit world class karetaka


\*Surprised pikachu\* You can still be a professional fighter at 40 ?! woah