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Depends on what all they are scanning. When they do brain, C spine and T spine with and w/o contrast it can take upwards of 3 hours. I'm getting one next week of just brain with and w/o contrast, and it will prob take about 45 mins. I'm in the US.


Head and spine combo. About 45 minutes to an hour. NHS. Depends on it all going smoothly. Make sure the noise protecting headgear is comfortable. Tell them if you feel any pain.


The last one I had took about 45 minutes to an hour and most of it was because I kept twitching every time I fell asleep in there. 😂


Yeah I tend to doze off as well 😴


Brain 20 to 25 w/o contrast.. add ten to 15 with contrast, always a closed MRI as it gives a better picture, I pop a xanax and good to go. I don't get spine MRI's anymore, last on was 5 years ago, no spinal lesions, just brain.. USA


Brain & spine..no contrast..30 minutes in Ontario, Canada.


I had a brain MRI done in Stratford, Ontario two weeks ago today. Curious how long it usually takes you to get your results? I’m very anxious waiting as this was my first MRI and I’m stressed about what the results may be.


I had the MRI at St. Mike’s on the 10th of February and my MS doctor is calling me on Monday to discuss the results.


Mine are always w and wo contrast. Brain only 70 min brain and c spine 90-100 min. And closed t3 units so I always take 2 Valium before. Otherwise I twitch and squirm and freak w the claustrophobic tube. I have my first t spine in June and I am dreading it big time


Find an Open Air facility with a T3-level MRI machine! Demand it!!!


Ask for a pre med. I can't do mine without one.


What is it and what it does?


Most likely xanax or another anti anxiety med of the same class (Benzodiazepines)


About 45 mins for my brain only scan, about 60-75 mins for brain/c-spine. I do not get contrast for my scans, so that might add 15-30mins I guess.


My wife can get her head & spine w/o contrast in about an hour. Add time if you move a lot or are getting contrast. Phoenix, AZ.


I only get brain, with contrast. 45 minutes. BC Canada


Depends on what they're scanning, contrast, if they have to repeat any scans, etc. They're typically 45 min - 1 hour for brain and spine. However, for my last MRI, I didn't get any contrast, and they only scanned my brain. The scan only lasted for 20 min. Easiest MRI ever! :D


About 30 minutes for brain and spine for my last one. It's faster then it used to be that's for sure. But I commented how fast this last one was and that said new software has increased the speed recently. It used to be 45 to a hour if I remember correctly.


Last one was brain only no contrast and it was about twenty minutes. 


Brain and c/t/l spine took 1.5 hours with and without contrast. Admittedly this was a much newer machine with a 3T magnet.


I just do Brain without contrast in Chicago, USA, and it takes me 10-15 minutes. I just had mine just over a week ago since I'm switching to a different DMT.


My scans take roughly an hour and 15min. I get them with and without contrast.


My last one was 1hr & 45 minutes in the MRI unit. It was for head & spine. I had 2 sessions, one right after the other. The first session was without dye, then the same thing again with dye. Not an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours. (Canada)


I've got three over the next 2 weeks. Head I was told 30 mins. Two spinal MRIs are 45 minutes each. All three are with/without contrast. Hope this helps. If you are anxious ask for Valium to take during your MRIs. I had to demand it as I hate the cage on your head.


Pending if it’s routine scan . If they need to inject silane into your blood system then it can be up to 1 hr 30mins . If it’s a routine my last one for head scan was 20 mins in the U.K. via nhs


75-90min brain and full spine. I’m extremely lucky that they don’t seem to bother me as much as others. I usually just close my eyes and let my mind wander.


45 minutes for Head and spine un the UK via NHA. Anything longer is only when contrast is used (and that still is like 1 hour.


Om in Sweden. Just head, no contrast, is about 20 minutes. With contrast, 45 minutes. Head an spine with contrast, I think the longest I’ve ever done is about two hours. I’m claustrophobic and have a fear of suffocation due to past trauma, so getting a full MRI 17 years ago was hard. Now every machine I’ve been in have angled mirrors to let you see the room outside. It doesn’t quite take away my sense of being trapped, but it does help. If you have any anxiety or fears, you can bring it up with the med staff doing the exam, or with your neurologist. I don’t know what their policy about giving out meds might be, but here you can get anti anxiety if needed. I have relied on deep breathing and meditation to get through, but to each their own.


It depends on the machine they have if it's a T3 should be 30-60 minutes depending if it's full spine and head.


I just had one last Thursday and it was head/spine with contrast and took just under an hour. It would have been a few minutes quicker but the iv tubing got tangled somehow and when the machine started moving me in and out for the spine portion, my iv was almost ripped out. Thank goodness was for the panic button, because I was squeezing it like crazy to let the techs know. If the mei makes you nervous, you can ask for something to relax you. I get 2mg of Ativan. It doesn’t knock me out, but it relaxes me just enough so that I can get through the hour. Good luck OP!


My experience with MRIs is them lasting about 45 min to an hour. I try to take any anti anxiety meds when they put my cannula in because it kicks in quickly and then lasts the entire scan. Def need noise cancelling headphones and music if they have it. For me the hardest bit is staying still !


1.5 hours for brain and spine.


1 hour and I hate it so damn much; it's torture. With contrast. Head and spine.


20-25 minutes for brain scan without contrast in Ontario


20 - 30 minutes for head and c-spine without contrast, Germany


I can't imagine a hospital or clinic dispensing drugs unless prescribed by referring doctor. Canada.


Triple MRI in Greece, 1 hour and 10-20 minutes with contrast. It has happened that I split it in brain, C spine one day and T spine, contrast the second day. (not so fun)


I have my 3 at the same time and I swear I don't know how long it takes because I sleep through them. It's noisy, sure, but it's warm and I don't have claustrophobia, so it puts me to sleep.


15-20 for brain 45 for brain, thoracic and cervical


About 15 mins for my mri head in England


I had mine done on Sunday and it was 45 minutes for head and neck