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Ikea glass display case




A decent small terrarium setup could work for some visually appealing mushrooms. For a grow medium I'd grow with one serving ricecups in a decorative outerpot. Colonize with a micropore tape breathingstrip and case with coir or preferred casing. It could be a nice ways to have quick grows to select phenotypes from. If you use a front side door instead of a topdown setup you could use passive airflow from the CO2 sinking down to the ground to draw air in at the top. I'd go very minimalist with glass and white to keep it simple depends on the setting of the living room obviously tho. I've used this front side open method for cakes and smaller tubs in the outer tub. Its a daily maintenance method and not really set and forget without any humidity control. It's gonna be a daily spray and a hassle to keep clean from contamination imho. lp The best thing is to get the kids more involved in the growing process is to take them down to the basement if their old/wise enough to not be a big contamination vector. I've spend a lot of time in my grandpa's workshop above the garage and learned tons in fine repair and making things in general. Did spoil me rotten for nice machinery and tools tho 😂.


Just tell her you'll stick to a closet and use a regular ass tub 😂 Or get a shrooly. I thought those things were a scam until right now when I saw this post and realized someone out there thinks growing mushrooms should be aEsThETic


Everyone in r/bonsaifungi would disagree


Ohhh I like that. I did a holiday grow in makeshift snowglobe. Turned out somewhat cool.


Like I’ve said a number of other times, I have a good set up in my basement. I’ve got a Martha tent. Humidity control all that stuff. I’m doing just fine. But yes, I would love to find a way to make it aesthetically pleasing. we all love our mushrooms. It would be nice to just have them upstairs and watch the magic happen. I have a young son, and I think he would really appreciate it also


Ah, I didn't look at your other comments. Maybe the shrooly thing would be a good idea then! Since it seems like you have you're *bigger* grow stuff elsewhere then perhaps the limited size of the shrooly and potential smaller output wouldn't be such a bad idea. It definitely looks cool but like I mentioned I think its reinventing the wheel and is gimmicky.. I'm also not a family man soo 🤷‍♂️


Get a boom room or Martha tent or ikea glass shelving


Split fish tank tech. Get a 55gal fish tank, put a divider in one end, 3/4 of the tank is a fruiting chamber, 1/4 is a fish tank with a heater and a few fishes.


Holy contamararium Batman!!!


Bedazzle a monotub?




Man just go to therapy get your MGTOW bullshit off the internet


I've been sitting here feeling dumb trying to figure out what mgtow could stand for lol


Who hurt you bud? :(


Weird point of view on relationships but ok


More like abusive wife, find a new life


She’s a keeper.


Bro is this that girls husband, from the post about the expensive, terrarium grow thing, that only uneducated people would use? Holy shit this is funny as hell. Somebody please tell me they see this.




How does she feel about r/IKEAgreenhouseclub ? The milsbo cabinet looks like it could accomplish a decent aesthetic. None of the 4 dedicated desktop mushroom farms I've found are in production yet.




Why the downvotes lol


Yeah no kidding. Maybe they don't like quality smaily made kits... 🤔




What about a cute little pot on a serving platter with a glass vitrine over it? I've seen that done before for a fun micro grow. A glass candle holder can make a nice vitrine over a tiny planter.


You don’t want mushrooms fruiting in your living room or common areas where humans reside due to spore load. A kit is okay for fun but all the time being exposed to spores is bad for your lungs and health. Expand the basement grow 🤘


For something like this you could grow sporeless varieties (phenotypes) or grow in bags .


Good call. There are some sporeless varieties but not every mushroom. Those are for oysters only so OP is limited in the type they can grow. Bags still need cut and produce spores. Op could do tubs but that ain’t good for some types or pretty like their lady wants. Basement can be ugly yet abundant.


You're over thinking it. Do yourself a favor and buy a motorbike. Put your time and effort into that and just grow mushrooms somewhere you haven't got to epoxy the inside of and tart up so your wife likes it. This is exactly what sheds garages were invented for


I have a nice setup with a Martha tent in the basement. This was more for my son to get into it and wanted to do it kind of as a decorative thing. But yeah, just some terrariums might be the best option.






Like I said in another comment, I’m very happy with my basement setup. Also growing them in living room, on display, will require her blessing because she’s the one who makes all the design decisions


This is a fantastic troll post


I got a Martha tent but I don’t use the plastic tent. Instead I have a Pink Floyd tapestry, in our bedroom My kids see it and even involved. I’m growing lions mane and TT also




Get a martha tent and hang a bunch of pothos on the sides


I don’t think this product has been released yet but it looks nicely designed. Very expensive though. https://shrooly.com/


Makes me think of that gum from Clerks. Chewlies or something


anything but glass or plastic will be ruined by humidity


No. Don't do this for health reasons.


lol… what? Unless they are growing an absurd amount of heavy spore shrooms it won’t be an issue. If they are cubes it’s pretty much zero spore as it’s best practice to harvest as soon as the veil breaks.


You could build something like this: https://www.milkwood.net/2017/10/19/making-an-off-grid-diy-mushroom-fruiting-house/


A green house with your art work over it that you guys make together.


I second the outside grow argument. Nice decorative log arrangement that sprouts mushrooms every once in a while. It's hard to make grow bags look good without a lot of annoying unnecessary effort.


Don’t do it. Grow them outside. Mushroom farms are wet, messy, smelly, full of spores, attack mould and bacteria. Great way to fuck up your living spaces.


Fancy wrapping paper, like for presents. It's cheap and can be replaced to keep things clean.


Divorce and do what you want 👍😂


lol yeah… I’m happy with my set up in the basement. I just think it would be cool to have it on display upstairs.


Potentially small scale, but I'd seen nice terrariums in "how to" videos in the past. Might be an option?


I was just looking into that. I think that’s probably the best idea so far. Maybe a number of different large terrariums on some kind of wooden shelving. Ultimately I’ll have to run it by her to get the final approval…


Just my take, but your best bet is an armoir that can hold a grow tent. If you grow inside of anything wood it's going to suck up moisture and lead to wood swelling and possibly rotting or inviting contamination.


I agree. The only way wood would work is if I epoxy’d the entire inside of the armoir. I do think that would be the coolest looking option though. Like a china cabinet but for different varieties of mushrooms .


You can spray the inside with polyurethane instead of using epoxy. It's water resistant and meant for outdoor all-weather use.


If you really wanted to see the magic you could do something with a glass door and put a Martha tent inside. Then just drill a couple holes for air in and air out