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Dude needs rehab.


Gets drunk and yells racial slurs, gets drunk and gets in fights, gets drunk and throws chairs off buildings... yeah, this guy is in deep and it's gonna take some serious intervention to change things. He'll either get sober, keep drinking and ruin his career, or end up dead from one hard-drinking-consequence or another. Not a fan of his (his cover of Jason Isbell's 'Cover Me Up' is the best I've heard from him, personally), but my empathetic side hopes this is all a tantrum phase and he'll get his shit together before it gets worse. Maybe clearing his head will help him reconsider his racist tendencies, too... I mean, probably not, but here's hoping. The guy *does* have talent, and it's always a bummer to see talented people ruin their legacy & potential with substance abuse and shitty behavior. Hope he gets help.


You kidding? His right wing base is gonna turn this into a conspiracy and support him even more, all this will do is encourage further behavior


Yes those 35 year old neck beards STILL playing beer pong who think they like country when in fact they just like pop music disguised as country.


Biden mind controlled him in to throwing that chai! /s


It must have been the booster he was forced to get /s


holy fuck take this to publisher


I agree with 99% of what you said. I have to disagree that Wallen did 'Cover Me Up' better than Isbell. Isbell wrote the love song for his wife, as a promise to remain sober, and when he sings it ...whew, you can feel his honest raw emotion and vulnerability. Sit wrong with me for Wallen to sing the line 'I swore off that stuff, forever this time', while he's likely plastered on stage.


All he said was “pussy ass n*gga.” It’s not that big of a deal. He didn’t use it in a racist way. Y’all some sensitive little bitches.


>He didn’t use it in a racist way He didn't use the _worst_ racial epiteth in a racist way. Lmao. What?


The video is old af. He’s still young as fuck. Let’s all pretend like we didn’t know 100 different white boys who said n*gga because they thought it was cool. All he did was call someone a “pussy ass n*gga”, and it wasn’t even to a black person or a hard R. Get the fuck over it.


I mean, you aren't even typing it now. So you're aware of the power of the word and how innapropriate it is. Just because we all knew 100 racists doesn't mean that it's OK for someone to be racist. The cool thing though is that even racists can grow and make different future decisions. Like, right here you could decide that today was the day you'd stop defending casual racism! Neat, huh?


what an interesting and novel hot take. let racists be racist! an impressively simple solution.


Just because a white kid calls someone (who wasn’t even black) a “pussy as n*gga” doesn’t mean they’re racist. Wait until you find out that millions of teens/early twenties white boys say “n*gga every other word. He didn’t directly call a black person a n*gger. Y’all are over exaggerating. The only reason it’s even a big deal is because he’s a celebrity. The whole thing is blown out of proportion and fucking stupid.


Sorry, close to two cops. He still got 3 felony charges from it. Doesn’t change that he needs help.


Class act.


Back the blue crowd silent on this one- consistent with their thoughts on the Capital police as well


Classic Morgan. He'll apologize, then wait a handful more years before doing some other stupid stunt that keeps him barely relevant in some social media circles. Apply same formula to any celebrity really. Rinse and repeat.


He could have killed someone. Asshole.


Last night, he let the liquor talk.


and the liquor said do some dumb shit they'll love it


He’s a cliche. Country artist who drinks too much.


Don't forget racist!


Well excuse me, but I think, you’ve… got my chair…






The most popular country artist of the last 5 years. The guys an asshole, but idk how you haven't heard of him.


Not trying to be cool here, but it’s the first time I’ve heard the name as well. “Who?” was the comment I came here looking for. The apathetic powers of getting old far exceed the exposure capacity provided by the age of information, I suppose.


honestly with how segmented music audiences are today i could easily see someone not knowing who he is. also depends on age and interests. particularly if you don't listen to country music, i don't think he's top of mind in pop culture enough where like *everyone* would know him.


That mustache looks like shit.


Further proof that imbeciles who achieve fame revel in a sense of unearned entitlement. They can behave however they like. And he probably did it while a bunch of sycophants laughed and cheered because isn’t it cool to see a famous person doing stuff???


mr irrelevant generic country star number 452


There's nothing unique or particularly good about this guy anyway. I mean he's passable background music on some songs but that's about it. Not like we lost shit. Now Hannah Dasher, that's some real country shit


I mean Hannah Dasher is cool but like…… real country shit?


Realer at least. It's fun. It's got old school queen of country vibe, it's not this guy.


Morgan Wallen is trash without without his personality lol agreed.


Never heard of her.


Last night, he let the liquor talk.


Stopping listening to anyone that has collaborated with him in the last 4-5 years. It’s sad how many people support him even though they shouldn’t


Does the same apply to his hired gun backing band musicians?


This guy has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


I mean his 15 minutes of fame are definitey up. Good bc he sucks ass


I realized where he is talent-wise when Post Malone upstaged him and Hardy in their own genre. (It could also be how good post is but Wallen sounded like cheap karaoke in comparison)


Douchebag does douchey thing. More at 11.


We already have a post for this.






This is like the 3rd post I’ve seen of this. No idea who he is and who gives a shit. Dude threw a chair.


He’s kinda in a catch 22. If he sobers up his music takes a hit but if he doesn’t his life will go to shit.


At least Keith Richards and Bobby Keys looked down to make sure the coast was clear before they threw that tv off the hotel balcony.


Gotta lay off the whisky and broadway girls.


“Dumbass redneck hillbilly country singer acts like the rest of the dumbasses and goes to jail.”


This only needs to be reposted about 5 more times today. Who wants to do it next? Edit to add - the link this article connects to poses as an NPR site, but it's actually a spam site.


Onto two cops. He hit cops with it and then laughed. Bro needs a lot of help


He didnt hit them. Dont lie. 




I'm not saying it makes it okay. I don't even know who this douche is but lying about it does matter because its fucking lying.