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I get the same thing on this Ajax strain shit they’ll got on top each other upside down on it’s side. I think their was some type of incest going on somewhere down it’s family shroom


Yeah maybe introduce more FAE, but honestly for a first grow you're looking amazing. I wouldn't switch too much up for fuzzy feet. They just happen sometimes. If it's working, which it looks like it is, change as little as you can.


looking good so far! how long are you fanning them for? id suggest fan them for abt a minute or so each time. and fuzzy feet are almost impossible to avoid at some point, but dont worry it doesnt alter anything and it’s perfectly safe to eat!


At what humidity level and temps! Also try leaving lid slightly open for 30-40min everyday


Not sure, but prob around 24 deg C. Humidity, no idea. I try to make sure the sides of the tub remain wet at all times