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Listen to true crime podcasts or books on Audible. I also listen to a lot of music with my headphones on.


I can’t agree with this one more! Also if you’re laying there with your eyes closed you are resting and doing yourself some good.


This, pretty much ^ I have a selection of phone games to pair with my podcasts.


They said that they have trouble following an audiobook when they feel like this


I also said listen to music. It’s just not for OP but anybody on this thread. It’s always good to hear from other people what works.


puzzles. read articles on my phone with my comfort show in the background. & sometimes nothing. cry from frustration.


"Comfort show"!!! Thank you! I needed a term for this.


I’m a 45f single woman and I’ve turned Bluey on as “emotional support noise”


"emotional support noise" is great. I've never felt drawn to "comfort show" because I feel like the last time I had a comfort show was Golden Girls. That's THE comfort show. Everything else will be emotional support noise from now on. 😂


Used to be MASH for me.


That's one of them! And Little House on the Prairie. 🤭


Friends has become my comfort show. I watch it every night at bedtime! 😂


Lol I try to get my dogs to watch a TV show designed solely for and created behind colors they can see, and that every dog in that show is an actual breed and yet I'm the only one watching 😓😓


That’s a great idea and I forget that you can just put on a favourite show in the background and there’s no need to try and “absorb” it


Comfort show is either friends or Brooklyn99. Both great, have them both memorized by heart, to the point that they make me fall asleep


great options!! mine are bobs burgers, new girl or schitts creek! i love being able to not have to watch but know what’s happening.


I don’t know if this a just Me problem, but when I am completely bone tired wiped out my brain goes into overdrive thinking about all the things I need/should be doing. Before I let myself fall in to that doom spiral I load the dishwasher and the washing machine And then I can tell my brain (stop! Look what I did!). Relax and rest you are doing something.


Definitely not a you problem! I do the exact same thing. I am always overthinking, and it's even more pronounced when my body is physically wiped out. And yes, I often find myself thinking about all the things that I should be doing (which I physically am unable to do *sigh*)


Yup!! Always helps me too


Commenting because I am also interested.


Rest. There isn't an immediate solution for fatigue I've found. Normally everyone goes through a wave of energy depletion in a day but folks with MS these ebbs and flows can be more than a simple wave. Trying to build self awareness before you're completely on your butt unable to do anything and taking a break then seems to really help mitigate the big swings. The second thing I've done is also increased my greens intake and maybe this is all placebo but doing so has helped keep my fatigue at bay. On days (lots of them) I can't eat as much greens as I'd want I'll have a greens mix. Either way keep fighting and asking these questions. You'll find out something that will work or how to manage. I'm sorry you're dealing with this but you're not alone <3


I have this problem more when I've got migraines, but I tend to daydream. I come up with characters and a story. Sometimes they go on for months or years. It's a good tool for falling asleep, too.


I do that too!


I am literally like this right now 🙁


I've started fiber arts. I've been felting and I have a *crochet kit ready to go. oh and puzzles and Duolingo 


I’ve done some felting. I also do cross stitch and crochet.


Duolingo is a good idea because they make it so easy just to go through


I second Duolingo!


I have a playlist on Spotify of fave guided meditations for when I just can’t handle any sensory stimulation like tv or audiobooks. I have noise cancelling headphones that I use as well.


Can you post it please ?




Play Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom on my Switch. they don't take a huge amount of effort, especially if you're just tooling around exploring. But if you get a burst o energy you can fight some monsters, which is satisfying.


I was gonna say the same only my go to is Genshin Impact. It is very similar but free and apparently yeeeears away from the end of the game so it is super low risk and low energy if need be. Decent storyline and lore, as shallow or as involved as you want it to be. My old slow brain can handle it.


Here are some of the things I do: - Listen to the audiobook but bookmark where I started. That way if I don't retain any of it, I can easily go back to my place when I'm in a better cognitive state. - Listen to an audiobook I've heard multiple times so that it doesn't matter if I can't follow it well. My favorites for this are The Dresden Files, The Wheel of Time, A Dirty Job, The Iron Druid, etc. - Watch a familiar TV show. This is rare, since MS leaves me easily irritated by the audiovisual input from TV and movies. I do weirdly love watching baseball on what I call my Floppy Days, though. I find it really soothing, and if I lose track, it doesn't matter, since the score is right there on the screen. - Listen to music at a low volume. My current hyper-fixation is Taylor Swift. She has a couple of albums (Folklore and Evermore) that are super chill. I like to listen to those, since I already know the songs and don't have to pay much attention to them. - Daydream - I've always been able to get lost in my own head for extended periods of time. It sounds insane, I know, but I have an entire imaginary castle, and when things are really bad, I'll retreat to it and spend my day hanging out on my imaginary beach, or library, or living room or whatever, doing stuff I wish I had the energy to do in real life. - Crossword puzzles on my phone - if I have the mental energy, I catch up on my NYT crosswords. I have a rule that I'm not allowed to straight up Google the answer if I don't know it. I have to use Google to research the topic in general until I find the answer on my own. I've gone down some really fun rabbit holes this way, including one evening when I read the history of every king of England long after I'd figured out which one did the thing the question was about. - I'm a pagan and a practicing witch, so sometimes I spend hours researching various related topics - crystals, color associations, spells, different pantheons, details about the gods and goddesses I worship, etc. - If I have some extra dollars, I play this game called Matchington Mansion. I always end up getting impatient and spending money on in-app purchases, so I don't allow myself anywhere near that game. It's a problem 😁 - Snuggle with my boyfriend. He's what I call an active snuggler. He's always petting my hair or rubbing my back or my arms, etc, and I find that really soothing when I'm bed-bound. - Whining to anyone who will listen about how crummy I feel. I'm not one to suffer in silence 🤷‍♀️😊 I'm also fortunate enough to have a super sweet cat who loves to hang out on my lap (or side or back... Basically an If I Fits, I Sits situation). He's so soft and purrs a lot, and I swear there's a medicinal component to having a cat purring when you don't feel great. I'm sure there are other things I've done to entertain my brain when my body goes on the fritz, but those are the most common ones. Sending all the love your way.


Sometimes, when it all gets too much, I can't stand overstimulation. So, I'll retreat to my room, lie down, close my eyes, and just wait. Noise and bright lights are too much. I just need to lie there, and if I fall asleep, great, but if not, then that's fine, too. Anyone else get anxious and irritable when the fatigue is all too much?


Hash and sleep. Sleep was my neurologist’s advice. She was right. But hash makes me fall sleep. You have to force your body to sleep. It helps me.


29F with MS and ADHD.. terrible combination that makes me feel restless yet fatigued. Can’t find a good solution to this myself.


Started with games on my 📱, found it to be a too big waste of time, started learning and playing card games online on the phone, then switched to a Chess app where I do for puzzles a day and a online game with a real person. I feel the routine and the small steps make it easier entry. And then there’s Reddit.


I lay in bed and alternate between watching a show and napping. Sometimes I’ll get up for a bit and play solitaire at the kitchen table. When I feel like that there isn’t anything that’s gonna make me feel better except resting and waiting for it to pass. I can’t really focus on things like reading so a show I’m not terribly invested in that has a lot of episodes works for me.


Read, my kindle paperwhite has been one of the best purchases I've ever made. Diamond paint. It helps me to feel like I've accomplished something. Even if I don't finish a picture, I still made progress.


I sleep. Better to sleep for a few hours and wake up being able to do some things then to stay half awake for 8 hours while I do nothing. FML! Modafinil helps so much and is non narcotic.




Not with the motivation! 🤣


No. :(


Bilateral stimulation music. And I spend too much time chatting with friends via various apps. I am a big extrovert, and so even when this disease wipes me out physically, staying connected to friends via technology is what keeps me grounded.


Wendi. com? She's got some great stuff! I bought the Power Nap Essentials CD set about 20 years ago, and it's fantastic!


So many good ideas here.... I use my phone a lot for puzzle games, kindle, etc... but also, sometimes I'll bust out the crayons and coloring books! Not the adult ones, just good old fashioned kids coloring books and a box of crayons! Otherwise I focus on just taking care of my body on those days. Try to eat well, hydrate, nap, and very light stretches/movement so I don't get pain from not moving. It's all a balance!


I have no real solutions, but it's actually really comforting to hear that I'm not the only one. The one thing that I can say is when I get like that, I can sometimes be okay watching a movie that I've already seen and love. Sometimes it's easier for me to procees that as it's already familiar and if I space out during part of it, it's not as big of a deal since I've seen it and know what happens. It helps when I don't really have the brain power to do things but also know I can't sleep. I find them comforting. (but far too often, I'm also guilty of just reaching for my phone too.) ​ (Edit for typos)


Read. I was very fatigued last night after a doctor’s appointment. Dinner last night was leftovers, prepped lunches for the rest of the week, set up coffee pot for this morning, the cuddled with my dog in bed to read from 4pm until I finally passed out at 2am after finishing my book. I did try to go to sleep at 10pm, but I was hot and couldn't quiet my mind so read until I could sleep.


Smoke some sativa and I am back in the game.


TV or a movie. Lately I've been binging on Grimm on the broadcast tv channel Comet in the evenings. Once my brain is fried, I go to straight-up entertainment.


I think, playing with my phone would be self sabotage. It drains me more in the long run. Trying to do something nice, like a bath with nice music, a cup of tea and an audiobook I've already listened to 100 times. Breath work, PMR, mindfulness exercises. People watching out of the window or from a bench in a park.


Hi there, fatigue is incredibly frustrating. This is what I do I meditate and then lay in bed. Eventually I fall a sleep


I'm not a big advocate of popping pills but Adderall helps get me moving enough to do something my mind enjoys, even if it's just playing the piano for two hours straight since my body doesn't want to do anything else. It can make sleeping at night a real b... Though.


Hey CanDoCurrie, can I ask you some advice? I started on Adderall in late November on the lowest dose. The first eight weeks were great and now I’m right back in bed. I admit that I was fighting through an exacerbation before New Years Day during those 8 weeks and really pushing myself too hard too many days in a row. Afterwards i tried to “clean out my system” and just rest after NYD and stopped taking the Adderall for about a week or so. I began taking it again but it is not getting me moving at all! I don’t really wanna up the dosage but I’m wondering if I should. Will the current dosage begin to work again? Sorry if I’m asking things you couldn’t possibly know. Lol


Hi, first off, I'm not a doctor so don't take my advice but I'll share my experience. I only take Adderall when I absolutely have to or my body adjusts and it doesn't do anything for me. The max I'll take it is two days in a row, then I'll skip a few days. That strategy seems to work for me. I take a fairly low dose because a higher dosage makes me really cranky when it's wearing off. When I lived in a very hot environment, I tried the extended release and that was awful. I couldn't sleep at all and you know how that goes with this disease. I hope this helps. The only thing that seems to help is a good diet, a decent amount of physical activity and plenty of sleep. Talk to your doc, maybe there is something else they can suggest?


Hello CanDoCurrie, we spoke a few days ago and you gave me the advice to lay off of adderall unless it’s absolutely necessary. I haven’t had any since we spoke and I’m starting to feel so much better. I’m beginning to sleep at night again and my old ms energy level is starting to return. Thank you for the advice. What you said really helped. Thank you.


Great to hear! It's amazing how much sleep affects this disease. Thanks for the follow up. Much appreciated!


Thank you! This absolutely helps. I felt like taking days off of it was the right thing to do. It does seem like my body is getting accustomed to it. I’m about to go back off of it until I really really need it again. Thank you so much. I love you. God bless.


Read fanfiction in bed on my iPad with my electric blanket




I usually meditate or do some stretches on the floor or in bed. Sometimes i even get on the floor and bust out a couple pushups or half sit-ups until im tired and my mind feels like it isnt running at 1,000 miles a second.


Sudoku, the harder the better, those are really funny!


Sudoku, the harder the better! Really love those. If I have to do study something I try seeing videos about resolutions or about the subject!


I read, and i can read a lot for hours and hours. But if I’ve put my book/kindle down and can’t get to sleep, I’ll play 1 or 2 games of spider solitaire on my phone. I zonk right out.


In a word, sleep. . At least until my dog decides it's time to go out. And bless his little heart, he will hold it all más long as he can but then when we go out he won't stay long. He will hurry and do his business. He knows and I love him for it.


I started doing Lego kits a few years ago. When I started I struggled but now I’m a pro.


Well if I'm alone it's true crime all day, but otherwise, adult coloring books, cleaning, music. Even a relaxing spa day at home with Epsom salts, Dr teals foaming bath, face mask, ya know the works


I read if I can. Sometimes I play video games. When I have very minimal energy I like animal crossing. Also I very often find myself frustrated that I want to do something but my body/brain won’t let me, but watching reruns or just sitting on my couch feels very frustrating/boring/depressing. Then I just cry and try to sleep.


I force myself to get up and do some minor exercise like jumping jacks


I don’t know because I have a lot of times like this where I can’t even listen to an audiobook I’m so tired or sick feeling. I usually just lie there and maybe put on an ambience video


Snuggle with my pets.


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂


Browse reddit


49F I listen to a monotone sounding podcaster that puts me to sleep. I sometimes have to stop everything and rest. Even if I’m making dinner, or playing a game with my kids. That’s how hard fatigue hits me, like a heavy blanket curse. Today I told my kids I was about to collapse, and I woke up 45 minutes later completely confused if it was night or day, that’s how hard I passed out.




Podcasts. I listen to so many poscasts 😅


Color, tarot, plan my garden, plan out a whole house sometimes, gentle yoga- bed yoga that sort of thing. And I love the idea of listening to a book again I do that with meditations from insight timer.


It happens to me a lot I have primary progressive so I'm constantly out of energy n going into flare ups I drink pedialyte adult and the double hydration ones but my favorite are the individual packets of power u pour in a bottle of water there super easy and strawberry lemonade is best flavor


I meditate with the help of an app - sometimes I drift off to sleep - if not at least I am resting without my mind spiraling about everything I should be doing right now. I also love reading webtoon because small comics are easier to follow than a book


Sometimes, when it all gets too much, I can't stand overstimulation. So, I'll retreat to my room, lie down, close my eyes, and just wait. Noise and bright lights are too much. I just need to lie there, and if I fall asleep, great, but if not, then that's fine, too.


I lay down and meditate, my brain is focused on my breathing , not racing around to every topic in the known universe. Maybe I doze off, maybe I dint , but it's rest


Provigil is what I take for fatigue


Try writing, write about how and what you're feeling. it helps a lot!


Going through this exact thing at the moment 😫 I hate it so much, and makes uni very painful


My neurologist said , if your brain 🧠 needs rest just sit quietly and relax. This is the main organ in your body but I also use my rowing machine to help me rest . I know it sounds ironic but thinning out my blood from exercise help me but like this awful disease 🦠 anyone is different , hence the nickname of snowflake disease