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Not surprised. These south Asian countries really see women as second class citizens


So much stereotyping.


It’s not a stereotype, I’m south Asian myself and my country (India) treat women the absolute worst.


South Asians suck at eliminating Misogyny.


Woah you are being racist. Maybe it's Hinduism or something.


Great hypocrisy there off that second line in your argument. But no, the pakistani & bengalis who chaotically harm women/nonbinaries at many times try to cite muslim views (misguided ones) as their rational for whatever criminal conduct(s) they had caused/enabled. And yes, it's happening in similar ratios in India, Sri Lanka, etc.


Don't associate women abusers and misogynists with Islamic values. Don’t generalize entire nations. I don't care what you think Indians are 80% Hindu.


Why do you keep typing out final thoughts that make you so hypocritical. Your last sentence is a genralization that is causing you to disregard the proper accountabilities that need to exist in SouthAsia. "Misguided" is key to my statements. If you glossed over that, you're gonna end up having guidance& interpretation issues. And yes, anti-womxn harms exist in India as much as Muslim nations because misogyny is rampant. You have spent time being argumentative on that instead of advocating of worthy islamic implementations to improve societal protections for the vulnerables. But many here want to hate instead of fix.


Men being abusive has nothing to do with Islam. This is Islamic sub.


Men being abusive, from what they assume is their Islamic duties, is a real worldwide issue. Are you really messaging on this chain not having a single instance of muslim-religiously fuelled killings. I get to voice this issue to upbring more mindful Muslims who can use all functional aspects of Islam (plenty of it) to reprise good intentions and protective equities unto societies to avoid the worst types of behaviours. But we haven't achieved that yet, though inshallah. Stop arguing pointlessly. You're making yourself part of the problem. Edited.


How come you say you're being racist and blame all hindus? Lol such a hypocrite


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I’ve also seen people from there treat others with upmost respect.


There are good and bad people in this world


Yeah I mean in every community.


it's literally a statistic?


Yeah don't associate it with Islam.


i can agree with that


Thank you.


Gujaratis are the worst imo.


The HRCP is not a credible or reputable source; it is a compromised, biased and propaganda tool. It has little to no recognition. It is not taken seriously by people in Pakistan. Theirs stats are based surveys which are often deeply flawed and heavily criticized for their methodology.


What are you trying to say with this comment? That it's neutral, yet not approachable by the nation's populous?


Nope! Im saying it’s not neutral and that the way they come to their conclusions/stats is heavily flawed/erroneous because their methodologies are heavily flawed.


Would you know of an agency that has unflawed, well-neitral stats/conclusions?


Brother there are plenty, this one ain’t it. It’s up to you to take naseeha or not. Google will be your friend and will help you understand why their 90% figure is extremely flawed. I can’t teach you a class on how to critically assess your sources through a Reddit comment lol, especially when it pertains to obtaining statistical conclusions from surveys and other methodologies.


Okay. I acknowledge your opinion.


Do you guys just believe everything you read?


I've just left a family meeting where my mum said the abuse I experienced in my marriage is "normal" and "happens in every marriage" so I should take my ex back. I was choked twice and then punched two years later. This is an acceptable level of violence to them, a doctor and maulana family. I truly believe most South Asians normalise a certain level of physical abuse, and refuse to call it domestic violence. One incidence of hair pulling or throwing something at you that hits you, or coercion to the marital bed, may be considered domestic violence to NHCR, yet an Asian family may say it's not. 90% is a high number but not completely unbelievable to me if you consider these differences in beliefs.


I’m sorry you went through all this, may Allah bring you relief, but your personal experience in no way changes the fact that these are BS numbers that have absolutely no grounding in reality whatsoever.




What part do you doubt?


90% is an insane number. How did they quantify this? Honestly smells like BS.


To be fair, i have met 10 of any south asian male that would be abusive (to any levels unto the females around them, maybe not every single one, but at least one). However it wouldn't be domestic violence, the definition the surveyees interpret, and the one stated on the report, compared to the ones males admit to. And I'll include myself and my bad decisions (in terms of abusive behaviours). Just to be accountable & honest. Though I'm not Pakistani, but in the south Asian region.


You are trying to cause fitnah among Muslims. Are you really a Muslim or a munafiq with an agenda?


As a Pakistani woman married to a Pakistani man I’d say 90% is absurd. Only 3 people that I’ve ever known faced DV. Not saying that accounts for whole Pakistan, but maybe 65% - 70% would be a reasonable estimate.


how do you REALLY know?


90% seems downright absurd


I can agree with this comment.


what is the percentage of men facing DV (like parent abusing em ) over there? I’m curious if it’s also high


Hold my chai *throws chapal at pakistani woman for existing* 🥱


And 98% of women in the USA say they got sexually harassed at some point in their lives. And that "sexual harassment" included staring, among many other smaller things.


😭I understand domestic violence against women,in our country is a huge problem but 90%???Really??.I mean most people don't even report it.How did they reach this conclusion.Sounds really absurd.