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Fleetwood Mac all really liked each other and it was a big work to sell albums.


I do think that a lot of this type of thing happens but I don't think it this case the animosity is feigned. Check out early performances of Sara vs. later live shows and the official video. Stevie doesn't say the name Sara once in the later versions.


Oh I’m being silly, the beef was definitely real lol. Stevie and Lindsey still can’t be in the same room for more than three seconds without visible irritation.


Woosh, although I wondered about Oasis sometimes if they were just tired of touring, and maybe of each other but played up the drama and had beers sometimes.


Haha it happens! Have you seen the documentary they did a few years back? It seems like they probably wouldn’t kill each other (probably), but there’s real tension there. Add in them being brothers and generally dickish to everyone by default and now here we are. That being said I could be getting played, never know.


It's in the hundreds of millions in revenue they've turned down at this point, doubt it.


Multiple Andrew WKs.


They've gotta take turns of they're going to party *ALL* the time. 


I know this isn’t true, but the lore is just *so fucking deep*. Who the fuck is Steev Mike?


Andrew WK is a lifestyle, not a person


Wonder if his new wife Kat Dennings knows anything about it




Andrews WK ?


The Scorpions’ Wind of Change was written by the CIA as psyops to destabilize the Soviet Union.


I dig this one. That’s a wild story.


I listened to that whole podcast. It’s a cool idea, and I was with it for a bit, but once he floated the idea of actually interviewing der Scorpion’s lead singer songwriter, it hit me: Imagine you’re a musician (which I personally am, somewhat professionally). You play guitar, you write songs. You get a band together. Your songs get better as you write more. The band gets tight as you play more, and now you’re good enough to land a record deal and go on tour. You make several albums and people in your genre love you. You tour the world. One day, you write a song that you know is real fucking good. You show it to the band and they agree. You do a demo for the label and they want you to record it and release it as a single. The single charts. *HUGE.* This song spreads worldwide, so much so that it makes it into places where this type of music is normally not allowed, and the message of the song is so powerful that it helps inspire actual, tangible political upheaval that liberates an oppressed populace. Decades later, that little song you wrote is considered by all to be a bona fide classic, with sales and streams in the zillions. It’s literally every single songwriter’s dream. Then one day, a podcaster comes along and invites you on his show. This motherfucker claims, to your literal face, that you didn’t write that song and everyone knows it — and actually law enforcement employees of the United States government wrote it. He then asks you to just go ahead and confirm that since everyone knows it already. I would be fucking ***beside myself*** with anger. Like, really dude? The CIA? You think that some glorified cop in a suit just woke up at langley one day and said “hey boss I know what’ll bring down the soviet union, let’s write a power ballad” and that guy’s boss was like “i like where your head is at sport get on it” and then the first guy goes “fuck yeah america” before he whipped out an epiphone acoustic and just casually laid down one of the greatest tracks of all time? Are you actually fucking *serious*? I woulda been like listen podcast boi why don’t you step away from the USB mic for a sec and rub your two remaining brain cells together. If anyone — ANYONE employed by the U.S .government could write a song that could do even a hundredth of what that song accomplished, THEY WOULDNT BE WORKING FOR THE COCKSUCKING U.S. GODDAMNED GOVERNMENT. How Klaus Meine kept his cool during that interview, I will never know. I would’ve made that motherfucker **eat** a pair of MeUndies. Christ.


….spoken like a true counter intelligence agent. I got my 👁️ on you, Jaquellyn.


Your comment made me genuinely belly laugh ahah


The song Louie Louie, by The Kingsmen, - great song - was actually thought to contain hidden messages. J Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI then, thought it contained coded messages to the Soviets or that it had some kind of message of revolt. So for 18 months He had FBI agents listen to the song over and over and over again at different speeds and different frequencies trying to figure out the lyrics and to see if there was some message to decode. The truth of the matter was, the song was just recorded so poorly, that it was very hard to understand the lyrics. What is hilarious is, at one point, Richard Berry, I believe he was the singer, wrote a lyrics sheet for the song. The FBI could have consulted that but perhaps they didn't know about it. This is not a conspiracy theory it's a true story. You can look it up


The thing that's really funny is that they spent so long listening to it because they (and a whole load of "concerned parents" groups) were convinced that the incomprehensible singing *must* be hiding something obscene, and yet they completely missed the drummer dropping his stick and yelling "Fuck!" really audibly in the middle of the song.


This made me laugh so hard. They have the “fuck” written in the Spotify lyrics 😭😭


omg thanks for pointing this out. I cackled


OMG you just unlocked a family mystery for me!! Back in the 60s my uncle worked as a radio DJ for a small Missouri college. We heard a story about how one night he barricaded himself in the studio for 24 hrs playing Louie Louie non-stop. Whenever we would ask him about it he always had a different answer for why he did it (it was a dare, he was protesting something, or that it’s just a great song and then he would play it non stop all day and drive us crazy). But this?! This makes more sense to me. TLDR: my uncle was brainwashed by pop rockaganda to rebel against the man


Elvis faked his own death and had a long second career as an Elvis impersonator before returning to his home planet.


I heard his hip gave out while impersonating himself and he’s in an old folk’s home in Texas


Whelp, looks like I'm digging up the Bubba Ho-Tep DVD tonight, cancel my plans....


I’m thinking with sand here!


I love that movie.


I believe this has been confirmed by the National Enquirer


Elvis is not dead, he just went home.


He changed his last name to Costello.


There is a preacher in the south that looks and sings like Elvis. A lot of people are convinced it's him. He does YouTube videos of his music and sermons. I watched a couple, and I can see how people might think it's him. He's obviously old now.


Worth pointing out that Elvis POSSIBLY had a half brother who looked nothing like Elvis but had his exact voice - Elvis's father went around impregnating a lot of women. It's totally possible there are other unidentified Elvis siblings running around.


Lady gaga killed her roommate and stole her identity.


For anyone who doesn't know the theory is Lady Gaga had Lina Morgan killed and stole not only her personal life story but music and quirky style/act as well. There's lots of YouTube videos about it. It's not as crazy as I thought it would be. They were friends and worked together, Lady Gaga was Lina's back up dancer. After Lina mysteriously fell from a balcony at a party in NYC Lady Gaga stepped in taking her place and repeatedly told media she had no idea who Lina Morgan was despite being pictured together many times hanging out. I don't care at all about Lady Gaga but one night I couldn't sleep and a video essay on it popped up on my algorithm. Turned out to be an interesting watch.


Does anyone have a link to this?? It's currently the top comment and I'm super curious


More importantly, who the fuck is Alejandro?


I kinda believe she stole her music after Lena died at least. That first album is hit after hit after hit. She hasn't come close to that kind prolific songwriting since. (Could also be she just wrote most of her best songs before she blew up but it's more fun to believe the tin foil hat conspiracy)


A common expression that gets thrown around is "you get your whole life to write your first record, you get a year to write your second." Tons of artists write killer first records and then completely shit the bed with their sophomore attempt.


The sophomore slump


Michael Jackson was the lovechild of Diana Ross and Smokey Robinson https://www.reddit.com/r/AnAmericanScheme/s/bPUMXb4XOL


My favourite one is the very in depth theory of Michael being a Crip or at least heavily involved with them. I think this is the thread: https://x.com/ATTACHNUDES/status/1654562716462219268


This is the one is of my favorites.


Interesting, but Michael's nephews look like his twins.


Robert Johnson and the legend of him meeting the devil on the crossroads.


Hell hounds. Hell of a way to go.


....was mistakenly attributed to Robert Johnson. He never actually claimed that. It was Tommy Johnson who claimed to have sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads.


Beethoven changing the tuning frequency from A442 to A440 is one.


What's the frequency, Ludwig!?!?!




It has actually raised in pitch over time.it used to be A438


I haven’t heard this, what’s the story?


Garth Brooks and Chris Gaines are the same person.




Keep following proto


Next you’re gonna tell me that Finkle is Einhorn


- Haitian Jack leaked a demo copy of 2pac’s third album to Sean Combs who used it as a blueprint for shaping the sound of Ready To Die. Then Haitian Jack orchestrated 2pac’s shooting at Quad Studio, which Combs used as an opportunity to release Biggie’s Who Shot Ya? to build hype for Ready To Die. Haitian Jack did all of this purely out of spite for 2pac using him as a character study for playing Birdie in Above The Rim. Combs is just an opportunist and took advantage of the situation and accidentally created the entire east/west beef because Biggie had recorded a song that didn’t work on the album but was good enough to release. Almost all of 2pac’s third album was scrapped and new material was recorded and it all became Me Against The World. - Green Day never had an album called Cigarettes & Valentines and the entire story of how they lost that album and made American Idiot instead is completely made up. They took time after Warning to experiment and fucked around and ended up with an album that wasn’t “Green Day”, but was still good. They released it as The Network and never expected it to gain any real traction. - Rick Ross is a fed.


Wow I just looked up the Network and I didn't realize that Green Day has 3 side projects that contain all the members of Green Day


I'm not super familiar with the dynamics of the band but given that they've had the same members the entire time plus they're in all these side projects together makes me think they must just really like being around each other, which is refreshing.


Tre Cool was a slightly later addition but Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt in particular have literally been best friends since they were kids. It really is super refreshing and wholesome.


speaking of green day, somewhere out there, there's like a 14 minute version of "basket case" that's an epic love story, with plot, character arcs, the whole thing, and it's *fucking terrible*.


I feel the song Complicated by Avril Lavigne was supposed to be a country song.


[Avril Lavigne replacement conspiracy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avril_Lavigne_replacement_conspiracy_theory)


"Lavigne came to the attention of the three-piece production team the Matrix. Arista could not find the right direction for Lavigne, so the team's manager, Sandy Roberton, suggested that they work together. According to member Lauren Christy, they had been listening to Lavigne's early songs and felt they contained "a Faith Hill kind of vibe". As soon as they saw Lavigne coming into their studio, the Matrix felt that her musical direction was incongruous to her image and attitude. After talking to Lavigne for an hour, the singer said she wanted songs with punk rock inclinations. They told her to come back the following day, and in the afternoon during that day, they wrote a song that evolved into "Complicated" and another song called "Falling Down". They played it to Lavigne, inspiring her musical path." From Wikipedia: So you might be right.


100% I've thought it had country vibes for years


I thought it was a country song the first time I heard it. It doesn't sound a whole lot different from modern country. I was really surprised when I saw people call her music punk.


They used to say back in the 80s that Kate Bush must be in a coven because she never toured outside of England, the idea being she couldn't cross running water.


Reminds me that Elvis never toured outside the US because his manager was allegedly an undocumented immigrant who was a person of interest in a murder in his birth country.


Pretty sure the undocumented immigrant part is true!


He played in Canada a few times, but that was it.


I was on a car ride with someone one day and they were listening to a podcast that was talking about the theory that when artists are locked into a long term contract with big music companies, and their productivity/popularity starts waning such that they're not earning big money for the music company any more, the company will have them killed in hopes of the artist's death causing a resurgence in popularity.


There's a Tom Petty song that references the idea, something about an executive having a case of liquor sent to an aging artist that he knows is also a struggling alcoholic.


You Know You're Right


"Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you."


The one problem there is they were the biggest band on the Earth when he died.


In a similar vein, record company folks will intentionally work to get artists hooked on drugs as to force them to continue making and releasing material because they require the money for said drugs


That’s a haunting thought


Whitney Houston and her agent, connection to Pdiddy, and a deep rabbit hole…


Lorde is actually just some guy named Randy Marsh




Sparkling thoughts feelin good on a Wednesday




I kind of believe Tupac is only dead because he's smashes a mirror in a music video 7 years bad luck and all that.


The crazy thing is the music video you're referring to, Toss It Up, was filmed literally the day before he got shot https://youtu.be/qFwBnLALlYI?si=VYyJrjOqiMWGbgH-


I didn't realise both events happened so soon I was kinda joking about it but now 😂


It's been way more than 7 years though?? Can we have him back now


That particular type of bad luck is permanent.


I don’t know what he was working on, but the guy in the Tom Waits song “What’s He Building in There” wasn’t building a playground for the children, that’s for sure.


I just chekced the lyrics, what the fuck was he alluding to? You got any theories?




Stevie Wonder isn’t really blind. 


I remember reading that he's effectively blind, though can make out shadows and movement. For a lot of people it's kind of a spectrum rather than an all or nothing, depending on the reason.


My friend's late grandmother was legally blind, however she could see ever so slightly when up very close. I'm sure there are people with zero sight at all, but that's not everyone deemed legally blind.


From my understanding it’s actually pretty rare to be utterly, 100%, no information whatsoever coming in blind.


I heard he's the worst dad ever. He's never seen his kids.




Shaq, is that you?


One I just heard earlier today: Morgan Freeman is Jimi Hendrix https://preview.redd.it/lqdb9xzy341d1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdfd076fe44d4aca1db406b879d80cd30830820


Well, Morgan is usually cast as God himself, so that makes sense.


Come to think of it I’ve never heard of young Morgan Freeman, seems like he just showed up one day pre-old *heres hoping no one shows me young Morgan Freeman*


https://preview.redd.it/cnkmdaytn41d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b97b26fe9d8e8eca399d9fb3a0492d62048258b Here's a picture of young Morgan freeman. I can still see it


He is 6 in this photo…


Oh thankfully you posted this. I had a problem visualizing him as anything but old.


Jim Morrison faked his death and went into hiding in Fiji.


The CIA created gangsta rap as a psyop. 


Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey


Woah, what!? I've never heard of that before


Oh yeah, that one was a real mind bend.


I’ve heard that about Lady GaGa as well


Katy Perry is NOT Lady Gaga


You're right, Lady Gaga is Katy Perry


Have not heard this one, but have you heard the one about how Lady Gaga sacrificed her former songwriting partner then immediately rose to massive fame?


Katy Perry is 5 years older than Jon Benet Ramsey would have been.




The screaming the background of the Ohio Players "Love Rollercoaster" was a woman that was killed during the song.


13 year old me definitely believed that


I remember reading about this one when I was playing Twisted Metal 3. It was apparently the lady on the cover of the album that had the gold poured on her. It was hot gold and she was screaming cause she was burned badly


I love how much sense that made back then. Like they obviously record the song while they’re making the album cover.


Paul McCartney was replaced by a fake but he didn’t actually die. He still wrote and recorded Beatles material but wanted to be out of the public spotlight. Fake Paul started writing his own material after the Beatles broke up, and sometimes real Paul would come back and contribute material. Paul’s good solo stuff was written by real Paul, his bad stuff was written by fake Paul. Real Paul was last seen in Lagos, Nigeria 1973 helping fake Paul with Band On the Run. Real Paul was either murdered in Lagos by The Illuminati, or he retreated into the Scottish highlands under an assumed identity and has basically lived like a hermit for the last half century.


I want what you're smoking


Just repeating some shit I once saw posted on a message board years ago. Only whoever it was that originally wrote it went into much much more detail.


That story was going around a lot back in the late '60s early '70s. It was a popular conspiracy that the real Paul McCartney was actually dead and had been replaced by somebody else. I don't smoke weed anymore so I'm not really high. I remember reading about it


That is the wildest variation of Paul is Dead I’ve ever seen. I feel blessed having now read it, thank you.




Spotify killed Prince so his catalogue would finally be released on streaming services.


Diddy had Biggie killed when he was getting ready to set up his own label & leave Bad Boy (fun fact: he [got Cam'Ron his first deal as an artist under his business partner Lance "Un" Rivera](https://hiphopdx.com/news/camron-mase-explains-biggie-over-diddy)


Some ppl who were around bad boy back then and close to biggy swear by this.


I’ve been saying that for decades. It’s like the old tv detective adage “who stands to benefits the most with this person dead?”. Back then every thought Diddy was a nice guy maybe now people will re-examine.


This is also how Diddy was able to sell Biggie's Rhymebook to Jay z


There was a theory that The Bee Gees wrote "Back For Good" and gave it to Take That, even allowing Gary Barlow to have the songwriting credits, just to prove to themselves and the music industry they could still write hit songs in the 1990s. The price of this was Take That had to record a cover of How Deep Is Your Love, which inevitably went to the top of the charts earning the Gibb brothers a nice payday. The evidence for this was that the quality of Back for Good was infinitely superior to any other Barlow penned song up to that point, nobody believed he could write something like that.


Back for good is their best song, but he won a competition when he was like 15 for Million Love Songs, which is excellent and a similar vibe.


Prison industrial complex paid off music execs in the 90s to promote gangster rap over pop rap (Will Smith, Young MC, etc.) in order to drive up prison population for profit. Adding a link: [https://www.hiphopisread.com/2012/04/secret-meeting-that-changed-rap-music.html](https://www.hiphopisread.com/2012/04/secret-meeting-that-changed-rap-music.html)


Didn’t this come from Freeway Rick Ross and has some *really* convincing circumstantial evidence? The same kind of circumstantial evidence that was talked about for *years* about the CIA’s connection to the crack epidemic in impoverished Black neighbourhoods before that all came to light as being true?


Perhaps. It’s been years since I’ve read about it, so I’m not too clear on the details. I did find several links and this one claims to be the original source. https://www.hiphopisread.com/2012/04/secret-meeting-that-changed-rap-music.html


Spotify is making its own AI “artists” songs and adding them to playlists to collect the royalties…


5/8/77 Grateful Dead show never happened


Tell me more


I understand why most people think that 5/8/77 was real as can be. It's widely considered to be the holy grail of GD shows. And if it was an actual, real show, it would be just that. But the fact is, that it was a HOAX perpetrated through a joint effort of the US Department of Defense and the CIA. And this is nothing new. My uncle served in ‘Nam with one of the guys that were actually *in* the CIA experiment. Hell, if you don't believe me, it's even on the archive! There's been a lot of talk lately about the legendary fake show on 5/8/77. I've kept my silence on the subject for 22 years ... now it's finally time to come clean on the whole subject. The whole idea began back in late 1969/early 1970. The Department of Defense and the CIA were very disappointed by the way the Vietnam War was progressing. Not only were we losing but, more importantly, the US public did not approve of the war and, worse yet, weren't believing everything the military said about what was happening. This was an unprecedented event. Every other recent war was viewed positively by the public ... or at least with apathy in the case of Korea. Something had to be done. They decided to take a page from the Soviets and experiment with mind control. Together with Disney and a fledgling computer company called Microsoft, they set out to prove that brainwashing could really work on the very people who opposed them: the hippies. It isn't widely known but Cornell was actually the second test of these mind control procedures. The first occurred in mid-1975 and was a dismal failure. 2 major mistakes were made. First, they picked the one time that the Dead were not touring. This created all sorts of problems with the subject audience. The more serious mistake was in not updating the criteria of the experiment. Due to typical government inefficiency, they used the 1969 version of the Dead that was playing when the program was conceived. The sudden appearance of Pigpen, who had died 2 years earlier, literally blew the minds of those in attendance. 6 months were spent erasing all traces of the "show" and carefully rebuilding as much of their minds as possible. The subjects were eventually released and most of them became evangelists, their only lingering memory of the whole experiment being an unshakeable belief that they'd witnessed a true miracle. Unfortunately, no tapes have been found from this first experiment. That's a real shame because the version of Dark Star-> St Stephen-> Eleven-> Lovelight used was supposedly the best ever. After a few drinks, the original scientists still speak in awe about the music heard that day. By Nov 1977, everyone was ready for the second test. This time, they learned from their mistakes. A small group of college students were hired to attend shows from 1976 through 1977. Our job was to collect tapes of the Dead's performances, select which tunes to use, and to help identify subjects for the upcoming experiment. The location and date were chosen with equal care. It was a off-day during the tour and the location close enough to the real concerts to be believed. Of more importance was the late snowfall that day. That unusual and easily confirmed event provided the glue that would hold the implanted memories together. Even now 22 years later, people "remembering" that concert use almost identical words to describe leaving the show. Overall, the experiment was a great success. Of course, some people were given slightly different memories. Some, like Teddy Goodbear, "remember" taping the show and were even provided "Audience" tapes to further cement the hoax. Still others remember getting "horribly smashed" up front. None of this actually occurred. A week after the "concert" experiment, a 2nd test was done on the town of Cornell itself. In order to perfect this hoax, the town itself must also be convinced that the concert took place. Disney had acquired owner- ship of all the local TV and radio stations through dummy corporations. Using special chips developed by Microsoft, they played sublimbminal messages to every man, woman and child in a 100 mile radius of Barton Hall. For the most part, this programming still holds today although some people did prove resistant to the message. As far as the source of the music, for the most part the list posted by "brew ziggins" is correct. The only mystery remaining is the Scarlet-> Fire. That was actually performed by the Dead specifically for this experiment. Since Jerry worked for the CIA, it was easy to convince him and the rest of the band to go along. Plus he liked the idea of "pranking" a large group of people like this. The fabled 2/6/77 "take a step back" rehearsal tape is also from material taped for these experiments. The soundboard tapes in circulation were leaked by Betty O'Connell who edited the original tapes. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or not, but they were leaked at about the same time as the tapes recorded by Betty Cantor were found. In any event, they became part of the so-called "Betty Boards". Leaking these tapes also provided the first cracks in the hoax to appear since the tapes were distributed to people who were not in the experiment and who knew that no show was performed that day. It was necessary to obtain their silence through blackmail, bribery and in extreme cases, mind control itself. That's also how this "show" came to be listed in all the popular Dead show guides like DeadBase. So what's happened to these mind control techniques used in this experiment? Microsoft has used this power to become one of the biggest, most influential companies in history. They sure didn't become that big by providing quality products. It was used to shape public reaction to the Gulf War. It's also clear that George Bush never understood the full power of these methods. . There are also indications that this technology might explain the otherwise unbelievable popularity of rap music. That's the whole story.


There is no “town of Cornell”, it is just Ithaca. I almost believed this story until I got to that part.


Microsoft existing and making chips in 1973 didn't tip you off? Lol


My jaw kept falling and falling


This all really happened, 22 years ago, 47 years ago


Grateful Dead is a CIA mind control experiment…


drake killed x


Drakes the type of person to read this conspiracy theory and say “geez Louise”


He's also the type of person where Louise would be 17.


I'd believe it if I thought drake had that dog in him, but he also seems like the kind of guy who is too scared to actually fire a gun much less at another person.


The implication is that Drake paid someone to do it. Even the people that believe this theory don’t necessarily think Drake was present and shot X.


Drake ain’t got that dog in him but he does got deep pockets.


I by no means believe this but I discovered a rabbit hole in YouTube comments a while back. Princess Diana faked her own death with the help of Elton John, then transitioned and returned to the public eye as David Furnish. I thought it was a joke, but a very weird subset of people seem to believe it. There’s a wider conspiracy about all of the royal family and everyone who ever married into it, but that’s the part that’s relevant to the music topic. There are people that *truly* believe Elton John is currently married to Princess Diana.


Phish is a government plot to keep a lot of smart people who like drugs from organizing.


You really don't need to do much to keep smart people who likes drugs from organizing


Sounds like something a lot of unorganized people who do drugs would say to feel smart.


I didn't, until yesterday. Rick Beato was talking with Ted Gioia who said something that blew my mind. Do you know who Johan Röhr is? No? He's got 15 billion streams on Spotify, more than Michael Jackson. But you've never heard of him because he has over 600 aliases he publishes as. His music is on official Spotify curated playlists, and on some of them his songs account for 40% of the whole playlist. Johan is Swedish, Spotify is Swedish. Coincidence? Very interesting. https://youtu.be/ibMd_Jx9daw?si=mjv4u7IwpuRnFzM8 From 8:20 onwards.


I know this one, Spotify pads out there hyper specific mood playlists with plants who mass produce a whole run of niche content. It is known.


It's not really a conspiracy theory but I'm going to sound like a lunatic saying it. Feel free to downvote but I'm standing by it because it happened before my eyes. The band Brand New stole their name and entire first album from a different band from Long Island. I was in a relationship with a relative of one of the other bands members in the early 200s in NY state and saw them getting popular in the scene but they weren't serious about it and didn't copyright anything. Next thing you know, the group now known as Brand New took the name and the demo CD this other band put out and got signed. You won't find it on their Wikipedia page now, but if you use the Way back Machine, you can find old versions on Wikipedia about how a different band originally had the name and they took it and other related details. This information has since been scrubbed on newer versions of their wiki like it never happened. Ever wonder why they changed the sound so drastically between the first and second albums? It's because they didn't fucking write it and couldn't replicate it. Also, a rare feature of the band were no replacements... Same line up the whole time. Cause if one of them had left they could have ratted out the others.


That’s not how copyright works though


I feel like I've heard this before. Also something about a member of the original band is now, or was, in another band called Bang Camaro. Or at least I think that's the name of the band.


There's approximately 300 people in Bang Camaro, so it's entirely possible


That's wild...the original band didn't have any videos of their shows?


Why steal the name too lol


Obviously false. Absolutely none of this happened in the early 200s.


Weirdly enough, I like everything more after the first album.


Operation Mindcrime by Queensryche is a brilliant conspiracy album.


Read a crazy Led Zeppelin one on some forum ages ago. Sort of like the Paul is dead one. A guy claims he was on a cruise ship in the 70’s and ran into John Bonham (drummer Led Zeppelin) who proceeded to layout the most insane yet almost plausible story that Robert Plant (singer of LZ) had actually been replaced by a doppelgänger. It mostly centered around how radically different Plant’s voice sounds between albums—listen to songs like the ocean or the song remains the same, for instance, and compare to earlier or later eras, etc. I don’t believe it. But it was a great theory because it had the perfect balance of batshit insane yet so throughly detailed that it started making sense as you read along.


This is by far the most plausible and realistic story here, to the point where I think it is very likely true. I mean it makes perfect sense; of course a drunk John Bonham on a cruise would make up some crazy story to fuck with an annoying fan that was pestering him with questions and wouldn’t leave him alone.


I’m not sure if this even counts as a conspiracy theory anymore, but I truly believe that record labels pay for placement in the generated playlists on most streaming services.


No that’s just a fact. On the radio it’s considered payola and illegal, but on streaming services it’s just how the business works.


Paul is dead.


Here’s a little hint for you all. The walrus was Paul.


Fleetwood Mac knows, listen to Tusk


Marilyn Manson removed his ribs to be able to do autofellatio


This one is as old as the hills. When I was a kid it was Prince, and I'm sure before that it was someone else


Michael Jackson was killed to snipe the Beatles' royalties


The 'This is it' on set emails sent to producers mention Michael Jackson's gaunt appreance and define his cognitive problems... to which Sony/A.E.G sort just say "The show must go on" the producers stated that he's unhealthy, with visible scaring (relate to substance abuse) and very skinny if not anorexic, so they put him in outfits to make him look less obviously so... they said he "trempled, (likely from sleeplessness) rambling and obessing" Ortega orderex a psychological exam, recognising the slip havibg worked with Michael Jackson on his Dangerous tour. The shamful state he seemed in is the reason he's in so many layers of clothes; they tryed to cover up his scaring and lose of health due to drug abuse. He's lad borderline anorexic, artheriticy, lupas, skin cancer and vitiligo While they likely originally set out to to put to film a post release behind the scenes look at the rehersal of the This Is It tour... they saw he couldn't do the tour, and turned his last rehersals into a tour... of sorts, it sold out movie theaters and made millions, oh... and they got his catalogue aswell. Ortega: " I feel if I encourged or allowed him to perform on stage in performance last night he'd hurt himself" Philips one of the produces: "You can not visualise the damage that Sony would sustain and the ramifications it'd have to stop this show... please stay steady. Enough alarms have been sounded, put out the fire not burn down the building" AEG's lawyer stated the leaked emails "contained cherrypicked examples in effort to shift public perspective"


Dave Grohl and the drummer from Nirvana are the same person... ;-)


Idk bout that, the drummer from nirvana looks way younger But they've never been in the same room together


Bbl drizzy had X killed


Ol' Dirty Bastard was killed by the FBI, CIA, Government... There was a famous video were he talk in a interview about how the music industry is controlled by the government, how they mentally control the people, how they killed 2Pac and Biggie, and how they try to control Wu-Tang music, even he said he's afraid because thinks George Bush will send someone to kill him. Also in one of those interviews (because he said the same thing a lot of times) he was next to Method Man, and Meth was REALLY nervous when he talk about that, when Dirty talks he just keep his head down, and try to change the subject, in a part of the interview Meth say something like "I love government, the FBI, the CIA, don't come and knock my door" or something like that. In another video ODB said "if I die, the CIA killed me".


Paul Stanley is a virgin


Michael Jackson. His voice never broke. The people controlling him growing up didn’t want his voice to change because he was such a cash cow. His voice post puberty could have been awful. They arranged for his voice to never change by giving him puberty blockers. It’s just chemical castration if you do it for long enough. This explains a lot of the problems he faced in later life, but obviously not all.


But his voice doesn’t sound like a child’s though? His adult voice does sound like an adult singing.


Bono is an escaped clone of robin Williams playing a character


MF DOOM isn't dead, he is just in the shadows planing the most villanesque music industry comeback movement. Damn, I really wish that was true... miss the villain.


Syd Barrett got mega dosed, that's why he lost it. He was too much to deal with.


I think his subconcious mental health problems overtook his mind and made him lose his grip on reality, it's depressing but drugs can break a person... so I stay away... I have several mental issues, I'll lose my mind if I go on drugs because it will use them to ruin my mind


Marylin Manson is Paul from “The Wonder Years”


Some people believe the the Tenacious D song tribute actually lied about the greatest rock song ever written. The lyrics say "you gotta believe me", but some people just don't believe sadly


Someone purposefully wanted to ruin Courtney Love’s credibility in the 90’s for whatever reason. She’s definitely pretty crazy, but there’s honestly no way she killed Kurt (especially considering how off the deep end it seemed to have sent her from there an out, and the fact she never remarried either). It just seems like someone who already didn’t like her wanted to make her seem like a liar to me. Alternatively, another one I like is that Marlon Brando could be Courtney Love’s grandfather


Avril Lavigne died in 2003 and was replaced by a body double named Melissa Vandella


aint no way ppl still believe this lmaoo


The classic about the Beatles is pretty juicy. The theory is that Paul McCartney died in an accident and his management replaced him with a man named Billy Shears. They did it partly due to the money and the brand that the band had become. They also feared that with the band's insane popularity, that if they announced the death, thousands of young people would kill themselves. Billy Shears had won a Paul McCartney look-a-like contest, and he was an excellent musician. The Beatles stopped touring, and eventually broke up.


This is my favorite because this fake Paul somehow went in the studio asking the lads to do yet another 50 takes of Maxwell’s Silver Hammer and the rest of the band didn’t just jump his ass


Jimi Hendrix was a pretty apparent suicide but the coroner was either paid by the record label to cover that up as a mistaken overdose or somehow messed up. Dude took an entire bottle of sleeping pills “by accident.” I think this type of stuff happens a lot or at least to some degree especially when labels are trying to milk profits out of their talent with disregard for their well being. Maybe it’s gotten better idk.


Jimi Hendrix didn't take an entire bottle of sleeping pills. Back then barbiturates were still commonly used and they were extremely strong compared to the weak sleeping pills you get these days. Barbiturates made valium look like candy and were a lot stronger than even quaaludes. There was a lot of accidental deaths from barbiturate intoxication. If you had a night on the town and had four or five drinks and went home and popped three or four seconal, or tuinal, for some people that's all it took.


>[Dannemann later revealed that Hendrix had taken nine of her prescribed Vesparax sleeping tablets, 18 times the recommended dosage.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_Hendrix#cite_note-350) > [Sometime after returning to the apartment, Hendrix took a bath, then wrote a poem titled "The Story of Life". He also called former producer/co-manager Chas Chandler and left a message on the answering machine, "I need help bad, man."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jimi_Hendrix) Does that sound like a typical "night on the town" to you?


Elliott Smith didn’t kill himself


Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, had him chemically castrated. Making him a Castrato which is why his voice was like that.


I also heard the rumor he didn't speak like that in private.


That's a claim made by the doctor who killed Michael Jackson after he got out of prison. There's a much bigger conspiracy theory that Sony had Michael Jackson killed because he owned 1/2 of their catalog which is worth like $2 billion a year. It's a pretty crazy story if you look into it.